195047ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 195047 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,-r,OUNCIJ.r RESOLMION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' r _ _ v COMMISSIONER R_ Ho ] a nd DATE December 16, 1959 X RESOLVED, That a credit in the amount of $120.00 be accepted under Contract No. G -1972, between the City of Saint Paul and the M. E. Souther Construction Company, said contract for Fabrication and Installation of Book Stacks for the Main Library, said credit offered for furnishing birch plywood instead of walnut plywood, this having been requested by the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium, Museums And Stadia, and agreement made with the Contractor, and a memorandum of said agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. Approved: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Favor Rosen Winkel 0 Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 O8 Council File No. 195047 — By Ber.*d T. Holland — Resolved, That a credit in the amount', of $120.o0 be accepted under Contract No. G -1972, between the City of Saint th Paul and e M. E. Souther Construc- tion Company, said contract for Fab- rication and installation of Book Stacks for the Main Library, said credit offered for furnishing birch plywood Instead of walnut plywood, this having been requested by the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium, Museums And Stadia, and agreement made with the Contractor, and a memorandum of said agreement having been Sled with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. Adopted by the Council December 16, 1959. Approved December 16, 1959. (December 19, 1959) 'DEC 15 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 DEC 16 1959 Approved 19 Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER . CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 1450, 7 COUNCIL NO. FILE PRESENTED I NER B. T. Hnlland DATE December 160 1959 RESOLVER, That a credit in the amount of $120.00 be accepted under Contrcct No. G -1972, between the City of Saint Paul and the 0. E. Souther Construction Company, said contract for Fabrication and Installation of Book Stacks for the Main Library, said credit offered for furnishing birch plywood instead of walnut plywood, this having been requested by the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium, Museums And Stadia, and agreement made with the Contractor, and a memorandum of said agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by his. Approved= City C89pMoller COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon ISM 7-59 QW8 In Favor - �Q Against DEC 16 9959 Adopted by the Council 1 19 DEC 16 1959 Approved 19 Mayor W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt. of Parks . , . !. - City Architect WM. W. ROONEY Bureau of Public Buildings Deputy Commissioner 445 City Hall ROBERT A. LOBDELL Supt. of Public Recreation CITY OF SAINT PAUL 195047 Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 545 City Hall, Zone 2 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner 8 December 15, 1959 Comsr. B. T. Holland Dept. of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings Dear Sir: Contract No. G 1972 was awarded to the M. E. Souther Construc- tion Company for Fabrication and Installation of Book Stacks for the Main Public Library located at 40 West Fourth Street, St. Paul. It was found desirable to furnish Birch plywood instead of the Walnut Plywood specified and at the request of the Commis- sioner of Libraries, Auditorium, Museums And Stadia negotia- tions have been conducted with the contractor who agrees to a reduction in the contract price of $120.00, which is a reason- able amount for the change involved. It is, therefore, recommended that a resolution be submitted to the Council authorizing this credit to the contract in the amount of $120.00 to cover this change in material. Yours truly, Alfved H. Schroeder CITY ARCHITECT AHS..A CCts Comsr. Mortinson Mr. Schnarr Mr. Storey } f'