09-1278Council File #�� � Greeu Sheet# Presented by 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Departrnent, is authorized to enter into the attached Joint 2 Powers Agreement, which has an indemnification clause with the Waseca County Sheriff's Office, acting 3 through its Police/Sheriff's Department for par[icipation in the Internet Crimes Against Children Task 4 Force. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Adoption Certified b�� ouncil ecretary BY� �J�1ia�/1�%!�'�.� Approve b ay� ate L� Z By: � pr ved b�kk ff3c F' a ci S rvices By: Approved by Cit Atto y By: U� Approv y or o Sub i ion to ouncil By: f�ESOLUT�.01�1--- ----------- �� Adopted by Council: Date ����`p y � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � -- =---_ _=- ----- . � _ _ . ---- - � _ -=0�=#.�� . _ - Contact Person 8 Phone: � Chief John Harrinpton ' 266-5588 , Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): ' Doa Type: RESOLUTION � � . ________� . � E-Document Required: Y � � Assign , Number Por Routing Order UQpdI9lleni JCna ro re�sen __ __ _ __ ___ _ __ _ _ 0 Police DeparLment ' _ Police Department_ _ ; _ _ _ _ 1 Police Depardnen[ � � � - Police Department _ _ _ __ '__ --- — ---` --�--------. ... __ 2 C�ty Attomey __ _ ,�- City AttorneY - — -- -- -- ._ — --`-- - ; ----- -- _ - --- 3 pinancial Servicw _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ Director� FSO_ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _— _ _ ._ - __ 4 Mayor'sOttim ____ Mayor � � _ . —_ __ '_� __ __ ___ _ ' _ . ._. . —. 5 Ciq_Clerk _ �� City Clerk _ , 6 Yolice Deparhnent_ _. _ _ _ Poyce Departnent _; __ __ � Document CoMact: Evette Scarver ; �, '�, i , ConWCt Phone: 265554'I � '�,, � ' . _ -___ ..__ __— - __- _. __ - ___ �I ' Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Locations for Signature) ,. __ ___ . . ____ --_ __—_- . ____-_- ___ ______ ___— __ _.___ _ — — _ ._ ___._���� � Action Requested. i �I Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department to enter into the attached Joint '�, ��, Powers Agreement with the Waseca County SherifFs Office, acting through iPs Police/SherifFs Department. , �Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): �� Pereonal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission � 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a wntract for this department� CIB Committee ' Yes No Civil Service Commission ' 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No I 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill nol nortnally possessed by any i current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. .--- ___-_______- -- _____... ..__-_I__—_—______—__.. . __ _-___ _-__ _.._____--—.- ___._. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Waseca County Sheriffs Department will particpate in the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force of the Saint Paul Police Deparknent. Authorization is ueeded. I �h Advantages If Approved: �'�� Oppor[unity to network with outside agencies to bring successfully prosecutions in child pronography cases. I I — � ---- - -- ------------ -- ------------------- � � Disadvantages If Approved: I None. "'� - � - ���� , 4� � ��- - -- - - - - -- - -- - --- - - -- �� DisadvanWges If Not Approved: � � �I Lost opportunity to use grant funds to successfully prosecute child pornography petpetrators. I � - ----- ------- . . _ .. _- - _- - - - - -- � ' Total Amount of Transaction: CostlRevenue BudgeMd: Funding Source: Activity Number. Financial Information: i (Explain) October 19, 2009 4:31 PM Page 1 ��I1 ���� I - - ---- - �, �� J�� t�`� }� 1"d w�t fe! � J e� Zc'.� 09-1278 �GI�G� C/r7VC,?�"�( .S`zF!� f�� l/r�r'G.�- -- --�..) .__ _.__ ._.. --- _--------- - —__ --_- = -_�es���ter�e�£��es=�ai�st�ni}dreir��sk�or�E- - – -_-- Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement This Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement, and amendments and supplements thereto, (hereinafter "A�ee e Y') is betv✓een the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Police Deparnnent (Grantee) and ���'} � ��/�fiG�J acting through its FOLICE/SHERRg'F"S DEPARTMENT_(hereinafter "Undersigned Law Enforcement Agenc}�') both which are empowered to enter into joint powers agreements pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.59, Subd. 10 & 12, and is further empowered to enter into this Agreement by Minn. Stat. § 626.76; and WheYeas, the above subscribed parties have joined together in a multi-agency task force intended to investigate and prosecute crimes committed against children and the criminal exploitation of children that is committed andlor facilitated by or through the use of computers, and to disrupt and dismantle organizations engaging in such activity; and WheYeas, the undersigned agencies agree to utilize applicable state and federal laws to prosecute criminal, civil, and forfeiture actions against identified violators, as appropriate; and Whereas, the Grantee is the recipient of a federal grant (attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A) disbursed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ("0J7DP") in Washington, D.C. to assist law enforcement in investigating and combating the exploitation of children which occurs through the use of computers by providing funding far equipment, training, and expenses, including trauel and overtime funding, which aze incurred by law enforcement as a result of such investigations; and Whereas, the OJJDP Internet Crimes Against Children ("ICAC") Grant Manager has been established representing each of the existing ICAC Task Farces to oversee the operation of the grant and sub-grant recipients. Now Therefore, the parties agree as follows: The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency approves, authorizes, and enters into this Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of implementing a three- pronged approach to combat Internet Crimes Against Children: prevention, education and enforcement; and The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall adhere to the OJJDP ICAC Task Farce Program Standards (attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B), in addition to state federal laws, when conducting undercover operations relative to ICAC; and 09-1278 ---- - ---. . _._.. -- - - - 2 . - -_�-II�1C.P.IS_-CO lt�fri } SirYP[j�' 1 ��-�ALIETS1-�le�-�.'�W�'11�$T"„� > m°"�� i���@-- --- —--- tlze�vlinnesot���A� Task �orce sT�atT fie Iicerised peace officers or �'ound by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training to have comparable qualifications; and 3. When a contributed officer of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency acts on the behalf of the Minnesota ICAC task Farce within the scope of this Agreement, the officer's actions are within the officer's line of duty and course of employment to the same extent as if the officer had acted on behalf of the officer's employing Agency; and 4. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the Grantee, its representatives and employees from any and all ciaims or causes of action, including all reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the Grantee, arising from the performance of this Agreement by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency's officer/s/; and 5. All members of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall continue to be employed by the same Law Enforcement Agency employer which they were employed before joining the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and all services, duties, acts or omissions performed by the member will be within the course and dury of that employment, and therefore, are covered by the Workers Compensation programs of that employer; will be paid by that employer and entitled to that employer fringe benefits; and 6. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall submit all requests for undercover ICAC related operations in writing to the Commander of the Minnesota ICAC Task Force for presentation to the OJJDP ICAC Task Force Board of Directors; and 7. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must first submit a written request for funds and receive approval for the funds from the Grantee to receive any funds from the Grantee; and 8. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must supply original receipts to be reimbursed on pre-approved requests; and o9-i2�a —. _. ._ _ __. __ --- - - - --- -- g - _ '�e=iJ�d_ersi �rl f,a��nfnrz;eine��t � ����a�rn������z�z — — gn g�noy - e�- --- pertainirrg to education� and eri�orcemerif acfivitie§, to be collected and forwarded monthly to the Minnesota ICAC Task Farce Commander or his designee for statistical reporting purposes; and 10. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall participate fully in any audits required by the OJJDP; and 11. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall make a reasonable good faith attempt to be represented at any scheduled regional meetings in order to share information and resources amongst the multiple entities; and 12. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall be solely responsible for forwarding information relative to investigative targets and victims, to the ICAC data system pursuant to the OJJDP guidelines; and 13. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall provide the Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander in a timely manner all investigative equipment acquired through grant funding as a result of this Agreement in the event that: future federal funding is no longer availabie, the Agency decides to dissolve its binding relationship with the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent, or the Agency breaches the Agreement. 09-1278 -- - erms of this agreemeIIt: - - - - ------ --- --- -- This agreement shall be effective upon signatures. Nothing in this agreement shall otherwise limit the jurisdiction, powers, and responsibilities normally possessed by an employee as a member of the Agency. John M. Harrington, Chief of Police � Saint Paul Police De�artment � ! /, 'i v'� Assistant St. Paul City Attorney Date t t _ _ - - �� - DatE � j' Date � � � (�'� "� � .,----------�. -''� Date ��'� �'� � / � ate Date Z � J � ,' Director of Office of Financial' Services r � _ Depar[meniofJustice - _ __ _______ _ Qffice of Iustice ftogcams Ot'nce of[he Assisrent Anomey Gene21 wase,,,�on D.0 >n531 Seotember 26. 2007 Chief Sohn M. Harrin�tnn Gty of Saint Paul 15 WetKellogn Boulevard SC Paul, Mt< 55102 Dear Chief Hamngton: On behalf of the Atlomey General, it is my pleasure to inform you tha[ the O�ce of 7ustice Programs has approved your apP�����on for fundmg under the OJIDP FP 07 Building ICAC Forensic Capacity in ihe amount of $200,000 for Ciry of Sain[ Paul. Encbsed you will find th� Grant Award and Special Conditions documents. This award is sub�ect to aIl administrative and Fnanaal requirements, ir.r.ludmg the nmely submission of all financial and pmgrammatic reports, resolution of alt interim audit findines, and the m: mrenance of a mimmum (evel of cash-omhand. Should you not adhere to these requiremenu, you will be in v�olaUon of [hc Icmis of this agreement and the award vnll be sub)ect to termmation for cause or other admimstrative action az apPropriate If you have questions regarding [his nward, pleue wntact: �� - Program Questions, lacquelme O'Reilly, Program Manager at (202) 514-5024; and - Financial Qucshuns, the OfFce of the Comptroller, Customer Service Center (CSC) at (800) 458-07AG, o� you may mntact the CSC at ask.o�usdoj.gov. Congratulabons, and we Inok forward [o working with you. Sincerely, ��,�, � � Regina B. Schofield Assistant Attorney Gcnc;�.; I � . ���,� �� • Enclosures 09-1278 - - -- -- - DepartmentofJus6ce - - -- O�ce of Justice Progams Office for Civil Rights September 26, 2007 Chief ]ohn M. Razringron City of Sain[ Paul 15 West Kello� Boutevard St Paul, MN 55102 w����,��xn,,,.o.c znssi DearChief Hartington: Congratulations on your rece�t award. In establishing financ�al assistance programs, Conlirzess linked the receip[ of Federal Ponding to cornoliance vnth Pecleml crvii nghts laws. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of Juchce Programs (O.IP),1!.S. DepaNnent of ]ustice is responsible for ensunng that recip�ents of financial aid @om 01P. its component ofScrs anS bureaus, Uie Office on V iolenee Agamst Women (OV W), ar�d the Office of Commumty O�ented Pohcing Sernces (COPS) comply with applicable Fedenl civil rights statutes and regulafions. We al OCR are available [o help you and your organization meet fhe crvil rights reqwremen4 tha[ come with Justice Depnrt�nent funding. Ensuring Access tu Federaliy Assisted Programs As }rou know, Federal lawc prohibit recipienrs of financial assistance from discriminanng on the basis of race, color, national origin, reti�ion, sex, or disability in funded programs or ac[ivi4es, not only in respect to employment pmetices bin atso m the delivery of sernces ot benefits. Federal law also prohibiCt furtdecl progsams or activities from discrimma[ing on the basis of nge in the delivery of services or benefits. Providing Services to �.imited English Proficiency (LEP) Individuais [n accordance wiUi Dep��iment nf Juslice Guidance pertaimng to TiNe Vi oFthe Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. � 2000d, recipiems of Federal financial assistance must take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to their programs and acuvities for persons with limited English proGciency (LEP). For more mformauon on the civil rights responsibihnes that recipients have m providmg language services to LEP mdividuats, please see the webs¢e ut http:Owww.le.:4•,.gov. Ensoring Equal Treapnent for Faith-Bued Organizations The Depattment of7ustice has published a regulation specifieally pertaimng to the fu�ding of fai[h-based organi>ations. in General, the tegulatioq Participation m Jusqce Depanment Progtams by Religious Orgamzalimis, Pruviding for Equal Treatment oCall lusnce Department Prog2m Participants, and knovm as tjie Equal Trealment Regulat�on 28 C.F.R. part 38, rcquires Stn[e Admmistering Agenc�es to heat these organizations the same as any ot6cr apnhcant or recipienl The regulahon prohibi[s State Admmistering Agencies from making award or grant admimsu��ion decrsions on [he basis of an orgamzation's religious charncter or affihahoq reLgious name, or the rei�,r,ious composilion of its board of d�rectore. The regulaiion also proh�b�LS (arth-bascd organi�ations from usmg finane�al assistance from [he Department of Juat�ce to fwid inheren[ly reLgious uctrvities Wh�le faith-based organizabons can e�igage m non-funded mherently rclieious ect�� ities, they must be held separately from the Depazfiien[ of 7ustice funded program, and cusmmers or benefipane., cannot be compelled to patticipate in thcm The Equal Treatment Regulanon also makes clear that orgamranons part�cipating in proarnms funded by the Department of Jus[ice are no[ permitted to discnminatc in the provis�on of sernc!�s on the 6asis of a beneficiary's religion. For more infonnation on the regulazion, please see OCR's website at h[ry://www,o�p.usdo�gov/ocrletfho.htrn. 09-1278 ----- State-AC}mirtis[erina kgcr.�ies andfaith-based o�an�tions should also note�that the Safe Streets Act as amrnded; the Victims of Gme Act, as amended; and the Juvenile Jus[ice and Delinquency Preven4on Act, as amende.d contain prnh�bioons a�ainst d�scrimination on the basis of rehgion in employment. Thesse employment provisions have 6eer spcificatly incoroornted into 28 C.F.R. Part 38 1(� and 382(�. Consequenfly, in many circumstances.II would be impermissible for faith-based organivations seeking or teceiving fundma authorized by these statutes to havc po!icies or practices that condition hiring and other employment-related decisions on the reho on of apolicant5 or employees. ProGrams subjcct to tnse nondiscrimination provisions may be fowd on OCR's website at httn:/iw�ow.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/. Questions about [he regulation or the statutes thaz prohibit d�scrimin:uion in empbyment may be directed ro this Office. Enfnrcing Civif Ri�h[s'...aws AII reapients of Fcdera! financial assisrance, regazdless of the oarticular fundmg source, the amount of the �rnnt award, or the numhcr of cmployecc in the workforce. are subject to [he prohibihons agamst unlawful disenminanon. Accordir;; y, OCR investinates recipien[s that are the subject otdiscrimination eomptaints from bo[h indrvidutls and grui:.;s. In addilion, based on regulatory criteria, OCR selec[s a number of recipienCS each year for rompl�ance revicws, :,udi[s that myuire renpients to submit data showine that ihey are providing services equitably to �ll segmento- oi their service populahon and tha[ [heir employmen[ practices mcet equal employmen[ opportunity srnndards. Complyin� with the ;iaic Streets Acf or Program Requirements In additwn to Ihese generai prohibitions, an orgam�a[ion which is a recipient of financial assistance subject to [he nond�scriminatioo prov�siuns of thc Omnibus Crime Control and Safe SheeLS Ac[ (SaFe Sheets Act) of I96S, 42 U.S.C. § 3789d(c), or oUicr Fedeml gran[ program requirements, must mcet two edditional requirements:(1) complying wnh Fuicrxl i o�ulalions pertaining to the development of an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP), 2R C.F.R (� 42 "r 01-.308, and (2) submming ro OCR Findings of Disenmmation (see 28 C.F.R. §§ 42.205(5) or 31202(i)) �) MeetinF� f6e EF.OP Requirement In accordance wi0i Fedec,i regulations, Assurance No. ( in Ihe Siandard Assurances. COPS Assuranee No. S.B, or certain Fedcral orant prnei xm reqwrements, your orgamzation must comply with the foltowmg EF.OP reporting reyuiremeots: If yourorgannatia� Ua, rcceivcd en award Ibr $500,000 or more and has 50 or more employees (counting both Tull- and part-umc cmplovees but exciuding polivcal appmntees), then it has to prepare an EEOP and submit it to OCR For review wi[hin t•�1 days from fhe da[e of [his letter. For ass�stance in developing an EE.OP, pleuse consule OCR:c websrte u1 mtp:/iwwm htm You may also request technical assistance from an P.EOP specialisr at O�T� by dialing (20?) 616-3208. If your or�anizalion rec�•ned an award between $25,000 and $500,000 and has 50 or more employees, yom oraam�ahon stili has Io p�epare xn EF,OP, but it does nol have to submrt the EEOP [o OCR for review Instead, your orgunizalion has to �^aintam [he EEOP on file and make itavailable for rev�ew on request. In addnion, your orgamcabon has to cun� ':IC Seciion F3 of Lhe Ceni£catwn Fortn and retum rt to OCR. The CMifica[ion Form cen 6e found at ht[pJ/www.� n uu{o� �ov/ocr/eeop.htm. I(yuur organiu,tion i cc. � cd au nward Ior iess than 525,000, or if your orgam�ation has less than 50 emoloyees, regardless nf thc amount o( thc aiward; or ityour orgamzation is a medical mstitution, educational ins4tution, nonprofit orgunizalion o� !ndmn tr�6q then your orgam7anon �s exempt from ihe EEOP requirement. However, your organizxtion mic.t complctc Section A of thc Certification Form and retum it to OCR. The Certifiwhon Form can be founet ai het��, ;,w��, ,a,o�p usdoj.gov/ocr/eeop htm 2) Submit�in�FindingsoTDiscriminaNnn In the event a Fecteral o; °�ate court or Federal or State admimsvative agency makes an adverse Fndmg of discrimmatiou against va; � orgam�ation after a due pmcess hearing, on the �round of race, color, reLgion, nat�onal ongm, or sex, your orga: �canon must submrt a cupy af the n`ndmg to OCR for rev�ew. 09-1278 -- -- - - - EnsuringtheCompliancenf.SubrECiµienES ------ - ----- If your organization makcs subawards to other agencies, you are iesponsible For assuring that subrecipienLS also wmply with ali of the apolicable Federal civii nghis laws, including the requRements pettaming to developing and submitting an EFOP. : eporting Findings of Distt�mination, and providing language servir_s ro LEP pexsons. State agencies that make ��;bawards must have in place siandard gan[ assurnnces and review procedures to demonstnte tha[ [hey ac o!Tecuvely moniWdng the eivil rights compliance of subrecipients. if we can assistyou m an•- way in futfilline your civil rights reSponsibilines as a recipient of Fedeal funding, please call OCR at (202} =q7-0690 or visit our website at hctp:/lwww,ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/. Sincerely, �-� a. ��---- Michael L Alston Direcmr cc GrantMannger Financial Analyai 09-1278 - � - � --- Departmcnraflm2ice 7 O�e of Juvenile Justice and DeLnqueacy Preven5on � 1.AECIPIEMNAM6ANUADIJRESS(�ncludm,Zi�Codc) Gry of Saint Paul ' 15 W�t Kdlo� BuulcwN � Sct'au1,MN5i10? h � IA GRANTEE IRSNENDOR NO ' 41G0055?1 �_ : 3. PROJE('1'TITLE j MmncsumCumpuLCrFomns¢+Manup;..n�cminivativc � _._____________. _.. �� i PAGE 1 OF 3 Cooperafive Agreement I i _" 4. A WARp NUMBER: 2005-MC-CX-K008 5 PROJECf PEWpD. FAOM Ol/012005 TO 17/312009 BUDGET pEFUOD. FROM Ol/OIl100i FO i2/312009 ;6.AWABDDATE 0926/200] .7.ACTION '"'"'�' �R.SUPPLEMENTNUMBER ' Suppicmrnts� 02 � 9. PREVIOUS A WqRD AMOUNT � 10. AMOUNT OF THIS A WARD 5 950,000 s zao.000 � 1 L TOTAI A WARD . S 1,150,000 i 12 . 5 PEC.iALCOND(TIONS - -- -- i THEABOVEOkANTPRO1hC1 L,ApPROVEDSI)6JECT1pSUCHCONll1T10NSORLIMITATi0N5ASARESETFORTN � ONTHEA77pCHLUI'AGE�ti) � _. ! 13. STATl 1 TORYAUT}�ORIIYF�OIfGRANT � ��--' � This pru�cct issiep�nr¢r7 uMcr Pub L No I10-5. cmhcdJal scc.i. 701-164, pub. L No 109- � ; cf&ct on ScpL 74?OOfi �FY 2(1(I'! ^HVrnc Dncmnonary") �QA, 119 Srai _290,?230; 42 LLS.C.7760 d7h2aas m � l5. METNOD OF I'AYMENT - -" '— ---- PAPRS I — AGLN!'Y — — GRANTEEACCEPTANCE � 16.TYPEDN AMEANDTITLCOPAI'PROVMOOFFICIAL , 18 TYPEIJNAMEANDTITLEOPAUTHORIZEDGRANTEEOF Rcgma B Schoficid ' John M}lenin�nun � AsnsumAVOrncyfcncm7 , ChsfofPOLcc I �__ " ; 77.SIGNATUAEOFAPPAOVW(iOiPIC(!�� � 79.SIGNA TUREOPAUTHORIZEDRECIPIENTOFFICIAL � 19A.DATE � � ' ,�i. .X�� :: �',ri'� i �,� u`�L' �. . i �f AGENCYUSEONLY ■ 1 20.AC^p1:4'fWGCLASSIFi(:4TIC�`ItODES ' 21 D(0'�1000i1 i FISCAL FUND �I1Q p�y �HAR CpDE ACT. OFC RZG $UB PO�AS AMOUNT ' X B ll6 ]0 W 00 200000 � i OJPF02M40002(REV 5-R9)PAEVIO;JSEDITIONSAREOBSOLEfE � _ __ OlP PORM41N102 (REV 4-RS7 09-1278 -- -------- -E-- , - ..•, � ,, •b� �» f. ----- — -- ----- 'z �- OfficenfJuvenile SHEET PAGE a oF 3 � '"'"" Justice and DeHnquency ; � Cooperative Agreement i . Prevenfion I PROJE(TNUMeER ?OOi-M('-!'X-KppR AWAADDATE 09R62007 I_" � _' __ " ___' —__ ! SPECIAL CONDITIONS �. The recipient agr:ec to comply wi[h [he financial and administrative requiremenLS set forth in the emrent edition of the � Office of JusLCC i'�ugrams (OJP) Financ�al Guide. i 2. The rec�pienl acknowledges that failure to subm�t an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if recipient is requrted to tiuSn J aie pursuant [0 28 C.F.R. Secnon 42.302), that is approved by the Office for Civil Rights, is a violation of itr Cenified qssuranccs and may msult in suspension or tertnination of funding, unt�l such nme as the recipicnt�sin comn��ance. � 3. The recipient ag;�•e.s to coinply wi[h the orgam�ationat audit requirements of OMB Circutar A-133, Aud�CS of States, Iqcal GoveminerAS. and Non-Profit OrganiraUOns, as further described m the current edition of the OJP Financiat � _ Guide, Chup[�° 19 � 4. Recipient understands anA agrees that it cannot use any federal funds, either directly or indirectly, m support of [he � enactment, repcal, modification or adoption of any law, regulation or policy, at any level of govemment, wirhout the ezpress pnor •aa�a,�n approval of OIP. i , 5. The applicant hudget is pendmg review or approval. The recipient may nol obligate, expend ot draw down any grant fund; until the OfCicc uf the Comptroller, Office of Justice Programs has issued clearance of the application budget, and , � Grant Ad�«aa::oid?;otice has been �sxued removing ihis special condition. � 6. The Yrqect D�rcr>�.r and key program personnel designated in the application 5hall be Ieplaced only for compelling i rcisons un<9 c, vL �!..; cnncurrenee of OJP. OJP will not umeasonably withhold concurrence. All successo�s to key � personncl mu:a L., appruved, and such approval is mnnngent upon submission of appropna[e infortnation, including, I but not Iimited te, ;i resuma Changcs in other program personnel reyuire only notificahon tp OIP and submission of ' reaumes valc.;s o:herwise desi�nated m the award document i �� 7. The recipieni agr::s ro submit quanedy financmi sWms reports to the O�ce of ]us[ice Progams usmg Standard Form SF 269A on tkc ;ntcrneL at https.//grants.ojp.usdo,j.gov . These reports shatl besubmitted on-Ime not later than 45 days � afier ihe end c; uici� wlerdar quarter. The final report shall he submrtted �ot later than 90 days followirtg the end of ; thc grent penud � 8. "�;e rexipient shaii sobma semiannual progress reports, progress reports shall be submitted withm 30 days after the end of lhc reportaig pcnuds. which are June 30 and December 31, for [hc life of the award. These reports will be subm�tted ; to the Office of J�r,u�e Programs, on Ime-through thc Intemct at https://gnnts.ojp.usdoj.gov/. ' 9 Approv.I of t��.:,,...nrJ docs not indicate appmval of any eonsultant rate in excess of $450 per day. A deGWiled �usti�cation n�d�� L� subinitted ro and upproved by the Office of Justice Programs (OIP) prooram of£ce pnor to � obiigacion or ucpendnurc ofsuch funds � I0. The recip�ent agrees to comply wrth ihe ICAC Task Force P�ne am Standards as estabLshed by the ICAC Task Force i Advisory fioarS;.r.0 apnroved by OJJDP. ' I 1. Thc recipiem a�n,es to lorwurd reports of ICAC Task Foroe Pro�ram Monthly Performance Measures to the OISDP- � des�gnated sne. OJP FORM 6000^ BL\' 4Rh� 0 - —__— _._. . -. _De�a�nentof]usnce _ .. __ ____ --- - - ua nCiustice Pro�rems � — -- ,- - -- - - -- --- � �fiiceot3uvenile '� Justice and Delinquency P: e��nfion 09-1278 rVARD CONTINUATI014 _ _ _ �___--------- -- SHEET PAGE 3 OF 3 Cooperafive Agreement � i � PROJECTNUM6EA ?005-Mt'-C.`.KOOR AWA@pDA7E 0926P_00] � SPEGAL CONDITIDNS � �2. The Office u( lu�cnile lustice and Belinquency Revention has elec[ed [o enter into a Cooperznve Agreement-rather than a �rant with fhc roap�enL This decision ret7ecCS the mutual interest of the recipient and O]IDP in the operz[ion of � the pro�cct as a��eu as llie anti�ipated Ievel of Federal involvement in this projecL OJIDP's parGCipatory role in the project �s as li�:!. ,. a Rcview and app:ove ma�or work plans, mcluding changes to such plans, and key decisions pertaining to project � operanons. � b Review und apnrovc major project generated documenCa and materials used m the prov�sion of pro�ec[ services. Provide guidanc; i.� sionifiwnl project plamm�o meetings, and partic�pate in prqect sponsored training events or ' confcrences OIP FORM 40W!? �RCV 4kN� 09-1278 -- -- - - -- - - - --- - - ---- -- ----�- - --- ---- - -- --- ------- - -- - - - - --- - - - - - _- -- -- --- ---- -- - _ Office of Justice Programs �ce ojJuvenile Justice and DeIinquency Preventiors W'aehingmn. D C 20531 Memorandum To: Of(icial GrantFile From: Kathy Grassq Ne�a Coordinator Sutsjech Catcgorical Exclusion for City of Saint Paul The recipient agrees to a„�st OJJDP to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other related federal envir�>nmental impact analyses requirements in ttie use of these grant funds either directly by the recipier.t n� by a subrecipient. Accordingly, prior to obligating grant funds, the grantee agrees to first determi��c ,f any of the followina ac6vities will be related to the use of the grant funds and, if so, to advise OJJDP and request further NEPA implementation guidance. Recipient understands that this special wndition applies to its activrties whether or not they aze being specifically funded with these graut funds. That is, a; Im�g as the activity is being conducted by the recipient, a subrecipient, or any third party and the activiN necds to be undertaken in order to use these grant funds, this special condition must first be met. The aciivities covered by this special condihon are: a. new construction; b. minor renovation or remodelin,_ oFa property either; (1) listed on or eligible for listing on the Nariona] Register of Historic Places or, (2) ]ocated within a 100-year flood plain; c. a renovation, lease, or any other proposed usc of a building or facility that wi11 either; (1) zesult in a change in its basic prior use or, (2) significantly change ih .,� ..e and; d. Implementation of a new program involving the use of chemicals other than chemicals tha' are; (1) purchased as an incidental component of a funded activ�ty and; (2)tradrtionally used, fi�r example, in office, household, recreat�onal, or education. _ - --- - _ _ partmentoTTuspce � r�u.uT�T.�r._�.�„� 09-1278 ' PROJECT SUIt�NIAR-Y------ -- - -- -- - � �ce of Juvenil Justice and ..,,„,N D�Lnquency Pre�ention � Cooperafive Agreement _ , PROIECTNUMBER ?A05-MGCX-K008 ' PAGE 1 OF 1 eff �� lupynrtrd ur,dcr Puh L No ll0.5, em6edded u:es. 1�1-IM; Puh L. No. 109-IOF, 119 Stai.2?90,??30:4? U.S.C.37603762a as �¢ p 3o._(Nln(Pl"007^BymeDiscret�onary") i. STAFF' CONTAR �Na: c,:� [dzphune num6cr) Jacqueline O'Rr�lly ' (?0?JS15-SU21 3a TITLL OF 711E PR� •riV ', bi OJ1DP FY 09 [iuiiding I; l4 � orcns�c Capac�ty 4 TITLEOFPRqJEC7' Minnr>ne� l'ompnrei Fnr^nsiu M:mngement Initiarive 5 NAMLBADUItE5901"iRAN'fEH ('iry ol Sainr Pnnl IS Wctt KeIIu� 13wdc � nd S[ Paul, MN Si10? 7. PROC2AM PLRIOr, FROM' OUGI'_�)Oj 9. AMOUNT UF APo'N? � $ zoo,00n II SfiCONDYf�1R'�4t�9"CT 13 71LlRU YLAft'S f3t,l�<,L f PLItIOD 'f0� 12/3I/2009 ? PROJ[C7 DlAEC70R (Name, addiecc & relephone num6er) Neil NeLson Commander 3(7 Grovc Sveet St. Paul, MN 55101 (fi51�793�I045 �I 36. POMS CODE (SEE INSTRUCIIONS ON REVERSE) I G. NAME & ADRESS OP SUBGRANSEE R. BUDCiET PERIOD FROM� 01l01/2005 IO DATE OP A WAAD oerzeizoo� TO 12lS 12009 12. SECONU YEAR'S BUDGEI' AMOUNT 14 THIAD YEAR'S BUDGE? AMOU7JT I5. SUMMARI' DLS;'RII'1lON Of PROJLCI (See iaswction on revuse) �" The ICAC pro�ram u u nenonal nelwork uf mWn-agency, mulV-jurisd�aional2sk furces engaged m proacVVe �mesnganoat, forensic examinat�ons, a�d c;l'�sn � pmsecnlions Addilwnatly, the fask Furces provide foreas�q prevenCwn, and mvestigauon ass�stapcy ro parynis� educamrs, pros�:utoit, I, a enfnrcemeot awi others mncerned wrth c6�id vutim�astion �ssues � Siipptcmemalfundm_ix'xingprov�deAfurthepumoseofdevefopmgandvnplemeotmgs¢ateg�esmbuiidtheTaskFortticapac�rytohandle ��ren-��a mvesu�anom ano reJuce forrnsm backlo� CA/NCF OJP PORT�i.'A0o2 (Rl3V .i 4:s) � LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE l � % � � i j1 Internet Crimes Against Children Program 1' •• � • AND INVESTIGATIVE S�Al�i)ARD S ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 1 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 09-1278 Definitians As used herein, the following definitions shall apply: "0J3DP" is the Office of �uvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. "NCMEC" is the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. "CEOS" is lhe Child Exploitation and Obscenity Secrion of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. "ICAC" is the Intemet Crimes Against Children program composed of Task Forces and Affiliates. "TASK FORCE" is defined as an ICAC law enforcement agency designated by 07JDP to act as a State andlor Regional Task Force. "AFFILIATE" is defined as a law enforcement agency that is working in partnerslup with a Task Fr.rce and has a�eed in writing to adhere to ICAC Operational and Investigative Stand�uds. "PARTNEP" is defined as an agency assisting a Task Force absent a written agreement. "NATIONf1L INITIATIVE" is defined as any investigative proposal that relies on the cooperation az�d resources of all Task Forces or mandates action by OJJDP. "CVIP" is the Child Victim Identification Pro�am operated by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. "CYBER'"I?'LINE" is a reporting mechanism for cases of online child sexual exploitation and enticement operated by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. For the purposes of this program, crime is defined as any offense that involves the exploitation of c;hildren facilitated by technology. Investigativc inter is estabiished when there is reasonable suspicion that a screen name or other potentially identifiable entity has committed a crime or that entity is engaged in a sequence nf activities that is likely to result in the commission of a crime. A proactii�c investigation is designed to idenrify, investigate and prosecute offenders, which may nr may not involve a specific target, and requires online interaction and a significant degree of pre-operative planning. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAR� ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 2 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITI�E 09-1278 --- - A rcactnc im�eszigation mvolves�he tnvesfigafion"ofa comglaznt_ofa cnme____— - - ---- --- easona e suspicion is es�ab7isfied wfien sufficient facts exist to lead a law enforcement officer to beiieve that an individual or organization is involved in a definable criminal activity. _ ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOlt LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 3 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 09-1278 ---_ 1� ---- __ _ _._ _ - -- —.__. ----- I.1 Each ICAC agency shall have supervisory systems and procedures, which shall provide for observation, documentation, and periodic review of ICAC activity. Such system should comply with the principles of quality case management and ensure that 1CAC activifies comply with both agency and ICAC Standards. 1.2 Task rorces shall submit all proposer national initiatives to OJJDP prior to project initiation. 1.3 OJJDY may suggest amendments to the original proposal following consultation with the presenting Task Force and other federal, state, and locai entities. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFO�iCEIVIENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 4 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 09-1278 — ------- �- e ec�`iouand T asl� � -- -- 2.1 Managers and supervisors should evaluate prospective ICAC candidates for work history that indicates prior investigative experience, court testimony skills, ability to handle sensitive information prudently, and a genuine interest in the protection of children. 2.2 Given the graphic nature of evidence roLtinely encountered in ICAC related cases, the mental health of investigators working such cases is a great concem. Task force supervisors at all levels are encouraged to make reasonable efforts to ensure tiiat �1 assigned o�cers remain fit for duty in accordance with applicable departmentai policies and procedures. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOIF LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 5 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 3.1 All Investigators wil] be suppIied with appropriate training consistent with the ICAC Operational and Investigative Standards. 3.2 ICAC Task Force Commanders aze responsible for ensuring that the individuals nominated for ICAC sponsored training are employed by agencies that have agreed in writing to aclhere to the 1CAC standards of investigation and that any prereauisite requirements for the training session have been met. 3 3 IC.vC iask forces may give regional training. The training shall comply with current ICAC standazds. Any subsequent support required as a result of the regional tcamicig shall be the responsibility of the task force providing the training. 09-1278 ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 6 of IS 09-1278 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENS�TIVE - - - ---_ _.. _._ - � ----� � - � --- -- — — Cas��a�ag�n� -- - - =- --- 4.1 Case Predication and Prioritizafion 4.1.1 Cases may be inifiated by referrals from the CyberTipline, Internet service providers, or other law enforcement agencies, and by information gathered through subject interviews, documented public sources, direct observations of suspicious behavior, public complaints, or by any other source acceptable under agency policies. 4.1.2 iCAC sup�r�isors are responsible for determining invesrigative priozities and selecting cases for investigation. Assuming the information is deemed credible, that detennination should begin with an assessment of vicfim risk and then consider other factors such as jurisdicfion and known offender behavioral characteristics. The following prioritization scale shall be considered: aj A cnilu is at immediate risk of victimization b) A child is vulnerable to victimization by a known offender c) A known suspect is aggessively solicifing a child(ren) d) Manufacturers, distributors or possessors of images that appeaz to be home phete�n with domiciled children e) 5.g�ressive, high-volume child pomography manufacturers or distributors who eic';c;a are commercial distributors, repeat offenders, or specialize in sadistic images f} I✓lanufacturers, distributors and solicitors involved in high-volume trafficking or �;etcm;; to an organized child pomo��raphy ring that operates as a criminal conspiracy g) Dist? solicitors and possessors of images of child pornography ;�) �ry r�°t�.er fonn ��f child victimization. 4.2 Recox'r,i'ie€�+fing 4.2.1 IC�,s� a�en�ies shall be subject to existing agency incident reporting procedures and case supervision systems. At a minimum, a unique identifier shall be assigned to each ICAC case. 4.2.2 Alt afnliate� agencies will report their activity to the respective Task Force Crnn-��ancir,r by the l Oth of each month using the ICAC Monthiy } Measures Report. 4.'l.s Tas.c i„t c: s,�ill compile and submit their monthly perFormance measures report to the OJJDP designated location before the end of the following ICAC P; ogram Operational and Investigative Standards &'OR LAW EIVFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 7 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 09-1278 4.2.4 ICA C' Case Tracker — Task Forces will compile and submit information on all cases referred ior eith�; state or federal prosecution. Informafion is requued for a11 cases referred b}� the grant receiving agency, as well as all affiliates that received morethan $20,000 a yeaz. This report is on-going and begins with the prosecutorial agency the case is referred to and r,ontinues through the final disposirion of the case. This on-going quarterly renort svill be due within five (5) business days of the start of the quarter and does not r;pia;;e either the semi-annual progress report required by the Office of 7usrice Pro�,nam's F'ir;sncial Guide nor the quarterly statistical performance measures report (see 4.2 ; abc,::; �'I,e report is submitted to iciccasetracker�i�usdoi.�ov and copied to the ICAC Program Manager assigned to the task force. 4.3 Undercuves �nveatiga@ions 4.3.1 Car�sul;y :r:anaged undercover operations conducted by well-trained officers aze arnang thc ;r.esi e:fective techniques available to law enforcement for addressing ICAC of;:: .:zc. Y_Jndercovzr operations, when executed and documented properly, co:lect virtually unassailable evidence regarding a suspecYs predilecfion to exploii et 43.2 ICA'� supervisors are responsible for ensuring that 1CAC investigators receive a copy of the 3CAC Operational and Investigative Standards. 4.33 TCAt` mves�igations shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the principles of law �n., �.�,c, p�<�cess. ICAC lnvestigatois are encouraged to work in conj uncti��u w�tti their local, state or federal proseeutors. 4.3.4'I1ic .uil.>wing rninimum standards apply to ICAC investigations: a. C?nly sworn, on-duty ICAC personnel shall conduct ICAC inves6gations in an undercover capacity. Private citizens shall not be asked to seek out investigative ta� �.=ets, nor shall they be authorized to act as police agents in an online Undercover capacity. h, ii ',C z�ersonnel shall nat electronically upload, transmit, or forward pc� ,�o<.*.rsohic or sexually explicit images. c. �J�ner than images or videos of individuals, age 18 or over, who have pn, � u::d their infoimed written consent, and at fhe time consent was given were employed by a criminal iustice agency, no actual human images or vicicos si�all be utilized in an investigation. Employee is defined as a sala�cd o- carnpensated individual. 1CAC P.��ogrurn Operational and Investigatiue Standards FOR I.AVO' ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY �'age 8 of 15 LA� ENFORCEIVIENT SENSITIVE 09-1278 ____ tar��:�! t:;_set_the tone,�ace h r snall be iniriated by the tazget. e. "_irtit;rcover online activity shall be rewrded and documented. Any departures from this policy due to unusual circumstances shall be docmnented in the relevant case fiie �nd reviewed by an ICAC supervisor. 4.4 Evide*��� P�o�edures 4.4.1 11ie ��crag�, security, and destruction of investi�ative information shall be consister.. �. t: �gency peiicy. Access to these files should be restricted to authorizeu ;;c:sc:�tr.el. 4.4.2 The examination of computers and digital media shall be consistent with agency policy and ��, 4.4.3 Chx� !;�?rn:�5naphy ia contraband and should be maintained pursuant to each aganc�'s r,. !:.,:�,s ; ega,ding such. lt is recommended that absent a court order specificai',, �rdc*ing otherwise, evidence containing child pomography shall not be relea��� �,,, atr,�r defendant or representative fhereof. 4.4A T'he ��ar�s1'er of evidence containing child pornography among law enforcement shall be dnn�� ir a secure manner. Methods of transfer may include hand-delivery, transmis�ioi� of�:ii�itally protected files, delivery via a service which tracks the shipme��t �,���;l�er cnethods consistent with agency policy and practices. 4.5 'J�'o�:.�y. a, e :�ti�c9 Equiy�njent 4.5. i 1C �r_' �o�r ��uters and saftware shall be reserved for the exclusive use of agency desibniate�' !';;C' r�ersonnel. When possible, undercover computers, software, and online a;;: oL:nts shall be purchased covertly. No personally owned equipment shali he usc" ui 1t;AC investigations and all softwaze shall be properly acquired and ticer�s.:d. 4.5.2 IG,C a�rs�,nnel shali not use 1CAC camputers, software or online accounts for personat u;e 4.53 Abscnc �>xi�ent or unforeseen circumstances, all ICAC online investigations shall be corduc�r:�V : r. „overnrnent workspace as designated by the agency. Exceptions must be a; ;� ;,��e<i ;n abvance by an 1CAC supervisor. ��ACProgram Operational andlnvestigative Standards �fJR Y.A,W FNEQRC�;MENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 9 of 15 09-1278 LA�WW �Nk'ORCEMENT SENSITIVE 5. I�far ��=���a��a�ng -- ------ — - - - 5.1 Con� er., :�:ai houndaries are virivally meaningless in the electronic world of the Intemet ai:c' t?�e usual constraints of time, place, and distance lose their relevance. These fa�t� �=;ac,, ease the possibility of ICAC agencies targering one another, investigatms, �l�e s.u:ie subject, or inadvertently disrupting an ongoing investigae:: :.. : c� foster coordination, collaboration, and communication, each ICAC ager,c;d s'� +.!i ,:,ntribute ca:c i:ifor_nation cn all active investigations (local, int�7°,-ate, reactive and proactive} to a common database as designated by OJJDP cur; ently, refesed to as the ICAC Data Exchange. 5.2 If any c::mmen target is identified, the initiating ICAC agency is responsible for contactin�, .�.; otner law znforcement agency targeting the suspect. 5.� :niti.�1" !:'��;, agenci�s should also consider conYacting other local, state, and feC1EiAI 2iL: f' :'.��5 W ii�(;�1 YilBj% �OE IIt�%OiVECl li� Slllll�ffi IIlVEStI�TfltIO11S. LCAC Pirogram Oper^atio�ial and Investigative Standards FE3R LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 10 of 15 LAW ENFORCEIv�IENT SENSITIVE 09-1278 __. _ — - —6rV�et�:�� ��e���icaiion- - - - - -- ---- ---- --- 6.1 =den_ :°; :r c;::ld victims is a critical element of the ICAC Progazn. DOJ and OJ7DP re :«.r: aL 'I'ask Forces to submit child vicrim images to the CVIP as a means t� ;_� _�rove child victim idenrification. Absent exigent circumstances, child victim im..�__s w�ii be sent to the CVII' consistent with NCMEC guidelines. In addition, i� ,�r� rg�ncies are encouraged to collaborate with NCMEC to idenrify children de* cted in c_�ild pornoaaphy. 6.2 A focu« ��f the TCAC Program is to protect children. In circumstances where reponmg of cntld abuse is not required under existing laws, ICAC agencies aze strongly e^;r.nura:;ed to report instances in which a child may be at risk for abuse or explc,..:; ,... 6.3 Aose?-: _- ; ig; nt circumstances, victim identifying information should be protected from put;�;� . itsciosure. ICAC Program Operutional and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Eage i l of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 09-1278 2.-�FC��r�?�=at��s:.atao� -- - --- ------------ [New se .:�_�� te ae drafted in 2009 about JUSTICE FOR ALL Act Provisions that govem victim no:if �ati�n.] lCACProgram Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 12 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 09-1278 -- -- ------ - ---- - - - ----- ----- - --- - -- - ------ ------- -- - — ------. 8_Sest�x::'sice�fnrInteraciingaitt�Pot ------------- Offen�iu; t�arm'ly_ _em ers __T [To be deceioped in 2009.] ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 13 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 09-1278 ---- _ _ ___ -9. Ge��!*a{u�-�acat�oaa$d C�ime�re_v_�tton- - — -- 9. ] Prevention education activities are a critical component of the OJJDP ICAC Prograrn. ICAC agencies should foster awareness and provide practical, relevant guidance to cnildren, pazents, educators, librarians, and other individuals concemed ut>out child safety issues. 9.2 Presei�tuti:,ns to schoo! staff, parents, and community groups are excellent ways to promotti a«�areness. These presentations shall not depict identifiable victims, not otherwise in the public domain; nor shall they use pomographic or sexually explicit ima,;es. Yresenters shall not discuss confidenrial investigafive techniques. 9.3 iVo member af an ICAC Task Force may endorse any product or service without the expres:, ��,nsc:�t of an UJJDP Pro�am Manager. While appearing at public presentatirn �s, i� .aC members may indicate a preference for a product or service, but to avoii. a<< implicit endorsement, such ICAC members should indicate adequate al?crnatives. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 14 of 15 09-1278 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE = 1��Y3ed�� �eiatioas�itd_Re}ease� - -- ---- - -_ - 10.1 Medi.+ - ^leases relating to prosecutions, crime alerts or other matters concetning ICAC ope-a�ions shall not include information regazding confidential investigativ� techniques and should be coordinated (when applicable) with othet Task Force narticipants, Federal law enforcement agencies, and State and local agencies involved in the investigarion consistent with sound information managemen' and media relari�ns practices. l 0.2 ICA� ('��mmanders (or their designees) may speak to members of the media about their owr. d:<�arments' 1CAC-related activities according to their own agency's guidelines. i�io individual affiliated with the ICAC program may speak on behalf of the ICAC Fr.;t:r:;ti� us a whole. 10.31CA(: �� a�nrnanders should inform their OJJDP Program Managers if approached by national n�..;�u out(ets about the 1CAC Program (as opposed to media seeking infonnaiioo about Iocal activities) so tliat a coordinated national response can be prepared by OJP. l 0.4 Infc� -r.�i i m provided by ICACs to tbe media sball be consistent with the guidance below: Furpose cr t3�e I�AC Program The misston of the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force program is to assist stat� �,nci iocal law enforcement agencies in developing an effective response to cyber entfcc �i,ent and child pornography cases. This support encompasses forensic and ir�vestigative cotnponents, training and technical assistance, victim services, prevention and community education. Iiackgr�o;�,;.R r,r: tT�e I�CAC I�rogram 1'he Interne� l.riiues Against Children (ICAC) program is a national network of fifty-nine coordinatc:i �ncal task forces and their 1,8001oca1 and regional affiliated agencies eng�geG i�� `oin �;roactive end reactive investigations, forensic examinations, effecfive prosecati, �%; an� community educatian. i The 1CAC Program was developed in response to the incrcr-;in�; �mmber of children and teenagers using the Intemet, the proliferation of ch�i1 porn�.;�r,�urr;, and tYie heightened oniine activity by predators searching for unsuperv�.��°cl contact ;�ith w�deraae victims. By helping state and local law enforcement agencizs U�,�,iup effecti�•e and sustainable responses to online child victimization and child porn;r<r}phy, the ICAC program delivers national resources at the lacal level. 'il;e ��At. ,,-..y .aii actively protects children who use the Interuet by proactively investigat>> �.� the on-line sexual exploitation of children by predators. Because ICAC praceit�or�c = an�'e,stand that anests alone can not resolve the problem of on-l�ne �,.� �:f z�.t,un, the ICAC program is dedicated to training law enforcement and educatui� �, ��cnt� �nd youth ahout the potential dangers online and offering safety tools. I{;AC' Program Operational and Investigative Standards F'OR LAW ENFORCEMENP PURPOSES ONLY Page I S of 15