194910ORIGINAL To CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. OFFICE OF THE C COUNCIL RESOLUTIO Council File No. 194910 —By Adrian P. Winkel — Whereas, Hearings were held on April 23, 1958, and on July 9, 1958, by the Minnesota Highway Department concerning the routing of Interstate Highway No. 392, since designated as Trunk Highway No. 94, from the St. Croix River westward into the City of St. Paul and skirting the Central Busi- ness District, and Whereas, The City Council and the Planning Board of the City of St. Paul have approved the continuance of the present route of Trunk Highway No. 77 ..in.- Jh.r.,,_,aa..{�f^. 11:t �31a'..-lQr ---Fj' ` IL NO 194910 WHEREAS hearings were held on April 23, 1958, and on July 9, 1958, by the Minnesota Hi way Department concerning the routing of Interstate Highway No- 392, since design ted as Trunk Highway No. 94, from the St. Croix River westward into the City of Paul and skirting the Central Business District, and WAFRFAS the City Council and the Planning Board of the City of St. Paul have approve the continuance of the present route of Trunk Highway No. 12 in-the City of St. aul for such widening, reconstruction and interchange construction as is necess to bring it to the Interstate Freeway standards for Trunk Highway No- 392, the City Council having adopted Resolution Council File No. 188278, approved Jul 9, 1958, in this connection, and WHEREAS commercial and residential development is taking place continuously along the ro to of present Trunk Highway No. 12 within the City of St. Paul, making it necess that a decision as to Interstate Route No. 392 be made by the Minnesota Highway Dep ent in the near future and that adequate right -of -way lines be established so that present development and building construction not be interfered with by fut a highway expansion; therefore, be it location -of the City of as Trunk Hi; right- of -wa, Interstate FURTHE the acquisi- Parks and R I uilding pe; i, That the Commissioner of Highways be requested to designate the resent Trunk Highway No. 12, otherwise ]mown as the Hudson Road, in t. Paul, as the route for Interstate Highway No. 392, since designated way No. 94, and proceed with the acquisition of critical parcels of necessary for the expansion and enlargement of the present route to andards; and be it RESOLVED, That pending such designation o� the Interstate route and ion of right -of -way by the Highway Department, that the Department of creation and Public Buildings be authorized and instructed to withhold nits within such areas to be acquired. COUNCILME Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, D' lon 5M 7 -59 8 Favor J Against '0EC S 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 DEC 8 9959 Approved 19 Mayor