193084ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' 191 � � 84 -CITY OF ST. PAUL CO LE "�'� NO. �2FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM me cmicv Di v — COMMISSIONER DATE July 7, 1959 I RESOLVED, That the Eurchasing ,Agent be and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from DICTATING MACHINE COMPANY 1. 17 Gray Audograph Recording Machine§, 1 Transcribing Machine, 2 Gray v Keynoter Portable Dictating Machines and accessories at a total cost of $7950.10, without advertisement or competitive bids as these are r patented articles and no advantage Gould be gained thereby. Charge Public Library - New Equipment - 1i6 -A7. %i1w..4+oli� $� t Council File No. 193084 —By Severin A. Mortinson- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase from DICTATING MACHINE COMPANY 17 Gray Audograph Re- cording Machines, 1 Transcribing Ma- chine, 2 Gray Keynoter Portable Dic- tating Machines and accessories at a total cost of $7950.10, without advertise - ment or competitive bids as these are patented articles and no advantage icould be gained thereby. Charge — Public Library —New Equip - ment--16-A7. Adopted by the Council July 8, 1959. Approved July 8, 1959. (July 11, 1959) JUL 8 1959 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourey JUL 8 1959 Rolland Approved 19- Mortinson P& §sou C. Tn Favor Rosen A0tin't Mayor Winkel Against mgr `D M& V, ,Ace, (Peterson) DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL CO "C" NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C MMI SIIONER DATE r 7► 1959 199MODs, rhat the wing Apat ba and he is harmer aathorimW., with the C0084mt of tho Cseiptxollor, to parthma frm, 7DXTATIN MMIM CoWAW 17 Gray Aedogra& ceding fnaq* l T'raw4ribing amine, 2 Cray tester POrtable Slctatipg >l lases and accedseri" at a total coat b of $7959.10,, witbort adv&rtisa wnt or co Vetitive bids as tbaae are patonted Uticlas and no advantage, could 'be gaiaad thatoby, OWitlP Public Ubttry - Ow X(rAprnt "',1647, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Rosen Winkel .�� i&m (Fetcnot� Ic Tn Favor Against i U L 6 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— JUL 8 1959 Approved 19— Mayor