193110ORIGINAL — CITY CLERK • w ,.r • 1 CITY OFySAINT PAUL Np 249 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOR j AUTHOR( Z �ATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ Council File W. 193 ?' -"- Ry Ad, j r PRESENTED BY HON. le!IeI0� 1pd&Z-1 I[ Resolved, ? .,�u_y a,�Z't9 —_ approves th" Committ P , alo t: oJ9 UaSCCL 10 ',C11b COPt 't' , i(0 4, n - RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of ',,'he Contract Committee therefor ,and hereby awards contract for the Grading of M,tirgan Avenue from Davern Street to Edgcumbe Road (except work to be done b�� City Forces), also to construct the Morgan- Wheeler,Sewer System to PETER IA_ &TTI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY in accordance with City plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #7701 of said Peer - Lametti Construction Company for the contract price of $27;625.69 (plus Engineering $2210.00 and plus Inspection $553.00 by City_Forces), such bid being the lowest and said Peter Lametti Construction Company being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel-be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Assessed against benefitted property - $30,388.69--- COUNCIL AIO FILE �/��11 143110 Grading - $ 5,293.00 Sewer - -152953. CFO Total - , E' CONTRACT PRICE - - - - - - - • - - - - $ 27, 625.69 WATER CONNECTIONS, DETOURS, SOUNDINGS, ETC. - - - - $ ENGINEE S TIM TE:, ENGINEERING - - - - - - - - - - - $ 21210.00 $ INSPECTION 2% - - - - - - - - - - - $ 553.00 FORMAL BID NO. 7701 '1 TOTAL 30, 388.69 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION.$ PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFTTTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 30,388069 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE $ 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS — EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE $ 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE —CODE $ 5. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 6. $ TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - $ 30, 388.69 COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT I_MOPSeT�ME>y. FMIPLIW FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. J ph J• �V11tCj>lejl PURCHASING jty *Comptroller DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED CO PTROLLE BY COUNCILMEN YEAS NAYS • t MR. PRESIDENT 500 7 -57 I FAVOR AGAINST JUL 9 1959 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL J U L 9 1959 APPROVED i ~ d UBLISHED 7 — //- 9 MAYOR It City Clerk 386 Court House St. Paul 29 Minn. CITY OF SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4 -4612 / 3 (( D June 15, 1959 In the matter of constructing the Dorgan- Wheeler Sewer System, as proposed under Final Order C. F. 189231, approved September 23, 1950, your attention is called to the attached copy of a letter received from the Department of Public Works, which is self- explanatory. Insofar as the contract is concerned, there is no substantial change in the original grading estimate. In accordance with the suggestion_ made by Mr. Tews, Chief Engineer, an informal hearing has been scheduled before the City Council at 10:00 a.m. on July 3, 1959, in the City Hall and Court House, at which time the property owners will have an opportunity to be heard. If you are unable 6o be present at the hearing, will you please notify the Commissioner of Finance, by letter, prior to July 3, 1959, as to whether you favor or oppose the construction of the sewer at the revised cost of $14.42 per front foot on north side and $11.1+ per front foot on south side. File 1+155 COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE A CITY OF SAINT PAUL - C Capital of Minnesota C. 0- 0 P DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS P Y Y ` May .27; -1959 _ Mrs. Donald De -Courcy - Commissioner of Finance ' City of St. Paul n Attentions Mr. E1tor Deln, Dear Commissioner DeCourcy; ' This letter is being written in regard to- c..mstruction' of the MORGAN- WHEELER SEWER SYSTEM. The final order was passed foe this'work, plans made and bide received. The bids exceeded the final estimate and I believe it would be desirable to have a rehearing on the project "to see if the property owners are st411 interested in having the work done. - The following will give you information on the City's estimate and on the bids receivedt - Estimate per front foot costs used at hearing on September 23, 1958,__1 North Side- $10.82 r South Side $ 7.54 Estimate total cost of project used,at hearing on September 23, 1958 -- $i7,54817o - Estimate total cost based on bids-received on May 26, 1959 - $24,448.25 Estimate per front foot costs based on bids received on May 26, 1959 North Side - $14.42 South side $11.14. 'This same contract contains the grading of Morgan from Davern to Edgcumbe Road, as well as the sewer work. The grading and -sewer -work were bid as separate items with the sum of the two items constituting the total bid. The above figures pertain only to the sewer work. -Yours very truly, (signed) Arthur W. Tews Chief Engineer AWT/ jv cct Com. Winkel, -J. Holmboe E. Avery = , G. Beckett . r MARTIN H. REITZ PNiIIIORNT•TI,tAMURER + DON NAY -REITZ INc. CFewud ema4e*w 1595 SELBY AVENUE a MI. 6-1811 SAINT PAUL 4s MINNESOTA June 25, 1959 /fi s-�� GEORGE A. DONNAY VICK P11KM.•SKCRKTA11Y Commissioner of Finance 113 Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Re: Morgan - Wheeler Sewer System Final order C. F. 189231 Dear Sir: . We do favor the installation of the sewer concerning the above captioned as outlined in your letter of June 15, 1959. Very traly yours, Donnay- Reitz, Inc. by Geor a A. Donnay GAD/ js t CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4 -4612 °® June 15, 1959 Blandina T. Shetka 1892 S. Mississippi Rimer Blvd. St. Paul 16, Minn. In the matter of constructing the Morgan - Wheeler Sewer System, as proposed under Final Order C. F. 189231, approved September 23, 1959, Your attention is called to the attached copy of a letter received from the Department of Public Works, which is self - explanatory. Insofar as the contract is concerned, there is no substantial change in the original grading estimate. In accordance with the suggestion made by Mr. Tews, Chief Engineer, an informal hearing has been scheduled before the City Council at 10:00 a.m. on July 3, 1959, in the City Hall and Court House, at which time the property owners will have an opportunity to be heard. If you are unable *;,o be present at the hearing, will you please notify the Commissioner of Finance, by letter, prior to July 3., 1959, as to whether you favor or oppose the construction of the sewer at the revised cost of $14.42 per front foot on north side and $11.14 per front foot on south side. File 14155 I , COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ June 30, 1959 - Mrs.. Bland3na`T. Shetka _ 1892 Sa Mississippi River Blvd. _ Bt. Paul 16, Dear Mrs: Shetkas Thank-you for your note, postmarked Juke 29, stating that you are in, favor of the construction of the Morgan- 'Ohoeler Sewer. System at the revised cost, of • $14.42 per front foot on the north side and $11.1.% per front foot on the south side of the street. This information will be transmitted to the City Clerk at the time of the informal hearing on July 3, 1959• Yours very truly;. Mrs. o eCourcy - Commissioner of Finance City Clerk St. Paul City Courthouse St-. Paul, Minnesota `SUBJECT Gentlemen: June 26, 1957 Hearing scheduled for July 3 to 'raise sewer assessments for Morgan Avenue sewer - grading project approved by City Council •1958 We, -the undersigned, do hereby register our concern over the necessity of raising sewer assessments against residents who supported the Morgan Avenue sewer- grading order in good faith. We fully realize that rocky strata may seem a formidable problem to any sewer contractor; however if such conditions exit, they are any act of God, and should not be used against homevwners who are striving to improve an area at a cost ($C6.00 per front font) already excessive to their means. Would It not behoove the city to contribute funds to this project, thus adding considerably to the tax values of a number of lots? Also, with the freeway, a multimillion dollar project, being built not far from the proposed project, would it not be incoZgrujous that such a progressive city as St. Paul should be harboring areas without even good sanitary drainage? , Please lend your kindest consideration to our proposal. CD J L O lU L il . � v } Z } r FZ _ � cn .;.6W Yours" ,very - truly, &A ��'% aqq0 F • ,1 City Clerk St. Paul City Courthouse St-. Paul, Minnesota `SUBJECT Gentlemen: June 26, 1957 Hearing scheduled for July 3 to 'raise sewer assessments for Morgan Avenue sewer - grading project approved by City Council •1958 We, -the undersigned, do hereby register our concern over the necessity of raising sewer assessments against residents who supported the Morgan Avenue sewer- grading order in good faith. We fully realize that rocky strata may seem a formidable problem to any sewer contractor; however if such conditions exit, they are any act of God, and should not be used against homevwners who are striving to improve an area at a cost ($C6.00 per front font) already excessive to their means. Would It not behoove the city to contribute funds to this project, thus adding considerably to the tax values of a number of lots? Also, with the freeway, a multimillion dollar project, being built not far from the proposed project, would it not be incoZgrujous that such a progressive city as St. Paul should be harboring areas without even good sanitary drainage? , Please lend your kindest consideration to our proposal. CD J L O lU L il . � v } Z } r FZ _ � cn .;.6W Yours" ,very - truly, &A ��'% aqq0 F