09-1356Council File # -
Green Sheet # 3090797
Presented by
1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legislative
2 hearing record and testimony heazd at public hearing on December 2, 2009 hereby memorializes its
3 decision to certify and approve the November 3, 20Q9 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer for the
4 foilowing address:
8 895 Hatch Avenue
Michael and Vivian Beyer
10 Decision: Deny the appeal and extension granted to January 1, 2010 to vacate the building on the
I 1 condition Michael and Vivian Beyer are the sole occupants and there is no illegal drug activity at the
12 property.
Requested by Department of:
Adoption Carti&ed by Coun Secretary
BY� ,/ �//////, n l �6r�
Approved by Mayor Date _! 2�'Z� �7_ q___
BY� � . D1..�.,F
Form Approved by City Attomey
Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
$ y' - - - - - --
Adopted by Council: Date ,'z��lPfl�r'/
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
� DepattmenUOffice/Council: Date Initiated: ! �� / r ��
� co-�°°^��� I 08DEC2009 ; Green Sheet NO: 3090797
' UepartmeM Sent To Person Initial/Date
� Contact Person & Phone: ; __ � �
i Marcia Moermond a coua�u � .
6-8570 . � � 1 Connc� { DenartwentDirector ' i
'i � Assign . 2 Ciry derk i Q�'ty Clerlc - 1 ;
', Mu9{ ge an Gouncii Agentla by (Datej; j Numher ,
' For i 3 . i i
� Routing � 4 ' i� �
� Doa Type: RESOLUTION � anler 5 ��,
E-DOCUment Required: Y
DocumentConWCt: MalVang
Contact Phone: 6-8563
Totai # of Signature Pages V (Ctip Ail Locations for Signature)
Resolution memonalizing City Council acrion taken December 2, 2009 denying the appeal and granfing an extension, with
eonditions, for propetty at 895 Ha[ch Avenue.
Recommendations: Approve (AJ or Reject (R): i Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the FoNowing Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY?
CIB Gommittee I Yes No
Civil Service Commission
2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city empbyee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curreni city employeel
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
AdvaMages If Approved;
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Total Amount of
Funding Source:
Financiai Information:
� (Explain)
CosURevenue BUdgeted:
Aqivity Mumber:
December 8, 2Q09 9:33 AM Page 1
9 � �� ,
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October 30, 2009
Michael & Vivian Beyer
895 Hatch Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55103
RE: 895 Hatch
Dear Mr. & Ms. Beyer:
Your application for an appeaf has been received and processed.
Please attend the public hearing before the Legislative Hearing Officer on Tuesday,
November 3, 2009 at 12:00 p.m. in Room 330 City Hall and Courthouse to consider your
appeal concerning the above referenced property. At that time the Legislative Hearing Officer
wi11 hear aii parties relative to this action. Failure to appear at the hearing may result in denial
of your appeal.
e��"°�' ��b�' -�
Shari Moore
City Clerk
Leanna Shaff, DSI (Fire}
Phii Owens, DSI (Fire)
Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing O�cer
Jersy Hendrickson, Deputy City Attomey
15 LVEST ICELLOGG BOIJLEVARD, SUIT'E 310 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA55102 Tel: 651-266S68S Fax: 651-266-8574 wwwstpaul.gov
An Affirmalive Achon Equal Opportuniry Employer
- s�t �� c� c�e�
15 VJ. Kellogg BIvd., 91d City HaIl
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
+�..�� TeIephone: (651} 256-$688
l. Addsess of Property being Appealed: I 2, Number of Dwe13i� Units: � 3. Date
4. Name of Owner:
S �'
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of Letter Appealed:
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2C "�� Qn�ceSS �
Address: 01��c U City: S�'7. r4"c: State:_��_Zip:��
Phone Numbers:
Residence �� � Y�J 7 /`'��eIlulaz
S. Appellant 1 Applieant (if other than owner): ._�1 i c�cee � ` 1 ' 1f ', I � s vC ��. P �_
Addiess: � JI 9fGh tf/�P City: 7 c2�� State: /�/U Zip:S �
Phone I�utnbers:
Residencejo ��'� — %� - /���ellular
.. j _
6 5tate specificaIIy kvhai is being agpealed' and w.hy (I7se an attachment if uecessary):
C�e� A,�c��,,.5c o ✓r �.���� �c
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NOTE: A$25.00 filiug fee made payable To the City of Saint Paul must accompany this application as a
necessary condition for fiIing. You must attach a copy of tha ori�nat orders and any other conespondence re3ative
to t{us appeai. Any pe�on un�atisfied by the fmal decisian of the City Council znay obtain judicial review by
timely filing of an action as provided by law in District Co�st,
For O�fice Use Only `
Fee Received: Receipt Number: Date
Richard Lippert, Manager of Code Enforcement
ChristopherB. Coleman, Mayor
1600 White Bear Ave N TeZ: (657) 266-1900
Saint Paul, MN 551 D6 Fax: (651) 266-1926
September 17, 2008
Ernest GeigerlDorothy A Geiger
895 Hatch Ave
St Paul MN 55103-1330
Dorothy A Geiger
895 Hatch Ave
St Paul NIlV 55103-1330
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Department of SafeYy and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement, has determined that
the dwelling and premises at 895 HATCH AVE is °Unfit for Human Habitation". In
accordance with Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 34, Section 23, the premises wi11 be
placarded on September 18, 2008 and ordered vacated no later than September 19, 20Q8.
Your attention is called to the following provisions of Section 34.23, 5ubsection 6 entitled,
"Vacation of Structure or Unit":
"Any residential structure or residential unit which has been condemned or
placarded as unfit for human habitation shall be vacated within the time set forth in
the placard and/or order. It shall be unlawful for any person to let to any person for
human habitation any structure or unit so condemned or placarded, and no person
shall occupy the structure or unit after the date set forth in the placard andJor
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
Page 2
Principal Violafions: These deficiencies must be conected before this condemnation and vacate
order will be removed.
Lack of Electricity. Immediately restore electrical service to have the condemnation
of the property rescinded.
2. Lack of Water Service. Immediately restore water service to have the condemnation
of the property rescinded.
Other Violations: These deficiencies must be corrected in order to bring this property into
compiiance with the Saant Paul Legislative Code.
2. None
Authorization to reoccupy this/these dwelling unit(s) will not be given until it is demonstrated
that all principal violations have been corrected and that no new conditions exist which could
constitute material endangerment or which threaten Yhe peace, health, safety or welfare of the
occupants of this building.
All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permit
information may be obtained from tha Building Inspection and Design Section, 8 Fourth Street,
#200, Commerce Building, (651) 266-9090.
You may file an appeal to this notice by confacting the City Clerk's Office at (651) 266-8688.
Any appeal must be made in writing within 10 days of the date of this notice.
It is the responsibility of the property owner to keep all buildings secured and to properly
maintain the premises at all times.
If you have any qnestions cancerning this matter, please contact the Inspector, Ed Smith, at
651-266-1917. To arrange an appointment or request an extension of time to complete
repairs, pou will need to speak directly to the fnspector.
Manager of Code Enforcement
c: Community Stabilization Project
HALO - Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services
uhh60103 9/07
Date: October 10, 2008 HP District:
File #: 08 - 155997 Property Name:
Foider Name: 895 HATCH AVE Survey Info:
PRT: 2629237A0097
Date: October 10, 2008 HP District:
Fde #: OS - 155997 Property Name:
Folder Name: 895 FiATCH AVE Survey Info:
PiN: 262923240097
Date: October 10, 2008
File #: Q8 - 155997
Folder Name; 895 HATCH AVE
PIN: 2629Z324�097
- -" . .,.x
HP District:
. Property Name:
Survey Info:
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Date: October 10, 2008 FIP District:
File #: 08 - 155997 Property Name:
Folder Name: 895 I3ATCA AVE Survey Info:
PIN: 262923240097
Date: October 10, 2008 gp D�n��
File #: OS -155997 Property Name:
Folder Name: 845 HATCH AVE Survey Info:
PIN: 262923240097
November 3, 2009 Legisiative Hearing Minutes Page 10
6. Appeal of Michael and Vivian Beyer to occupancy of a Vacant Buiiding for property at 895
Hatch Avenue.
Michael and Vivian Beyer, appellants, appeared. Mr. Beyer stated that they were warking with his
father, Ernie Beyer, regarding the vacant building status of the property.
Ms. Moermond asked for a report from the inspector. Rich Singerhouse, DSI — Vacant Buildings,
stated that a category 2 vacant building file was opened on September 29, 2008 on a refenal by
Inspector Ed Smith. At that time, the inspector found the electrical and water had been shut off, he
condesnned the building and found a number of other deficiencies at the property. The building was
inspected on June 8, 2009 and was found to be secured and vacant. A complaint was then received
that the building was being occupied so he did a night check and found two people living there. He
issued a citation to Ernest Geiger for allowing the property to be occupied only to find out after the
fact that Mr. Geiger had passed away. Since then, Police had tagged individuals for illegal
occupancy of the property.
Ms. Beyer stated that her husband, two kids and she were tagged 1ast Friday by Officer Koehnen,
who must have had the code to the key box as he just entered the house, for illegally occupying the
house. A court date had not yet been determined. She said they had applied for the code
compliance inspection and everything had been inspected with the exception of the electrical. They
had been working on making the repairs and believed they could do most of the work themselves.
She said they did not have any place to live and had spent some nights in their car. Mr. Beyer said
that they did find mail from the city which was sent to Ernie; however, they never bothered to open
the mail until recently to figure out what was going on.
Ms. Moermond stated that she had called the water deparhnent and found out that the water had
been turned back on on two different occasions although the bill was still outstanding. According to
the department's records, the water had not been restared, Mr. Beyer responded that the water had
only been huned off once and that he had paid the bill to have the water restored and they cunently
did have water.
Ms. Moerxnond asked the Beyers how they were going to pay for the repairs to the building. Mr.
Beyers responded that he was cunently unemployed, was collecting unemployment and was
working some odd jobs. He believed he could do most of the work himself and thought the
foundation work would likely be the most costly. He said he had a friend who was going to help
him over the weekend to work on the foundation, as well as some of the other repairs, so that they
could get the work done and have the vacant building status removed.
Ms. Moermond asked where they were at with the probate of Mr. Geiger's estate. Mr. Beyer's
responded that they had completed all of the paperwork and planned to file it with the court
immediately after the hearing.
Ms. Moermond asked about the violations at the property which lead to the condemnarion. Mr.
Singerhouse responded that the utilities had been shut off which was confirmed by Xcel. A
correction notice was first issued to restore the utilities and after verifying with Xcel that the
utilities had not been restored, the property was condemned and the building was placarded.
November 3, 2009 Legislative Hearing Minutes
Page 11
Ms. Moermond stated that since the code compliance inspection report had not been done yet, there
were a lot of unknowns concerning the conditions at the property which posed a liability to the city.
She said the best way to tackle the repairs was to do a work plan prioritizing what needed to be
done in succession with any hazards being done first. She recommended conrinuing the hearing to
Noveraber 10 to obtain the code compliance inspection report. In the meantime, she recommended
that the property could he occupied until the next hearing.
November 10, 2009 Legislative Hearing Minutes
Page 4
Appeal of Michael and Vivian Beyer to occupancy of a Vacant Building for property at 895
Aatch Avenue. (Continued from November 3)
Michael and Vivian Beyer, appellants, appeared. Steve Magner, DSI — Vacant Building Manager
appeazed representing the department. Inspector Matt Domfeld, DSI — Vacant Buiidings, also
Ms. Moermond stated that the hearing was continued to obtain the code compliance inspection
report which she did receive just prior to the hearing. At the previous hearing, she b anted a one
week stay in vacating the property to today's hearing. She asked for a staff report.
Mr. Magner stated that the condemnation was the result of the water being shut off at the property
for non-payment of the bi1L He said he had verified with the water utility that morning that the
water still had not been restored and if there was water at the property, it was likely the water was
not shut off properly at the curb stop which was not uncommon for this area of the city. He said the
water utility would consider this unauthorized usage since the bill still had not been paid; thus, the
property became a registered vacant building in September 2008. He noted that there were
assessments for garbage hauling service beginning in October 2007 to September 200$ as well as
work orders far cleaning up the yard on two separate occasions. There were alsa police issues at the
property where FORCE was called in and arrested one individual for illegal drug use or sale of
drugs at the property. In reviewing the code compliance inspection report, there were numerous
items conceining electrical and general building deficiencies which would require permits to be
pulled to do the work. Since the property was in Emest Geiger's name, who was now deceased, the
Beyers would not be able to pull any permits since they did not have cleaz fitle to the property. He
asked where they were at with the probate of the estate.
Mr. Beyer responded that they had ail of the paperwork filled out; however, they did not have all of
the money to pay the filing fee until the end of the week. Ms. Beyer stated that the police had only
been to their property on one occasion after her son had missed a court appearance. She also said
that their yard was very clean and was one of the best looking houses on the block. Mr. Beyer
stated that they saw the trash cans from the city; however, they never used the trash containers.
Ms. Moermond asked about the tags which were issued. Mr. Magner responded that there were five
criminal tags issaed in 2009: June 8; September 9; September 30; October 12; and October 14. Ms.
Moermond asked about the status of the tags. Ms. Vang responded that the original tag that was
issued for illegal occupancy of the house was sitting in warrant since Mr. Geiger was deceased. She
said according to the cierk, they would merely need an obituary verifying Mr. Geiger was deceased
and would then close he file on that tag. Mr. Mager responded that tags can be issued to the
occupant for illegal occupancy of the house which was done in the case of the most recent tags. Ms.
Beyer stated that they did not have a court date yet conceming the tags that had been issued.
Ms. Moermond asked about the status of the two sons and whether they were still living at the
property, Ms. Beyer responded that they were not. The one son was now in treatment and she
admitted she was naTve about what was going on with all the traffic at their house; however, she
said her son was always polite to the neighbors and never caused any other problems. The other son
was currently living with friends.
November 10, 2009 Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 5
Mr. Beyer stated that when the utiliries had been shut off, he had paid the bi11 and had them
restored. He said he was unaware that they should not be living there and also admitted that he
shouldn't have taken the stickers off the house. Ms. Beyer stated that they had been working on
making the repairs to the building and would complete all of the items on the code compliance list.
She said they would be homeless if they were not allowed to stay in their house as they had no other
place to live and she did not believe the house was uninhabitable.
Ms. Moermond asked whether they had consulted an attomey. Mr. Beyer responded that they had
talked to an attorney with legal aide concerning the probate but never consulted an attorney
concerning them not being allowed to live at the property.
Mr. Magner stated that in looking at STAMP, Ramsey County tas records indicate that the taxes for
the first and second half of 2009 were delinquent in the amount of $6,616 which he surmised
included some of the costs for the garbage hauling service in 2007 and 2008 as well as the costs for
the clean up done at the property. He also noted that the taxes for 2007 and 2008 were also
delinquent, plus penalty and interest. He said Ramsey County could take the property as tax
forfeiture next August if the taxes were not paid. The courts also would not probate the estate unril
the tases were paid and asked where they were going to get the money from.
Ms. Beyer responded that she was going to school and would be receiving a loan or grant in January
in the amount of $5,000. 5he said she would take that money to pay on the taxes. Ms. Moermond
asked whether there was a mortgage on the house. Ms. Beyer responded that there was not.
Ma Moermond asked whether the violations listed in the code compliance report would warrant
condemnation. Mr. Magner responded that it would be based on the life/safety issues on the
electrical issues and fire separation between the units. He said the wark would also require perxnits
to be pulled.
Ms. Beyer stated that none of this would have happened if the utiliries had not been shut off. Mr.
Beyer stated that he couldn't understand why the house would be condemned only because of the
utilities. Mr. Magner responded that since they ignored the letters from the city regarding the
vacant building status of the property, tore the vacant building placards off the house, and obviously
threw away the tax statements, they had gotten themselves into this situation. He said what they
would need to do is probate the estate so they would have cleax title to the property and obtain a
loan based on their presumed equity in the house.
Ms. Moermond stated that they would need to hire an attorney to assist in expediting the probate of
the estate so they could get the title of the property into their name. She said the property should be
in the Vacant Building Program and essentially, they were like "renters" since they did not have
clear ownership of the property. She suggested that instead of taking their money to continue
making what repairs they couid to the house without having to do work under permits, they should
start looking for an apartment or someplace else to live. She said she was most concemed with their
ability to save what equity they could in the property so that they could then obtain a loan to make
the repairs once they had clear title to the property or possibly even sell the property. She
recommended denying the appeal and granting an extension to 7anuary 1, 2010 to vacate the
building on the condition Michael and Vivian Beyer were the sole occupants and there was no
illegal drug activity. She said she would allow them to continue occupying the property through the
Cauncil Public Hearing on December 2 provided none of the conditions were violated.
��.1ui2009 12:04 FAX 6512669099 CITY OF ST.PAUL OFC/LIEP C�J0�1/QQ4
Bob iCerste�, Darecror
Christopher B. Coleman, :vfayor
375 Jnc:uon S!>ee[, Sui[e 210
SnrnrPnul, Hrr;;nrsora55101-1806
Te!epbone. 651-26b-8984
Facsinrile 6�7-?66-97>-:
v'S'eb: vx� ctnaul zovfiut
November i 0, 2009
ST PAUL NiN 55203
Re: 895 Hatch Ave
Fite#: 08 156�Q1 VB2
Dear Proper£y Owner:
�ode CompIiance Repart
The fotlowing is the Code Comptiance report you requested on October O5, 2409.
Piease he advised that ti�is report is accurate and conect as of the date November 10, Zfl09.
All deficiencies identified by Yhe City after this date must also be corrected and ail codes and
ordinances must be compiied with. This report is valid for 365 days from November 20,
2009. This report may be nsed in lieu of a Truth in Housing Report required in St Paul
Legislative Code 189. This buiIding must be property secuzed and the property maintained at
a� times.
Tn order to sell or reoccupy this property the foIlowing deficieneies must be conected:
}3UILbING inspector: Jim Seeaer Phone: 652-266-9046
m Tuck Point interioxlexterior of foundation as necessarv
o Dry out basemenY and eliminate source of moisture
� Insta1120 zninate fire xated doors, with self closing device, behueen comman areas and
individual units.
� Maintain one hour fir� separation between dwelling anits and be#ween units and commou
m Relocate 2nd floor electrical panet to 2nd floor unit or to common area; or protect panel
and access corridor Ieading from common azea to panet with i hour fire rated encIosure.
• SnstaIl handrazts and guardrails at alI stairways, including basement stairways, and return
handrail ends to the watl or newel post per attachmenz.
• Install tempered or safety g2ass in windaw over bathtub to code in first floor.
m Provide comptefe storms and sczeens, in good repair for all door and windo�v openings
� Providz �nd operable iatching device for all windows
• Provide operable hardware af alI doors and windows
• Provide thumb iype deadbolts for aI] entry doors. Remove any surface bolts
An Fqual Opportunity Emptoye;
11/10/2009 12:04 PAX 6512669099 CITY OF ST.PAUL OFC/LIEP � 002/004
• Prepaze and paint interior and exterior as necessary. Observe necessary abatement
procedure if lead base paint is present (See Sc Paul Le�islative Code, Chap. 34 for
additionaI information).
• Provide smoke detectors per the �ti Building Code and carbon monoxide detectors per
State Law.
• Habitable rooms with new usage and reptaced winciows shatl have glzss azea equal to 8%
of floor area, or a minimum of 8 sq. ft, one-half of which shall operate; and all bedroom
windows sha1T meet emergency escape requirements (20 inch minimum opening width,
24 inch minimum opening height, and minimum net glazed area of 5.7 sq. ft.)
o Provide general clean-up of premise
• Repair siding, soffit, fascia, trim, etc. as necessary
m Provide proper drainage azound house to direct water away from foundation of house.
m Install downspouis and a complete gutter system on east side.
� Install razn leaders to direct draina�e away from foundation.
• Replace porch roof covering and vents to code at front of house.
e Provide durable, dustless parking surface as specified in the zoning code.
� A building permit is required to cosect the above deficiencies
e Repair and stabilize foundarion by chimney in crawl space.
• Install vapor barrier in craw] space.
m Repair or replace or mudjack sidewallcs to slope away from buildin�s and install new
front lartding.
• Replace lower sasla of second floor bathroom window to be of tempered alass.
• Install east side entry landing and steps to code.
• Repair foundation on west siBe of building.
• Recommend replacing the rest of house roof in 2010.
ELECTRICAL Insaector: Cari Williamette Phone: 551-266-9034
a Ground the electrical service to the water service with a copper eonductor within 5 feet of
the entrance point of the water service
m Sand asotuad water meter with a copper wire sized for the electrieaT service per Artic9e
250 af t�e NEC
e verifyfinstall a separate 20 ampere Eaundry circuit and a separate 20 ampere kitchen
applzance circuit
e Ciose openings in service panev}unction box with knock ou. seals, breaker bianks andlor
junction boxes
• Properly strap cabies and conduits in basemenU service conduit on the exterior of the
• Repair GFCI recepiacle in second baYhroom ad}acent to fhe sinic
• Ground bathroom light in basemenUfirst bathroomisecond bafhroom and disconnect
receptacfe nn fixture
o Remave all cord wiring
m Repair or Rep3ace all broken, missing or loose li�Y�t frxtures, switches and outiets, covers
and plates
e Check all ouTlets for proper polarity and verify ground on 3-prong outlets - unable to test
al} receptacles (pictures avaiiable if reqtzired)
11/1012009 12:04 PAX 6512669099 CITY OF ST.PAUL OFC/LIEP � 003/004
+ InstaIl hazd-wired,'�attery backup smoke detector per bullet:n 80-1 and other smoke
detectors as required by the TR C. Also, Install cazbon monoxide detector(s) within 10
feet of a11 becirooms
s Check buildzn� write-up for fire resistance requirements ii both paneis are in the co:nmon
area in a basement or move Znd unit electrical panel board to the second Lnit
m Atl added receptacles must be �rounded, tamper-resistant and be on an Arc-Fault Circuii
InTem:pter-protected circuit.
• AIl electrical work must be done by a Minnesota-licensed electrical contracfor undez an
elecirical permit.
• Any open walls or w that aze opened as part of this proj ect must be wired to the
standards ofthe 2008 :VEC.
� All buildings on the property must meet the St. Paul Property Maintenance Code
(Bulletin 80-1).
PLUMBING Inspector: Tom Schweitzer Phone: 651-266-9055
� Basement - Laundzy Tub - unvented
m Basement - Laundry Tub - waste incorrect
� First Ploor - Tub and Shower - water piping inconect - provide air gap
� Second PIoar - Tub and Shower - water piping incorrect - provide air gap
� Exteriar - Lawn Hydrants - Requires backflow assembly or device
HEATING Inspector: Paui Lauer Phone: 651-266-9042
� Instalt approved Iever handle manual gas shutoff valve on fumace/boiler and remove
unagproved va2ve.
m Clean and Orsat test fiunace bumer. Check alI controls for proper operation Check
furnace heai exchanger for leaks; provide documentation from a licensed contractor that
the heating unit is safe.
• Ciean alI supply and rehun ducfs for wann air heatina system.
� Repair and/or replace heating registers as necessary.
m A gas mechanical permit is required for the above work.
1. This property is in a(n) RT 1 zoning district.
2. This property was inspected as a Duplex.
� Most of the roof covering coutd not be inspected from grade. Recommend this be done
before rehabilitation is attempted.
� Tl2ere was considezafite storage(clutter within p:operty at the time of the inspection.
Property is to meet appropriate Codes when complete.
11/10/2009 12:05 FA% 6512669099 CITY OF ST.PAUL OFC/LIEP
This is a registered vaeant building. In order to setl or reoccnpy this buitdina, all
deficiencies listed on this code compliance reQort must be corrected within sis (6)
months af the date of this report. One (i) six-month time extension may @e requested
by the owuer and �vill be considered if it can be shown that the code compliance work is
proceeding and is more fhan fifty (50) percent complete in accordance with Legislative
Code Section 33.03(fl.
You may fiie an appeaI to thls notice by contacting fhe City Clerk's Office at 651-266-8688.
Any appeal musT be made in writzag within 10 days of ihis notice. (You must submit a copy
of this notice when you appeal, and pay a filing fee.)
If you have any questions regarding Uus inspection report, please contact 3im Seeger between
730 - 9:00 AM at 651-266-8989 or leave a voicc mail message.
Tames L. Seeger
Code Comptiance Officer