194809Council File No. 194809 —By Milton' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - �. -4 a' 4 Rosen— 1_94809 _ Tv Whereas, The Board of Water Com -'; V - CITY 1 OF ST missioners by its resolution d t d NO• f November 27, 1959, . a certified copy l FFICE OF THE whereof is filed with the City Clerk l and by this reference is embodied COU L RESOLUTION herein, verbatim, the atim, 'ap roved and au- of Court for the Third Judicial tDistrict ED BY at Anoka, of the Sum Total Amount ;STONE Rosen Report o set ou t by the Commissioners appointed by the Court ' .( DpCk_ Pxy- I, �IldSwt [•:rca..9_.9��_.•. -,.p =o. W9ERM, The Board. of Water Commissioners by its resolution adapted November 27, 1959.9 a certified copy whereof is filed with the City Clerk and by this reference is embodied herein, verbatim, approved and authorized the payment Into the Clerk of Court for the Third Judicial District, at Anoka, of the Sum Total Amount of $4060.00 damages set out in the Report of Appraisers filed by the Commissioners appointed by the Court (Docket 19045).to assess said damage with respect to the taking, appropriation and condemnation of certain lands required for the MISSIS- SIPPI RIVER CONDUIT NO. ,,2 Extension of the -Waterworks System of the City of Saint Paul; and -e- " WHEREAS, Said Board in its said resolution also approved and authorized the pay= meet of the fees of said Commissioners for their services In the performance of the duties assigned them in said proceedings, according to the.Order of the Court dated 10 November 1959, as follows, to witt To Francis N. Shaffer, the sum of $100.00 To Carl E. Erickson, the sum of . . . 100000 To Martin Laska, the sum of 100.00; NON, T10REFORE,. BE IT 1ZESOLVED, That said action of the Board of -Mater Commissioners-hereby is approved and ratified and that said sum total amount of the damage award of $,360.00 and said fees of $100.00 for each of said three Commissioners as compensation for their services in this matter, all shall be and hereby are approved and authorized to be paid, all said payments to be made out of the WATER FUND 23 -B. 2 z.- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Favor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon„ 5M 5.58 2 NOV 2? �5. 9 Adopted by the Council 19— NOV 2 7 1959 Approved 19— 1`jofs Z19" CITY OF ST. PAUL No r OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMIS 1ONERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Mrs. Dgqnnald M. Decmrcy 1@f l COMMISSIONER tori Rerii Adrian nkel DATE November 27. 1959 =3j, The Board of rator Commissioners by its resolution adoptad 21 'P4Y 1950 did approve and anthorite .a prweodings, in cmin©nt dowin for the takdng, appropriation arA eondmation of cortain ids raw ad for tho UMXSSIPPT RIVER CD == 110. 2 Exteviolon of the Wate r- oorkoa' ftotem of the City of Salft Paula, said IwAsg bolM locatod in the CdLmty of Anoka W d mre particularly described and bet forth in plat and attasc dents filodl in the offloo of tba lgQgistor of Doody in and for tbo County of Anoka, 28 My 1901 andp TME1WA9a - Thm Co+ MII of the City of Saint Pa a$ by its resolution approwd 27 May 1958 (0. P. 187637) did approve said action of the Bard Pad said extaasion of tbo l aterw rko 8yetom and authorized the aequiettion of tha necessary lands required the rofor, as afore - saido and MOMS$ Tho Board having boon unablo to agora with the owwro thoroof with respect to tho, damago wbioh could be oaaatoned with zuspoot to certain tracts of 'had binds by mason, of said taking, appropriation nid condemat� thonoof, It boo nadeasary to prosecuto said proaoedings Frith retest sold certain tracts of said 1wdsi and Rt Commissioners VoM appointed by trio 'Court (Docket 19045) to assess the damage, uUth tho odors of or persons int6reated in said Lands proposod to be #fin or any other puns may sustain by reason of the taking of said lam or''by roasort of the constrwtion or woo or oporati.on of sea% rliaterworks System, and add Cvnmi.sssioners did mko and on the 8th da�r, of October 1959 dial file a Report of sppraUero roaounting their eatlmtes arA awrarde of said d=ae with rospoot, to each of said cortdin tracts of said l,anda, as. fonews, to wit a To the 0mord or Owner of Tract I$, in the sum and to tho amount of $ 600.00 To tho 0mora or Oeaner of Tract 5A, in the s= and to the amount of 1b.w To Via b ore or Omwr of Tract 10,, in tho sum and to tho omoeunt of 22500.00 To tho Omore or Oar of Ttacit 5k, in the am and to the amount of 900*OD To tho (mera or {hnc* of Tract 5% in the sum and to tho ammut of 350.00 To tba Sum Total Ammut of . . ♦ i . . . $4060000s and MERW, TW Court in and by its Ordor datod 10 Nooembor 1959 esMd Vith and OrdctO3 tbo paywnt at rid COMMUslMrst foos for their aorvicds In the po rformmaca of the dutioa asa3pad thorn 'in ,mod prQco0d , as follows to Arita To Francis N -., Sharfeor,, the aum of ► .. To Carl E� Zrickson, tho sum of .. . . . . .. MOD To Lartin Ia0kas the am of . * ... . . . .. 1W.00; nay,, THMMREO, M tr CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED BY THE UARD OF WATER CMUMSI4JNFR -s That said antds of damao and ado Comdedionaral fees reoitoa hominabovo are doomod satiefaotory and woptdUo in tha pmmlwa ond th4 tho saw shall be and they hareby om approved in ovory pWt1m ar and, that cad 14,,360,.0:0 v=total =qmt of tho said amn-da of -said dawge by paid into the Cif of the. Diataiot Court for tbo fibird ,Judicial District, at Azaoka, fok di atrfttU* and payment- to , ft OM WO or Omor of abovo said Tract 1, Tarhot gip. Tract 40, Tract 5A am Troot 5B CC said lanfto to each as his Ingot ther6in MY appear; Ord, that Gomdosiaow ra FrorwAs ado, Sharer Carl' no 19ridicson and 3 tin twkA cach boi paid the sum of V10000$ as oforosaid3 wA,f A r YWHSR R93,0XXMp Than the honoxthle City Counell be r<qm0ted to aWrove and ratify thU aetion of tho'Doard of Wato r Conaasianors' and to ap&ovo and autho�rlte the pa pants afotoaai4} Ai staid pa►ymonto to bo made • out of tbG W`ATM FM 23-B. State of Minnesota) County of` Ramsey ss. City of Saint Paul; fI, C:.A. Fla*, Assistant Secretary of the Board of'Plater Commissioners, of the City of saint, Paul, do hereby certify that I have compared the above copy of a resolution of the said Board as adopted by the Board on November 27, 1959, with the original thereof on file in my office and that said copy 'is a true and correct copy of .said original and the whole thereof. Witness the ,seal-of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul this 27th .day of February A. D. 19590!, Ass s tant Secretary Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays DeCourcy ovemt` 2 •' 195 Winkel Pres. Rosen i In favor -3.— Opposed 0 Isl C. A. Flack 8 �t ASST. SECY. 1M 11 -58 1