195041ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUI CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL N ICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 19504-1 WnEREAS, the Camissioner of Public Utilities has reported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency during the period from December lot to December 15th 1959 inc., which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day or forty hours Per week in doing the following works (l Supervising repairs to water amain. (( Handling meter reading cards received in the mail on Saturdays. AND WHSRSAS, this emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: �1� In order to speed repairs: 2 TA order to have readings ready for billers on Mondays. `1'HEREF'OREi BE IT RWOLVEDi that the proper city officers arw hereby Aurhoriaed,to,pay the employees who performed such work in accordance with the provisions of the Council's Salary ordinance, Ordinance Not 6W* COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon VA 5.58 2 Council File No. 195941 — By Milton I Rosen — Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay certain employes in the Department of Water for extra employment as described in the resolution. A, Adopted by the Council December 16.1, 1959. Approved December 16, 1959. (December 19, 1959) DEC 16 I Adopted by the Council 19— DEC 16 1959 Approved 19— Favor Mayor (5 Against =