09-1277Council File #��']'� Green Sheet # 308413 -- - - - _ . . - - _ -- - - - -R�S�L-U��ON------ Presented by 1 WHEREAS, Eureka Recycling is under contract with the City of Saint Paul to provide recycling services 2 for the city through 2012 known as contract number 02-9872 and dated December 7, 1998, with all its 3 previous amendments; and 4 WHEREAS, cunent economic and recycling market conditions have necessitated the need for Eureka to approach the city asldng for an amendment to their contract that would change the rate structure and how they are paid for the collection, hauling and processing of recyclables; and 9 WHEREAS, amending the Recycling Service Agreement will provide a new rate structure that is more 10 commonly used and consistent within the recycling business and will be made retroactive back to March l, 11 2009, and 12 13 WHEREAS, amending the agreement will necessitate a service fee increase for residents for the collection, 14 hauling and processing of recyclables in 2010, with future cost adjustments to be made annually based on 15 the Consumer Price Index published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis; and 16 17 WHEREAS, amending the agreement will also allow the contract with Eureka to be extended through 18 2016, now 19 20 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed, on 21 behalf of the City of Saint Paul, to execute an amendment to agreement number 02-9872 dated December 22 7, 1998, with all its previous amendments, in order to continue the collection, hauling and processing of 23 recyclables in Saint Paul provided under contract with Eureka Recycling. x�,s Lan[ry I ✓ Stazk � Thune � Reque�sted / by Department of: PTK � \'7� 10/19/09/� � ublic Works �� _� �— � - By: Form � Adopted by Council: Date f/����1 Foim Adoption Certified by Council retazy By � „-�---� Form By: ! By: Approved b� G� or: Date � Z 2i� By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green - - -- - - � ne..�.�.�.e..arnsF ir.....,..u. n_._ ,_..._._._ _ _ _ _ _ _ � ConWct Person & Phone: Paul Kurtr 266-6203 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): 04-NOV-09 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-Document Required: N Document Contact: Contact Phone: y Number For Routing Order 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Department Public Works Publie Works Public Works FinancialServices City Attorney ,Mayor's Ofice Council PubGc Works -� Sent7oPereon InitiallDate �'j�L ° Depar/meutAccountant � �U �ZZ—(J� Department Director � ����g Office of Financial Services �� • � ' CiTyAflornep `r�' `Z/� � MayodASSistaut � City Council Public Works ToWI # of Signature Pages � (Ciip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Authorize and direct proper ciry officials to execute an amendment to agreement 02-9872 between the City of Saint Paul and Eureka Recycling Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Commitlee Civil Service Commission e Personai Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No I Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Eureka Recycling has approached the ciry asldng that their current contract be amended in order to change the rate structure and how they aze paid for providing recycling seroices in Saint Paul. They cite the current economic situation and recycling mazket conditions as reason for their amendment request. Advantages If Approved: Eureka Recycling will continue to provide quality recycling services to Saint Paul residen[s through 2016 Disadvantages If Approved: An approved amendment will necessitate an increase in the service fee paid foz by residents in Saint Paul. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Risk having disrupted or no recycling service for residents. ToWI Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financiai Information: j (Explain) � CosGRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: October 20, 2009 8:36 AM Page 1 •�� '. "'� �_. ""'_'______-_-_'___'. _.._.__'_'_"__"' _ _"___"'_...___'___'_"'_.....' ___'_'_____'_ --- -- -- — — - �N7END1GfENT 'I'O AGRF:EI�;N'I� — — This Amendment to the City of Saint Paul Contract Number 02-9872 Recycling Services ?,greement dated December 7, 1998, and amended September 26, 2001; January 9, 2003; and December 9, 2005 (the "Recycling Services AgreemenP') is made and entered into and of this day of , 2009 by and between the City of St. Paul, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City"), and Eureka Recycling, a Minnesota corporation (the Contractor"). WHEREAS, the Contractor has partnered with the City for over 20 years to provide recycling services to the residents of the City; and WHEREAS, the Contractor has experienced financial difficulty in recent times due to unexpected downturns in the market for recycling materials; and WHEREAS, the rates charged for recycling services have not been amended or increased since 1998; and WHEREAS, Contractor has requested the Recycling Services Agreement be amended to provide for a new rate structure that is more commonly used in the Contractor's business, and would assist the Contractor financially, and WHEREAS, the City is willing to grant this request and amend the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Contractor agree to amend the Recyciing Services Agreement pursuant to the following terms: A. Collection Fees: Section 2 of the Recycling Services Agreement shall be amended to adjust the payment of services for collection services to a per unit basis from a per ton basis, and Section 2.A. shali be deleted and replaced in its entirety and shall now state as follows: 2. The Citv shall provide the followine: A. Pavments for hauler contract costs for curbside/multi-familv/vublic buildings/public spaces collection program administration, pro ram promotion and nublic education and 222-SORT recyclina information hotline to meet the Base Goals detailed in the attached Work Plan. for services be inning in March of 2009, shall be set as follows: $2.60 ner household per month $1.64 ner multifamily unit per month. . {{ f ' -_ _ ' "_"___ ' ' _ _"'" . "'_""' _'"_- r __" � . ___ ___ -_- _ _- -__ _ -_ -_ _ - - - - - --_ - -- �— 'I'fie a�ion made m section 2.C)_of_the September_26,_2Q0_l _Amend�xien�--- --- is hereby revised as follows, retroactive to March 1, 2009: During any direct [Contractor] provision of processing services, the City will receive 50% of all actual revenue derived from sale of recyclable materials (revenue sharing), after the [Contractor] retains the first �58 $60 /ton in revenue to pay for facility and processing costs. Revenues retained by [Contractor] shall be dedicated to enhancing recycling and waste reduction programs in Saint Paul as detailed in the attached 2002 Work Plan and subsequent Work Plans. ' C. The following provision is added to Section 2: Consumer Price Index (CPI) Annual Adjustment. The Collection and Pr�cessing fees will be adjusted on an annual basis. The collection and processine fees for each new vear will be adiusted by the CPI Annual Percentage Chanee percentaee published bv the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneanolis for the fees chareed for the nrevious vear. This adjustment will occur on March 1 s ` of each vear. D. Amend the term of the Contract: Under Part 7 of the December, 1998 Agreement, amended in September of 2001, to state: Term. This amendment will extend the term of the December, 1998 Agreement from Januazy 1, 2004 through December 31, 20�-316. E. Effective Date and Retroactive Payment for Services. The City and the Contractor have entered into this Agreement on the date first indicated above. All revised payments for services previously rendered, but which are now subject to the retroactive changes agreed upon herein, are due and payable to the Contractor pursuant to a 3tatement of Reconciliation, which Statement of Reconciliation shall be provided to the City at the time Contractor signs this Agreement. City shali pay Contractor the amount set forth in the Statement of Reconciliation as soon as possible after approval and execution of this Amendment. F. Amendments. This Amendment to the Recycling Agreement may be amended upon mutual written agreement of the parties in the same form as set forth herein. The City agrees it will re-open and amend Section 2 of the Recycling Agreement, as amended, upon the basis that the Contractor has incuned additional :�°�°�°�;� labor costs beyond those anticipated in Section C above related to all services provided under this contract. .� - ,- ---- G. __ Meteer. The provisions-contained -in-th4s Agree�e�shal�be trierged a�- -- ---- incorporated into the Contractor's Recycling Services Agreement with the City. All terms and conditions set forth in the Recycling Services Agreement, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect as if fully set forth herein. �..^. - -_ __ _ -- ---- - - - --- Dated: � - By: Its Dated: Approved as to Recommend Recommend City of St. Paul By: Director, By: Assistant City By: Director, By: Director, 1 and Equal of Public Works of Financial Services of Human Rights Opportuni[y Approved: � By: