194915ORIGINAL-TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM TF COUNCIL . 1949 5 FILE N . RESOLVED, that Darling Imports be permitted to place four flags in sockets already installed in the sidewalk in front of its place of business at No. 760 Grand Avenue, said Darling Imports, or its successors in interest, as a condition for such permit, to provide a certificate of insurance with the City named as one of the insured, holding the City harmless from any and all claims arising out of the use of the aforesaid sockets for the purpose of displaying the above mentioned flags, such certificate of insurance to be in the sum of $59000.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 6M 4-59 Q§W8 0 Council File No. 194915 —By Adrian p Winkel - permitteddio place Dour gags in orts be sockets IfrontdOf installed t Place of the business atk No. . 760 Grand Avenue, said Darling Im- ports, or its successors in interest, as a condition for such permit, to ,provide a certificate of insurance with the city named as one of the insured, a dull c aimsitarising outs of the use of the aforesaid sockets for the pur- pose of displaying the above mentioned flags, such certificate of insurance to be in the sum of 85,000.00. Adopted by the Council December 8, 1959. Approved December 8, 1959. (December 12, 1959) DEC 81959 Adopted by the Council 19 DEC 8 1959 Approved 19 { r Mayor 1 GEORGE M. SHEPARD Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner 234 City Hall & Court House .8 June 29, 1959 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel 316 City Hall Dear Mr. Sheahan: Transmitted, herewith, are photo copies of letters and memos pertaining to the request of Darling Imports for permission to place four flags.in sockets already installed in the sidewalk in front of their place ,6f business at 760 Grand Avenue. This department has no objection to the request and I, therefore, request that you arrange for the necessary council action including such liability insurance requirements as you may consider necessary. Yours very truly, Adrian lZell'd Commissioner of Public Works APFT /n j attach. cc: A. W. Tews E. V. Avery im Wa Y "'' JIM 31" CORPORATION COUNSEL ARTHUR W. TEWS Chief Engineer r I, I DEPARMEW OF PUBUC WOWS OF THE eff OF .U. PAOL IHM- OFFICE COMMUNICATION .mss as, 26, 1959 »e. as To 40ft9 city CC Dow G"ea is jply to the porsit for the placing of in tW ssAvo4k an& loeatod at T60 Grund, requested by Darling s. On eboaklM this location, era find that tbs W" for the 9uw iltan9e►Ao are two fact, six im b2s from-face CC and 1A trmt of tbair bulldlM. pim on placing fair eottan flap. t11V8 b7 fivQ, sxi a oft 4 eight feet high. fts ally objfttim $ rW to tj" is that ao uada mtbor hLve tha" polS appraui- mmstay eiskt4ffift is s ft tiro cub, but that boing already Is tba sddwo&= I ww2A say it be alrUft- Ttxvo very /-per. Iftart 7 -P, OPME OF CITY CLERK OF RECORDS A& City M*U and Court House SL Pau! 2, Minnesota June 23, 1959 SEFM L OWNEW City clerk " HAROLD J. WOM Coons" KWWrd*r Bon. Adrian P1, WiWml Omer. of Public Work4s Building Dear Sir: The City CqL=il referred to you the attached request of Darling Imports for permit to place four flags (2 American and 2 French) on sidewalk in proper sockets which are already in place in front of their place of business at 760 Grand Ave. Very truly y 0 CL� City Clerk AM 24 In SITY OF S, A I N T: P A VL M 114, N E S 0 T A 2)"Uaf IMA"& 760 Grand Avenue Saint Paul 5, Minnesota CApItal 4-3829 June 19# 1959 S� Kr F City council a/e"Oity Clark 086 City Hall Saint Paul 2.1 Minnesota Qentleneenl Ve have been advised by the Public Works office +,Oat a j 0 &I-Enall Out be issued by the City Council before plaj it ie possible for as to place Your (4) rlap (2 leericma and are already in place in front at our place of business located at 760 Grand Avenue. We understand that ve vw1d be required to provide Special Liability Insurance. Your consideration an this matter at this time vin be greatly appreciated. Yours very truly If IV 'Burling Iqw =A A .0. Dar14 S, M .7' Lr. ac OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn., November 1�, 1959 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Highland Cleaners for permit to operate a Dry Cleaning Drive -in Pickup Station on the southwest corner of St. Clair and Cleveland Aves. -- Lots 5 and 6, Black 1, Louden Park, and that a public hearing will be held in theT-ouncil Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Buiiding on November 27, 1959',, in the City of St. 'Paul; at 10:00, o clock A.M. • r a File 14696 9 MRS. DONALD M. DeCOURCY 'dW8 Commissioner of ,-Finance. The City Charter requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance.