192554ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 99554 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLJTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONS DATE RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Jerome S. Ostrowski from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, a 14 foot building line id hereby established on Agate Street for Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Whittier Division, at the southwest corner of Agate Street and Magnolia Avenue, in accordance with appellant's proposal approved May 7, 1959. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 In Favor Against Council File No. 192554 _ By Bernard T. Holland— appeal of Resolved, That upon app Jer- ome S. ostrowski from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks. Play- grounds and Public Buildings, a 14 foot building line is hereby established on Agate Street for Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Whittier Division, at the southwest corner of Agate Street and Magnolia Avenue, in accordance with appellant's proposalliAbparoved May 7, 1959. Adopted by the Council June 2, 1959. Approved June 2, 1959. J U P! 2 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— JUN 2 1959 Approved 19— C Mayor i (1 OFF-ICE O F 'CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI ' City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN • i j Council Recorder 186 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota May 28, 1959 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepareja resolution granting the attached appeal of Jerome S. Ostrowski for the establishment of 14 -ft. building line on Agate St. for Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Whittier Division, at the southwest corner•ef Agate St. and Magnolia Ave., in accordance with appellant's proposal approved May 721959• Very truly yours, 3 lam✓ City Clerk MINNESOTA 8 :: >RD OF ZONING,- CITY OF SAINT PAUL }(, RI�S�Q!+ .252 -255 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA ... . ........... May 27, 1959 Mr. Joseph Okoneski - City Clerk Building Dear Sir: -This is in the matter of the appeal of Mr. Jerome S. Ostrowski to establish a '14 foot building line pn property located at the southwest corner of Agate Street and Magnolia Avenue. The legal description is: Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 2, Whittier Division. The zoning is "B" Residence, and has been since the adoption of the Ordinance in 1922. The land is presently vacant and undeveloped and the applicant proposes to erect a single family home on the site. This property has a frontage of 55 feet along Magnolia Avenue; 1271 feet along Agate Street, resulting in an area of approxi- mately 7,012 square feet. The present building line on Agate Street is 22 feet; the building line on Magnolia Avenue as established by residences constructed prior to August 22, 1922 is '10 feet, however, the first three residences adjoining which front on Magnolia Avenue are set back an average of 16 feet. The applicant is requesting the establishment of a building line of IS feet along Magnolia Avenue and 14 feet along Agate Street. The proposed building line of 14 feet along Agate Street would pertain only to Lots 1 and 2, and the 22 foot building line as required in the block would pertain to Lot 3. The adjacent land uses are as follows: south across an alley are three single - family residences under construction which front on Agate Street; east across Agate Street is vacant, undeveloped land; north across Magnolia Avenue are single - family residences fronting on Magnolia Avenue; west and adjoining is a vacant lot; farther west are single - family residences ah ich front on Magnolia Avenue. Field investigation discloses no basic objections to the proposed building line of 14 feet for Lots 1 and 2. The relaxation of this building line will not be detrimental to the properties to the south, nor will it deviate from the purpose and intent of the Ordinance. In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of this appeal to establish a 14 foot building line on Agate Street for Lots 1 and 2, and retaining the 22 foot building line for Lot 3, in accordance with applicant's proposal approved May 7, 1959. .3 HCW:FGI Encl . Sincerely, / nib -� Herbert C. Wieland Planning Director Jf Plat of Property Owned by Jerome S. Ostrowski and Theresa A. Ostrowski, described as follows: The E. 55 feet of Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3), Block Two (2), Whittier Division, Ramsey County, Minn. PLAN OF PROPOSED RESIDENCE Scale: 1 inch 20 feet. MAGNOLIA ST. 6o, S-`S I 1 l� I I f ` I"N. �CNG t r 3 2,. r ^ ' Proposed /3 Residence 1 lit A-15, AGATE ST. 60t x. i 3 Z 1� N 4156 R .. "tv: ' ° a- _ _ a ♦ .; L•i'y. • - ` ' ._ -,t. %r' _ - �, T,;�'"•N` -3. IV -t - •'i r 1' _ 9.59 ;Saint Paul, ~_.Minnesota:. Honorable Mayor _ and C1 Council C/0 `City_ Clerk. 'r� City: of LSf.aul ; Minnesota rt.- °F •� < ` �l - ; Gentlemen. - }.- z t • ' `'- ,,,. P1.ir "suarit`t.o tYre,- legidlative zoning,'code., Chapter '6401 "Para- r'r p ' g aph i J, - we; :the t enders ig owners ., of = the' ; - • t , i• +�:r. - i , - » _ ! • • ±3 if .. _ + _ . ,•• •' '.,. • - Y- •i- ..• _. .: •- . -'• � - •" - •� , eet- of-rLo ATwo `(2 and ­f _ • Yy:. Thrae` (3) :Block Two-, (.2), in'' shittier ` Division-,_ -a,cc:', - '• ' • - ' .1 =;- ~ - �a =• � • .', -t -r "., '.'c_ :` .. -. •� �fy` "�.'•; ' ,f. _ .' '.w• „1''' ;, fay, .;_ - -,,,...., 'y ♦. ``,:'.:pe.tition tyour honorab_ le ;b-o_dy •- to•`establish a' building line” which dffe F,' .: .,••'Y?• '. __ t _•7 ,_ _, ,' - -• ,_ ' gip. � {• y�r T ' - 'from the ro'vi io` p s n of ,Chapter�,62':'of• said code', '_ f ^S.�_ _'•y_ - The, -'streef, location -,of said• premises-.'ii: the` Southwest' - corner of''„ - { �, i' Y ` •.. i ,: -•r said.. ' -the intersection' oflgate:' and 'Niagri.ol a Str -sets ;in �t.� Paul: _The 4 Y= pr,operty.-is °now_ vacanit_Tand a.,proposed use =of •'_said - _premises ` -is for a single' family 'rig sidence• `'fronting 'one Magnolia'' Street` ".The property' line and.,dirensi'ons. are -as follows: 127 50. feet on Agate Street =and, 55 :feet on Magnolia =Street.. A ,single family residence 32_ feet; by' 32 feet in 'dimensi`on, will be pflaced on said premise 3—front-6 - 3_ ing;06,magnolia Street° _f The; building'line•� fo_r proposed building will 4 .' Abe approximately 18.feet'from.TMagno11a� -Street ,' 12,`feet from `Agate - �treet� and 13•_feet from:—the—hest, line. ofs'said premises a s indiT rated„ on e - ''•r ' .- ..- - the •;a -. -: ; ,•.� -- -�••; - _ -- .. •,.• - ,_•�,, ._ F .• -. :• -. • ; � _: •. •:,- .` `-- . ': • . `: • •_ , -__ tta`ched °map;'' Because' of the dimensions arid'- bound'ar� line of said _ -,t 7a c..$ "nl • -•`+' -a .. Irli " `,_.. r'. „'._ � •~•t ♦. _• #• - F.:• a,..,• -2 - ■n -4 �} . , premises,` it• is= •impossible 'to-rcomply: cvitht.thie ordinance • -r- elating t•o , j' - . t' he _py resen.t,1'buil_ d-in glne - _ r- es tricti- ons now i_ n.' effe- ct - o •n- ,A•gat• e� Street:' , Jerome, S. Qstrowsk �* fa� T ere.sa A.' OstrOwski. ' •, '�•• i� .M • ,'S. � , � •''' VS _ `4t ` '} -• -` + . M1'•l •` ` t -• ; _ - y ;r,l. ,•i•- ,I • � .!� .4 -' - .. '`'t �' 1. '' l�,r " � ' r r->t L - .� " 1 . - .y _ _.. •- • � , -_ • • • .. • '` - - - - ', ' .STATE: OF ` MIN�]EtSOTA) r _'.,, =_ .: ;; _•�.r, , .a _ - - 1' . ✓'_' - -� - - Y`'- Imo., - ii`, - -�` • '�, - } ...COUNTY, OF _RAMSEY. _• a . ' On this 'day• of- April;: 1959;',before;ps,; °`Notary Public ithin and : fo.r`';sa.id' - County; personally''appeared Jerome -S..' Ostrow ski { ;and - Theresa.' :_;Ostrowiski' , husband and wife, to .me' "•known ^to• be the' wt persons described. <in and who exercuted`t_he foregoian "g in'strument`:,apd^ _ }. ,. _ -• •• -- A� °_ _ y � -. •� .- x __• , CS 5 4, T . - s •a..Yt �T r. '{acknowledge 'd° :that they_ execute,d`_the'`same as'- their: free. act ._and - deed; ..•t'; _ , Spa _ _ c _. _ > _ • - ,. - - - �,. . " _ __- "i1 .. -• - - � is - �; • ... a!' - -' ti•t • ' -' a _ ' 4. Tsy ',•._ _ - .. _ _ ♦ . ..'1l'':f. i.l'' _? 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