194801,._ORI,Q.INAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. OFFICE OF THE C UNCIL RESOLUTION Council File No. 194801 —By Joseph E. Dillon, mayor. Resolved, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby awards to the Legal Ledger, Inc., the contract for I Printing and publishing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, during the year 1960, all ordinances and resolutions or [[F abstracts thereof, and other proceed- ings Crter and resolution or ordinance FF of the City Council to be published in a daily newspaper printed in English, including resolutions of the Board of { Education _,or ,abstracts thereof . a a 194801 "- NO. RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby awards to the Legal Ledger, Inc.., the contract for printing and publishing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, during the year 1960, all ordinances and resolutions or abstracts thereof, and other proceedings and matters required under the Charter or by resolution or ordinance of the City Council to be published in a daily newspaper printed in English, including resolutions of the Board of Education, or abstracts thereof, at a price of One and 14/100 Dollars ($1.14) per folio for the first insertion, forty cents (40¢) per folio for each and every su sequent insertion of the same matter, and forty cents (40¢) per follr tabular matter; also to print and bind in boQk:_form 100. copies of the Proceedings of the Council for 1960, with index to be prepared by the contractor, being 1120 pages, more or less, at a price �. of $3.50 per printed page; also to print and bind in pamphlet form 100 copies of the Administrative and Legislative Code, City of Saint Paul, for 1960, with index to be prepared by the contractor, being 152 pages, more or less., at a price of $3.50 per printed page; and to print and bind 50 copies of the Proceedings of the Board of Education for 1960, with index to-be prepared by the contractor, to be paper bound, at a price of 03.50 per printed page, all in accordance with Formal Bid No. 7870, submitted pursuant to advertisement therefor, said sums to be paid out of the Official Publi- cations Fund, except that publications of the Board of-Education shall be -._paid out of the School Find; be it j FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said Saint Paul Legal Ledger, Inc., be " and is hereby designated as the official paper of the City of Saint Paul for the year beginning January 1, 1960, and until its successor shall have been designated, in which all publications for the year 1960 shall be made; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to prepare proper contract therefor and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19 Mortinson Peterson In Favor Rosen /� �- g, —Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 c Q50,8 /' DUPLICATE TO PRINTER x 94801 FILE - - CITY OF ST. PAUL L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby awards to the Legal Ledger, Inc., the contract for printing and publishing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, during the year 1960, all ordinances and resolutions or abstracts thereof, and other proceedings and matters required under the Charter or by resolution or ordinance of the City Council to be published in a daily newspaper printed in English, including resolutions of the Board of Education, or abstracts thereof, at a price of One and 14/100 Dollrrs 01.14) per folio for the first insertion, forty cents (400) per folio for each and every su sewuent insertion of the sane matter, and forty cents (,400 per foll�T_r tabular matter; also t-) print and bind in po*_f�otm 100 copies of the Proceedings of the Council for 1960, with index to be prep--red by the contractor, being 1120 pages, more or less, at a price of 93.50 per printed page; also to print and bind in pamphlet form 100 copies of the Administrative and Legislative Code, City of Saint Paul, for 1960, with index to be prepared by the contractor, being 152 pages, more or less, at'a price of $3.50 per printed page; and to print and bind 50 copies of the Proceedings of the Board of Education for 1960, with index to be prepared by the contractor, to be paper bound, at a price of $3.50 per printed page, all in accordance with Formal Bid No. 7870, submitted pursuant to advertisement therefor, said sums to be paid out of the Official Publi- cations Fund, except that publications of the Board of Education shall be paid out of the School Fund; be it FURTHFR RESOLVED, that the said Saint Paul Legal Ledger, Inc., be Pnd is hereby designeted as the official paper of the City of Saint Paul for the year beginning January 1, 1960, and until its succesQor shall have been designated, in which all publications for the year 1960 shall be made; be it FLTRTHFI' RF80LVFD, thFt the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to prepare proper contract therefor and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 @W8 fellZ7W Adopted by the Council 19 NOV 27 Approved 19 Tn Favor Mayor �j Against i � A ( _7�_ 'Xil i�£,Axi-01J UY LIUMI L TIF ?o7a any Ci mi k OI E- 14E"]t 10-.00 A. iii. - NOVEMM 2_7, 1959 Rrm,�, #x.860.,, • CHARGE _ & 4 -3, C, F. #191.d,,63 P' - RC{IASING 001VNIT_ + , For 0FFICIAL Pi3B IC'ATIONS of the Proceedings of MIL LEDC-J"M INC.. the City Council, including tie .Board of Education,, did Bond $2000.O0 of the City of Saint P.aU, for the year 1960. t%lt rr For miiltinE and binding in bo•olt fonts 100 Copies of the Proceedings o� the Cis t oiInc.e.l for 1960 nth index (to be prepared by oon'i rac`Lor); being 1320 pages,. more. or les5., PRICE 'Cer page printed,� pages only to be counted . . . , $ 3.50 "B" - For printing and binds mg In p=p611ct form 100 Copies of bdndnist;r Live and Leg alet ve Coda C�ii y of St.. -Paul., for 119608 Vfah index (to be prepa_sed by corjt rQ-otor)j being �5� pages., mom or less, PRICE per page printed, pages gay tbo be counted 3.50 «Cn - "Tor 'printing and bjzd ,ng 50 Copies of the ProceQLings, of the Board of Education for 1960 zfiQ indox to be prep wed by 7� conla.,«ctor; ato be paper b,�o,-,.w -d,. PRICE per page plltued} p3geq may to be cowf,;ed 3.50 19M, OF PAP t . . r . d Saint Pay? Legal Ledger DAILY OR I Y . Daily DAY OF RUC' CATION Saulwday MST -0NSMUSON PER FOLIO e . ♦ • 6 s r + . w 1.14 EACH M4D Z'MY SUM= 4T iiu``M'iT0 OF S+ EXMAg IF AHY� FOR tA.MAR 1917 Ett, PER FOLIO a o.t;Ci DUPLICATE- DEPARAr ENT COPY , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Il4toI G 1969 CONTRACT NUMBER L_ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER NOTICE OF COUNTER - SIGNATURE ON CONTRACT 0 DATE November 30 1959 DEPARTMENT OF City Clerk SIR: YOU ARE HEREBY RESPECTFULLY ADVISED THAT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CONTRACT HAS BEEN DULY COUNTERSIGNED BY THE COMPTROLLER. COUNTER - SIGNATURE November 30 _1919—EXPIRATION 19 DEPARTMENT FUNDS AFFECTED AND AMOUNTS APPORTIONED TO EACH FUND FUND SUB -FUND AMOUNT V 4 A 3 At rates in bid named RESERVE $ TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT It ram in bid name CONTRACTOR'S NAME LEGAL LEDGER, INC. BID NO. 7870 CONTRACT To furnssh and deliver to the City necessary labor and materials therefor and to print and publish during the year 1960 all ordinances and resolutions or abstracts thereof, of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, and all resolutions of the Board of Education,.or abstracts thereof, and to print and bind in book form 100 copies of the Proceedings of the Council for 1960, with index, and to print and to bind 100 copies Of the Administrative and Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul for 1960, with index, and to print and bind 50 copies of the Proceedings of the Board of Education for 1960, with index, in accordance with the terms set out in C. F. 194463 0 ENT ENTER BOOKKEEPER CONTRACT CLERK V u _ � MPTROI NOTICE: A LIABILITY FOR THIS CONTRACT HAS BEEN SET UP AGAINST THE FUNDS AFFECTED AND ALL "ADJUSTMENTS ON CONTRACT" MUST BE REPORTED TO THE COMPTROLLER AT ONCE. ALL REQUISITIONS ISSUED AGAINST THIS CONTRACT MUST BEAR THE CONTRACT NUMBER 2M 4 -5E