193273ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK (� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILLENCa NO. 93 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /bmNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM C MMIISSSIIONER �� DATE RESOLVED, that the free use of the Exhibition Hall and Stem Hall of the Municipal .Auditorium is given the Saint Paul Shrine Committee for the Midwest Shrine Conference on August 14th and 15th, 1959, the cost of opening and oper- ating on said dates to be set up in Auditorium Fund No. 1021. Council File No. 193273 —By Severin A. Mortinson- Resolved, That the free use of the Exhibition Hall and Stem Hall of the Municipal Auditorium is given the Saint Paul Shrine Committee for the Midwest Shrine Conference on August 14th and 15th, 1959, the cost of, opening and operating on said dates to be set up in Audito ;ium Fund No. 1021. Adopted by the Council July 23, 1959. Approved July 23, 1959. (July 25, 1959) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci UL 23 1959 19— Yeas Nays r JUL 2 31959 Holland Approved . 19_ Mortinson . Peterson Tn Favor Rosen,; Acting Mayor Winkel Against 5M 5.58 2