192403ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION r 19,A63 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 192403 —By Adrian P. COUNN RESOLUTI N r--Gf N RAL FORMS Resolved, p . �� Resolved, That the yyOm horizer to of / Pgh}ic ,1j�orks is hereby authorized to RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to employ the Walter Butler Company, Architects and Engineers, as Consulting Engineers for the purpose of making the surveys, performing the engineering work, and furnish- ing engineering services necessary in the preparation of complete plans and speci- fications for the St. Peter Street - Rondo Avenue Storm Water Relief Sewer - Section I (Bond Issue designation - St. Anthony Hill System Outfall), such author- ization to be set forth in detail by an agreement approved by the Corporation Counsel and to be entered into between the City of St. Paul and the Walter Butler Company, and the proper city officials are herein authorized and instructed to execute such agreement on behalf of the City of St. Paul, compensation to be three and one -half per cent (3 -1/2%) of the total cost of the work as determined by actual construction contract let,by the City within a reasonable time after the completion of plans and specifications, or based on an estimated cost of $1,709,038 in case the award of the contract is deferred, the total cost upon which the percentage is based being whichever is less of the two foregoing con- ditions in case a construction contract is awarded, the aforementioned fee to be paid out of Bond Fund No. 210, Project 5E -17, and from such funds as are allocated by the Minnesota Highway Department to this project to cover the proportional cost of providing for highway drainage as set forth in a separate agreement to be entered into between the City of St. Paul and the Highway Department. AN 1/ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy _ v 5�7—� Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 @M 2 MAY 19 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— MAY 19 1959 Approved 19_ Favor Mayor Against D 19,103 ,103 TER DUPLICATE TO PRIN CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ems. P. Winkel COMMISSIONER DATE. RESMUD,, That the Comissionlar of panc works is hereby w thorized. to e namy the ValtAw Butler CaWwW,. Architects and Engineers, as Consulting ltgineers for the purpose of awing the surveys.,, performing the engineering work., and furnish- ing wing services neeessarY in the preparation of coiWleete p3sns and ei- fications for the St. Peter Street Rondo Avenue Stom Water Relief Sever - Section I (Bond Issue designation - -St. ,llntbwy Hilt Systes$ Oatfall), such author- ization to be met forth in detail by an agrexesicnt aapprave+d by the Corporation. Counsel: and to be entered into between the City of St. Paul end the Walter Butler Ccnpe.tiy, and, the proper city offictais are herein aufihorised and inaatructed to execute such agreement on bebalf of the City of St. Paul, to be three and one -half per cent (3 -1/2%) of the total cost of the work as determined by arctuaal construction contract let by the City within a rea sonsUe tine after the coePletion of plain and specifications, or bawd on an estimated cost of *1,7Og,038 in tie the a►aalwrd of the contract Is deferred, the total cost upon. vhich the percentage Is %sed being whichever is less of the two foregoing c:on- ditions in ease a taustruction contract is awarded, the a foremmx cone & fee to be peid out of Bond land. Ito. 2101P Project SE-17, and from such fauzds as are allocated by the Minnesota Ei0may Dvartmenat to this project to cover the proportional cost of providing for highvay drainage as met forth in a separate agreement to be entered into between the City of St. Paul and the Eighva y Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy l0ieee_.. Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 Tn Favor 0 Against MAY 19 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— MAY 19 1959 Approved 19— Mayor