188242Applebaums Fbod Markets Inc. Grocery n 9529 11 If 1204 University Butcher II II II n If Off S4e Malt 11 n n n If Cigarette If If If St. Paul Terminal Warehouse Co. 694 E. Seventh Wm. Soulis 962 Earl Chester T. Schultz 642 S. Smith n n n 11 Lee Nakken 1627 White Bear n n n n n u Dorothy K. Scheuer 644 S. Smith Robert Kemp 1340 Thomas n If n If Harold L. Olson 902 Arcade n u n n n If COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson Peterson Tn Favor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 @M 2 V.M. Loc. n V.M. Loc. II Confectionery n Off Sale Malt n Cigarette n Gas Sta. 4 P. IT Gen. Rep. Garage n V.M. Loc. II Cigarette n Orig. Cont. II Confectionery Off Sale Malt Cigarette Gas Sta. 2 P. " Gen. Rep. Garage II V.M. Loc. II Cigarette 9532 " 0569 " 9374 " n n n u 9377 If n n n n n n 9449 n 9460 n n n n n 9509 " n n n n n n Adopted by the Council 19_ Approved 19 1 Mayor j i Council File No. 180242 —By Severin A. Mortinson —Robert F. Peterson — � ORIGINAL TO CITY.-CLERK Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list Ib hhh��24 `� • CI'T'Y OF attached to this resolution be and the NO ,- OFFICE OF TI-111 same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such li- LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTIO censes upon the payment into the City trAdop d the council July 8, 1958. PRESENTED BY Approved July 8, 1958. (July 12, 1958) , ],950 Comm ISSIONE r RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted, Glen D. Lindberg 257 Arundel Grocery App. 7926 Renewal 11 n Butcher If If n n II Off Sale Malt If II n n " Cigarette n If II Applebaums Fbod Markets Inc. Grocery n 9529 11 If 1204 University Butcher II II II n If Off S4e Malt 11 n n n If Cigarette If If If St. Paul Terminal Warehouse Co. 694 E. Seventh Wm. Soulis 962 Earl Chester T. Schultz 642 S. Smith n n n 11 Lee Nakken 1627 White Bear n n n n n u Dorothy K. Scheuer 644 S. Smith Robert Kemp 1340 Thomas n If n If Harold L. Olson 902 Arcade n u n n n If COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson Peterson Tn Favor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 @M 2 V.M. Loc. n V.M. Loc. II Confectionery n Off Sale Malt n Cigarette n Gas Sta. 4 P. IT Gen. Rep. Garage n V.M. Loc. II Cigarette n Orig. Cont. II Confectionery Off Sale Malt Cigarette Gas Sta. 2 P. " Gen. Rep. Garage II V.M. Loc. II Cigarette 9532 " 0569 " 9374 " n n n u 9377 If n n n n n n 9449 n 9460 n n n n n 9509 " n n n n n n Adopted by the Council 19_ Approved 19 1 Mayor j i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEIJC x.882 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon sm s -ss cQ34o2 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL COLEUNCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COMMISSIIONER DATE July 3, 1959 PAGE 2! Walter Rieland 617 Stryker Gas "Ia. 4 P. App. 9534 Renewal. Gen. Auto Rep. a a If n a V.M. Loc. n II n John Bryant 729 White Bear Barber n 9543 n Bessie Bolsimo 1110 Forest Grocery " 9593 n Fr. Meats n n u " " Off Sale Malt " If " Cigarette n 11 " Melvin M. Hutchins 1266 Hudson Road Gas Sta. 3 P. " 9607 a If V.M. Loc. n If a u If Cigarette Walgreen Co. 1579 University Restaurant " 9616 " Confectionery If n a Hardware _ " Cigarette If " " Joe Anderson Cleaners Inc. 1986 Stillwater Ldy & D.C. Pickup " 9667 " Gus Moozakis 35 W. Geranium Grocery If 9681 n " If Off Sale Malt " Cigarette Muriel Schlief 561 Edmund Restaurant 9693 e n " On Sale Malt n n n Off Sale Malt Cigarette n II a Sam, Jack & Harry Ward 500-2 Selby Grocery If 9695 n " n Butcher if If n Off Sale Malt n If n Cigarette Donald D. Anderson 823 E. Seventh Confectionery 9696 N " If Cigarette u a a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon sm s -ss cQ34o2 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor ORftINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL LICENSE CO1�dITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM FILE NCIL NO. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER July 3 DATE 1959 PAGE 3: Capital Theatre Inc. 1077 Payne Hot. Pic. App. 9699 Renewal If " Confectionery 11 n If Lawrence 0, Nilsson 2526 W. Seventh Gas Sta. 9 P. 11 9711 n u " V.M. Loc. n 11 u Leonard Hermann 1729 Selby Gas Sta. 2 P. " 9713 Gen. Rep. Garage If 11 n V.M. Loc. If it n Carl Markell 341 W. Seventh Gas Sta. 5 P. 11 9714 If n u Gen. Rep. Garage if It n n u Q.M. LOC. If If n " 11 Cigarette 11 11 n Belvin L. Hawkinson 719 Payne Gas Sta. 3 P. n 9715 n n If V.M. Loc. a a n Norbert W. Freier 723 Grand Beauty Shop 11 9726 a Russell Caldwell 556 Rondo Restauant If 9729 " " If On Sale Malt if n n If " Off Sale Malt " If n a n Tavern n n u Dance Hall a n n Cigarette n 11 n Egekvist Bakeries Inc. 1100 University Bakery " 9733 a National Tea Co. 1100 University Grocery 11 973+ if Butcher If n n n n Hardware It 11 n Off Sale Malt 11 n n Cigarette a n n Leo Fox 690 Selby V.M. Loc. n 97.1 n C. E. Hauck & J. R. Ambler 125 E. Eleventh Cigarette 11 9760 " Jack H. Hoffman 916 E. Seventh Gas Sta. 2 P. n 9909 n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ , Yeas Nays JUL Decourcy JUL 8 1958 T11131 nd Approved 19- Mortinson T) Favor 1 -- Rosen _ doung Mayor ; Winkel Against = Mr. M ACIlidukt (Pe teraou) 5M 5.58 ` N00w