09-1326City of St. Paul RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIHING "I'IME OF HEARING THEREON COUNCIL FILE NO. -- ���(p B U,11i File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for �5 J0908B (108774) Emergency boazding and securing and/or boazding ofvacant building during August, 2009. J0906E (108775) Summary abatement for excessive consumption of inspection services for property code violations billed during June 9, 2009 to July 14, 2009. J0909P 7, 2009 J0921A 14, 2009. J0919G (108776) Summary abatement (graffiti removal) on private properties during September 30 to October (108777) Summary abatement (property clean-up) on private properties during October 3, to October (108778) Providing weekly garbage hauling services during October 7 to October 14, 2009. The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council hauing considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLV ED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 17th day of Februaiy, 2010 at the hour of 5 30 P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Chartez, stating in said notice the time and place ofhearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed agai��i��r lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC � 12D09 Yeas Bostrom Car[er Harris Helgen Lantry Stark Thune ✓ � ✓ ✓ '� Nays � Absent d Adopted by the Council Date: /02����0, Certified Passed by t BY: __ ,; Mayor: Council Secretary DEC 21 2D69 �. �- !- 5- l d � �- - �-� �- �D � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � ���� DepartrnentlOffice(Council: Date Initiffied: FS -Financial5erv�ces 05NOV2009 Green Sheet NO: 3087457 ContaM Person & PKone: DePartment Sent To Person InitiaVDate Lynn M0.Sef� � 0 mauc7al Servica L n Moser 266-8851 �� 1 onnc� M Erickson Assign Z i Clerk Ci C7erk tdust Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number For Routing Doe. Type:OTHER (DOESNT FITANY ��d� � CATEGORI� � E-Dxument Required: Y � Document ContacY. I(im Ranweiler . ConpM Phone: 26G8856 � ToWI � of Signature Pages _(Clip Af{ Locatiais for Signature) Action Requested: Set date of public hearing and approve assmts for emergency boazd. and securing and/or boazding of vac. bldgs. during Aug. 2009; Summ abate for excessive consumption of inspec. seiv. during June 9, 2009 to July 14, 2009; Summ. abate. during Sept. 30 to Oct. 7, 2009; Summ. abate. during Ock 3 to Oct. 14, 2009 and weekly gazbage hauling during Oct. 7 to Oct. 14, 2009. File No.'s J0908B, J0906E Jo4tr9P, 3�4aiA �D9�9G Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a conUact forthis departmenl? CIB Committee Yes No C'rvil Service Commission 2- Has this personJfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current aty employee? Yes No E�lain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attacfi to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their properry is not kept up. The City is required by City code to clean up the properiy and cUazge the p[opeYry owner for the clean up. Advanqges If Approved: . Cost recovery prograzus to recover expenses for snmmary abatement, grass cutting; towing of abandoned vehicles, demolirions, . gazbage hauling and boazdings-up. Disadvantages If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: � If Council dces not approve [hese charges general fund would be required to pay the assessment. Total Amourh of Transadion: $7$ CosURevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity Number: ,_ Financial Information: (Explain) 302 property owners will be no6fied of the public hearing and chazges. November 5, 2009 2:37 PM Page 1