194998DRIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMTTEE //COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM 4 4998 COUNCIL FILE PRESENTED BY December 15 1959 COMMISSIONER % ,ri% DATE • RESOLVED: That Application F -5007 for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License No. 1757, expiring January 31, 1960, issued to Carl A. Barfuss and Jeannette M. Braun Executrix of the Estate of Theodore A. Braun at 1040 -2 University Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Carl A. Barfuss and Jeannette M. Braun at the sameaddresso TRANSFER (Licensees) Informally approved by Council December 1, 1959 - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy ,_Holland,, - _-M,:R8QQ. Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 ,8 r Council File No. 194998 —By Bernard Resolved, Holland—Robert ThatApplication P-5007 for e the transfer of Off Sale Liquor` License No. 1757, expirin Janu issued to Carl A. Barfuss and Jeannette M. Braun Executrix of the Estate of Theodore A. Braun at 1040 -2 University Avenue be and the same is hereby t transferred to Carl A. Barfuss and 1ttJean nee M. Braun at the same ad- dress. Adopted by the Council December 15, 1959. Approved December 15, 1959. (December 19, 1959) f DEC 15 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 DEC 15 1959 Approved 19 ----,In Favor Mayor V. Against November 2h; 1959- . Y • r city Council ` St. Paul, mnnesota 4antlemens I _ The ur4ersigned is applying for transfer _ of Off -Sala T,.giior License from Joannette" l4: Draun# Executrix of the Lactate of Theo: A. Braun to J. Ii. -Braun; - The business has been and will in tho 'future bQ continued as a general partnership-under tho name "Ted's Liquor Storer, at- 100-10U University Avepuc., with Carl ,A. Par.russ an the other gemral partner. D J. 11. Braun ie the sa:ac portion as Jeannette rt. Prauis and is the surviving spouse, sole heir and sole legatee of Theodora A,. =t3raun. -The estate, including the' partnership. "interest, has been distributed to J. M. Hraun: A certified cony of Final Decree of Distribution is i n ° eluded with the application for transfar. 4 - -Very tivly yours, " r- • ,.J. I•!• sun - - • ¢00 11 -54 CIT AI APPLICATION FOR " S L OR LICENSE w Application No. (This form must be filled out in addition to the application form and sworn statement required by the Liquor Control Commissioner of the State of Minnesota.) Name of Applicant 'CARL A. BARFUSS AND J. M. BRAUN Age ?4=63 Residence Address 3720 Rustic Place & 826 W. Nebraska Telephone No. Hu. 8-44U Are you a citizen of the United States Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and Where? z If corporation, give date when incorporated Name and address of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be Name of surety company which will write bond, if known_St. Paul Fire & Marine Tnsurance Co. Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 1010 -1012 : University -W South Lexington & Oxford 12 How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured .al \g streets) ? Central Hiiggh. - 7 blocks Z How many feet from church (measured along streets) ?; .St. Take is - 11 blocks 0� How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school^ (measured along streets) ? 7- Name of closest school 'Central High m CL_ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? On what floor located? 0 0 If leased, give name of owner earl A. Barfuss 0 Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store? Exclusive Liquor Store T 1 0 How long have you operated present business at present site? Since April, 1953 r 1 b Do you now have an "On Sale" non - intoxicating liquor license? No (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated 19 License Inspector. APPLICANT$ J Form 8—Re b . =7v.. fI�` .i : f �J4 + • � '� i _.;lii.- -- .� ....fl�'0'' =-�� �- -- _ • ..- 1'r 70207 � -17• STATE OF MINNESOTA -� t' 7,• ^,� tIt f0[F� ri .IOU , - _ - -1 pit_r;,[f �� : \i•_7f�if1S !0 -- :;0 1r LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER ' --imf rcD -is- to yna in rtua n 11 *APPLICATION FOR OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR - LICENSE This application and the bond shall be submitted in duplicate Whoever shall knowingly and wilfully falsify the answers to the following' questionnaire7 i;all!!6e deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering- the'" following questions APPLICANTS" 'shall be governed as follows: ' For' a l ro pora- tion one officer shall execute this application for all officers, directors and stockholders. For a partnership one of the `,`APPLICANTS" shall execute .this- application for all members of the partnership..,, EVERY QUESTION MUST, BE ANSWERED. 1. 140- Carl'—'AI. Rarfl.ss and J. M. Braun , as Partner`s '� - ( Individual owner, officer, or partner) for and in lieh@f of Ted r G L}iv or St ore ,hereby apply for an Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor License to be located at I0 t0-- 0 t2 University ity Ave., St. Paul h _ - (Street Address and /or Lot and Block Number) rMiinicipality`of �'`' "fity'of'St^ 'Paul'`` ^••...; - State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions. of MMinnesota, Statutes,;, Chapter 340, commencing �]ecember 1, 1959—,,and ending January 31. 1900 — :;1A ;: .�►_ n a "win nj') Wt:..:. a,' 2. Give applicants' date of birth 3 SOpt 1915- Carl A j,- arf4ts� (Day) - (Month) (Year) pi 7f1` !1T f'. ^.� 1JFiIa - i7�f!`J T! t... L ^,- If ~ (� •ii .r r'tw .iC',; �� T .. v Oct: 1896 -J. M. Braun (DW) (Month) _ -- (Daft)- – — (Month) _ (Year) �srQ 'Slnl"i Jl '10'I ^, �( ) of L.' n i ,h�Jp ^Of (Month) fr:ir.lr,3 _ '* --i (Yew) 3r') .8 3. The Li esidence,for each, of�the, applicants named herein for the past five years isas follows: ; ,o q, C.arl A. Barfuss - 3720 Rustic Place, St. Paul, Minn., :ni.. ah1J .vl d_il— uuul'1:7,.. iq :i1L in! .,c./ ",.; _Jv. "a' - J`_. ..iIJ Gt. J. M. Braun - 826 W. Nebraska - St. Paul Minn. �. • ,!` - ufflf ,n ,7 rr -f.� jq .,. :� .. !i i fig L 4. Is the applicant a citizen of the United States? ves - Both {:i t i z ens vv f _' -`) it l�>Ji` -'3': IT. ' �G1Y ;; -f• !�!` _ +,1 `,•)fT ^, .: iY 1:L�?i> .^.r� 0���p .� _ _ 2—q1 -. If naturalized state date and place of naturalization ti, i;� 1f�7,tr:s� i i�oold axlyd f) - If a corporation, or partnership, state citizenship status of all officers or partners. A l'x.> - ;aibfiud to :sn•rro " o eno•ii;bn r,-,., c, ;� na ^' -;R .11 a Y cf:raf,1Tggz fill "r '10 if`JO'ti °s , T^.f(w0 usf{ - .� ��f �`.i . ^'[nnif�t'7 V! ';f7r,' =:l ''f - r,f�'f J l • -.�., -.,Tt r7%1 .Slt r6:*c,The- :person who executes; this; application- shallYgive-_wif& &or huaband,'s' full riamd'and address' �' '� "r Jane 14--,Bar-fuss, 3720 Rustic,Place,.St. Paul Widow 6. What occupations: have applicant and associates in this application followed for the past five years? 'Exclusive Liquor Store _.J.4 `if —A — _ - At t 8- 11J11 �ff,•�i a, n'�. j �r _'- in" t.. -t ,� .f v. •.._ .T� - 'r ¢ i.n 1' 7[v '1J, 7. If a partnership, state name and address of each member of partnership 'Carl A. Bar-fuss -.3720 Rustic .P1ace,..St.I, Paul, Minn. , �J J ., v, - J.., .:S>i 1..J -:lr. J• 1. 1.. .. �..al 111 -... +.- J..". ".> 4... ../ a a.J., .. ..,___., .V1 i 826 W. 'Nebraska AtQe., St.:Paul, Minn. -1loij civ ^ r ^'.i ; to h y ^x'rroo 0 .`i• it ivrer, T,