192492Council File No----------------------------------- ti RESOLUTION ASSESSMENT Counril, nle,_N1 -199,n? CITY OF ST. PAUL 'r - Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for constructing,_ & - sewer in - Iowa; - Avenue- from •1-60. ft ..-east.-of •Ra-3me- •Avenue . to the-vest side of Parkway - Drive; in ` owa >Avenue:frem-athe -- east.. -- side ---of Parkway= - }drive •to 175 ft. -east of •.Weide Street;..-in, �Idah©•- Avenue from 160 ft: -east -of -Pa.yne•-Avenue to Greenbrier Street; in 1daho-Avenue• from- -650 ft, west- ©f• -Weide -Street -to,Weide- Street; - in, Ca-lifor-nia Avenue - from Greenbrier Street to the,-northwesterly side of Parkway Drive; in Greenbrier Street 'from Iowa.- -- Avenue to- California - Avenue; in the east side of Parkway Drive from the manhole, that is approximately 15 ft. northeasterly of the southwesterly line of Lot 3, Block 4, Ufton•Grove Plat 3 to Iowa Avenue; in the northwesterly side of Parkway Drive from Iowa Avenue to Idaho Avenue; in the northwesterly side of Parkway Drive from'California Avenue to the easement that.is described as the north 20 ft. of that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition, and easterly-of Parkway Drive in the NE-41 of Section 20, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, and lying between Parkway Drive and Arcade Street; in Weide Street from Iowa Avenue to California Avenue; in a 20 ft. wide easement, the center line-of-said-easement being described as follows: •Beginning at a point on the north line-of California Avenue said point being 392 -ft. westerly of Arcade Street; thence northerly along Weide Street (vacated) and that tract of land lying north of - Catlin's Addition and easterly of Parkwayrr Drive.,,ia tie.- N } o;,4, said Section 20, said ;k} point ..:being-392 ft-. - westerly' -•bf Arcade Street,-said sewer.extending from California Avenue to the easement that is described as the north 20 ft. of that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition and easterly of Parkway Drive in the NE,3 of said Section 20 and lying between Parkway Drive and Arcade Street; in an'easement that is �J described as the north 20 ft. of that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition and easterly of Parkway Drive in the N* of said Section 20 and lying between Parkway Drive and Arcade Street, said sewer extending from the 20 ft. wide easement, the center or line of said easement being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of California Avenue, said point being 392 ft. westerly of Arcade Street; thence northerly along- Weide Street (vacated) -and that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Additioarand easterly of Parkway Drive in the * of said Section 20 to a point on the north line of said Section 20, said point being 392 ft. westerly of Arcade Street to Parkway Drive; thence across Parkway Drive to a triangular shaped piece of land in the NE4 of the NEB of Section 20, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, said triangular shaped-piece of land being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of Section 20, Township 29 North, Range 22 Wett, said point being 155 ft. west of the northwesterly line of Parkway Drive as measured along the north line of said Section 20; thence in a southwesterly direction along the northwesterly line of Parkway Drive a distance of 226.85 ft. to a point on the northwesterly line of Parkway Drive; thence northerly-a distance of 165.64 ft. to the point of beginning; Also constructing a sewage pumping station on the above describedi triangular .shaped :piece of land in the NEu• of the NF-41 of said Section 20; Also constructing a sewer force main in Parkway Drive from the afore- described triangular shaped piece of land in the N* of the ME of said Section 20, to Greenbrier Street; and in Greenbrier Street from Parkway Drive to Hoyt Avenue; Also constructing a storm water sewer in a 20 ft. wide easement the center line of said easement being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of California Avenue, said point being 392 ft. westerly of Arcade Street; thence northerly along Weide Street (vacated) and that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition and easterly of Parkway Drive in the N* of Section 20, Township 29 North, Range 22 West to a point on the north line of said Section 20, said point being 392 ft. westerly of Arcade Street, said sewer extending from California Avenue to the easement that is described as the north 20 ft. of that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition, and easterly of Parkway Drive in the N* of,said Section 20 and lying between Parkway Drive'and Arcade Street; in the easement that is described as the north 20 ft. of that 'tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition and easterly yi g , of Parkway Drive in the , of said Section 20 and lying between"Parkway Drive and Arcade Street, said sewer extending from the 20 ft. wide easement, the center line of said easement being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of California Avenue, said point being 392 ft. westerly of Arcade Street; thence northerly along Weide Street ('vacated) and -that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition and easterly of Parkway Drive in the 3* of aforesaid Section 20, to Arcade Street - -all of which is to be known as the PARKWAY ]DRIVE BRANCH OF THE BE= LINE SEWER j a CITY OF ST. PAUL 19,9 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 92 J Report of Completion of Assessment .-y> ADri 1-28, 19-59- - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for i, constructing ­&- -sewer in - I•owaxAvenue from-160 ft :•- .east-.of ­Payne- - Avenue , to the-West .side of Par4way 4Drkve;­in -- Iowa- Avenue ,f -rem- the••east--- sider-of Parkway = -Drive to 175 ft. -east of . Weide,- Street;- .••i -n.- Idaho- •Ave -roue from 160 ft,east -of Payne•- Avenue to Greenbrier Street; in ,Idaho - Avenue �,'rom-- •650--ft -west- of • -Weide -- Street -to - Weide -Street;, in California Avenue. from Greenbrier Street to the,-northwesterly side of Parkway Drive; in Greenbrier Street from Iawa--Avenue- to•California-Avenue; in the east side of Parkway Drive from the manhole, that is approximately 15 ft. northeasterly of the southwesterly line of Lot 3, Block 4, Ufton 4rove Plat 3 to Iowa - Avenue; in the northwesterly side of Parkway Drive from Iowa Avenue to Idaho Avenue;-in-the northwesterly side of Parkway Drive from California Avenue to the easement that is described as the north 20 ft. of that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition, and easterly of Parkway Drive in the NEu of Section 20, Township 29 forth, Range 22 West,, and•lying between Parkway Drive and Arcade Street; in Weide-Street from Iowa Avenue to California Avenue; in a 20 ft. wide easement, the center line-of-said-easement being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of California Avenue said point being 392 ft. westerly of Arcade Street; thence northerly along Weide Street (vacated) and that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition and easterly of Parkway Drive in the RE-41 of said-Section 20, said point being 392 ft. westerly of Arcade Street, said sewer extending from California Avenue to the easement that is described as the north 20 ft. of that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition and easterly of Parkway Drive in the RE-i of said Section 20 and lying between Parkway Drive and Arcade Street; in an easement that is r� described as the north 20 ft. of that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Addition and easterly of Parkway Drive in the of said Section 20 and lying between Parkway Drive and Arcade Street, said sewer extending from the 20 ft. wide easement; the center line of said easement being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of California Avenue,.said point being 392 ft. westerly of Arcade Street; thence rlorthe-rly along - Weide Street (vacated) and that tract of land lying north of Catlin's Additisn•aad,easterl-y of Parkway Drive in the of said Section 20 to a point on ,the north line of said Section 20, said point being 392 ft. westerly of Arcade Street to Parkway Drive; thence across Parkway Drive to a triangular shaped piece of land in the NE,-1 of the NE-,l of Section 20, Township 29 forth, Range 22 West, said triangular shaped-piece of land being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of Section 20, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, said point being 155 ft. west of the northwesterly line of Parkway Drive as measured along the north line of said Section 20; thence in a southwesterly direction along the northwesterly line of Parkway Drive a distance of 226.85 ft. to a point on the northwesterly line of Parkway Drive; thence northerly a distance of 165.64 ft. to the point of beginning; Also constructing a sewage pumping station on the above described triangular .shaped piece of land in the M,1 of the HE-,I of said Section,_20:_�