188295ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK' - . CITY OF OFFICE OF TF CO NCIL R LUTI( PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � Council File No. 188295 -By Bernard T Holland - Whereas, Alfred g. Schroeder, City Architect, having requested the City ,consider to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the 'fexpense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 740 -742 Rqndo Avenue, more partic- ularly described as Lot 1, Block 7, Edwin Deans Second addition to St. Paul, the City Council held a public _hearing on Tune 17, 1958, to consider he expense and to confirm the amount Ltr, -nnf. ` rZBd2 X10 *v NO 88295 WHEREAS, Alfred H. Schroeder, City Architect, having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 740 -742 Rondo Avenue, more particularly`described as Lot 1, Block 7, Edwin Deans Second addition to St. Paul, the City Council held a public hearing on June 17, 1955, to consider the expense and to confirm the amount thereof; and WHEREAS, it appears that the City Council, pursuant to C. F. No. 176330, approved January 10, 1956, published January 14, 1956, set a public hearing to consider removing the dangerous structure, and the City Council by C. F. No. 176944, approved February 29, 1956, published March 3, 1956, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof, but thereafter, upon the appeal of the owners, by C. F. 175222, approved June 7, 1956, published June 9, 1956, the condemnation was rescinded and the owners given 60 days from June 6, 1956, to rehabilitate the structure. but no action having been taken by the owner, the City Council, by C. F. 152097, approved March 27, 1957, published March 30, 1957, set a public hearing on April 23, 1957, for such condemnation,'and by C. F. No. 152654, approved May 7, 1957, published May 11, 1957,.ordered the wrecking by and at the separate expense and cost of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof; whereupon an appeal was filed in District Court, which appeal was denied and an order entered authorizing the City to wreck said premises and file a lien against the property for the cost thereof, and the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of $455.45 in removing said structure; and WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record owners of the property, or persons who appear to have an interest in the property, are Rev. James W. Phelps and Mayme Phelps, 7 West County Road C, Saint Paul 17, Minnesota; Annie Turner, 554 Burr Street, Saint Paul 6, Minnesota; and Royal Realty Company, 148 Endicott Arcade, Saint Paul 1, Minnesota; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that we, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby confirm the amount of $455.45 to be the fair, true, and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure; and be it COUNCIT N Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19- Mortinson Peterson Tn Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon SM 5.58 2 ORIGINAL TO CITY f.LERK• , v v '• ��� /.�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO MMMIIIl1J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey a statement of expense incurred by the City for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, pursuant to the Building Code. 0 COUNCILMEN Yeas F Nays DeCourcy Holland -Petm7mr— Rosen ; Winkel t �' :NIr�': P�res�de� =Di1 on JUL 10 1958 f Adopted by the Council 19— 1 JUL 10 1958 Approved 19- Th Favor Aotllg Mayor ` Against r- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building July 8,1958 JR1 JUL 111 ' ooftwo x ,COUN L Z JOSEPH R. OK K94 City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAW Council Recorder 0 Dear Sir: t The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution confirming the cost to the city in the amount of $488.45 for wrecking and removal of a dangerous structure at 740 -742 Rondo Ave. and directing the City Clerk to file a lien in that amount in the office of the Register of Deeds. Ver truly y , ;f City Clerk V -- L MINNESOTA I r } .:, DUPLICATE TO PRINTER • x 88295 • ° CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WAIi•RFAS, Alfred H. Schroeder, City Architect, having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 740 -742 Rondo Avenue, more particularly described as Lot 1, Block 7, Fdu3.n Leans Second addition to St. Paul, the City Council held a public hearing on June 17, 1955, to consider the expense and to confirm the amount thereof; and IMPREAS, it appears that the City Council, pursuant to C. F. No. 176330, approved January 10, 1956, published January 14, 1956, set a public hearing to consider removing the dangerous structure, and the City Council by C. F. No.. 176940, approved February 29, 1956, published March 3, 1956, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and eVense cf the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof, but thereafter, upon the appeal of the owners, by C. F. 175222, approved June 7, 1956, published June 9, 1956, the condemnation was rescinded and the owners given 60 days from June 6, 1956, to rehabilitate the structure. but no action having been taken by the owner, the City Council, by C. F. 182097, approved March 27, 1957, published March 30, 1957, set a public ,hearing on April 23, 1957, for such condemnation, and by C. F. No. 182654, approved May 7, 1957, published May U, 1957, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate expense and cost of the owner, occupant., or other person in control thereof; whereupon an appeal was filed in District Court, which appeal was denied and an order entered authorising the City to wreck said premises and file a lien against the property for the cost thereof, end the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of t488,45 in removing said structure; and WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record owners of the property, or persons who appear to have an interest in the property, are Rev. James N» Phelps and Mayme Phelps, 7 West County Road C, Saint Paul 17, Minnecota.; Annie Turner, 854 Burr Street, Saint Paul 6, Minnesota; and Royal Realty, Company, 148 Endicott Arcade, Saint Paul 1, Minnesota; therefore, be it PYMLVED, that ve, the Cii;y Council of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby confirm the amount of 1488.45 to be the fair, true, and reasonable amount for such servicee incurred in removing the dangerous structure; and be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon SM 5.58 -OW2 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19- Mayor DUPLI47ATF TO PRINTER' ° y 188295 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to file in the office of the Register of Deed-_ for the County of Eraisey a statement of expense incurred by the City for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, pursuant to the Building Code. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Rosen Winkel Mr. PresidgjA; Dillon �u. a Pry: 4's1&BV1�1 SM 5.58 P 500, Tn Favor Against � 10 1958 Adopted by the Cou)c 19— JUL 10 1958 Approved 19— Mayor K� W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ALFRED,H. SCHROEDER y ROBERT A. LOWELL Supt. of Parks City Architect Supt. of Public Recreation , Bureau of Public Buildings 445 City Hall CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 545 City Hall, Zone 2 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner ARTHUR F. COLEMAN, Deputy Commissioner June 5, 1958 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk 286 City Hall Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: Please file a statement of expense in the office of the Regis- ter of Deeds for the purpose of creating a lien on the proper- ty known as 740 -742 Rondo Avenue, described as Lot 1, Block 7, Edwin Deants Second Addition to St. Paul. The property was listed in the names of Rev. James W. & Mayme Phelps, 7 W. Co. Rd. C, St. Paul 17 Annie Turner, 854 Burr Street, St. Paul 6, Royal Realty Co., 148 Endicott Arcade, St. Paul 1 The expense was incurred by virtue of the wrecking and removal of the dangerous two story combination store and multi - family building therefrom. Following is an itemized statement of the expenses, as per Registered Bill No. 4 -1668, dated April 29, 1958, copy attached. Expenses of Dept. of Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings for Investigations, notifications, and condemnation $25.00 Specifications 13.45 Wrecking Contract G -1168, Formal Bid No. 6912, as per C. F. 186411, to Truck Crane Service Co. 213 2d St. N. W., Minneapolis 14 450.00 $488.45 We are today requesting the City Council to hold a public hear- ing to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred and to confirm the amount. AHS..A Yours t uly, jY Al'ed H. Schroeder ARCHITECT DUPLICATE r ' TO COMM. FINANCE �Y OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT .OF REGISTERED SILL • • Rw- Jams s'. Us —emu 7 W. county Road C tit. pa a 3 7. Innn TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL RETURN THIS SLIP WITH YOUR NOTICE REMITTANCE TO BE CREDITED TO APPROPRIATION ITEM CODE j 23 for rxpvttsea i=urrard, by the City in the condemation shed wreaking of a two stogy o atbinati= store and multi faesi3y bulldiW at 7L0 7h2 Rotes Avenue as t611wa t ft, enses Of Depart ma of Parkas Playgrounds and Public Buildings in conneotion with the ocrnd�nati n of a two story combination store and walt€- family h4ldi.ng at 740 742 Roads A'vomer de sorib*d as lot is +;"gift mart+ s 8eco d Addition to St. Paul fir 1M*st1C1tti=$* Rotifiaatti.onao ,aM Cobds=ation 95.00 Sp"ifiaations gateriatl 2'.0 &pecifloations labor 2.40 PMin"ring 8 . 12.81 5% rm-&n 64 13.45 Trsoki t% by Track Ora" Service Co 213 2d St. N. N. Upla 14s as por 0. P. i$6 as acmtpract a 11680 Pomal Rid 06912 k50,00 CC Armit Turner, 854 Burr St. St. Paul 6 WR •h5 Pwysi Fwaltor co 148 Endicott Arco& St. Paul 1 IM Y -07 8 REGISTERED AND APPROVED Joseph J. Mitchell CITY COMPTROLLER A. G, Mickelsen CERTIFIED CORRECT BY a BY COMMISSIONER QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT r i COMMI y BDGK 86 PAGE621 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM TF Vmfte, Alfred H. Eebrooder, City Arabiteot, having arequest4d the City Council to hold a public bearIng to consider any complaints about tbo expense incurred by tho City of . ut Paul la re=ving a dangerous stmetuarex at 740.71*2 Fbndo Avc-aue, more part4,:ularrf dose-ribed a� Lpt Is, Block 74 VdAn femi.-, se=cond addition to St. Paull the City Couneil head a public he ::" Ing on Jane. 171, 1959,, to coasidar tho ozymse and to cenc'im the tywa 1t thsrcof; mud Kil"EAS, it Vpozre .th -�t tho CSi Counzil, ;:ursuent to C. P. go. 176330,, opproved Janwmy° 10) 19561 pablichcd Jana ry 14, 1956,, smt are public hearing to on,44der ratov-Ing this dango aus structural od the Cit:r C=ncij by C. No, 'L764,0, opproved Fobrun� 29;v 19560 p',xbltahmd March -3`s 1956, ordered the vr6d %ing bar eAd at the :ie<parate cant and eVouse# of the omor, oceepant, or other person in coutml Uorcofo but th raaftor, upon the a, pe!ll of the ownora,, by C. ?* 178222, app=vcd June 7, 1956r prchli shed June 9, 1956, the coneiel"na,'ti:o:� was receinded end tho mm ors liven 60 days from Jame 6, 1956, to rehabilitate the structure. but no act4,on hiving been tek en, by tho ova r, tho Cif' Comci 1, by G. F. 182097,, epproved Mmrc:h 271 1957, pOlieheld Mtarob 30, 1957, tat a� publl,* hearing on April ", 1957. * for such con0s+t3t4%tion). and by C. 7. Ro. 182654, n2pToved $hW 71. 1937, publiohed May 11, 1957, ordorod tho xrocking by and at the se,pirata expense and Boat of the asvn*r# oaoupaut, or other person is control thorcof,• vhoreup n an appeal vas filed; in District Court* which apPeRi vas danicd and na order mtered authorising tbt,% Cis to vreck ,said pramizes and file a lieu a & -sinat ties proporty for tho tout tboreof, end tbo Wy of Caint maul bas incurred the eipe eat of U15.14 -5 in r -moving said structure; end iIREP Co it vppa rr th-At tho 3 :ct known record mma rs of tho proporty, or persons i�o appers to kto an InWreot in tba property, saa Eov. J =es V. Fbelps .rmd 11 a Phelps, 7 Vest County E *ad 00 94nt PsmLl 17, Ulz e-c-o e; Ann iv Turnor, . 854. Burr Strcot, ,5ali t Peul 6, Hinne otaj and I!'. yAl Realty Co-,* my,, 148 r_hdicgtt ±arcade # SAInt Po ''li. 1, Minnacota; tbarefore, ba it PrbOLVXD,, that %-e, the City Council of the City of W t Paul, do heroby'vonfi= the amnuat of IOA88 «45 to be the fr1r, true; anal romponable rust for onch cor.cor, i,ucurred In removing tbm dm3 arous struotura; and be It JUL 10 1958 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M s -58 2 In Favor OAgainst JUL 10 1958 Approved 19— Mayor .UADRUPLICATE TO, DEPARTMENT l /29. ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. CJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER DATE FURWR PFWLVFD, that the City Cxeek bo directed to file iU tho office of the Register of Deeds for tho County of Rmsey a stattImeat 4f oxpmoo iummrad by tho City for the purpose of eeouri.ng a lieu on the proportys purcumat to tho Building 'Codes.:, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Tn Favor Rosen Winkel O Against ` T'P -r� i'd" Mr. Vice Yresidcat (Yatarsoa) 50 s -58 4MROD 2 Adopted by the Cbq ii 1058 19— JUL 10 1958 Approved 19— / C� e Pe- -re if s o nl. Mayor Filed for record on the 23' day of July A.D.1958, at 11:15 o'clock A.M. a H4. .� 4., a + i 1r f �w i� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Tn Favor Rosen Winkel O Against ` T'P -r� i'd" Mr. Vice Yresidcat (Yatarsoa) 50 s -58 4MROD 2 Adopted by the Cbq ii 1058 19— JUL 10 1958 Approved 19— / C� e Pe- -re if s o nl. Mayor Filed for record on the 23' day of July A.D.1958, at 11:15 o'clock A.M. L9 r Y 1460225 -0 011 c 86 FAGE611 STATEMENT OF EXPENSE L�axjz ON PART OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INCURRED IN THE WRECKING OF A BUILDING AT / 740 -742 Rondo Avenue Lot 1, Block 7, Edwin Deans Second Addition to the City of Saint Paul That I. Joseph R. Okoneski, City Clerk, do hereby make and file a formal statement of expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul ' ,in the removal and wreckage of a building at 740 -742 Rondo Avenue; described as Lot 1, Block 7, Edwin Deans Second : Addition to #�t�►•- -ef- Saint Paul. STATEMENT OF EXPENSE 1 Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the jCity of Saint Paul on April 21,, 1958, for wrecking and removal of building at 740 -742 Rondo Avenue: Expenses of Dept: of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for investigations, notifi- cations, and condemnation $25.00 I Specifications 13.45 i To Truck Crane Service Co., for wrecking, in accordance with specifications and Formal Bid No. 69122, as per Council File � No. 1864.1,1, • Contract G 1168 450,00. $488.45 Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City f of Saint Paul on April 29, 1958. The authorization for this statement l is given in Council File No. 188295, passed by the Council of the City I � ' of Saint Paul on July 10, 1958, a copy of which is attached and 'made a part hereof. This statement is herewith being filed in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, pursuant to Section 1.07, St. Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of registering a lien in ' favor of the said City of Saint Paul on the land described herein. _ Dated July 21, 1958• ; City Clerk. 86 FAAN20' y.- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ` ) Ss. County of Ramsey ) I v61U GJ1t+V 11�/l., aiV a1Vi V.a aaw✓✓�✓ ✓..•.a v✓w, ••w✓ �.... �.���— �� - - -� City of Saint Paul on aril 29-1958, for wrecking and removal of building at 740 -742 Rondo Avenue: Expenses of Dept. of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for investigations, notifi- cations, and condemnation $25.00 Specifications 13.45 To Truck Crane Service Co., for wrecking, in accordance with specifications and Formal Bid No. 6912, as per Council File No. 186411, Contract G 1168 450.00 $488.45 Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on April 29, 1958. The authorization for this statement is given in Council File No. 188295, passed by the Coutmcil of the City of Saint Paul on July 10, 1958, a copy of which is attached and made a part hereof. This statement is herewith being filed in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, pursuant to Section 1.07, St. Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of registering a lien in favor of the said City of Saint Paul on the land described herein. Dated July 21, 1958• City Clerk Nos 8b FAGEG -2Q STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. County of Ramsey ) On the 21st day of July, 1958, before me, a Notary Public personally ;appeared Joseph R. Okoneski, to me known to be the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, and who executed the.foregoing statement of expense in his capacity as City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul under and pursuant to authorization given him to execute said instrument contained in Council File 188295, passed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on July 10, 1958,-under and pursuant -to Section 1.07, St. Paul Legislative Code. r;, s t tAl1 A A {