194969ORIGINAL TO CITY -CLRK Co Winkel Council File No. 194969 —By Adrian P. 194969 Winkel - CITY OF ST. P FOREST STREETrf om East afid Seventh ICIL NO Street to Maryland Ave.; grading and OFFICE OF THE CIT paving street, alley and driveway re- turns; reconstructing storm water AIL RE O ION— facilities; reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersect - ing streets where not in conformity with said improvement; constructing 10, conduits and appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems and doing all other work which is neces- sary z! �incidentall to__comoletA 1959 In the matter of regrading and paving FOREST STREET from East Seventh Street to Maryland Ave.; grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; reconstructing storm water facilities; reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; constructing conduits and appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems and doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 191296, approved March 11, 1959, and Revised Final Order C. F. 193786, approved September 1, 1959. Also constructing a storm water relief sewer on Forest Street from Cook Ave. to Case Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. 191868, approved April 16, 1959, and Final Order C. F. 193785, approved September 1, 1959. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, for the above named improvements be and the same are hereby approved and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on these improvements. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland rxmu.L I,i"Sun VT F"ff_ 9-n Favor Rosen (Lj Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 OJD.8 DEC 101959 Adopted by the Council 19 DEC 10 1959 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO• PRESENTED E NER Winkel DATE December 10, 1959 In the utter of regrading and paving FOREST STREET from East Seventh Street to Maryland Ave.; grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; reconstructing storm water facilities; reconstructing the pawing, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; constructing condults and appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems and doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to 40*1ete said Imiprovement# under Preliminary Order C. F. 191296, approved March 11. 1959. and Revised final Order C. F. 193786, approved September 1. 1959. Also constructing a storm water relief sewer on Forest Street from Cook Ave. to Case Ave.. under Preliminary Order C. R. 191868, approved April 16. 19591 and final Order C. F. 193785, approved September 1, 1959. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, for the above named improvemments be and the same are hereby approved and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on these Improvements. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland s Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7-59 Ows In Favor �.J Against �b 1 DEC 10 Adopted by the Council 19 DEC 101959 Approved 19 Mayor