194874council File No. 194874— ��� a whereas, A written proposal for the 74 making of the following improvement, viz.: Improving BURNS AVENUE Earl Street to 257 feet east of the from lncil File No ......................... east line of Griffith Street by regrading, , PROPOSAL F curbing and paving the same with con- ] Crete base and asphaltic' concrete sur- facing; by grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; by recon- structing walk nhetpaving, a tersectlinganstrleets where not in conformity with said ini j by constructing sewerPRELIM �provement; water and gas service connections where necessary; by constructing storm — — water, d -1--I The undersigned proposesth_ emakingofthefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: n la�provi;ng ti_N.S AV NtJ�`.frosa' art' treat to 57`faet aast d the east: -line oi�' w `" gri"ff th Street b a �adis>g; '.curb.ia ` - .q. 1 . -,..y r g g..arid.pav�'ng .they �+une >,wi_tai.:coacrnte•�ba�e- and------ - - - - -- ti',c ccincr ®te surfacing; by grading ,end paving street, alley and driveway returns ; -•by•- reconstruct :-i,ng•ther- •pav-ing; -curbing-tindjsidewalkt'd'ii "thd i'iite ectTrig'" streets .where, not In conforml ty, with said Improvement; by constructlpg.• sewer:, _ mater end °'gaa "sarvice': connect- ioiis` "�r�here'riecessary by gonstructUng storm ;water drainage faci 1 it;kes;.afld „•bj �doi.ag, �a] 1:• otf_�er..wgrk�.necassary and _incidental Ito complete'sald- improvemaht. —cil 'l PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: lea rov tnq 't3tiMtN °Ayi 0u'Eriro� -s~e t 5t + ►t 2 Pset�,so .d the east' l ine 6r`i fftt t � ragridli g : curie .n�.r yd” ing - �w�ia`'With :� -000te base aaEPhalitic. cesnc�at�..:aur In ... Y,. 9 dilYg.. . �ay.alg t.raat.- altoy.,and -driveway returns; by recpne ruct i ng the 'paving, curbing, and sidewalks' on the Inter, oect 1 fig streets where- -hot irf -coil rsiit 'vi tt�• -seid °t�proveraant= by cons,firucting sewer; �vatsr end Ass, servi rle Xforls e!�t' °�r�dterrc�ssdjary , ogstructing atar� ,water drainage .... ...._ fade i �tles d do4ng' ai }' ot'ngC work neco;%ipry ,and ln(slddpte(• to 'co�apl:e�te s,ald ; ____ RESOLVEDDThat the; Cqmtlissioner oC Puhlic Worl.s i~e and is hereby ordered and directed. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish 'a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. C To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. DEC 3 1959 Adopted by the Council- ......................................... YEAS NAYS 6 /0 Councilman QFXilbYdi3i;X DeCourcy xXlcilEaftlt7 - HOLLAND XV01Y lfr)E,Y Winkel MORTINSON PETERSON MR. PRESIDENT DILLON 3000 7-54 °'® r- Approved. DEC - 3.1959 ..................... ._••• -•-- •••--•— ............ ....... ___---- ....•_---• --• --• - - ..._._..._ — Mayor.