09-12981 2 3 4 5 6 "7 �' y 1� I1 12 13 14 IS 16 17 i8 ly ZU �� 72 23 24 Z5 26 27 Z�' 29 30 31 Presented by Council File #�� � �g Green St� 3� � - - - ----- — — — - - -- ----- -- -- ----- / ✓-- -----. --- -- �€so�r�rro�v --- -- ��� ITYQF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Parks and Recreation has received a donanon from Kowalski's Grocery in the amount of 55,750; and WFIEREAS, Parks has' received a dona[ion from Bremer Bank in [he amoun[ of $50,000; and WHGRF,AS. Parks and Recreation has reccrved STAR Grant funds in [he amoun[ of $300,000; and, W HF.RI:AS. [he,e dona[iona and STAR Grant have been grven fot [he conswcnon of the Ozford Commumry Cen[er; and WHEREAS. Parks and Recreanon has received a$20Q000 gran[ &om the Nanonal Football League; and WHEREAS, all these funds were designated for the Oxford Recreation Center Capital Budget by their funders; and WHEREAS, [he Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Chaner of the City of Samt Paul, does cemfy that there are available for appmpriation, funds of $555,750 in excers of [hose es[imared in the 2007 Cap�[al Improvement Budget; and NOW TfiEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of [he Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recommendahon of [he Mayor and ihe positive advice of the Long Range Capnal Improvement Budge[ Committee, Ihat $555,750 is ava�lable for appropnation in [he 20W Capital Improvement Budget, and said 2007 budget, as here[ofore adop[ed by the Council, is here by further amended as follows: CURRENTBUDGET CHANGES AMENDED SUDGET Finanung Vlan CO%-3H038 -- Oxford Recreanon Cen[er 6905 — Cuntr. & and Donations' - Outside $0 $255,750 $255,750 7306 — Transfer from Cao�tal Fond - STAR $0 $300 000 a300 000 T'O'PAL $0 $555,750 $555]50 Spending Plan C07-3H038 — Oxford Recreation Cencer 0894 — Constmetion - General $3.250,000 $555 750 3 805 750 TOTAL $3,250,000 $555,750 $3,805,750 Requested / b�y J DepaRm�ent �of Parks an612ecrzati�n .Y Adoption Certified by Counc'3 Secretary B Approe� M or ate t 1 � -- l�i1 Approved By: � � Approved by City Attorne�/ - Br: -/�.4.v J �a�.� Approve by Ma o Yor Submission to Council B ' i?�v S� Paul Lon9 -_'34ag� �Ja��faf lma�;oos>raa, �ceg°t Comr.iitts_ receia�d fl xaau� si oa date? � � �. . _ �:�d .ecemmer.N= F'� �A $igned � l � I AdoQted by Council: Date ��/���� K��� on � ^ � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet - — -------- --- - --: - -- -- � �--�=� Contaci Person & Phone: Calvin Wheeler 266-6423 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doa Type: PUBLIC HEARING (RESOLUTIONI E-Documen[ Required: Y DocumeM ConWCt: Contact Phone: � � Assign Number For Routing oraer 0 t 2 3 a 5 Citv Clerk 7otai # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) �ACtion Requested: Approval of the attached resolu[ion authorizing Parks and Recreation to amend the capita] budget m accordance with the fundmg from Kowalski's Grocery, Bremer Bank, the STAR Orant and the National Football League. Recommendanons: Approve (A) or Reject (R): __ Plamm�g Commission __�r _ CIB Committee Civtl Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1 Has this persoNfrm ever worked untler a conhact for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does lhis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee� Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. ` _ _ " ' ....___ _ ...._._....___ ___"_ �..'____ _--__ _ ._____—_—'__' __.......__-- '_'__....__ _'_— __ — Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): 7'6is add�tional funding will be used for construction costs ac the Oxford Commuuiry Center. Parks and Recreation will provide constmction management and implementation services for this project. Advantages If Approved: Parks and Recrcat�on will be able to use this funding to make improvements at [he Oxford Community Center. Disadvantages If Approved: None ���/o y � C� _. .__j � -- � --- �- ��&�:���P��---; I Disadvantages if NotApproved: �'Che Capital ImgrQVement Budget wiLl requi�e diffe�ent fund'mg to comple[e this projecG ��� �� 2 �� 9 ' v .. - � TotalAmountof � �� - ----_��_�-� --� - Transaction: $555,750.00 CosURevenue Budgeted: N F�ndcny source: Contributions, STAR Grant Activity Number. C07-3H038 Fi na nc ia l Information: (Explain) November 2, 2009 8:22 AM Page 1