194885Council File No. 194885 —By Bernard T. Holland— Severin A. Mortinson- Robert F. Peterson — J94885 OC IGINAL TO CITY CLERK the persons nhat licenses applied for by CITY OF S to this resolut o e be and the are I ENCIL NO. hereby granted and the City Clerk is OFFICE OF THE instructed to issue such licenses upon the Payment into the City treasury of LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTIO the required fees. �_ Adopted by the Council Decerrrkbpr- -q- PRESENTED � 1958. --+.� -•......,.-.. -...- I NER DATE Dec. 3, 1959 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for,by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Mary Brutico 796 E. 7th Restaurant App.3832NewOldI It 11 Cigarette 11 It 11 11 1 Jerry MacRae 192 E. 7th TV Repair 11 993:1 newt' 1 Serv. Andrew S. Lentsch 262-4 University Restaurant 11 4002" Old" 11 " Cigarette 11 " 11 11 0 The Three Bears, Inc. 1061 University Restaurant 11 419811 Newt It Cigarette 11 11 If 11 11 Gene T. Betz 405 S. Wabasha Photographer " 4397" " ' Luther Seminary Coffee Shop 2375 Como Restaurant " �• Toni Corp. Lindeke Bldg, VM Loc. .� Robert E. Fischer 718 S. Cleveland Lerner Shop 1536 University " " 4712" If 11 John B. Mauer, Inc. 141 -5 W. 6th " " 4713" 11 11 Andrews Knitting Mills Finch Bldg. 366 Wacouta 11 11 474$11 11 111 Corning Donahue, Inc. 1258 Donahue VM Loc. 11 4756" Old" Jennings Barge Lines 434 Upper Levee Rd." 11 4773" New" KSTP, Inc. 2707 University f1 11 4776" 11 11 Kenosha Auto Transport 23815 Ellis 11 11 4777" 11 " Price Electric Co. 371 Sibley 11 " 4787" 1' 11 Rod's Marine Boats & Outboards 199 E. 7th 11 It 47,9911 It 11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19 Mortinson Peterson Tn Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel A gainst Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 8 OF{IGINAL TO CITY CLERK ( q� • _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENCIL NO. OT' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE. COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Dec. 3 1959 COMMISSIONER DATE Contd. Page 2 St. Paul Armory 389 N. Exchange VM Loc. App.4790NewNew] St. Paul Aerie #33 113 University 'I 11 479211 11 St. Paul Car Checking Co. 139 E. 11th " It 479311 11 Donald Soete State Office Bldg. " If 479911 " Cyrus Thome 27 S. Wheeler Gas Sta. 4P 11 4822" Old Virgil D. Schaaf Construction Co. 478 N. Prior Pr. Gas P. " 4815" " Torit Mfg. Co. 1133 Rankin Cigarette " 4845" % Gould National Battery Co. 931 Vandalia 11 11 485311 New Mid - Central Petroleum, Inc. 874 White Bear Gas Sta. 2P 11 4867" Old' Eldon Gustin 1580 Grand Cigarette " 4882" New' David A. Enochson 1823 Grand 11 11 488311 11 1 Cyrus Thome 27 S. Wheeler Gen. Rep. Gar. " 4864" Old' " If Cigarette 11 " 11 11 1 George Fortuna 72 N. St. Albans Foot Peddler " 4920" New B.F. Goodrich Co. 1685 University Cigarette 11 49211' Old' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 8 i In Favor 5 tl Against DEC 3 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 Approved DEC, 31959 19 v Mayor 3PiJBLIS �s