D001833C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Approveecopiesto: ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER: City Clerk (Originaq BUDGET REVISION •- Finance Dept's AccouMing Division � � � � � � - Requesting Dept No: Date: �—�Q—�C� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority grented to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of Financial Services - Budget Section to amend the 2000 budget of the Special ProjeM (General Government) Fund, the Director of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT&DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDEO FUND AND ACTIVITY: @�Q,�I CHANGES BUDGET Revenue: Govt Responsiveness Treasury Fiscal (40,000.00) 40,000.00 0.00 • Appropriations: Govt Responsiveness Treasury Fiswl 05030101-9530 use offund balances 05030120-9830 use offund balances 050-30101-0284 rerrtal of DP equipment 05030101-0299 miscellaneous services 05030101-0389 miscellaneous supplies 050-30101 •0545 contribution to outside agencies 05030101-0848 specialized equipment 050-30120-0814 o�ce equipment 050-30120-0848 specialized equipment 05030120-0894 generalconstruction 41,480.00 0.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 8,980.00 7,500.00 1,450.00 40,000.00 1,480.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 30,000.00 (13,520.09) (5,000.00) (5,000.00) (8,980.00) (7,500.00) 5,000.00 5,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 • CF 99-1�97, adopting the 2000 budget, authorized soma technical changes for this fund. Those technical changes were not included when the Adopted budget was set up for the Financial System. This transfer will implement the technical changes authorized by the City Council action. Prepared by: ��� �� i �• � � Requested by: Department Director Date Date _ /J ^ C�� � _ '�'1 _ZpOa . r- A rovetl by: Mayor Date FiwnculServ�creOlflce (G:lSHARED�BUOGETDEPT5�F50N23NOFSOMOy NB/00 �7'lnia i�� � f✓vv �v�v Financiat services ot2ice vos�oo GREEN .SHEET NO. 104315 COMACIPERSON&PIfONE � lQ DEPARTMENfDLLtEC(OR 5� Cl1YCAUNCLL Ron�;�e 266-8548 �� o �A� o �� M(ISiBEONCOUNCQ.A(��1UA6Y(DAI'� � 2O F@1ANCW.SERVICFSD 4� F¢J/ilJCW,SFAVICFSACCf. y a MAYOR(ORASS1Sl'ANi) � AL # OF SIGNAT'URE PAGES: i (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnox aFRU�sreo Amend fhe 2000 budget - Approval of the attached administrative order implementing the fechnicai changes aufhorized by the City Cou�il when the 2000 budget was adopted. These changes were not included when the budget was passed from the budget system to the Rnance system. aES,orm+annnotus: ae¢�w=(w) orlmi•a(x7 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACPS MUST ANSWIIiTHE FOT.LOWING QT7ESIIONS= PGANNING COMMISSION 7. Has this pexson/5cm ever woxked imder a contract for this depaztment? cm colmxrrtee � 1'ES NO rnu. seavicecoeuR�ss�oN 2- Has tlds persod5im ever been a pty employee? YES NO 3. Aces tLis personlfirm possess a sldll not nocmatly possessedby a� cmrent ciry employee? YES NO 4. Ts ttis person / Sim a tazgeted vendor? YES NO (Explain aIl yes aoswers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.) INITfATINGPA06C2M.IS5UE, OPPORiUNI'1'Y (Nbq Whu, Wbrn, Where, �Y)� Budget staff failed to idenlify and include tlus change in the data that was passed from the budget system to the fmance system - even though the change was idenrified as a technlcal change for ffie Ciry Council during the budget process, and was authorized and adopted by the City Council. This transfer will conec[ the omission and implement council acrion. Budget control is at the fund level in special funds, so authority is granted. This h will allow the budget to be reflected, and costs to be recorded in the proper activity. ; ANI'AGESffAPPROVED: Plans contemplated by FSPstaff will have the resoarces to cany them out. DLSADVANI'AGESII+APPROVPD . None. €7�' FC _'� D15ADVANfAGbSOPNOTAPF20VED: - C ry � Consolidation plans will be halted. �L� 9 G��U - L� i � L����4 � TOiALAMOUN'[OFTRANSA4TION � ��O COSTlREVENUEBNIGEtED(C�dEONE) �'ES NO xmvnmcsouxcc Tr�eacuryFiscalServices wcrmrr�[m+eex_ 1 2 ' h me nxcw. vroan�nnoiu: ��acn¢� o new money will be in the budget - this acrion transfers authority and does not increase the budget. Financial5ervicesOffice �GJ.SnnnEO¢suuGe�werW�ims�eswtiravmw.rvn»� uervo