192504ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY- OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE — 504 COUNCIL NO. FILE Council File No. 192504 —By Milton Rosen— ' Whereas, The City of Saint Paul is' acquiring necessary additional ease -, ments in properties in Anoka County for the improvement and extension ofd the Waterworks System for the supply, WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul is acquiring necessary additional easements in properties in Anoka County for the improvement and extension of the Waterworks System for the supply of water serving the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, An independent appraiser has been appointed by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, with the approval of the City Council; and WHEREAS, Said appraiser has negotiated with the fee owner or owners thereof for the purchase of the fee simple title to Tract4B of said properties and for the purchase of an easement for waterworks purposes in the westerly 164 feet of Tract 4D of said properties, all in the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (SW-41 of the SE -) of Section 1 in Township 30 North of Range 24 West, at a maximum prise of approximately $2,800.00; and WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners at its meeting held 19 February 1959 approved said purchase as being practical and expedient and approved the acquisition of said fee simple title and said easement in said properties for the benefit and use of the Water Department of the City of Saint Paul and for the consideration above set forth, N041f, THEREFORE, BE IT RESCLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and ratify said action of said Board of Water Commissioners, said consideration to be paid out of Water Fund 23-13. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 oJW2 I/,/ r Favor V Against MAY 2 8 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 MAY 2 8 1959 OUPLICi1TE TO PRINTER .19 )5�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul is acquiring necessary additional easements in properties in Anoka County for the improvement and extension of the Waterworks System for the supply of water serving the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS,, An independent appraiser has been appointed by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, with the approval of the City Council; and WHEREAS, Said appraiser has negotiated with the fee owner or o+mers thereof for the purchase of the fee simple title to TracthB of said properties and for the purchase of an easement for waterworks purposes in the westerly 164 feet of Tract 4D of said properties, all in the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (SR4 of the SE-41) of Section 1 in Township 30 North of Range 24 West, at a maximum price of approximately $2,800.00; and WHEREAS, The Board of Rater Commissioners at its meeting held 19 February 1959 approved said purchase as being practical and expedient and approved the acquisition of said fee simple title and said easement in said properties for the benefit and use of the Water Department of the City of Saint Paul and for the consideration above set forth, NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and ratify said action of said Board of Water Commissioners, said consideration to be paid out of Water Fund 23-B. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon sM 5.58 -OW2 Tn Favor U Against MAY 2 8 1959 Adopted by the Counci 19— Approved 19— Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL No OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS _ RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM • �MMI�IEONER W 1 N K EL DATE This Board heretofore has approved that certain extension of its wmter� *S mystm eatlerd •N�STB 3:PPT RIM CONDUIT NO. 2 and the candemnation sad located in Anita County vhioh are not now talons as three certain lands by or affected by flowage or possessed by the Hoard bat �dah are to be oQCnpied acs 870M aforesaid; and drainage or otherwise by reason of the e=tansion of the VMWM'* � negotiations had therein with the roval of the Board, the saner or amtrs of ?tact IsB and o! the westerly At feet of Tract of said ]ands are mining to hurt tee siapie title to said Tract 4B and an easem ut in the westerly 164 feet of $aLd47 Tract bD to the Board for the sus of $2,800.00 mad this Board discs it advantageous to &squire said fee eiaple title and said saament for the sun or consideration aforesaid NM, TMWo S BE IS MOOILYM, That the Board of Water Conmissioners hereby approves and authorises the p#Wmnt of $2,800.00 consideration to the owner or owners of said Tract 16� feet of said trash 1�B and o! the hater �D of said Ian" capon their delivering to the Board a Warranty Deed cY�B the Board of hater Casntissioners of the City of Saint Paul the tee simple title the extension o! the Pn terand P R of tttfor public waterworks puipose�s and United to the construction, installation , an�intsaanae and Saint Pahl, includiN bat not water snpplf conduits and other water operation of public water sifts, parts of said Public Waterworks suPPl,T iaatrualentalities as extension's and ints�sl pa Of said Tract 4D. System in, under,, across and through the westerly lblt lest Said Tract 4B is sore particularly bounded and desoMbed as f ollowe, to wits Lot 24 of Auditors a Subdivision No. 1,52, situate in Section 1 in Township 3D forth Of Range 24 West, Anoka County, Xtmesota, also the southerly 135 feet of the eastw said 230 feet of the soutbMA quarter of the southeast quarter of the Section 1, excepting theref`ro% however, and e000ltuive of all that certain ,portion Of said tract of land which is &ors Wticularly described as !allows, to wits t alxty foot strip or parcel of land across a portion of the south sixty feet of the southeast quarter of Section 1, Township 30 North, Range 24 West, bounded on follows, Beginnins at the south quarter corner of Section 1, thecae east along the south lift of Section 1, 1911.85 last to a point; thence north 67 degrees 301 wrist, 156 feet to a point; thence meat 1797.0 feet to the north and south center quarter line of Section 1 to a point; thence south 60 feet to the point of beginning, wherein a perpetual easesant wan condemned and taken * said Board pursuant to proceedings in condemnation the records whereof are filed in CITY OF ST. PAUL No OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERSc� RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM -� COMMISSEONER DATE 8e 2. Dooket 8475 in the office of the Clerk of District Court, at lno #a, Minnesota, containing 13, 500 square feet or 311100 acres of land, more or leas. The iute nt is that said Auditor's Subdivision No* 152 shall be interpreted according to the plat of sans on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County of Anoka; and The westerly 164 feet of said Tract 4D is score particularly bounded and described as followsq to wits All that certain tract of land comprising the westerly 164 feet of that certain portion of the southerly 100 fiat of that much of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (SUj of the S*) of Section 1, in Township 30 Soh of age 24 West, Comaty of Anoka, Minnesota, which is embraced and included between the east and, vest lime of Lot 23 of Auditor's Subdivision loo. 752, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County of Anoka, or between said east and crest lines extended, 9=epting there- from, harever, all that certain sixty, -toot strip or parcel of land more particulwly described as follows, to wits A sixty-foot strip or parcel of land across a portion of the south sixty feet of the southeast quarter of Section 1, Township 30 North, Romp .24 West, bounded as followss Begiming at the south quarter corner of Section 1, thence east along the synth line of Section 1, 1941.85 feet to a point; thence north 67 degrees pan -t .dm4 - , �* —a a`�,,,,�,.t. scats&- snut_17974 feet to the north and south _ ..v ' "v&&Ov, arm $aw-. so cry �YV ,•v. Iwjv to � d• so quaartor li= of Sloths I to a poi�,I thy® ocWh O to- or State of "innesota5) s► Grp tpuo3, ==n. t was o d d gild 't It bW $odd B=d County f; Bams.,ey );;ss as 4A 0=d=*tisc% th* v;zords wb of M =ad in. D91*4 City ;of , aiAt,, Paint)_) of JUG ()U* of %. -t t t, at , .r 00tsa♦ c - i v, fl,&,C. A. Flack; Assils_`tarit Secretory'of the'1B`oar'd'o;f Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify that I have compared the above copy wadi jf la, resolution of the said Board as adopted by the Board on February 19, 1959, with the original thereof on file in my office and that said copy is a true and . ;cor}re�c_tco y ofdsaidjorig_roar'Gand; t?he3,rhole--'th`ereof: %gVry 4 a + 016 eb�t at tho Board of Vatm , Cyr, zi rp A to author.Ue a d.iwct = oX�, o00 to e czv= ar P =M1(- jtn8ss', tkq,�Peal) of dhe', Board °:of;Wdt;erl, dommissi o&er- eeof ,.7the`j City of+ *1%i 1 .Saint rPauli th3:s� 28thjr&,V;tof iMa� rA 7.D' '1959.1 %ho Jul, skid wm to bo paid cat of ,.. i ,t, ,.. x ssis Secretary Adop ed by T:Ie > oird or Vrater Commis4icaers _Ye"_ -- -- -- - - - -- *: N, N - - - - - - - ---- -- ADoPTEp- f- 'E9RUARY Cif 19519 — - -- - - - OE000RCY REAFFIRMFn MAY 27TH 1954 WINKEL PREai. ROSEN In favor ---I Opposed —Q_ owl A6 &T. $ECY.