188277Original to City Clerk CITY i OFFICE OF COUNCIL RESOLI PR NT D BY C MISSIONEa Milton Rosen I Council' File No. 188277 —By Milton 1882'77 Rosen— Resolved, By the Council bf the City of Saint Paul, that the proposed exten- sion of the waterworks of said City NO. for the purpose of furnishing a full LE supply of water to its inhabitants, as tiet forth in that certain resolution of its Board of Water Commissioners, adopted July 7, 1958, be and such ex- tension of said waterworks is hereby approved and authorized together with i proceedings in eminent domain there- for provided to be taken, conducted, pvd pprgMM ed under and pursuant to . RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proposed extension of the waterworks of said City for the purpose of furnishing a full supply of water to its inhabitants, as set forth in that certain resolution of its Board of Water Coimnissibners, adopted July 7, 1958, be and such extension of said waterworks is hereby approved and _44 authorized together with proceedings in eminent domain therefor provided to be talmn. conducted, and completed under and pursuant to said resolution of said Board, for the condemnation and taking by said Board of those certain lands described in affidavit to be subscribed by the President of said Board, a conformed copy whereof is appended to a certified copy of said resolution of said Board which is filed herewith. , RESOLVED, FURTHER, that both said resolution of said Board and said affidavit to be subscribed by the President of said Board shall be deemed to have been incorporated herein by reference and made part hereof with the same intent, purpose and effect as if j; said resolution and said affidavit were set forth herein verbatim, and that both the same and the action of said Board thereby represented hereby are in all things approbed, authorized, and confirmed. JUL 9 1958 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 — Yeas Nays DeCourcy 'AL 9 9 Holland Approved 195 — �g }te :h In Favor Mortinson eFet7FffMr1, 4 ACfingr Mayor 3 Against Rosen Ms. y t �'wacw�l SM 2 -57 Q� Duplicate to Printer 88�'� • • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY . Z ton Rosen COMMISSIONER DATE R,E?SOI,VFD, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul., that the proposed exteosion of the waterworks of said City for the purpose of furnishing a fu21 supply of watprr to its inhabitants, as set forth in that certain resolution of its Board of Water' Commias9.oners, adopted July 7, 1958, be and such extension of said waterworks is hereby approved and authorized together with proceedings in eminent domain therefor provided to 'be talsan, corAu4ed, and completed under and pursuant to said resolution of said Boardo for the Condemnation and taking by said Board of those certain lands described in $Lffidavit to be subscribed by the President of said Board,$ a conformed copy whereof is apponded to a certified copy of said resolution of said Board which is filed herewith. I RESOLVED, FURTHER, that both said resolution of said Board and said afiida*it to be subscribed by the President of &aid Board shall be deemed to have been incorporated herein by reference and made part hereof with the same intent, purpose and effect as if said resolution and said affidavit were set forth herein vfrbatim, and that both the I same and the action of said Board thereby represented hereby are in all things approved, authorized, and confirmed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson 1 Rosen �`• -ire �D4 �yy. SM 2Mr. � 2ho o ��il0) In Favor CD Against JUL 9 1958 Adopted by the Council 195— Appro` l 9 1958 195— Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.__________ ------ OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER . .. . ... . ........... . .... . .... WMRMP 'tho ftraUbing of, v4 adMata oupply of pure Watar to the inhtbftdnt6 of tbo 01ty -of Saint Paul. voquiros tho axtionsion of the stator 1mrks aystm of said U17 Cato derWu ,lMft 0:1tuate, in the City of Saint paul &a County of V=oy ard not hartftforo adquirod by or for and not riow in tho poosession of thin Board of Water Conds8ioribr$s and,: -sidd cortainlando, an Wro partiodAr ti cwtaih p1bii .0 ly bdt� and deseribed In posed form of affidavit ancl dollneated and sot forth In, d MP vdAeh is mmsod to 0A4 affidavit., all of wbjoh togetber vM an affidavIt subscribed by Frank Wo, G4.a6jxft'1# 49 Survoyor for the Board,, havo boon prosentod by the Gawral Hmagor wd -am aManded heretol ands WHMWO. it is neWasary that said certalm lando be sequirod by or for tbo- Board for 00 pntrpose of -said extension of the water works system aforewddl, Mid mWWj it appears nald, 1njWb eamot bo adqulrodby or for tbo Board by the purebapo of 047M a titloo thwato from the sovoral mars thereof fbr iderations =a onably acopamble to the falro prozont market values therefor,; NW,,, MEMO% M IT RlItOLVED0 by tho Board of Water Co=i9sionors of tbo City of Saint Pealp that said proposed form of affidavit and 4nnamd onid W togetbw vdth said affWavit of said ftmuk W* GdUoeer� all,o shaU be and hereby ftv tkWoved and adopted by this, Boardl ondj fu thoris that that Pftsidoht of this Board be and ho hordby Is direetod to e=cuto said prop000d form of tf-o fidavi,t and tboreaftozs to havo aamo with anoom)d said U&P and tosether vith, said affidavit of said Frank W. 061ja0mr3 also a certified copy of thIs resolution,,. as ap#rovedo and a cortifiod copy of a. resolutim by the oftnoil of the City of Saint PWA approving said extonsion, of the Votor Twks aptem and confirming thia action of the Board,* prorld0d oezo bra i4cipiad -M,Appftved by the Coundis aUtilod.of roo-ord in the offica of the 96aUtAW of Dq�ds in and for the Comty of Rowoy,,, or,, it qVroprioto, famed :.n trio of of tho ROgiptrar- of Vitlob in and for said Cbmty of Sompy; MD.* M IT ZMM 0_&un0_4 jS6 Mfttq±h'"r6D090d_9a1d_4%tow1on of 06 -"V3t­­ -d co-,�Oftn ibl!l mt'l I A.4, 1-mv4= tr�ld In Vi'7 e.-4­ CA t--l-d of r'=-1 tv md tr- n:i A- 23,1 -tradx sir 41 ttz ra=c_ 4,0,z? J*!rj to b-a rzid frth.� Dn= _'150 'CAO te'+-AGA of V-1.0 D=r d# ZZ V Stata f Minne ota County of Rpmppy�tsj t)--ss ZzTz!at rovthVIC-1 to 1r-Aft*=40 ttliON ft� :=7 City of� Saint C:dd I" P� ft), tl-�T vnva zo, c1r. C -� aid f + -:4 c-i cc." `� n- rat- cq=L1U:a I, C. A. Flack, Assistant Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul., do hereby certify that I have compared the above typed copy of a resoluttoi4,tqfC-t4e-n�pa�idW,Board as adopted by the Board on July 7,' 1958, with the original thereof on file in my office and that said copy is a true and correct �:f said ori Adopted b3• the of 0n1Mr;M!tC1rS i Y. ginal and the whole thereof. Wit'fie*ss the seal of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul this 7th tday of 4uly., A.D. 1958., ..... . ........ In favor ..... ........ Opposed......... . ... ........ .... Z' Ass an... S6dreta'70 ... J!A451:� ----------- Azn. sacy. :4 »` _. _i , � {- . r _- t�` [•4''�` _ � '* *._. ;'R i, ;', S•. s'r� - , r' f• ..y I � t _, •i(_. •.� „ � - •i Vim- ;x' /:r_.�,• -y _ ,I '_ _ '•. {Y S• -e ._ _ ,� :'� F4 , _ `rr -f •,- _ j- 4-1 1ton �os en j President ofw the -_Board cf water- C omi� the . City : of `Sai it ;paul,;i Ma nnesotai: Iiereiriafter cEilie11 ' :Board, hereby.' certify and affirm that�; , necessary,. for the. -purpose' of Iurnis `te 1osu , 1 of` Wig, :an 'adequ pp y- Pure vrater tPig abitants -bf, said•C3:ty to' exencl the`�ate�orks� system o sa:d Cit_ ' "to_ and yr ••, • °, -•- _. -- '- -•�- '_-iii 'x �•� - T - -•• -Y i -' � +fit. 1 th3.ii• b0rtairi_ lands situate in 'TaRi�ship .28 North of. Range 23._�iest;, 'in th6 -C$ty, of " Saint = -Pau1 4'00urity of''Ramsey, KA iinesota3 *Mch said certain ].and$ are'ru re - .particular- . ].y bo,mcled 'and flescikea as� folio to :;fit; x r. a Lot, 226 iii Mock ,6 bf Twin - vity-- Vigwr 49cor to the ~r} - P ile find :of -rec �� . - {; • let. of , �n f orcl in::the office of °' ±,: , ✓� ' : . the Re4 t6i3 of Died$': in. aria tor said Colinty of :.9� - .- I • _ ' a _ >: 4. -'y ; + -• ° _ ` - tR' ei _✓ ` - - `_ '� - f .t -r � .-f1 fib -i `'. +.�' ' -• I, hereby`' certify and af'fi Tls, sfiir_ Cher; ,`that • said Boards on the th , da; of �T Vin. - .. .L';J • -. - - rt . '- }'• - .Y\ "F �i.^,. .i� � ' 'i•�- ..t.,. l,� -f T . • 958, approYisd.- this proposed form of, .affidavit .nth annexed I% and' 4uthor3 red + directed.-'that,` said- 'form.of affidavit .Rith aid; - -- Hap' annexed be executed on its_ - behalf .y. ,this affidavit subscribed b�� mci pis . Presid ' t 4f" : ..� c j 1 y en oresa cl;. ; pd that aa.]: J,saicl 'csrta�i and$ abovet.described U�'condevmed'aud-ta -en by and for eaici B_oara for �tbs. pgrpose: _ � - ore�sid�•�arid _ . '.:• � 4 -, = ; °• Jx- - : '� -.. ' - _ - I hereby certify, and 'affirm; .,furtlasx; that the :Council of said C t of" a , i ?, y S int. _ Paul `by 'its resolut31 . appxoved-the 'day;- of =July 1958, confined said - action =of `+1 0, Board �dnd approv6d,t�he ext iisi. of _th - jj F,t °n= a _ter�orlss s3's tem afore— ; said' y "'�'- •• ,J %`' :e - .' 'l _ .. - !. - �- ,t•` yn� .�.- 1S _ -' - x'Y•i •; C \`�_ -' ;••p -.r' , Witriess viand 'and �' , my ,Sea1 `tfiii a,4� . day of - .19'8. 1✓,_ - - • f `-.- . -. ".- _• e, .. „�$ t�l+c. ,r� �F:fi'. #.� r�ri �.''_�t14,4 ..i.. -- _ . -'' 't I, �- 1 -•_ r��', -. 'F � '_ � {�: - •• R -i t .{ `- � - �l,', ''7� t__ yew+ . : i1r,, yF iC t• ti � °• � 5. _- j ^} . 4 .. - ^. _ -,' _ 7 . }•a.1. Tom. lu -T- F _a .t. T L,i Ynt' .. -. {i i v` .. -i i '. ate'- �i a` _•f � a .�,` 3�erF - �•- ,- ='._6, N A t' _- -��.� -.tif : #•* i'. - � -(:�1i y• _ !- -• -- w, r. tf 5 E � - �jj'(1}1j] ; t' I-,. Y fit,''•` -' _ :r • +4 ._ 'k k. � _ ° - 'Y -- p .: vi' ' _ .�1- = i - .4 ief.f7v �.,� S :� ��{ � ' _ �"• i•tt '_ <ra �, ;. r. ' a. - i 4..ra'-nt - t�.:.,',"'' , ! w?'r. r}i ' -2 �S i'ws� �. - -t ` *T!:_+. 4 ,•] i?t �( A Freside 7 - - ^.t ' ` - V r" si f.. y. v ; ?FL•.:.'`t:- Y- ii'-r, - •:..j � '- : .z t�af•• tlie' 3 �-' � _ -�=;- _,- - , Board ^'often Commisi�ners of the 'city of - t • $ a� nit Gaul; .'i.:nha sot a `Y•, - - +.r.r -a }c "+t� +l�Y �, -.j ':i•x._ 'r:}5t •'h•af�T}. -�:{�, _ � ' - - '.` {, 1. _i - r , -r ' }i, A. io '� _ � -- ` i - ". . .rte i.. - - _ - - .. r' � �•f.. - - - s' •_ _ %y • - . 4 F4 ' `e - `- -, - .y•. - "fir• ,. _ '-_�f•n.- '. +�• •` rt ?�' r Try ` ,f,' ''• e_ ' [ _- , y•Y•, -•.• .. `_• ;,' '`i - 'y -.. - - -_. '- 'yy ~. ` •• r� nJ.'y , -•', •�,`, < JL _., iin .• 5 l' ` � � *�. ♦ ,'- 2• - "-' J T• doM 01 F­ PAW9Y He .t nbere�s that,' on` thi�r }tb'" day of JulT. !'.D. 1:90;pex°4l.b1na177l appeared. before " . J6 7 P b13.c 3rs and for .ttq_ %4te and, �atint�t afo�casa3d, .c=01T RO$Mr,' President of thb. -- $oat-d of'stater :Ce�i.�s3,six�ex' �f the± City -oi Saint .PAul _ LtixnlesQta;, $rid FRA1�iKrQ €cred Pspfsgsonal E4tnear acid tiaacl' '�irvia 4h' the Stato'-bf Minnssota4 dash tome t6 ..:!pa tbe parkgo i i ose- aka ie #searibO4 - to and ,'Biro -bi�rie I" 'fprego�,ng ' ,eertif i ddtd )f etci'[ erinej6 aiid._that than and there ®doh f -peparatsYy° :aclnc�_ Yed�ec h t he'rhaci a cu 1 hmme s{ hi:s • own lea c and deed artt bta his df�icia� act as Pref§ident ;or : lst ofiyp r ''esitl: $oarcit es� ctive�,y, , accar'd3 t ._ '•,' Jf _ r - - tr rL:.Y.• ••�� +� �[ S� C ''h• ,� •�'� ':M d� :.Y •'!'i,�t, _1,5 .fi •,,•' I�• •tr -. ' '. ' _ _' - - .. ' ._` , ,,.r may. +yr i.:1'.on. .r. +, `•.ri• � .r. .,. .r' .,... L r.. � � !� .- ' -- { Potaily Vlalbl.cp Rudy '0mnfyli Ile$otit ; Ttl- ' - _ _ - . _ - . � • - _• J s ` � �r coitpa3ssion egpi�'es - - _ - �. , f f''` -t` n, .N ,ti - S y .a +4`'• 't[ .t. J., ~`- v .. - r - _ ' - �'. _ " r •' '.. max: .r_ «"•r = -+t -_ .7`�:r, j.,.....,. ':.�.af L t affirm that - T am• a. •xe #texod .I;. F rank ., aala*r, da herey C ett 3iy - , a� ' ►F pro-foogjoWd 8i1a toil& Surve or+ n tho..$tate of••��Ymesota. And, tbat,. at t�]$t .. " ' ! d3rect3ari of tie, = Boq'd off' water.,�,ssibiiexrs. ofke City of, Saint' l.n�eta; nail ,4d. %Ard j dick surviy- *`1:]. tho se, certe3n .1atu xb3 aYi .]. U 3 f acted, ` + byv t`].oxa pr age, oar othe6nd3 a by reason, a mat:- c'er�3 a °aatenaiori of ^ the -Woer- *orka system of J1,4 4 Pit, y descA ed -in affidwit of the President, of saAA Board "eub -- nGr3Yied; the 9th a of `' , -1958 .ana, here�tq' w_uvmOd; arr t That. sea% lairds 8tre. cie7.ineted . o_ n1 P ann.ad- tcT said, si'`davit 3 that said I%p- -and thb. •date' thero� n net: forth 0o 06nf enable -tro s Ad is WVOY and cgrredt ' and . that maz�;umeiat� clelitieated aild da$cAbod irreaid 14AF a3,ther`1 ce.fourA .ar ac , ice. a �s 'shrnm, _ the course of ea�xl sur�+ey' end = k . ` i herey��,. Ger f`y and t�fffi rms - X ha - that those • co -taia lands Bch, bra ` "J� c .3nQateci I:ri' 'said :and there sh,olm hg bated and colored: itY yte�. :aiw and 'corita red ` by~ =s nhoIld bmwdary ;Lines, Chu e ! y� 1, i:t �of , these • there 'b4, repm$ent. lar ' .; herotofore acduixek•'by' or for•"== now the jRo�a.eee%n.'_or wider type oonfrol. of'_ 841A JL 'in d AP and fi.�er ®�o shy en' r4r_�hjbh ,&* delirieated Ho d; those r r 1 ha chwCed ;and . c . e ink, p t 11E t _ • �,r � 2'� �i those ' Cer X.&'�tl ia - parts -ul ar- . cte�scY'9.taec atP� Sa 19 firi r �.d;`af3.cvt of t preBideri of said ao�ird ash! %z in; paid 3 1 and vhi, h ale .to bq�. '-c --ed .arid tako� by ar d tor' said. Ord. for V ez�tesi�i: on o f the = mate rock 'agate , i�fores .a , and3.,that *t toaQ certe xi .anc L rhiah ar 'd'el3neated fin{ w eai.d ,' anti thereiu al amn brrogisAahbxed •arid 'coipred. in grow))x - re 3MS thoeie � edrtalh Iands j any triQrQ othar tFiaxS tba foxegQirig, �h3ch are paxtjaaarly described 3i1 afareaa ci `affidarrl . of� the President of 04-d• Boiard anclfor ' aid, ' and ieh _ Be~ a.£fected'tiy' i10&ga or ',dxr'a3naga er "otherwi•'sef by, reason of -the &3xteria3ori of �.he ter�rprks° sy' tam ;,aforesaid. - 'WitY my kTand and Seal. this, 9�r `&Y° of '�� + , `, 19% - f t r y O H H Nmj� r� O J] o 0000 H x x C7 or 0� 7 Cl) tj dC K • tzl Ili • ecnM • x tj • �cpd) tcl �! cnHHF-i • ��n �C�rJ y Ln C] J1 yxx CAC]O HtsJ� HHir 60cnm °x x�a -04 H t��a{ L -i xoO tj ty O C!] r d O Mt��� 9� 0Imi -d E7 ay tz) ova cn- a cn o 5, • Lx7 a y co • t=i ' d t°• H • H O r CIO x` F4 -I ri�yy y cn co r3 Oz aWi7oPC O 1 cn � � 4z1m 'q- 'C") ci--, cn L =j a j ya 2-j t dls1�� ,.,d .-. O Em z rTl F z 'rnG1 1 HaC�n • :4 "1 cno�u lour M x]��j H,.�4t�y�-qq3 t7 • �En n C13 n zgtd O roCn O OaC • � � � � � m 'T1 \\ /�. �• r, 1 f�'L J , � . o_ 21 Z o Zo 3 19 .� Fj i8 s 17 6 14 g s ,�. Z 1 i 12Z.5� 122.5" Ln 4 - Ln Q 3 Fes. � •5� � � ^ s� N 60, p, S C / -f E- F?. A\/ �zl E S �