193026ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION s CITY OF ST. PAUL FI °E NO1L NO-] QL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 193026 —By _UNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM R�lved, That Montg� i Co. be granted a permit,- 20,000 gallon undergr� DATE storage tanks at the e" f station at No. 1400 Uniwe in accordance with plans tions submitted, said ins —ia+, made under the direction satisfaction of the Comr.; Public Safety. i Adopted by the Council J Approved July 3, 1959. (July 1,11, 1959) RESOLVED, that Montgomery Ward & Co. be granted a permit to install two 20;1000 gallon underground gasoline storage tanks at the existing filling station at No. 1400 University Avenue, in accordance with pXans and specifications submitted, said installation to be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. .i J U L 3 1959 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays JUL 3 1959 DeCourcy - �Hol1�an`d°"�� Approved 19— Mortinson Peterson Tn Favor Rosen / 0 Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon srn s -sa 2 � PUBLISHED % — //— O F•F I C E OF CITY C L E R K JOSEPH R. OKONESKI I \ City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota June 25. 1959 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir= The City Council requested that you prepaa re a resolution granting approval to . Montgomery Ward and Co. for the installationmE new gasoline tanks at Montgomery Ward and Co., 14o0 University, according to_the attached plans and specifications. Very truly yours. ity Clerk l MINNESOTA 8 �J try' MON,TGOM E RY WARD ST. PAUL 1 June 23, 1959 Commissioner Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Peterson: The attached drawings and specifications are being sent directly to you for review and Council action upon direction of Chief Scannell, Fire Prevention Bureau, since the capacity of the new gasoline tanks exceed normal limitations and require Council approval. Chief Scannell has reviewed and discussed the plans with me. There will be no changes made to our present driveway. The abandonment of the above ground tank and lines, and related equipment and facilities are made necessary by the City of St. Paul development of Pascal Avenue between University Avenue and St. Anthony. It is tenatively planned that the contract for the'work mill be awarded in a week to the Rydeen Construction Company of St. Paul. Your attention to this matter of Council approval will be greatly appreciated. Attach. Very truly yours, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. B. C. DeCorse , Bldg. Supt. 5� 'ADA V�Q OgEBT BARD d CO MUM IBC. UM tJBIVMMTt AV PT. PAUL 1, AQWXTA Atsmtions ir. Bo C, D►, DMiMIM 9 Velattndent F we p apw* to furnish all labors aateraala and 8UPPLIAM DOCORVaPy to (1) 10=v• pooll.M star. tanks above grvw6, ( 2) ter. tour oeder- VVWd daooline my es sterams tanks, (3) ruts 'ooa�� piping aid fittings eoetazee8 sertia►o Sams to ptaapq (4) iarastall two 20 000 gall= Sasolino tanks W dorgrow9d with noosocar°y fitunp, piping, ;avn>rs Wd slsota *s2 aonneeUano, ( S) to PM am with oosawU or aspWt as rsWird is sa1ftrdanoa with Shr OcaoPal PrOTLA os TvaNical Preisiaps, &4W 5A5 /S9, "dam& to and Re isim of Spscift;4iana dated St", QeMal ; adficat1WW and DrQwinss P -10, shoot 1 or 2 ad 2 ®t 2 dated 9/�2/58 flor The abu" b"* inrlvdo SUM614nt MA propT aeaat U to poor all tam rewired on the empleted p"J"t. We CO7 ions P4dis liabnityr ad prop dam" jAzWVnM. WO can ooh work witbis ....As" of reftipt sr Sontr"t and 00"INVA Work win be dons . 01G Qr rc=rM the t to ro3s4 ay put or catire bid as dosiM. Bids due an or before 12e0o pm iiddl�rsae city and State - M4" Lieeassq �1ta► DaB� omots ' CAL PFD== rhy 15, 1!3t is tzop So done senWAs of rusiOdag aal mtwiAt eqdp=A axd Ubw mozmnw for axrf " and aeftat aVIW l�iiol"® s a of thm 104M Sal= mawvvmi PMUM mwvbw taxi®, aoA of gUU@at ad pipLug to puWso 3e It=*Val o: C= pUm vxi pass emmiao at "ie34 aTA - v4A to *&A i ft==l of ca 2SAW 04= ad =3� 13g slump teal* arA Idsom to y=:v h= at Fwarwo S. cd s 60 1a atic� a� to p=lp l=j:i pear codo tito !0 "Q lidos of MC.M dim W =mvatiea as lW • isf od 09% the �"b p i � by tlo $� tabta tl a i 11�a As VAGt oho so ,Std X;OWM=7 WW! r IOU mar4ty AV== ipp°laa &OA 1 of 2p for UmM4S of wwke a" a . the" u=sl pp..Io ataot 1 of 2 and ate 2 or 2 "t" ! titl4 Vim. ti= of am '+ate UWM - 2 aovoC 4 Wa "ty Ual� m � o no omtreater with t ta, diti®s and al mar bide and t faetwe affogUng tip work lei for h�adar. s�14°ild be =do is QA@am" for site inspDtiS&. Tim ssd "t® for ama ice= my be for by cm,111m6 the UJI& W t=twt ' s Office,, Udw (P-dus RACNIM 030 J, "m Of site s=br+aef tt ill ama x9 ion &rmmd==tG With the s for the l of rsohamlise, 24 lms is asl ~ it=s Usti 9a"" 3n tba qm*4fieatie w sa drwdJkP. AUsests is ca sti= With ltd and raucauu t ids shall be bonm;bry the vM0r wvd shall inatti4d 1a Ww lido 6� bake S. tip Fr= Aa* lease to an-VI= TMU � � goo �eatss • ��1. � -� 1a 1ai� end a s aU 1�s�s !a Sep ate. to a at l faA. AU VC& as c j' � ct 1� �� as ri;dXVA -67 � r1as. V=t to .� aid a M Sk*" U"o V=% c1r 00 as Aawp tod a than be =*% la a cmd tei with a cc aar3 6 9a�. Joe nuiptcrad at cam. la�ia� a i o ICU t is e.s• tom► V* � is � �� ie C06 aar a sb*U bo fra=il asvc= e be oa=Acd ts 16VOU S& �3 V= mall be ntA4 with amd f�,csh s1�1 a� tJVC* fiNd 04a3. tF=SW f9aa9 ,, U1 AcptgUs QC=VAO !av be=,distwrwd IW oa Xvau= all a1t co C==%t* Auv.tk* varfaeao W. U= =t to= ate► fwd► to to ha . to +o fill, AS s V �b a� to �a rcqabc*o at saf .cr 46 sm . akan is fK= Or CIMU to C=W"w I* a dc"aty at try ]= ib= 90 peww Jw tw tmup ofC do%==ft:A f "AA.00 TOO 9 C=l &al hm ths V= lot a tmauww of ao a nmgtoi 4 bet AV e .A MIN GO"'d• Ink u" aq"lb .. m�aasste� ew 9=00 1eICe•. a 70 to U r• 7ata IWM4 t ban euvro" ift Up_ tan ; tM it O.l by p4wd,viflgh 042 to ej 03340 pit ' =4 60 tsah a *b". � es t. AL_ be of to% Ida WAAUS .sus &YA AMU W Mob iWk idjdmjms + to +a �� ` � A aOO•l1 . Vitma -0 yaw t '� �i tis Solest�or �mr w4updM the ids �ihsss t• lato pvw wades and sswtint go , 4 a t ss t�s abler aim ad viteAlk L bsE�sb *VAS s: sotrrt. tit. i St the taaioa the orsa► list].. be is al • Z lz* IBM at =Mtftd Mwite- � dwLU The wao: '�i tap of tug was' be . aft aU , $ del. Us, ears; dsall be At"" T "AUUM + ,U3. MAW sal a�� AMU be , b the at tM e�r��• X% ll wkbS Arta Stir cxPuft is be b3MW ail .mss mW a s w .tis . * up. 11�9 NO a. nwbw . at a& u ' we at �tA �. 4w spy st tips vwk. be dwU MM" Sa UP * *M! "d ,shat t� sail all me t"Lft. eon treldift- aid mvpbw, nowisu. aad A*1 Yis reek 1% 1e I sum" sir its 3f► i lfa�. a tats wmfA- a31 par " bwqmkiw i• .is bi g leirra�fs #� a +r igo"4 s�l�e tlis' renitift avwm be � '** at me M to the sue•► Damon �', ,,�t�r�s say fail= 4R.ihs Pat or wo W~S k" or ads mgrs t!r of tM mom a* ft tail 11"ia tM spa st this . l , .A m � v msa t�Ate►tiw gb s, ft. Paulo fsal be srd tM &OAFAd a�atit� a� tbs c=sr for tads prPoss at aWylistOrIM tb� a�s�Lliaatl�ta. ' 17. abuse donspaw r�ta�9si�ia emu ssba sir Ann at US vwk =7 to movamwy d me asaBaala sasaas trm tm sates erg dradap c than eo tvwaot to tm attemU= of ths C=tra"w illm ubs VIU tabr R=C=17 satiea to sarrOA tie a:W a, to #At satav se- latieaa We awu aeg"A kin=lt Via in. fall Dail fb% ad raMY rvalati4= 'Wdich QVC4 1O *;W&tU= tb* taiuft amii cm;Lwo" OMI/4w its are t A. I- 3 +h�:J K i to d*&" XV 199 Aw Is *&&Illtien of poi 'E Ur a Tanka at mod4pm wa-rd & coo bol is -%"U= 9 ,dated gay► ISO Im tanks am IORUU t&v 20v= ga2le m X&&AUO staff tank& a mimium of 2, tt A WUY w tiltisbed grde and 2 fet as shama an d rs+ris r ; n, Yke t� vi�rsll be 21 taei 1n tw = tt* 20M md Own �' b built aevoMlrg to Om AFI as" w/ % wnt .UMIAMO Ud fill. ee Isi411 in e&0 tmk a ezvUe 55e9 mt=xpd pew w13A SaF. natorp Y 40 on oa4.saiv, or tam. 49 I MU 12 f�w es 4h task a O04 U rehb4a or Dw l 4weat bw rbr acemw to pAw at Sndo as r mLr¢de e. bwtan to omb sxistuf vasco w pop (6) a kruwdu Valve (boa+t w wmm) Insts►?,lsd ent4w the pc* ad a MOW 33 QWVWt POW as p W% of fro boar ae ragatred -► :; oft aP fib® t. Inowl =ft=PNA P=PS ent doculaa Pow b3aoem e+3edsl.t asdl eLIMM earipmanL rogeirsd as pw 03mvice and InOMa' all luitxaetl�s tt� JW411 55-1f, •`'�F v. Y'ollt� l pb0. AU plidag gh&U be UU, In owd bet (6 inch" an 4kU Wiping stall be a of 110 bulm firdebed t-,nde, *gyp® all lin -s U- take a mi4mm of 1f4 100h pW Note Aid Vent =91 tleppai pipirij awl 1e of Giw aw abWria" ai M..,alred tv Owese Vent, pleas to to attadwd to W AI;ti w*U as routred aW NO a tdulmmn of 12 1r zhte sho" rwf liroo IostAl OWDOVAU or Va% a **9 kq the etonW4. task* cW1 to xA In a RUM bet With a OLVAUM thlebbe" -- of mad cu au eidos of d Ibebou All Otber o wtiatt of :,p: f l em a# to "=%" *a Lee 'tea due on or bQrwe 121(y; ' 6/2/" Uftet No rgviaisn an OwS. PP-10 `%O*t 1 of 20 WIM rAl ILI �0 5- .DID W-), W1W fl 6 ry UA a IV, '2 -2 J 0 Z4 azz IS'S C'm ,2 > U-f W C-3 C-3 Sk Ld CD C.7 CL 0. o. 0 a � o Ur cc -Z 0 cc CL IZ P64 Z 0 Z �u t�7 4Z %t 4 V) V) LD > WIM rAl ILI �0 5- .DID W-), W1W fl 6 ry UA a IV, '2 -2 J 0 Z4 azz IS'S C'm ,2 > U-f W C-3 C-3 Sk Ld CD C.7 CL 0. o. 0 a � o Ur cc -Z 0 cc CL IZ P64 Z 0 Z V) _ v r , j { r � S y.. .fir + r 4i .. r•• y • .. - _ R �,`� - A _ •.�1 . .,�• is - •`, `,'. ��4 � � I t t ±��• ter• 1 ~1• _ �i • •i cj ir,• •F• fj .RErnove Nec ss x, it _ �A -SChf- CJ � t ti _ �•.��. �t • 4 i i � f , / 11fl zkall CARS SUr��ty L,,^i es - 0 v 13 v e -?-um -p IA oose Ris Y.,-, 0 v e s e. 77,.q-Aj AJ' APPROVED SUBJECT To FINAL INSPECTION'- CITY 0 NT PAUL' SIM m:pwa p TION BUREAU AM MY. m 0 IN'TG 0 M E R Y* MA R D. CO.: I BL,DC?, SWPT'S OFFICE ST. - P A, U Lf Wil N f1l. DATE q, SCALE *wa; 2-944-60.P' CHK.. A p.p SgEf-T NY 5 :ltz A Al U (A 3 2. 0 j 10 NF] --------------------- al OLL) CL Ln�O j Z) 411C —i L) UJ M 0. w i. 2 al OLL) CL Ln�O j Z) 411C —i L) UJ M 0. w 2 2 � a� U) & > 0 2 vi -)Ufa`_ J— <1 N CL-' 0 10 a ' 10A - 5 2 0 jaci-- R G. cc CT N-- Lo a Lv- 10 u 0 4L (E k 41 T A U, EL w L a PL 2 2 O\f of ,� .v i rAd fv al OLL) CL Ln�O j 0 Z 0 Z) 411C —i L) UJ M 0. w Uzi 0 L4 � a� w V) <1 CL-' 0 Z 0 Z) 411C —i L) UJ M 0. w Uzi 0 LLS LU Q '-' t LLL 0, LL- U- fj T-T I C � a s4.w Lz; rit w V) G- 4L U, LU Q '-' t LLL 0, LL- U- fj T-T I C � a � I 7 w. chi 14 w (Ai 0 2 Z. a 2 ul V) �Q K3 D 2 12 2 IL D o 12 i a CT Q nti .J r4 ka o- a, o. w w .to N oaf jt aL 77 Ed -rp 3 AO LL 1; In �l 1 ..; LL- Q� - :11.1 . 0-4 m . % I Z 0 LL 0.1 o cr w at - 4 3 u OF Af 4 Al tz; Ae t�- w IIJ La qj Ali U %\ NQ 2 12 2 IL D o 12 i a ol I'v nti .J ka o- a, N oaf jt �l 1 ..; LL- Q� - :11.1 . 0-4 m . % I Z 0 LL 0.1 o cr w at - 4 3 u OF Af 4 Al tz; Ae t�- w IIJ La qj Ali U %\ NQ 2 Q� - :11.1 . 0-4 m . % I Z 0 LL 0.1 o cr w at - 4 3 u OF Af 4 Al tz; Ae t�- w IIJ La qj Ali U %\ NQ 2 •aOunu.j fo .�uaw;andaa ay; wog} pas aq aogoN siy; swinbaa aa4anyo A4!3 ayl aoueut,q Io aauotsstuzu100 S£S+�T aZT3 s INN 710010"0 00: OT 4'e `Ined •IS'Io -�jtO ut 696T T j�Tnr uo. 3uiplIng PH SUD puv asnoH 3anoO aqj jo s°aagLuvgD jTounoo aqj of -plaq aq Illm 2uuvaq oilgnd v 1eu3 pu•e luq.aOftSa -SqD PLM 0q!:0 uaari:�a0. `4S. Ui'�uaaag •M JO apts u4jo-q -- a.uarudoTanap pasodOad u'-Tn uoT':�ounC'uoa uT DoT Su paed aso TT aq•Snt.zd e a,. esaado- pue TTLI! .SUT oa. ! TPu;;d aoj j�vMlarqq,ei •0 IN jo uoTq.BOTTdit jo .1941'eui aqj aapisuoo II?iA In'ed •qS jo Al ?0 aqj jo ItounoO E)q4 juuj paUlWu -�gaaaq aau no7, T 116T aun `'uut °g Invd •qS ' : •. V aomvxI3 .dO URNOISSIZI NOO aHl J6 amino n