193019ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 1 �/ r � � ( •JL 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 193019 —By Severin A. OUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM Mortinson— j Whereas, The cooperative effort of, PRESENTED BY public-spirited ulltc created an most tunique yenf COMMISSIONE DATE tertainment, the Pop Musical Ice Revue, and =--Whereas, The POPS have been main - ��s�a ofe_sional level as WIE'AS, the cooperative effort `of public - spirited citizens of the City of Saint Paul created a most unique entertainment, the Pop Musical Ice Revue, and ZMWAS, the POPS. have been maintained on a high pro- fessional level as an ice show and program of popular music, and NDUMW. by reason of high quality and :wide appeal the POPS for many years have been internationally famous and continue to produce valuable publicity.for Saint Paul, and WAS, the POPS provide an exceptional opportunity each Wednesday, - Friday, and Saturday evening during eight mid- summer weeks for the people of Saint Paul and Northwest areas to enjoy top quality entertainment in their com- fortable Auditorium Arena; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that appreciation of the community services rendered by the sponsors of the POPS, the .Saint Paul Civic Opera Association, the Saint Paul Skating Club, the Saint Paul Musicians Association, and the Saint Paul Municipal Auditorium, b'e expressed herein, and BE IT FURTMO RESOLVED, that members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul do hereby unanimously endorse the .Pop .Musical .Ice Revue as an outstanding community asset meriting the whole-hearted support of the people of Saint Paul and urge frequest attendance at performances during the 2 rd season of the POPS starting at 8:30 P.H. Wednesday, July d, and continuing through Saturday, August 29. JUL JY L 591959 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy JUL 3 1959 EVOUNKC17 Approved 19- Mortinson I Peterson J Tn Favor Rosen fa Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon pUBLI3I�k) 5M 5.58 2 `