195097i Original to City Clerk t .p ORDINANCE ��D09'7 ' �____.�,�.,rcn F " `�� Council File No. 195097—ordinance P. Wi — No.j L1654 --By Adrian P. Winkel— PRESENTED BY 40. An ordinance settling the claim of Anna Kobs and her daughter Gertrude, Kobs against the City of Saint Paul. The Council of the City of Saint Paul t Does Ordain: SECTION 1 That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to Anna. Kobs, jqc}� C er,Pe K.Lb ti>tie An ordinance settling'-the claim U�~ Anna Kobs and her daughter Gertrude Kobs Against the City of Saint Paul. FA �a �s I I iu I MWIM "A \ -&A\I ? 0 rL1 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to Anna Kobs and Gertrude Kobs the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150) in full settlement�of their claim against said City for injuries and damages sustained by Anna lobs on August 3, 1959, as the result of a fall on the sidewalk near the intersection of West Seventh Street and Walnut Street in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. Said sum shall be paid to said claimants upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to said City,,-in a • form -to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages and injuries sustained by them in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Peterson n Peterson Rosen .(9 Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attes ' ity Clerk J JAN 61960 Passed by the Council Favor —Against Approved: JAN 61960 `PUBLIS _ Ma yor Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE _195097 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. /w S An ordinance settling the claim of Anna Kobs and her daughter Gertrude Kobs Against the City of Saint Paul. THZ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SiiIliT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to.pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to Anna Kobs and Gertrude Kobs the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars 0150) in full settlement of their claim against & id City for injuries and damages sustained by Anna Fobs on August 3, 1959, as the result of a fall on the :ide -wralk near the intersection o West Seventh Street and Walnut Street in the City of Saint Paul. Secti on 2. Said sum shall be paid to said cleimants upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to sFid City, in a fora to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for e11 eamages and injuries sustained by them in the manner Eforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall tike effect end be in force thirty drys rfter its passage, approval, and publication. JAN 6 1960 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the cif DeCourcy Holland Mortinson n Favor Peterson Rosen t> Against Winkel JAN 6 1960 Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest City Clerk Mayor 1M 8 -59 Oayo.8 Isif 2n Laid over to 3rd and app ! dopted_ —A Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dlr- a DeCourcy Holland Holland —,----Uortinson Mortinson ,�,e1 eravit— Peterson - Rosen Rosen \Winkel Winkel ..-, I .•Mi:' P�esidenta allot%` ".' - Mr. President Dillon Mr. Vice President (Petcroo s 195097