195055Original to City Clerk COUNCIL 195055 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY December 7 1 COMMISSIONER DATE 959• Resolved that permission be and is hereby granted to -the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to make necessary excavation and lay buried cable. In Griffith Street between Conway Street and Wakefield Street. Work to be done under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works.' The Telephone Company to pay for the cost of publication incident hereto. COUNCILMEN Yeas Kays r— Mons v Holland TIr..,,,,t eRi Mortinson Peterson Mr. President, Dill n Favor Against Council File No. 195055 —By Adrian P. Winkel — Resolved, That ppermission be and is hereby granted to the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to make nee-, essary excavation and lay buried cable. In Griffith Street between Conway Street and Wakefield Street. Work to be done under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The Telephone Company to pay for the cost of publication incident hereto. Adopted by the Council December 16, 1959. i Approved December 16, 1959. (December 19, 1959) DEC 16 1959 Adopted by the Council 195— DEC 161959 Approved 195— Mayor