194824Original to City Cleric , ORDIN PRESENTED BY An ordinance amending Or Council File No. 194824 — Ordinance No 11637 —By Robert F. Peterson, by re- quest— An ordinance amending Ordinance 194824 No. 32503, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating, NO. to the Civil Service Bureau of the City ' of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor," approved August 20, 1914, as amended. I NO. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: .ia]ic e o ��0 y ; entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of ,Saint Paul, approving and a46pting rules and regulations therefor, It approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250., approved August Z0, 1914,, as amended, be and, the same is. hereby further amended by striking out of Section 35 F 2 the words flSe.ction 1411, and by substituting in lieu thereof the words "Section, 8G11. Section. 2. That said ordinance, as amended, he and the same is hereby further amended by striking out where they appear in ,Section 6 the following titles.: Assistant Cashier - - Finance Assistant Chief of Police -- Detective Division Assistant Chief of Police -- Uniformed Division Assistant Civil Engineer -- General Assistant Civil Engineer -- Water Assistant Storekeeper -- Schools Cashier -- Finance Chief Cashier -- Finance Chief Clerk -- Receipts and Disbursements Chief Timekeeper -- Public Works Cook - Manager- - School Cafeterias Fire Prevention Inspector -- Electrical Foreman -- Public Works Junior Manager -- School Cafeterias Librarian -- Extension Librarian- -Main Library Medical Exa.miner-- Aurist Medical Examiner -- General {� Medical Examiner -- Oculist Medical Examiner -- Orthopedist 4 ` { Medical Examiner -- Pediatrist - : Medical Examiner -- Psychiatrist Medical Examiner -- Roentgenologist (continued) Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved : Attest: Aot� City Clerk Mayor 1M 12 -57 . s 14 Original to City Clerk a PRESENTED BY f ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. -2- Nurse Supervisor -- Schools Nurse Supervisor - -T. B. Division Paymaster --Finance enlor Foreman -- Public Works Shop: Supervisor -- Parks and Playgrounds Storekeeper- -Parks Department Storekeeper -- Paving Plant Storekeeper -- School Repair Shop Storekeeper -- School Supplies Storekeeper -zVoting Machines' Stores, Clerk - - School Cafeterias. Stores Record Clerk- -Public Safety-Repair Shop Supervising Librarian -- Business and Technology Supervising Librarian -- Circulation .Supervising Librarian,6- Extension .Supervising Librarian —Fine .Arts and Audip- Visual Supervising Librarian -- Reference Supervising Librarian. -- School Services Supervising Librarian Technical Services Supervis.or of Building Maintenance and Repair -- s Parks and Playgrounds Supervisor of Ground Maintenance -- Parks and Playgrounds Supervis,or' of Women's. Division (Civil Defense) Utility Foreman -- Playgrounds an4 by substituting. in lieu thereof the following titles, respectively: R- Assistant Ca shier -- Financ'E Department Assistant Chief of Police (Detective Division) - - Assistant Chief of Police (Uniformed Division) Assistant Civil Engineer (General) Assistant Civil Engineer- -Water Department Assistant Storekeeper (Schools.) Cashier -- Finance Department Chief Cashier-- Finance Department Chief Clerk (Receipts and Disbursements) Chief Timekeeper -- Public Works Department Cook - Manager (School Cafeterias) Fire Prevention Inspector (Electrical) Foreman. - - Public Works Department Junior Manager (School Cafeterias) Librarian (Extens.ion) Librarian (Main Library) Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -57 8 Nays (continiq, ed) Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor 194824 In Favor Against A Original to City Clerk JI PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. .94824 -3- Medical Examiner (Attxist) Medical. Examiner', (General) Medical Examiner (Oculist) Medical Examiner (Orthopedist) Medical Examiner (Pediatrist) . Medical Examiner (Psychiatrist) Medical Examiner (Roentgenologist) Nurse Supervisor Schools)` Nurse Supervisor T. B. Division),.',',. Paymaster - -- Finance Department j Senior Foreman- -Public Works Department Shop Supervisor- -Parks and Recreation Storekeeper- -Parks and Recreation Storekeeper (Paving Plant) Storekeeper, (School Repair Shop) Storekeeper (School Supplies.) ;+ ,Storekeeper (Voting Machines) Stores Clerk (School Cafeterias) Stores Record Clerk (Public SafetfRdpair' Shop) Supervising Librarian. (Busi.a�ess, and-T`echnology) Supervising Librarian (Circulation), Supervising Librarian (Extension), Supervising Librarian (Fine Arts ,and Audio - Visual) `. Supervising Librarian (Reference)`- Supervising Librarian. (School'Services) i Supervising Librarian (Technical, Services) Supervisor of Building Maintenance and Repair - Parks and Recreation Supervisor of Ground Maintenance - -Parks and Recreation Supervisor of Women's Division -- .Civil Defense - - Utility Foreman -- Parks ,,and Recrea -fiori 'Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out where they appear in Section 7 (3 I the- following titles: Carpenter Foreman (Fire Dept. Cus.todian- Engineer -- Municipal Stadium Painter' Foreman (Fire Department) t . _ k - Property Man ,Supervisor of Methods and Material -- Schools• and by substituting in lieu thereof the following titles, respectively: Carpenter Foreman- -Fire Department Custodians- Engineer (Municipal Stadium) Painter Foreman- -Fire Department Pr ope rtyman Supervisor of Methods and Materials- (Schools) Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) • Approved: Attest: City Clerk 1M 8 -59 ,s Mayor Original to city cleric 1 94824 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. -4- Section 4. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 8. A 6, the following titles: Foreman — Public Works. Supervisor of Building Maintenance and Repair- - Parks. and Playgrounds and substituting in lieu thereof the- following titles, respectively: Foreman -- Public Works Department Supervisor of Building Maintenance and Repair- - Parks and Recreation Section 5. This- ordinance shall take effect and be in, force: from and after Janutary 1, 1960. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) ' Attes z City Clerk 1 2_69 8 Approved: pEC 16 'i959 Passed by theleQolunc>> 1 In Favor I Against Approved • DEC 16 1959 Mayor iu OR D I N A,Nt, 4TED BY OIRDtbIE NO. rt. An ordi —ace amending Ordinance Nor 3150, andtled: • �. {air. � ttAa adsainistrative ordinance rislating to the Civil Service' T B i. rep au of the City at ,Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules ; and regulatiows therefor," app -nvc-1 August 20, 1914, as amended. 1 THE COUNCIL OF THIS CITT OF .SAINT PAUL DOSS ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1 q 14 a amended, be and tke same is aersby fartier amended by striking aut of Section 35 F 2 the wards "Section 14K, and by substituting in lieu T �. • e ^i t to words t1Section SGt'. Section 2. What said ordinance, as amended, be and the same :e ►.P -,-by further amended by striking out where they appear in Section 6 11r !c 1 ;v%ing titles: Assistant Caskier-- Finance Assistant Chief of Police -- Detective Division Assistant Chief of Police -- Uniformed Division Assistant Civil Engir ee r - -Ger a ral Assistant Civil Emgiaser- -Water Assistant Storekeeper — Schools Ca sW.ar-- Finaac e Cti.ef Cashier- Finance Chief C1!" rk-- Ke.:eipts ".d D- .eb;.= sements Chief Timekeep ' r -- pudic Wo -• .ors Cook- Maragar- Sc.tcol Cafe: #,ras Fire P- veztion Inape� tar—Electrical Foreman- -public Works Junior Manager -- School Cafeterias Librarian - -paten lion I.Abrarian—Main Library Medical Examiner-- Aurist Medical Eia=niner-- 3jemersJ Medical ExAniiner -- Oculist �t•dical Lrzsminer-- O--itmkope&at: S i' ' riximai to City Clerk R i ORDINANCE . COUNCIL RILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Nurse 3q%rvisor-- acksols Nurse Sapervispr• - -To Be Division Paymaster-- Fiaainc e Senior FarwwAnee -Public work Shop Supervisor- -P=rim and Playgrounds Storekeeper- -Parks Departmest Storekeeper- Paving Plant Storskeeper--Scioal Repair Sk.op Storekeeper -- School Supplies Storekeeper -- Voting lKaehlars Stores Clerk-- Sckool Cafeterias Stores Record Clark--Public- Safety Repair Skop Supervising Librarian- Buaiaess and Tec wolot- Sapervisisi Liirariaa -- Circulation Supervising Librarian-- Zzteasioa Supervising Libxa.rian - °Fue Arts and As&*- Yistiaal S"rvisiag Librarian -- Reference SapervisiA# Librarian -- School Services S:rparvising So- ices . supervisor of N%Uding Maintenance and Repair- - Parks and Playgrounds Supervisor of Ground I&Lintenance -- Parks and Playgr. oszds Sspervisor of Women's Divisisa (Civil Defesse) Utility Foreman-- Playgrsands a.r d by substitatisg in List thereof the fol ,ew►iag titles, respectively: Assistant Cashier-- Finsace Departu&snt Assistant Giief ai.Pslics Detective Division) Adsistant Okief of Police (Uiiforanod Divisim) Assistant Civil lbgineer (General) Assistant Civil Easineeree -avatar Do*artnLmt A�tlatas�t �w Cashier- *iiaaaae Department Chia f Cashier-- Irtwmce Departaaant Chd Cleft (Receipta and Diabimsen alts) Chi ad Tiaykeepor -- Public Works Departnumt CAit- Manager (School Cafeterias) Fier pre*watiea mspsator (Zlectrical) Forewu m --Ptblic Works Departamsat Manager (,School Cafeterias) 'k I � t s y j 7 r6.V-11 A. cio rwft ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE N6.—, -F.NTED BY ORDINANCE NO.- Medical Examiner (Aurist) Medical Exan2imer (Genera.]) Medical Examnimer (Or-%Iiatj Medical Zmaminer rtkapedist) t? Medical ZxLnxiA*r ediatri at) rpPsyckiatrist) Medical mmiaer Jb Medical Epamixer aeutgemelegist) Nurse 9apervisor (Schools) Naro• gapezvisor (T. be Divisim) P!Lym&atet--ri&&xce DwArtment 'Umior rommman--Public Works Departmumt Shop SupwrvU am --Parks an.d Rocrettioa sterekeever--parks &wd Itec•eation Storekeeper (Paving Plant) Starakeepe• xckaol Repair skap) storekeeper School Supplies) Storekeeper iyetiag Mackin*$) Stores Clark (School C;afeto Stores &*Cori Clerk (P"U4=atT x4 r &4) swervuJag LAblyarian Basiz*em and -r*dA*Logy) Z. ampervising Liumriaz Cizeww000 Ub"rim a sb Pis* Ajft mM mly, Ag Timm at 2*10ig Pal" AWA left A f 4i 4 lit 40 4. -'A �4 1c, 4z t? 41, 4 I K, WfnW W. Nuldwt (11pon) 17 IM, VIP A ;' 44, I0 orialmal 06 CA* cwt ORDINANCE .. PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FM I NO, ORDIN►N= 140.—� Section 4. Iftt said ardboace, as amiam&4 be md Ae samm is Lereby furtkar ammaded b7 strtkftg out of Seed4m 6 JL & Om faleving, titles: Foremen—PuWc Works Super-door qd Building Maintemoce and Rapdr.- Parks md PtaygremmAs and sa►stituting in lieu dmm4W do following titles,, r Foxe xm&—Pv&Uc Works 13*"rtm—t 9"erviow of — )&"xt4mAKCM A" SAMpair- Parks and Rocroaaest S*ctieK S. TWA ordiamaco stall take affect &ad bo to feme f and after Jaav^" 10, 1940. Yeas Councilmen Nan DeODurc y Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: C16, CMA 1 N 11-67 I Anrov*44 Civil &;;G4 sinner 0 Pawd b7 do O mfi � Faroe DEC i� X59 mww is 2n Laid over to 3rd and app dopt v Yeah Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland _hiortinme,16- PdAueff Rosen Winkel DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel esident` Dilloli Mr. President Dillon residcl, i