188391ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ME SSE CaKMrrTEE " CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AAA .\ �A�� wr/.A■ • .��A\ • A!�\ �rw • . rAw• COUNCIL 188391 NO. FILE PRESENTED COMMISSIONER DATE a' ✓ 17, 195 WHEREAS1 The Unit -Dale C'onmrcial Club, Inc. holders of 11cense W. 7852; expiring February 8,1959,' permitting then to conduct Bingo Games at 653+55 University Avenue, each Sunday Evening between the hours of 7:30 and 13.130 p:vii, and WREREAS 1 The IIni-Dale Com>beeebia]. Club; Inc. has made appU cation for the transfer of that license from 653&55 university Avenue to 345* University Avenue (Second Floor), therefore, be it RESOLVED: That I&cense Nab; 7852. expiring February 8, 19890 be and the same is hereby transferred from 653-55 University Avenue to 345f University Avenue (Second Floor) with the same organization conducting the games, with no change in day nor hours of conducting the games, effective July 20 195$: TRANSFER l ucati6n) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5 -58 OW 2 Tn F ao v r 0 Against Council File No. 188391 —By SeverIn A. Mortinson— Robert F. Peterson— Whereas, The Uni -Dale Commercial Club, Inc. holders of License No. 7852, expiring February 8, 1959, permitting, them to conduct Bingo Games -at 653 -55 University - Avenue, each Sunday Eve -1 ning between the hours of 7:30 and 11:30 pm., and Whereas, The Uni -Dale Commercial Club, Inc. has made application for the transfer of that license from 653 -55 University Avenue to 34532 University Avenue (Second Floor), therefore, be it Resolved, That License No. 7852, ex- piring February 8, 1959, be and the same is hereby transferred from 653 -55 University Avenue to 345Yz University Avenue (Second Floor) with the same orgganization conducting the games, �1th no change in day nor hours of conducting the games, effective July 20, 1958. " Adopted by the Council July 17, 1958. Approved July 17, 1958. (July 19, 1958) Adopted by the Council JUL 17 1958-19— JUL 17 958