RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Ralph Lundgren and Marie
Lundgren from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks and
Recreation and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable
recommendation of the Board of Zoning, permission is hereby
granted said Ralph Lundgren and Marie Lundgren, pursuant to
the Zoning Code, Sec. 64.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code,
as amended, to erect a four -plex in CLass "B" Residence
District, located on the east side of Burr Street between Case
and York Avenues, more particularly described as Lot 22, Block
10, Edmund Rices first addition, according to the plat thereof
on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds
in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Council File No. 195008 —By Bernard
T. Holland —
Resolved, That upon appeal of Ralph
Lundgren and Marie Lundgren from
the decision of the Commissioner of
Parks and Recreation and Public Build-
ings, and upon the favorable recom-
mendation of the Board of Zoning,
permission is hereby granted said
Ralph Lundgren and. Marie T.undgren,
pursuant to the Zoning Code, Sec. 04.03
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code,
as amended, to erect a four -plex in
Class "B" Residence District, located
on -the east side 'of Burr Street between
Case and York Avenues, more particu-
larly described as Lot 22, Block 10,
Edmund Rices first addition, according
to the plat thereof on file and of
record in the office of the Register
of Deeds in and for Ramsey County,
Adopted by the Council December 15,
Approved December 15, 1959. 1
(December 19, 1959)
DEG 151959
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays DgG 151959
DeCourcy /
Approved 19—
Peterson 7n Favor
Rosen Mayor
Winkel Against
Mr. President, Dillon
SM 5.58 2
;y 386 City Hall and Court House
St. Paul 2, Minnesota
Mr. Louis P. Sheahan
Corporation Counsel
Dear Sir:
TaV O08
December 10, 1959
City Clerk
Council Recorder
The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the appeal
of Ralph and Marie Lundgren for permit to erect a four Alex in Class "B"
Residence District located on the east side of Burr St. between Case and York
Aves., also described as Lot 22, Block 10, Edmund Rice's First Addition.
Vel truly Xo s
C t Clerk
S2 W. Ic V11, T, t r W., T)
Dear Sir:
This is in the matter'of the appeal of Ralph and Marie Lundgren to erect a
four -plex in a nBu residential zone adjoining a, nonconforming four -plex,
on property located on the east side of Burr Street between'Case and York
Avenues.' The property is described as Lot 22, Block 10, Ed. Rice's First
Addition. The zoning "is nBn residence and has been since the adoption of
the Ordinance in 1922,.
The Zoning_Code prohibits a four- family'use in a nBn residence district.
However, under certain conditions as' outlined in'Chapter 64.03 of this
code, a person may appeal to the Council for such a use. The applicant
qualifies to appeal under this chapter. The property directly adjoining on
the south is developed-with a four - family residence which-was originally
built as a two - family home in 1884. -The-records are not entirely clear as
to when the conversion to a four - family unit,was "made as there have been a
number of alterations made to the building some of which were before 1922.
This 'property has- a frontage of 50 feet on Burr Street and extends to a
depth of 132 feet, resulting`in a total area of 6,600 square feet. The
proposed development would meet the recommended standards for density and
building ground coverage. North'and adjoining the property under consider-
ation is a single = family residence which fronts on Burr Street; south and
adjoining is a four -plex which fronts on Burr Street, west across Burr
Street is a single - family residence fronting on Burr Street, east and ad-
joining is a low, vacant lot which fronts on unimproved Bradley Street.
Field investigation discloses that this area is developed almost completely
with single and two - family residences which are an older type, but in good
repair. In the opinion of the staff, this property should be developed
likewise to properly fit the character of the area. The staff feels that
the proposed development may be detrimental to the adjoining properties and
will deviate from the purpose and intent of the Ordinance. The preliminary
land use guide plan indicates that this area should be developed for not
more than two - family residential use.
The Board of Zoning considered this matter at their regular meeting on
November 19, 1959 and recommend the granting of the appeal to construct
four -plea on the above described property as proposed by the applicant.
HCw :mm
Herbert C. Wieland
Director of Planning
Notice is hereby given that a, public!
be held befe• CiV
+ t::;:;:;:•,'•: ? ;:'•;?
hearingg will
Couneil 10 A. M. on December S
the city Hall Court House'. inrthe
' of the eal
sunder Ch pters 60 to I
�al- say -osa
64 inclusive, St. Paul Legislative Code,
Zoning Code, for permit to erect a
in Class ',B" Residence DTs -a
" " " " " " " "" " " "'
four -p�eX
tract adjacent to non - conforming four -'
side of,Burr St. be-
plex, on the east
tween Case and York Aves., on Lot 22,
Edmund Rice's First Addi-
December 10, 1959
Block 10,
tion. " `
Dated November 25, 1959.
I city
Mr. Joseph Oil (November 28, 1959)
City Clerk
Dear Sir:
This is in the matter'of the appeal of Ralph and Marie Lundgren to erect a
four -plex in a nBu residential zone adjoining a, nonconforming four -plex,
on property located on the east side of Burr Street between'Case and York
Avenues.' The property is described as Lot 22, Block 10, Ed. Rice's First
Addition. The zoning "is nBn residence and has been since the adoption of
the Ordinance in 1922,.
The Zoning_Code prohibits a four- family'use in a nBn residence district.
However, under certain conditions as' outlined in'Chapter 64.03 of this
code, a person may appeal to the Council for such a use. The applicant
qualifies to appeal under this chapter. The property directly adjoining on
the south is developed-with a four - family residence which-was originally
built as a two - family home in 1884. -The-records are not entirely clear as
to when the conversion to a four - family unit,was "made as there have been a
number of alterations made to the building some of which were before 1922.
This 'property has- a frontage of 50 feet on Burr Street and extends to a
depth of 132 feet, resulting`in a total area of 6,600 square feet. The
proposed development would meet the recommended standards for density and
building ground coverage. North'and adjoining the property under consider-
ation is a single = family residence which fronts on Burr Street; south and
adjoining is a four -plex which fronts on Burr Street, west across Burr
Street is a single - family residence fronting on Burr Street, east and ad-
joining is a low, vacant lot which fronts on unimproved Bradley Street.
Field investigation discloses that this area is developed almost completely
with single and two - family residences which are an older type, but in good
repair. In the opinion of the staff, this property should be developed
likewise to properly fit the character of the area. The staff feels that
the proposed development may be detrimental to the adjoining properties and
will deviate from the purpose and intent of the Ordinance. The preliminary
land use guide plan indicates that this area should be developed for not
more than two - family residential use.
The Board of Zoning considered this matter at their regular meeting on
November 19, 1959 and recommend the granting of the appeal to construct
four -plea on the above described property as proposed by the applicant.
HCw :mm
Herbert C. Wieland
Director of Planning
Honorable Joseph E. Dillon
Mayor of the City of Saint Paul
City Hall & Court House
Saint Paul 2, Minnesota
Dear Honorable Sir:
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lundgren
458 East Lawson Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota
October 26, 1959
Re: Appeal under Legislative Zoning Code
to erect four - family dwelling
We, Ralph S. Lundgren and. Marie L. Lundgren, record and legal owners of certain
undeveloped real property located. on the east side of Burr Street, between Case and
York Streets, in the City of Saint Paul, State of Minnesota; said property being legally
described as follows.:
Lot twenty -two (22), Block ten (10), Ed Rice's First Addition to the City of
Saint Paul,
do, hereby file an appeal based upon Legislative Zoning Code, Chapter 64.03, Sec. 1,
Para. (1), for permission to erect a four- family dwelling on said property, based
upon the following facts:
The property located directly south of and adjoining the undeveloped real estate
described above and owned by your applicants, is zoned. "B" residence and is presently
developed with a four - family residential structure which was erected in about the year
1894. This use, under the Legislative Zoning Code, Chapter 64.03, qualifies said
property as a legal non - conforming use in existence.
The property upon which the four - family structure is erected is zoned "B" residence,
and the undeveloped property directly abutting and owned by the applicants herein is
also zoned "B!' residence.
Therefore, under the Legislative Zoning Code, as set out above, and by virtue of the
non - conforming use in existence, applicants hereby appeal to develop their property,
described above, as a four- family residential structure.
Honorable Joseph. E. DiIlon
October 26, 1959
It is respectfully requested that permission be given your applicants herein to
erect such a four - family structure on their property.
Respectfully submitted,
.. i
.._ -.
R 1 OF
:.. •:.�::: •.�.�:::.
' s
Mr.- Joseph Okoneski
City Clerk
Dear Sirs
Notice is hereby liven that• E( public
hearingg will be held before the City
Councll at 10 A.M. on December 10,
1959, in the City Council Chamber
the City Hall and Court House, ixt the
(matter of the appeal 4J The Church of
te Nativity of our Lord, under Chap-
rs 60 to 64 inclusive, St. Paul Leg-
islative Code, Zoning Code, for the
establishment of a 15 ft., bulldin9 line
on the south side of Stanford Ave. be-
tween _ Prior and Fairview Aves., on
the west 85 ft. of Lot 2 and all of Lot,
3, Wessinger's Garden Lots.
Dated November 25, 1959.
(November 28, 1959)
December 9, 1959
This is in the matter of the' appeal of the-Church of the Nativity of
Our Lord to establish a 15 foot building line on property located on
the south side of Stanford Avenue between-Prior and Fairview Avenues.
The property is described as the west 85 feet of Lot 2 and all of
Lot 3, Wessinger's Garden Lots.
-This property is presently being used for playground and parking pur-
poses in connection with the existing church and school. The applicant
proposes to construct a new addition to the school building which would
involve approximately 345 feet of frontage along Stanford Avenue. The
average building line of the 13 residences to the east in this block
is 30 feet. The existing church structure'to the west' -is set back 15
feet. The purpose of the appeal is to permit the proposed addition to
be constructed with the same set back as the church building in order
to permit a better overall utilization'of the property thereby pro-
viding a more generous playground area.'kThe proposed - addition will be
120 feet from the west property line of the residence to the east.
North across and fronting,on Stanford Avenue are single- family resi-
dences; south and adjoining is the existing `scho_ol building'`and play-
ground; east and adjoining is-the school playground., farther east are
13 single- family residences - fronting on'Stanford Avenue; west and ad-
joining is the existing church building. Field investigation discloses
that the proposed 15 foot set back would not be detrimental to the
adjoining single family residences due to the distance of 120 feet to
the nearest residence.
In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends
the granting of the appeal to establish a 15 foot set back oil the
above described property in accordance with plans approved November
19, 1959.
HGW:mm Herbert-C. Wieland
Encl. Director of Planning
His Honor The Mayor
and The City Council�.a
c/o City Clerk
Room 386 - City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota
His Honor and iGentlemen:
The following application constitutes an appeal for a revision of setback require-
ments on property as described, and for reasohs as listed herein.
The name of the applicant is The Church of The Nativity of Our Lord, a Corporation.
The legal description of property referred to in the appeal is as follows:
West One -half (VAT 1/2) of Block Two (2) and all of Block Three (3)
Wessinger's Garden Lots.
The location of the property is between Stanford and Wellesley Avenues to the
east of Prior Avenue.
Present use of property is parochial school building, church, rectory and play-
Proposed use of property is same as above except that the proposed plan includes
a new addition to the existing school.
Appeal is being made to establish a setback of 15 feet from the property line along
Stanford Avenue for a distance of 500 feet east from the corner of Prior and Stan-
ford. The existing church at the corner of Prior and Stanford has been constructed
with a setback of 15 feet.
The appeal is made to allow for construction of a classroom and gymnasium
addition onto an existing school building. An addition in the proposed location
is desirable, as it opens up dead end corridors in the existing building and will
result in very much improved exit facilities from the existing building as well as
adequate'exit facilities from the addition, and it deletes the least amount of play-
ground space.
This appeal is made under Legislative Zoning Code Chapter 64. 03, Paragraph J.
�!tj pad FIVE
- - - -- i r �a
�� __ AnF�LIrA�'• i
Yours very truly,
OF OUR LORD, a Cor oration,