Yeas Nays
Mr. Vine a ident (Peterson)
5M 5.58
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City
of Saint Paul hereby approves and'ratifies that
certain Contract entered into the 1st day of July,
19589 by and between the Hospital-Facility Building
Commission of the City of Saint Paul and County
of Ramsey, and the Ellerbe Company, under which
Contract said Ellerbe Company agrees to provide
certain engineering services for the said Com-
mission, compensation for which not to exceed ,
$359000, and'a copy of which is attached hereto
and made a part hereof.
Council File No. 18831? —By Robert F.
Resolved, That That the Council of the
and ratifies that certain' Contract approves
tered into the 1st day of July, 1958,
by and between the hospital Facility
Building Commission of the. City of
Saint the Ellerbe Company, under which'
Contract said Ellerbe Company agrees
to provide certain engineering services
for the said Commission, compensation
for which not to exceed �j335,m, and
a copy of which is atta6hed hereto
and made a part hereof.
Approved July l Council July 11, 195
App 8.
Adopted J
(July 19, 1958)
JUL 111958
Adopted by the Council 19—
JUL 11 1958
Approved 19—
Tn Favor
V Aot1 ny Mayor
TM CMTP,#=, Mar* and entered Late, thls let
day Of July• 19M by AM Ntaw" the 'rmspital facility
94"1" cro.. $610`041 Of the, City of saint Pe" and the,
city of Re,~ ". hate, M iota (a e,0 - mil $iaa cmtod
and MWIded for by Law ed the State, at Ntiastse,ta for 1957.
Ckqptw 1n), as the, •Gssiew.
and [11nM Cesa r, a e,e,sp"atie,a i ram,bod under the
Laos e,9 Us Rt4o of Mute,, of iaiat 1w1. Mimmm"ta,
he,re,iaattar daaipaated as the •Are,hitect•.
'll��tl s
That tm Caartisaie,n haraby hLres and aapl" the
Awchitesto sAJast to 6404k limitations and qualitieatiow
N hereinafter dwss'lhad • fox swh purpasss and • at s,mb
rat" e,9 awsatiaa as are, so" fully dwre,le,w hersLa-
aftsz. said M by the commission bai" authorized
by Laws at as auto ad ML to fear 19570 Ckapto3r
a4atLM 17.
y Ts A"itaat Dere,by► aaswa to such sqA ym"
Of Lt by US, aLaa sad &Sroos to do swb we'k ad
Pwt 0m away tacks WMar tho towral egmw ►ice of the,
@ V
C,4rs1&sie^* am As"60atowlAtod lay- this agresew t. and
for sunk sets of convioneatLon for it& services as are
ew a specifi"lly set out ber"fto r.
That the Ceesission hir*9 and ostploys the said
A thi,t oct to help amd aid the C.wmis s ion is all a at ivit Les
and f unetieft i.spoo d upoe the SAW Comas sLc>n by lases of
*M"ota 1957, aaOor 916, which are sscessarily preIWIW
calm► to ax► at" to be taken by the said Gowsissioa in
the ultiwt• deaLsiea to be - nuM by it, whether or not U
bexild and Mostruet a am hs%AUl facility as prmLded
for i.a said lows as to use its authority under the &aid
lair for the rebuildi.wq. r*soastruatiM, resodeli" or
x4babilitatirq of say goat OuLstiN hospital facility
esm waded a.ad epovat od by the City of Saint Paul w-od
the c4unty of Massey*
That W" ether such work to be done by the
Archits,cts in such preliminary phase of the C wdsstoa's
activitieso shall be the obs ervot Lo a and noes urewsnt of
oboolesaence in the presaft Anclter Pospitalp the prepare-
tion of criteria to be wed in site sel*ctiosa, as wall as
the 4841.8taasae to be entswded to the Commission in the
ehooainq of a eW site it the sags is decided by the
Candasiow, cad &W WW all other prof ess.iosal dudes
and M=k not hw*La otherwise ap*cU Lcal ly iteni zed that
are L04Ldes%a1 and gsmase to the pUrpoase of this &gr#"WMt
Work that w4st be dom by the Comm USiOn PTLOX t0
dftial4m by it vbtthsz t0 Z*RxW*l arw rob%Ald existipq
fttilities or to conat"Ot MW facilities*
Tjh*t 9, f urth*x * th# Arthtt*Ct ShO•l *Ake 0 'dSM4*%*
survey of the oxistiot m4pital facilltigs *no stsucturts,
inforuatUA to th* Commission AS to wb*th4w
or twt Us existing Stnicturas jpad 164111tist may is V*w
mdolodt rocacotructods rehabilitated Ov r0b'411( 60 6• tV
lining said 4xjotj^q strictuxes and facilities QP to 04
standards vjhlch would be NMIAWs in all particulai*#
of 4 mw strAoture or facilitYl an
jurthort the Archit*tt OWL pares eat to the C*mdssiou
p liaift"-y test Setimtes of tho cost at the rowdolings
rvh&bMt#tiAq ex rebuilding of #XUWW
Structuxes WW f&cjjjtj#$q arW *I** ptelladnary soot
40tt"too of any a" stnwtur* or facility.
That, further# It Is understood by the port1wo.
hereto tb4% the pr"aratieft of clitoris to be used LA Sit*
"190tio" *►all Jacludo th# above data oo the rebuildi"#
rokabilitatirq Of SX14ti"
xtcr is or fatilitie4s data on traffbt " parkLoq facts&
40d sugo"ti*ft *61vt10Q# and 9'thn IWO"at'" as
f "a time to Up* required - a-Ct 6Y
of the 4*id Archit
e moo e a
Tbat for all ruck
of —,-
the C ONWAsi" awcees to pa'
cospons,ati on to be soasurod
*hall pay and the Arddt ect
perf orsW by the said Arc hit *Ct .
Y and the Architoct to receive
as f al lawns s The Cossissioa
shall receive the actual Cost
of the sir dot by tbo Agchitecte plus a fas to said
Architect of 35 par cent thorsof added to actual costs
it being understood by the parties hereto that Such COW*Cv -
cation to bo rscoived hq the Architect shall not exceed
the goats sun of T'hi.rty -f ive Thousand Dollars (i35. (DO.00 -
That e tu rthes def Laing the compensation to be
r"eived W the Architocta the partios hereto agree that
*actual Castoe as the term is used La the paragraph impo
oediately procediags is dof icred as the salaries Palen to
the prof oeoioasl help used oaa the job by the Architecte
plus 75 per seat of the sum Of said salaries for or*rhead,
which is defined as cowsisting of such usual itass u ,rent#
materialsp blu"Antinge stoacVaphi.c helps toleph*"Ov
tsleq.rs#das allowable vacation time sick leave$ non -pro-
aluctive tiros of prof ossional holps the cost of raornal
f rim" bomaf its app116ab10 to all resell as
v4scol lar4ous office eacpwws. T"hi Architect is also t®
bo reimbu rted for the travel Sad living exponsos of its
Off icors Sad wVleyoes rduile they are, traveling outside
the Twig Cities ages in Gormection with the project and
UOdw epeaiiic outheriaation of the Com""im.
u a CumpporstLoat La orpeatted UVAOT
IN Tm MWOM O� e d + , tie iasws . of the auto ad
as j' sett e, poise is ' po i, W. `ova
V u
,N OF RANSKY ) ss.
i On this 9th day of July, 1956, before m• port'
sonally appeared IMUTT7. Delaney and Severin A. mortinsont
to m. sonall known and by m• being duly sworn did :&�
that they are the Pre�aidant and Secretary respa;:tivcly o
the Hospital Facility Building Commission of the City f
Saint Paul and County of Ramsey• State of f4innesota, and
.� that this Contract was signed pursuant to a resolution of
the said Commission authorizing the executiow of this
Contractt said resolution having been duly passed and
approved by the said Hospital Facility Building Commission
on the lst djV of July, 1958, and the said Edward K.
Dslansylac eevsrin A. Xortinson acknowledged that the said
instr,iment is the free act and deed of the said hospital
Facility Building Commission.
/s/ Robert E. O'Connell (Robert E. O'-Connell)
Notary rui>lic:. Ramey Co., mien.
My comission expires Feb. 59 1961
(seAL) .
ST( TATEY aOF 111 0*11 ss*
s mgt n
On this lst day of July, 1938, before me pore
sonally appeared
1 rbe and John W. Dawson 0
to so personally nown and y as being duly sworn 233 say that
they are the Prosident and Secretary of the Ellerbe Cony,
and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the
corporate seal of said corporation, and that said intz merit
was s and *soled o+a behalf of said corporation by
authti+rity <at its Board of Directors, aad said
Ihos. F llerbe and John W. Dawson
a rim "32 MIrUmOrto ba • ree a a • o
said corporatim.
/s/ Jean A. Olstad
Notary Public, Was n on Kim*
my commission e r Ma_rc_h_ ?, 1960.,._,_