1883701883'70 COUNCIL FILE N0____________ ____ ___ ______ B f Council File No. 188370 — FINAL ORDER !!!F In the Matter of constructing sa r- tart' sewers in Hoyt Avenue •from Bir- �rr�j�igham Street to Dieter Street; in 1 a �•• P,,Nt� -frpm, EiUvt ,Ay mil, In the Matter of q Constructing sanitary sewers inrHoyt Avenue from Birmingham Street to Dieter Street; in Winchell Street from Hoyt Avenpe to Nevada Avenue; in Barclay Street from Hoyt Avenue to Nevada Avonue;�ih, Diater Street from Hoyt Avenue to 5 feet 1 north of Nebraska Avenue as platted east of Dieter Street; in Dieter Street from Nevada Avenue to 25 feet soht of Nebraska Avenue; and in Nevada Avenue t from Ydinchell Street to Dieter Street; also constructing storm water sewers in Hoyt Avenue from $irmingham Street :to Dieter Street; in Tfinchell Street from Hoyt Avenue to Nevada Avenue; in Ne�eda Avenue from Winchell Street to Dieter Street; in Dieter Stroot from Nevada Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; and in Nebraska Avenue from Birmingham Street to Winchell Street; all of which is to be known ae the WINCHELL- HQYT,SF MR SI'STIFN ; • I oT, �- •3 ^z.sa •� - . t• t� O,L r FC i�ec:r;.o bfep.CCT eras OT, DTapGX. ' T te,L Txar Ii -�•c �o Icc� ?.'Loa.O T1; � " r.' r..4e y1L ITD2 ;it Lai.CrCA i �Y. 2C'•.:rT it '•�C t I.CIJ:::S ' C' r L 'j P and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council______ JUL 16 195$ 01 JUL 16 1958 Approved----------------------------------- - - - - -- Fi le 14104 Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON F, Councilman --� ' Councilman WINKEL Mayor DILLON 235 2M 2 City N_ vea4_ux Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 18'-1888 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing sanitary sewers in Hoyt Avenue from Birmingham Street to Dieter; in Winchell Street from Hoyt Avenue to Nevada Avenue; in Barclay Street from Hoyt Avenue to Nevada Avenue; in Dieter Street from Hoyt Avenue to 5 feet north of Nebraska Avenue as plated east of Dieter Otreet; in Dieter Street from Nevada Avenue to 25 feet south.of Nebraska Avenue; in Nevada Avenue from Winchell Street to Dieter Street; also constructing storm water sewers in Hoyt Avenue from Birminngham Street to Dieter Street; in Winchell Street from Hoyt Avenue to Nevada Avenue; in Nevada Avenue from Winchell Street to Dieter Street; in Dieter Street from Nevada Avenue to Nebraska Avenue and in Nebraska Avenue from Birmingham Street to Winchell Street; all of which is to be known as the WINCHELL —HOYT SEWER SYSTEM. under Preliminary Order approved April 24, 195$ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - $ 6510 269.30 The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - 1 $ G.AO The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such ,improvement, acid the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LAND VALUATION BLDG. IISubject to Hoyt Ave. & Subject to I I I Ide's Outlots II 9600 8 700 ilWincbell St. over East 60 ft.; 13 I I II iiSubject to Hoyt Ave & Barclay St: I I I II iPart wet of center line of sd St. I, of I 2 I I do 400 11900 IISubipct. to Hoyt Ave. & Dieter Rr Barclay Sts.; Part between center I I I II Lines of sd Sts. of I 2 I I Flo lI 3K0 IiSubject to Dieter St.; Part East ofl I I kenter line of sd St. of North 120 II I Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -58 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL X _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) II DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCK1, ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. II�t.nf Lot 9 & Sntiith fl; o£ I I I II In-"+h 12n ft. Of I 1 I I =mss Outlets II 9300 $ 5, 600 II Slb e ^t to Dieter St. —& except V- I I I II �Il9n ft- h except. Smith 1)15 fty Lat.I I I II II l anc3 Pxcept N. 120 ft. & Pxramnt. I I I II Smith 1115 ft. of Fart Pasterly of I I I ii IIa line tsar to & 150 ft. West from ll--East line of sd Lot 1; Part East J II center line of Dieter St. of I 2 I I do II 125 IISubject to Nebraska Ave. and I I II IIexcept North 58 ft. of West 125 ft-1; I I IIThe South 88 ft. of West 145.5 ft. I I I II !I of I 4 I I do II 25 II North 58 ft. of South 88 ft. of I I I II IIWest 125 ft. of I 4 I I do II 125 II Subject to Nebraska Ave. and I I I II IIWi.nchell St. and except West 145.5) IIft.; Part West of center line of sd St. bf 14 I I do II 100 Subject to Winchell St. and I I I II except East 165 ft.; Part East of I I I II IIcenter line of sd St. of 14 I do 100 IISubject to Barclay St.; the Fast. I II165 ft. of I I I II II Subject to Nebraska Ave, and I I II IIDieter St. and exce East 3h.78 I I I II TOTAL ►OIIM D. ■.11 W. 7 -99 r CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE q - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B). II DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION ASSESSED I LAND VALUATION BLDG. I" ft.: East of center line of I I I TdP's Outlots II _ IIsd Part St. of I I I II $575 P. ill Subject to Barclay and Dieter St.: I I I II Part West of center line of sd I I I II II Dieter St. of I 5 I do II 800 I� The 'West 135 ft. of Lot 7 except I I I it IISouth 240 ft. and except North II30 ft. I 7 I I do 375 II Subject to Nebraska Ave. and I I I II I, Winchell St. and except West 135 ft-; I I II IIPart West of center line of sd II St. of I 7 I I do II 300 II Subject to Nevada Ave, Winchell & I I I II II Barclay Sts.; Part Between center I I II II lines of sd Sts. of I 7 I I do II 525 II Subject to Nevada Ave. & Barclay StI. I I II II & except 'Nest' 180 ft. of South 133 IIft. & except South 206 ft. of East 135 ft.: Part of Lot 9 East of I I I II East line of Lot'8 extended across 19 I I do II 950 100 IISubject to Nevada Ave and Barclay I�St.; the West 80 ft. of 110 I I do Subject II Subject to Nevada Ave. and except I IIEast 470 ft. and except West 80 ft.I 10 ; I I do II 00 1,000 ,I Subject to Nevada Ave.; West 157 ft[ I I II II of East 470 ft. of 110 I I II TOTAL romm R.B.11 ow 3 -5 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL T DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) II DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II VALUATION LAND BLDG. 11 I I 1 TrlPIq r)Iitlnts 11 11 l0Qft. of East 313 ft. of 1 10 I 1 II I1 18 I l I Dahl Addition II 5 11 1 9 I 1 do 11 170 I 1 I do Il 25 II1 11 I 1 I do 25 11 1 12 1 1 1 do 25 I1113 I 1 I do 50 11 114 I 1 I do 1I 50 11 1 1 12 I do II12 12 I do 2q II I 3 2 do II 5 II 1 4 I 2 I do II 25 Il 15 I 2 I do II 25 II 1 6 I 2 I do Il 7I2 I do 11 50 Il 1 8 2 I do 11 II 1 9 12 I do 50 10 I 2 I do 1I 25 II 111 I 2 I do II 25 11 1 12 I 2 I do 11 25 11 1 13 I 2 I do 25 1I 114 I 2 I do � 25? IISubject to Birmingham St. and I I iThe Pioneer Real Estate and II 11 Hoyt Ave. and except East 60 ft. I I lBuilding Society, Subdivision 11 IIand except the North 250 ft; 139 1 lof N. 2 of N.W. 4 Sec. 22 T. 2911 11 1 FT- TOTAL 11 rottM 9.3.11 moo a -n 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date .��� -ems °fJt' I& &'4A- Commissioner of Fina ce. ,TP Form B.B. 12 1M 3-68 �8 DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATIONBLDG. II. E 0 ft. if 391 I II t 'I Subject to Hoyt Ave.; Lots 40 and Wl I I Building Soc;etyr, Subdivision II IIand except East 145 ft.; 142 I I of N. i of N W n Sec. 22, II 1,800 00 7 II 1 1 2 1 T. 9 , R 22 II II I I I II !► I I I II �I I I I II II I I I � II I! I I I II II I I I II II I I I II II I I I II II I I I II II I I I 11 II I I I II II I I I � • II I TOTAL I II Si i n7K api gin The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date .��� -ems °fJt' I& &'4A- Commissioner of Fina ce. ,TP Form B.B. 12 1M 3-68 �8 .L' } y St. Paul, Minn-----------------------------------------19-------- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. I Z± L Aia 4 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Sewer in BARCLAY ST. from Arlington to Hoyt;_- DIETER -ST. __from_- Nev�l�__tc2__Hoy_;_ -_ NEVADA from Dieter to Barclay; NEBRASKA from Hazelwood to Dieter; St. Ave. ---- - - - - -- - - - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- • - -- - -------- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - -- ------ - - - - -- HOYT from Hazelwood to Birmingham. from--------------------------------------------------------------- - - -St. Ave. to------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- --------------------------------------------- - - -St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Aaeaez -� " All of Lot 5 ex the N 347. of the E 134.78' thereof, Ide's Outlots, according 1 plat thereof filed of rec< in the office of the Regi,( of Titles within and for ; c' Lot 7 - Ide's Outlots exc( the west 135' thereof. /8 ,, East 165' Lot 4 - Ide's 0 O Del—a 6'�L " Z i E N U V 2r', i9111, 7 I 6M 6 -66 2 061 in o the rd trar aid pt tllots.' R DEPT. OF PURW' WORKS St. Paul, Minn .......... 17 J an -. Y 1258 - ----------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- To The Honorable, The Council, ' City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: 14 n4 We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Install Seger in Winchell St. __.._ ... - ... _.._..-.-- ......... _ .... _ ... _ ..... - ... _._ .............. _ .... _ .... _ .... _ .... __.. _.....__. .......... _ ......... _ ---- _ --- _....__...- ._.. -- - - -- - -- ...._..._...__...__..._St. Ave. Hoyt Ave. .................._..._� .St. Ave. to_---- _Nev'.ada Ave. _ From _ __..._.__...._.. .__..._._.- ...--- ...__._.....,. - -. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lot on N 1-2)) (1) exce feet th t the North one hundred th !eof; and also extent the one hundred of Tot, fort (S. 140) feet thereof, ar. (N.120 feet of he East one hundred sevent al so except, the South one forty -n,qr,q111.1 S. 140) f to ard (List-ant et lying East of a_ line ru one h feet West in Irle of the s Outlatst Fast line of said Lot one arcording to the Plat the _ of record in the office of the Registrar of Lot Thlee (3) in Ide's Outlots, according t of record i -n thp offi np Registrar of Tit es within and for said Cou 2M -5 -47 `QqD_ enty South C1 all twenty y(E. 170) hundred' nning 150) (1)., all reof filed Titles o the of the nty. 0e OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS +: REPORT-TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 2EMEK 2A21EW' Ns102 iiyq e+4,ofa?i6 usm-0 Jo iL:9>3PncL914f0thMrftPyIef r6af -bt KZ g2 � s ` 2tLeeg tLOW 14Gnsgs ynsune �o N6 Ls2 s , p K N M1WcHECf -HOAl P K VAGune. suq J u 6 GPL92KS ynsune tLOid 'gI LWi ua_ Hensgs4 r g�1�l ail ui�6��g�fyJ�&llnsck 9l��:MJ uapg���cs2 .>yss �t 6rD � ekd2 a:s �'� +tj i;f% n- JLO 6JLWJU0psW 2CI.ss.0 CO pJs.�sLl2CLGGr! JU.MJUCuGJJ 2 ;Lein{ Low HoAf ynsuD. .o 2,LSet }�i$ .f. st2ocP?gJ L€e2o1:W 1 a LOt13 xg` s . r a 9th_ 1G1..2ailDrHbA }�n�wns..� W. {�6nsgs yn6Un6 �O SAC �GGr 20nl:P O{ MSPL92Ks ynsUn6.' 9uq IU W6nsgs yAGUnG tLOW 2fLGGr— ow�F Qfi .�VnUMKs ynsuas x,612 €J~qgv$s2p ot. Dls� - �2t��s.x:' .U__a1,GfsG1 .2Ttesr -� '�i�7 G oifs�sq� ynsune' i U D! GfGL 2 ,rLesr tLow HOAR yneuno Co 1LYe D!GrGL ZfLesf° Iu MJUCpeJJ 2f LGGC tLOW H04 ynsUnG fO Hsnsgs yneUns' Ju Q9LC 5� i EOU2r,>:nCr- 29uJ MA 2GMGL2 ! U oA I Fj � tj/A6Un6 tLOW Al R 1 LW I UaU �� 7 r t ac rn ss�-�c�rrs•- '.r :�„� *� and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 65 2688.30 , and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent aof esa d improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 2P 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 1G f - CE�� O Commissioner of Public Works. ASSIeTANT CRIER ENGINEER HERBERT S. WEST PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEER ARTHUR G. WELIN BRIDGE ENGINEER MAURICE W. HEWETT • TRAITIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY • C CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer PUBLIC WORIM MAINTENANCE ENGR RICHARD L. WHEELER BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, SuPL i • i' BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT ARTHUR H. KOCH PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT J0S. PAVLICES May 9, 1958 Hon. Adrian P. Winkel 14-104 Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: • 3 transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the con- , struction of the WINCHELL -HOYT SEWER SYSTEM, under Preliminary Order , C. F. 187161, approved April 24, 1958. Estimated Cost Engineering & Inspection Estimated Assess. 6795 0$6.00 City Share 31 -E1 Frontage Cost per front foot Approved for transmission to t ssionerof Finance Adrian P. Wene l C ommissioner of Public Works $65,268.30 $ 5,933.48 $402770.00 ��- $24,498.30 6795 ft. $ 6.00 Yours very truly, r W. Tews Chief Engineer Q r, �a ...... ��� �� .�i piii�� ,� r,� �� ;a:.�. i� ���w. 5 014 0 -- (0-- W and 0 '3AV r , Ix -7-0 ti 3AV VMS' 903W 0 C) VQVA3N Nuie"I lu -Zl C) 0. W Q I I N N e 9.'r' M Zoe rte/ 0 C') C%l . 91'r 00 LLI 99029-V C-) UO 7f (n OZ co 00 jr,7/ N M So oz Ft 117 z W 3: CL I Hill i L I 1.1 lilt it If it is 1 fir; 14 4. fi 1 1 it ll I! I I lilt 1!11111 :11 if do ill UP I i hi if Ili if P it it Hit 1 if if it If I if 7! 7 if fin !oi jo I it t lilt It ; It I ill Ill. a . . . . . . . li 17 !j r MT !T- it: i li I .0 .4 3, 1 if lit jj!1 ILI L t 4 !1!:il .1 I i I I fit h J; is, 71 1 if 11 -11114. id .i:; m PT It- Hill if if, f 1i d: 41 R is it! k ,.I l ''. I I ,.l !;fE ti';+ ;,� it'; '+ i�,' •,• !(Li»''}.•, :i I:i' ;}` '!"i F' ;! II fit; li� ,i, ! !. I :f I ,!i; 17 it fill If U lit Hq : I v i .1 1 .1 J : Hl tp 1 11 :if: Ili! ilk, !if ,!' It !it �' •' !! fill '` ' ':' '' I I•'I ;�," :1 ,l', ,'1 , 1;1 T Tt if J�j If .; 1: 1 :j Hi 11d T jw: if iJ* :ill p li ilij lot: 1 01 i; J1, }- ''' r;' f� i II ;{ j -li :( 'iiE Ilf TM 1 id 11 it P. 4+ .4 iiij Hi 0; oi I if ;i' .�i If - 4.1 It., . :!,lit. if --4 T "I Fill 1: tit lH IH -t Oi I.j 14, .... ... iT: i'i'i; if ii€ list :if W! ji! 1. 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