09-1337Conncil File # �- 13�� Green Sheet # 3087860 RESOLUTION crrv Presented by /D 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the reappointments and 2 appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Heritage Preservation 3 Commission. 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Reannointments Name John Manning Steve Trimble David Riehle PAUL, MINNESOTA Representine At-Large Ramsey County Historical Socety At-Large Appointments Name Matt Mazanec Jennifer Haskamp Robert Ferguson Richard Lafflin RepresentinE At-Large (Carey) At-Large (Kralicek) Architectural Historian (Larson) Registered Architect (Faricy) Term Expires December 31, 2012 December 31, 2012 December 31, 2012 Term Expires December 31, 2011 December 31, 2010 December 31, 2012 December 31, 2010 Requesfed by Department of: � � r����� By:��� Approved by the Office of Financi 1 Services By: Approved by City Attomey Adoprion Certified by Counc� Secretary B � Approve yo . Date By: By: Approved b Mayor foc Submission tci Council By � ��� Adopted by Council: Date ���f/9��� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet l,Gi� 1.���1 � DepartmenU�celCouncil: Date Initiated: MO-Mayor'soffice o9NO�2oo9 Green Sheet NO; 3087860 Ce�tact Person 8 Pho�: Departrnent Sent To Pereon InitiaUDate Kris Fredson o a or•s on',ce 0 266-8534 1 a or's O%ce De artment D'vector �s� 2 i Attoru Ci Attorne Must Se on Councif Agenda by (Date): Number 3 a or's Office Ma or/ASSisran[ F°` O RouHng 4 ouncil � Doa Type: RESOLUTION Order 5 i Clerk C7'tv Clerk E-Document Required: Y DocumeM CoMact: Contact Phone: Total # of Signature Pages ` (Clip A{I Locatio� for Signature) Action Requested: Reappointments, made by Mayor Coleman, of John Man�ing, Steve Trimble and David Riehle and appointments of Matt Mazanec, Jennifer Haskamp, Robert Ferguson and Richard Lafflin to the Heritage Preservation Comaunission. Recommendatio�s: Approve (A) or Reject (R): P¢rsonal Service Contraets Musf Answer the Following Questiens: Pfanning Commissiop 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person(Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cuRent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on uparete sheet and attach to gree� sheet. Initiating Problem, lssues, OppoRunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � Advantages If Approved: Disadva�tages if Appreved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: 7ota! Amount of Transaction: CosURevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity Numher. Financial Information: (Explain) � December 2, 2009 3:25 PM Page 1 '(9/16/2009) Kris Fredson - Online Form Submittal: Application for Comm+ttee, 6oard, or Commission Page 1 b i'1��7 From: <support@civicplus.com> To: <kris.fredson@c�.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 8/3�/2009 � �:42 AM SuhjecY: Oniine Fortn Submittal: Appliration tor Committee, Boartl, or Commission The following fortn was submitted via your website: Application for Committee, Board, oc Gommission Fifst Name: Richard Last Name: Laifin Address: 797 Lincoln Avenue City: Saint Paul Siate: MN Zip Code: 55105 Fiome Phone: 651.222.8778 Cell Phone: 651226.6266 Work Phone: 651.312.0988 Fax: 651.312.0989 Email Address: nch@rlaffmarch.com Planning District Council: District 16 - Summit Hiil Association City Counctl Ward: Ward 1 Preferred Mailing Address: Street: 797 Lincoln Avenue City: Saint Paui State: MN Zip Code: 55105 Occupation: Architecture Place of Emptoyment: Richard Laffin Architects, Inc. Employment Address: 275 East Fourth Street #740 Race: White (Caucasian) Gender: Ma�e Disabletl: No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Date of Birth Please use the format(MM/DDR'YYY): 12/30/1952 Committee(s) Appfied For: Heritage Preservallon Commission What skiiis/tra�ning or expenence do you passess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointrnent?: I am a registered architect, a member of the American Institute of Architects, antl have been practicing architecture for riventy-six years. Most of my work invoives additions to antl remodelings of older sW ctures, some designated. I served on the Samt Pau{ HPC awards committee for five years. I en�oy deliberations with weii-intentioned colieagues and probing for soiutlons to problems. I have a great deai of respect for the work of the HPC. Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: ! personally know and admire staH members Amy Spong and Chnstine Bart and Commissioners Meyer, Trout-Oertel, Larson, Faricy, and Igo. I may be able to bring a unique perspeaive to the makeup of the (9/16/2009) Kris Fredson - Online Form Submittal: Application for �ommittee, Board, or Commission Page 2 HPC because oF my badcground in residential design. In recenf years I have increasingly served on AIA committees, was a member of the AIA Saint Paui Board ot Directors, and have juded projec4s for BATC and NARI, atl towaM the end of wishing to participate more fully in the life of these organizations. Have you had previous contactwith the Committee for whicfi you are making application? If so, When and underwhat dreumstances?: Yes, I was an applicant befnre the HPC on September 26, 20Q5, 2presenfing a proposed addi6on N a Clarence Johnston residence, which received their approval. I have met with stafr regarding my design xrork for a number of ori�er projecfs, in particular St. ClemenYs Episcopal Church, designed by Cass Gilbert. • Rrst Name: Bevedy Lasf M1tame: Hauschld-Baron, Director Address: AIq Minnesota, IMS Suite 54 City; Minneapoiis State: MN Zip Code: 55405 Home Phone: 612.338.6763 Cell Phone: WoHc Phone: 612.338.6763 Fax Rrst Name: Beth l.asY Name: Royalty, Rector Adtlress: St ClemenYS, 901 Portland Avenue Ciiy. Saint Paul State: MN Zip Code: 55�04 Home Phone: 651228.1164 Cell Phone: Work Phone: 651228.1764 Fa�c: First Name: Lee � Last Name: Meyer, Commissioner Address: KKE, 300 Frst Avenue North City. Minneapolis Sfate: MN Zip Code: 55101 Home Phone: 612.339.4200 Cell Phone: Work Phone: 612.339.4200 Fa�c: Nowdid you hearabout this opening?: ( leametl abouf this opening through Commissioner Diane Trout-0ertel. � Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to The Mayor's Office Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 W est Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 F ax:651-266-8513 G���-1��� The Minnesota Government Data P;actices Act (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13) govetns the City's use of the information contalncd in this appiication. Some of the infoimation sou�ht in this application is pnvate data under the Act The requested information will be used by the sppo�nting auffior�ty to carry out the City's official appoincment responsibilities. You are not requiiedto pzovide aay infoimation. However, failure to answer the application questions may cause the appointing authoxity to zeject youx appLication. The majorrty of items contained in tius appl�cation are public, including name, addxess, employment, skills, training and experience, and are therefore ava�lable to anyone requesting it. 7he remaiaing items on the application form are classified as private. The private data is ava�lable only to you and to other persans in the City who, because of work assignments, reasonabty require access to the informat�on. Name Home address ,�,T 7� L 'Mt� SSf o� state np Telephones ��� ' 2�� ' 2l �7Q f , x home work Please include Area Codes E-mail address �f' I�t UW' U Planning District Council 'b(�f{'�{GT �" 1NS � City Council Ward Z Preferted mailing address zip Occupation ��,.,,1U�,_ �s�"j`( "(����J� -- 07 Place of employment �V -h uN A '�"" °-- "' - -` • " - Employmentaddress �g�'j'R,���7� �i`�ti,L O ������01.-15���! SSqJ,S Committee(s) applied for ��_��iT}� �i?�__`7t �,��1D1 C' '� 1 SSIC�'f�.� What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? �.���.��� �� �' C..a � i' � !' � �.. /.�.a • i � i� J � i t • ' /� � • � � 1 � � J ,� I .. .a� '�. D _�i:., � _ :.� �� ♦ �- /� i ► • • y �'�� - _ ' /v a + s /�. � � i lr - - ... . . f � ' �.�.. ��r .� • . � i/ �� � .. l i �� • � . � ' � � r ! � ., � " �i� �.� � T � � i 1. if page 1 of 2 Personal References Name�✓fi�i1� 4 G lY�'L.F�^ �f`�s - Address `'`?f70 �7 �atJi�'r�_`�� �11 �(Y�i 7�2 1"t� }aN�'pOU�i r'IGJ�f'�S Telephones �plZ �J("� �fQ�1� �b��W�W�A�•G�+� Please inelade Area Cades .ke� work other Name (� (�c r-v — ' �"'"" Address /i-"J Yy��j"� ��� �7�i �.� Sd���t �'� � 'MN �a aZ �/� � � �� � p c Telephones�� �-7 �'b[J6� �iYt"C� 1"�YEri'YO�-"rGOY'OaCYJ}7QVl-�.'� Please inclade Area Codes ome work othe� Name Address Telephones ((J��- G{�! PleaseincludeAreaCodes .haazer work v other Reasons for your interest in this particular committee �`r�j �5 �k��'�i �.y rtQ I� �� 92 � U7a�.�+t� �1�����RUI�r�1Yi�Nf��c�`t�N t G�7y�aha c��-��.� � �.�,�T� u��xa r�.���trr ��r.0 �r��T�� � Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation refiects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. Tltis information is strictly voluntary. � White {Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �Male Female� Dateofbirthl� ���{.S �°��. � Disabled: �Yes No�, If speciai accommodations are needed, please specify � � � � � c ' . . � � ♦ � - � � � L i � / '' y � a r j ��. . ►JC .G� � �1 IIE • e �. - � �(9/16/20�9) Kris Fredson - Online Form Submittai: Application for Committee, Baard, or Commiss+on Page 1 � ������ %� From: �supportQavicpius.com> To: <kris.fredson@ci.sipaul.mn.us> Date: 9/9/2009 9:49 AM Subject: Onfine Form Submittai: Appficarion for Committee, Board, or Commission The foilowing fortn was submitted Na your website: Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Firs; Name: Jennifer Last Name: Haskamp Address: 453 Brimhaii Street City; Saint Paui State: MN Zip Code: 55105 Home Phone: 651-34�j}�93 Cell Phone: Work Phone: Fax: Emaii Address: jhaskamp@pulselandgroup.com Planning DisVict Councii: District �4 - MacalestervGrovefand CityCouncil Ward: WaM 1 Preferred Mailing Address: 453 Brimhall Street Street: 453 Bnmhall Street Gity: St. Paul State: MN Zip Code: 55105 Occupation: Small Business OwnedPlanner Place of Employment: Puise Land Group, Inc. Employment Address: Race: White (Caucasian) � Gender: Female Disabled: No If special accommodations are �eedad, please specify: Date of Birth Please use Ne fortnat(MM/DD/YY1'Y); 10/14l1979 Committee(sJ Apptied For: Board of Zoning Appeals,Business Review Gouncil (6RC),Capitat tmprovement 8udget (ClB) Commikee,Capitol Area Architectural Planning Board,Heritage Preservatlon Commission,Neighborhood STAR Board,Plaoning Gommisswn,Pod Authonty Board,Saint Paul Neighborhood Nehnrork What skilfsltraining or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointmenY?: I am a small business owner in St Paul, and also five in the MaGGroveland neighborhood. My primary business is in land use planning and devefopment and I have the skills necessary to contrihute to commissions that involve ihe buiit environment. I hold a bachetors degree in architecture and a mastets in utban and tegiona! pfanning. Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: I am passionate about St. Paul, and how it devebps and redevelops. I care (9/16/2009) Kris Fredson - Online Form Submittal: Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Page 2 about our housing stock, ertcou2ging new businesses and maidng sure br policies reftecF our goals and objectives to keep this a tanfasticcify. - - , Have you had previous wntact vdth the committee for whicfi you are making appliqtion? If sq When and under what - arcumstances?; No. I usually catch a planning commission mee5ng or City council meeting on public television 6ut have hatl no real contact i spend a significant amount of time at pfanning commission antl aty council meetings in other citles because of my busi�ess, but feel H is time to get invo(ved in my ovm city, First Name: Dick Last Name: Thompson Address: 353 KraH(ey Lane City. Hudson State: WI Zip Cotle: 54016 Home Phone: 651-270.8047 Cell Phone: � � Work Phone: � Fax; First Name: Bob LastName: Sveetar Adtlress: � 584 Hatlley Ave N City: Oakdale SqYe: MN Zip Code: 55728 Home Phone: 65b730.2806 Cetl Phone: Work Phone; , Fax: Frst Name: Jennifer � Last Name: Neby Atldress: 2522 Johnson St N City: Minneapolis State: MN � Zip Code: 554�8 Home Phone: 612-702-8847 . Cell Phone: Work Phone: Fa�t: How did yw hear about this openirtg?: , Kris Fredson - Oniine Form Submittal: Application for Committee, Board, or Commission 6'�-I� �� Prom: csupport@civicptus.com> To: <kris.fredson@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 5l2012009 2:41 PM Subject; Online Fortn Submittal; Appiication for Committee, Board, or Commission The folloviing form wzs submitted via your website: Appiication for Committee, Board, or Commission First Name:�ulaft-<- Last Name[ �ed °� - Address: 761 East 6th Street City: St Paui Sfate: MN Zip Code: 55706 Home Phone: 651-399-3988 Cell Phone: Work Phone: - Fax: Email Address: notoriousnola(ajyahoo.com Planning Distdct Council: Distnct 4- Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council City Council Ward: Ward 7 Preferred Maiiing Address: Street: City: State: MN Zip Code: OccupaGon: Asset Management . Place of Emp4oyment: Halverson and Blaiser/ Pak lnvestments Employment Address: 714 East 3rtl St.7 350 St. Peter St. Race: White (Caucasian) Gender: Maie Disabled: No lf special accommodations are needed, please specity: Date of Birth Piease use the format(MM/DD/YYYY): OA/24/1983 Committee(s) Appiied For: Heritage Preservation Commission What skilis/training or expenence do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment?: I am presenlly undergoing a complete restoration of my home in the Dayton's BWff historic distrid. By doing neady ali the work myself and with famify f have come to have a great understandmg for building techniques and appearences of past eras. I have done numerous home renovations and restoraSOnS over the years and they all have truly 6een a labor of love. I have also spent extensive time at the Ramsey County Historical Society, Minnesota Historical Society and with locaf histqnan Jim Sazevich sWtlyi�g and comprehending local architectare and the valae it posses h� the fuWre of St. Paul. AddiSonalty I am expenenczd in tracing histories of buildings and their significance to tocaf neigh6ochoods. Lastly I had the great pleasure to work with the Vacant Home Committee since its concepfion. The comm�ttee was recenUy honored with the community organization award a! �(5/21/2009) Kris Fredson - Onfine Form Submitfal: Applicafion for Committee, Board, or Commission pag - t tbe St. Paul heritage preservaEon awards. Reasons for your interest in this particular committee; I have a great passion for arChifecture, hisfory and restoration. Ever since I was a child t have aiways been interestetl in shows like "This Old House". Wfien other kids were playing video games I was volunteering at museums, leaming about archifecfure a�d working at an antique shop. I strongly feei that unless we preserve and study our past, our future is doomed. St. Paul has so many architectural Veasures and my goal is to see them preserved and resto2d from simpfe worker cottages to great mansions. Nothing pains me more than to see a sW cture with original detaifs be destroyad either by incompetence or by lack of concem. By being appointed to the Heritage Preservation Commi#ee 1 can assu2 anyone that�my passio� is as great as any of the other members to see our neighborhoods restored and brought back to life. Afler all, many of these neighborhoods are whe2 the city of St, Paul was built From Dayton's ! Bluff which housed immigrants, brewery workers and bank presidenYS to Ramsey Hili which housetl marty tycoons of the area. NI are equally important and all require caring and concemed citizens Yo ensure these areas are able to be passed ortto a new generation which will shape St Paul's future. Have you had previous contact with The committee {or which you are making application? H so, When and under whaf circumstances?: Yes. I have been through the HPC process with the e#erior renova5on of my own home. Working Gosely with Chrisfirte 8oularare and other staff members we have tlesigned an authentic resfora5on of ffie home to its original appea2nce. Rrst Name: Karin Last Name: DuPaul Atldress: 78g east 7th street City: st paul State: MN Zip Code: 55906 Home Phone: 6597722075 Cell Phone: Work Pfione: Pax: First Name: Kathy - Last Name: Lantry Address: 95 west Kellogg Bivtl City: St Paul _ State: MN Zip Cotle: 55102 � Home Phone: 6512668670 Cell Phone: Work Phone: Fax: FirsY Name: Amy Last Name: Hanford Address; 770 East 6th St City: st paul State: MN Zip Code: 55�06 Fredson - Online Form Submittal: Application for Committee, Board, or Commission D�'(��j� Home Phone: 651-774-9783 Cell Phone: Work Phone: F2x: How did you hear about this opening?: i saw the vacant seat on the city wehsite. Addi4onalintormetion: Form submittetl on: 5l2072009 2:4122 PM Submittetl from IP Address: 65.240.3L250 Fortn Address: http:Uwwwstpaul.goWfortns.asp?FlD=73