190570ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK '; 190570 CITY OF ST. PAUL FNCIL ILE NO. F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE f V meeting after receiving said bids, present the same to the Sinking Fund Committee and the Council for their action thereon; and that said bonds shall be offered to the person who will pay par or better therefor, at the lowest rate of interest, not exceeding six (6) per cent per annum. 1 ,t i :I 3. r JAN 13 1959 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays JAN 13 1959 DeCourcy Holland Approved 19 Mortinson Q Tn Peterson t Favor Rosen ! Mayor Winkel ;e dD Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 cQ —7— DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE meeting after receiving said bids, present the same to the Sinking Fund Committee and the Council for their action thereon; and that said Bonds shall be .offered to the person Who vili pay par or beater therefor, at the lowest rate of interest, not exceeding six (6) per cent per, annum. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 Q IV__in Favor Against -7- VAN 13 19S9 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 13 1959 Approved 19— Mayor 1995701 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FIDE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE AREAS, by Ordinance RO., 10135, adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor September 9,, 1953s, and ratified by the electors of the City of ant Paul at an election held November 3, 19531 the Council of the City of Saint Paul was authorized to issue and sell the negotiable bonds of the City of Saint Paul of the par value of Thirty -eight million Nine Hundred Fifty -six Thousand Dollars (M3,9563oo0.o0) of vhich not to exceed the following amounts were to be issued for the following purposes: 1. For the purpose of acquiring school sites and grounds and constructing and equipping new school buildings and additions to existing school buildings, Eight Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (8,500,000,.00). 2. For the purpose of reconstruction, repair, betterment, remodeling and equipping existing school buildings, Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (t2 :500,000.00).., 3.. For the purpose of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, and betterment of streets and bridges, Twelve Million Two Hundred. Thousand Sollars ($12,200,,000.00). lh. For the purpose of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, and betterment of sewers, Fight billion Three Hundred Sixteen Thousand Dollars ($59316,000.0o). 5. For the purpose of acquisition, and construction of housing facilities for garbage .disposal equipment, One Hundred Tventy --five Thousand Dollars ($125..000.,00). 6.. For the purpose of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, and betterment of the Pulblic Safety Department Building and outlying substations and equipping the same, live Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00), 7,. For the purpose the Health Department 0200,000..00) . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon su 5.58 2 of acquisition and construction of a building to house and equip the same$. Two Hundred Thousand Dollars In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor 8. For the purpobe, of acquisition and betteftent of paxke, playgrounds,,, park and; playground bilildirigs and the i8q �Uilpping, 9-f the same, One Million Five Hundred Thousand , Dollars (*1....5oo,000i op) . 91 For the pil-r-Pope of acqui-pitiono 04notruction, reconstruction and betterment of street, lighting equiptent, Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars (V50�000.00). 10. For the purpose of reconstruotion ad.b nettermciA of the public auditorium Three Rundred Fifty Thoii.sand, Dollars 11. For the pul?pee of acquj.s;Ltson,, ao)a6tructiqn, reconetruct4on., equipment and betterment of 'the public library and branch libraries, Three Hundred Fitteen: Thoua6nd, Boll&rs (4315,000 -00) 12. For the purpo" of &eqU-.0 �t1oa,, cozi*truction -and aquipping of a civic oducational coaster, to horu$@ Muspume and. art gall-erjee, Qt6 �jilliono Seven ' Hundred Thousand Dollerfj (01p700.jW0i3OQ)* 13. For the purpose of acqulgitlonj* construation and equipping of a civic atble is staditi%v. Two Millien Dolltrfj (V.?,,3000,Qod.00) WHEM-AS.. heretofore the aggte0t6 of Twenty-seven Million, Seven, Hundred Forty-six Thousand Dollars ($270746,000,00). par value of such wathorized. bonds have been, issued and sold by the City of Saint Paa. for the pilrpooe of ItE; aequistttoA of funds hqce0S4ry to its, "'Compiiament &C several parts of the, improvement purposes -for ohich such bopds as aforesaid were authorised to be issued and sold, , to "- to I?qr the purposes set, out in subdiv-1 sioli I above, the S= of Eight' Five Hundred Thousand;, Dollars 0-8,500,000-0-04 For the purposes set out In s0di-4-pibn 2 abova,, the sum of Two M�,llion, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (,02,500..,000-00); For the, purposes, set out in sqUivision 3 above, the sum of Six Million, Nine Hundred Vifty-seven Thousand Dollars ($61957j,000.00);' For the Purposes eet out in s1ibcAV18iott 1+ above, the raum of Three Millioop Seven Hundred Thirty-09aven Thousand -DoUar.5 (OpM.1'000-00); For the purposes set out in pubdivision 5- above, the sum of One Hundred .Lventy-five Tbous=4 Pollara R,125,oQ00-00)'; or the poses sets out in subs- vWO-n, .6 above, the aw of Five 'Rundred Thnqgnd 'Do'jj.a r_( t 500,., 00,.00) For the purposes ',set out in subdiv-ision 7 above, ttie sm. of Tvo "Tundrea Thousant1bollers ($2009000.00); "Z* For the purposes set out in subdivision 8 above.,. the sum of One Million, Four Hundred. Sixty nine Thousand. Dollars ($1s4693000.00); 'Por the purposes' -set out in subdivision 9 above, the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty Thousandl Dollars ($750,000.00); For the purposes set, out in subdivision 10 above, the sum of Three Hundred. Fifty -Thousan *' Dollars U350.,000-00); 1 4 For`the'purpoees zet out in subdivision 11 above, the sum of One Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars (t1901000.00)7 For the purposes set out in subdivision 12 above, the sum of Four Hundred Sixty- eight Thousand Dollars (W8#ODQ.OG); For the purposes set out in subdivision 13 ,above,, the sum of Two Million Dollars 02,000,000.00); a and which heretofore authorized, issued and sold bonds in such aggregate,. par value mere issued :and sold by said .Ci.ty in several forms, six #:orms for the purposes-set forth in subdivisions' 1 aiid, 2 above., .in: the aggregate par value sum, of Eleven Million- Dollars ($1,1,000,000.00) and entitled "School Improvement Bond,, Series No.. 11" "School; Improvement Bonds,, .Series too. 2," t'School Improvement Bonds, Series No.. 3," - ";School Improvement Bonds, Series No. .4.," "School Improvement Bonday Series No.. 5,n and "School lmprovement t Bonds, Peries No. 6," respectively, and sib .fo=8 for the purposes .set forth in subdivisions 3, 45 5y 6, 7., S, 9,, 10' 11 12',, and 11, in the aggregate par viilue sums of Sixteen, Milli.oh., Seven Hundred F'ortyTslx•'Thousund 61lfars. � ( l6,74b,.CJC)0.00) and entitled; " General Improvement Dond's, Series No. 1," � "Genera. Improvement B.o'llid , Series No.. 2," '"General improvement Bon & », Series � Rio.' :3," "General Improvement Bondr „,, Series No. 4t ”' ".General Improvement Bonds, Series No. 5," and "Geperral Improvement Bonds, Series No.. 6,"' respeati•vely; and i WH WAS,, it is necessary at this time that an additional Five Million, Vivo. Rundsed One Thousand Dollars M, 5QJ,�OOb.00) .par value of such' authorized bonds be issued and sold. by said City for the purpose of its racquisi,ti'on `ot funds neeessary'_to its, aeeompliWnent' of several 'a4di:tional: parts- of beveral of the improvement purposes for which-,such bondo as aforesaid were adthoxlzed to be issued and sold, to -wits for the purposes set out in �subdi.vision 3 above., the. sum, of Two Killion, Three Hundred Sixty-six Thousand ($�p366,QQMO); For the purposes set out in subO vision 4.above,•the sum of One.Millign, Eight Hundred Seventy =-two Thoussnd.,,Atillars ($10872-i'MO.00); i For the purposes set. out • in ;.subc'iiv lion -8 above,. the sum of Th Pty- one ° . Thousand Dollars 031,O00xO) -; ; For the purposes :set- out in subdivision 1,9;: abovoe., the suns of One, Million Tv�o Hundred Thirty. -tiro 'Thousand Dollars ft1'232,,OOQ.,00); And r 1-905170 'WHEREAS,. the financial accounting 'for other City of Saint Paul departments is separate and distinct from that for school: purposes-, it is advisable that such additioOl bonds in the par value sum of Five AJjllioni Five Hundred One 'Thousand Dollars R-5,501,.,000.00) be•i:ssued "in one fora to be entitled, "General" Improvement Bonds, 'Series Ida. 70;- therefore, be it OLViD., that the Council of the Mty of Saint Paul issue and sell at F, this time such addi:t'ional 'Viv'e Billion,, Five hundred One Thousand Dollars ($5,501,000.00) par value General Improvement Bonds authorised by said Orainance No. 10135; be it FUR`M R&SOLVED, that such �daitional bonds authorised by said Ordinance No. 10135 in the aggregate amount of Five 'Million, Five Hundred;'One Thousand ' Dollars (05,501,,000:00) par value b® issued and sold in the manner provided by lavi said, bonds' to be in denomination o$ 11.,000.00 each; to be dated February 1, 1959,. bear a rata of interest not exceeding "six. per 'cent (6 %) per annum payable semi - annually on, August 1 and February 19 according to the coupons to be at- tached to said bond's; that said additt6n.al bonds shall be serial, in form, and a. portion thereof shall be payable, each year commencing February. 1, 1961, but none of said boards aha11 run for a longer period than Lhtrty ( ) years, and shall be numbered 25197 'to 30697 inclusive; and be It rQRTHER- RESOLVtD, that said, addition.al'Five -Million, Five Hundred One Thousand Dollars ($595019000.60) par value bonds to be issued and sold for such -General improvements purposes and; to be denominated as aforesa,idt "General, Improvement Bondst 8 ries Nod, 7," shall mature seri4ly commencing Febriie 1, 1962,: over said thirty -gear period on the following oa.tea•and in the following amoun=ts t Date of Bond. :Numbers 'Amount Maturity - -- Bond.. Numbers Amount Feb, 1, 1962 253:9745281 000: , 1963 25292 -25366 85,000 1964 25567-25451 '85,000` 1,965 25452- 25561 11010,100 1966 25562-25671 11C?0000 1967 25672 -25806 135,`000 1968 25807;25941 135,000 1969 25942 -26101 1.60,,000 1970 26102 -26261 1,16Qr000 1971 26262 - 2642]. 160,000 1972 26422- '26611 1904 OOO 1973 26612 -26801 I90,OOQ 1974 '26802-26991 !goo 0, 1975 26992 - 27181 190;,000 Date of MI.turitj Bond. :Numbers 'Amount rob. 1 , 1976 27182 -= 274,01 � 2ROR000 1977 27402 - .276`21 2200000 1975, 2762 -27841 220 ;000 Y979 .27842.28062 220; OOO 1980 28062 - 28301 ,2400000 1981 29302 -28541 X40,000 1982. Z9%2- 428781 ?4OP000 ' 1953' 28782 -29021 2400.000, 15$'4 29022 -29 86 •' 265,,000 1985 ,229287-29,566' 280,000 19,86 29567 - 29546 2809000 197 2947 -327 26$ "o', 000 1988 30127= 30411 85, ©,00 , 1999 30412 -30697 '286;.000 Total X5,;01 ",,000 That said5.,501,OOa :00 par italiie :bonds to be issued for General Improvements shall be in the' folloid ng .form, vahi ch 'h40 -been pre-pared bg the 'Sinki.ng' Punt} Comaii.ttee and approved by the 06rporation, "Counsel of the City of Saint Paul and is hereby approved and ac'optedm -4. ' yy•f, .T "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Snn OF DZNANESOTA COUNTY OF Rti OY CITY OF SAINT PAUL GENERAL IPDIPROVDMNT BOND S=ES No.. 7 No. el, 000.00 Know All Men By These Presents, That the CitY of Saint Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, acknowledges i.tgelf to Ove and- for v,-.lug received hereby promises -to pay to Reeser the sum ofOne Thousand Dollars (41,000.00) on the first day of February, -,9 together with interest 'thereon from the elate hereof until paid, at the rate of per cent per annum, payable semi- annually on the first days of August and Fobrui�ry•in each year as evidenced by and upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become dues. Both principal and interest on this bong are payable In lawful money of the United States of Imerics. 4�t the office of the Commisaioner of Fi`nencey in the City of Saint Paul, or at the Fiscal. Agency of the City of Saint Paul, in either Saint Paul, Minnesota, or New York,. Nev York,,. at the option of the holder; and: for the prompt praymea lti of ' thi s bond,, both princip4l- and interest, at maturity, the faith and credit of the •City of Saint Paul .are irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of a series amounting in the aggregate to the sum of Five (�5,501,�Q0.0O), issued by the City Million.. five HuAdred One. Thousand Dollara for the purpose of paying the cost of general Improvements, authorized In Council File No. 165231, Ordinance No.. 1:0135., ' passed by the Council of said City and duly signed, attested, approved and publ:3.s'hed in the manner required by the Charter of said City,, and. approved, by the electors of the .City of Saint Paul at the eZoction held Idattetaber 3, 1953, afd under the ;aVnority, of 4 d in call respects in full compliance Frith Section 211 of the Charter of the City of .Saint Paul, and such other sectiona thereof as may be applicable, thereto, ond Chapter 475, Minnesota :Statutes 19531 ae I aTendod . It is hereby certified and recited that all things, oats and conditions required by the Constitution and Lags of-the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City to. happen, and be done }and performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have happened and been donna and perforated in reg- l.ar .and daze form, and time as requix cl by law and that the total. in.debtedn,eSID of saki. City, including this bond, does not exceed eny consti:tutional., statutory, or charter limitations. 7.n Witness Whereof t The said City bf Saint Pau1s by its Council has eati3ed this bond t� be sealed by tho facsimile of tb,ts Offi'ciel SEal; lithographed thereon, to be signed by the lithographed • facsimil:e pignature of its Msayor., attested by the lithographed facsimile signature -of lts, CiVC�Lerk, and countersigned. manually by its Comptroilpr, and each of the ioterest.couponp hereto attached to be exeouted by the Sithogr'aphed facsimile signatures of so-id bff'icer,-sy this first day of February, 1959•x" Mayor Countersignedr Attest: -- - Comptroller City C1'erk i i r 1 11 "COUPON' 1 No, On the first day of bru the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota promises to s � 4 p pay to be.rer Dollars ( ) at the 'office oi` the 'Commissioner of Finance, in the City. of Saint Paul, or at the Fiscal Agency of the City of Seat Pain.,, in either Saint Paul, 'Minnesota, or New York, ZVew York, at the option of the holder, for .interest due that dey on its General Improvdment Bond., Series No... 7, dated February �, 1959, No._ -- - Mayor Attest: Cit�r Clex-k 1 Countersignedc Comptroller. " and be it 1. i i ti FURTUR RESOL'VE'D, that, each a' d bond'•shall be sealed by the facsimile of. the Offici€�l.'Seal of'the City of Saint Paul 11thogrsphed thereon -nd: signed by the lithographed facsimile aigAhture of the MAyor, attested by the .litho - graphed facsimile si ttatu.re of tie City, Clerk, and countersigned manually by the City Comptroller, in accordance with. Chapter 122, Lave of Minnesota 19511 and Section 475.55, l innesota Statutes Atmotrated,, and the interest coupons thereto attached shall be executed-'by the lithooaphe facsimil.p signatures of said officearsi AND 8t IT FURTHn RESQLUD, that sealed proposals be ,received in the office of the CityL Co►hptr6l7 er in the" Court douse and Citya11 Builaing, i n the City of Saint Paul, i�Iinneaota, un to teaa ia; look �. fit. (C.. T. }. I! ebxuary '5, 1954, for the -sale of - &LI or none o f , su dr after giving due :notice.:of, e,�id sale 3n the �aan�er prr ✓ scribed by law, in the. $to Paul Leg'l Lothar,, the o.- fficial paper of said City,. and in the Commercial, Vest, a fitaaaci�Qi ,P�io ical ptiblished in the State of Minnesota; that each bidder shall be required to.' aeco>bt' any hi i3 'bid by a certified or cashier's check for two •(2) per cent, of the amount of bonds bid. for, 'which will be forfeited 'to the City as liquidated damages if, the bonds rare not' taken and paid, far, z$hen ready for deli Very; that the Lityy Comptroller shall., at the next i I� t i i i i 1 I t.