193838Ori¢inel to City Clerk • " - _ 193838 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO .�� - _. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��� - C U � ESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM (council File No, 193838 —By Adrian P. Wink- Whereel as, The City of Saint Pauli under and by virtue of Chapter 549 of PRESENTED BY the Laws of Minnesota, 1959, and M.S.A. COMMISSIONER DATE ISections 268.04, et seq. is authorized,' ..c.- ��••,,thP - rop�ant_af r•.e ro..,T,�t��ieae� WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, under and by virtue of Chapter 549 of the Laws of Minnesota, 1959, and M. S. A. Sections 268.04, et seq. is authorized, with the consent of the Commissioner of the Department of Employment Security of the State of Minnesota, to become an employer pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Minnesota Employment Security Law, M. S. A. Sec. 268.04, et seq. and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul to extend coverage under the Minnesota Employment Security Law to its employees, other than employees of the Department of Public Safety and employees of the Board of Education of the City of Saint Paul, in which Departments there are numerous employees whose services are employed by the City on a ten month per year basis, with the consequence that extension of coverage to the afore- said Department of Public Safety and the Board of Education would have the effect of almost doubling the potential liability of the City under the terms of the Minnesota Employment Security,Law, riow therefore be it RESOLVED,,_that, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby- - voluntarily elects ' to - extend coverage of the Minnesota Employment Security Law to employees of the City of Saint Paul, other than the_,.'- employees of the Department of Public Safety and employees of the Board of Education of the City of Saint Paul, and hereby directs H. Lyon, the duly appointed Chief Examiner of the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, to execute, on behalf of the City A". of Saint Paul, the Minnesota Department of Employment Security.form MES -590B (1/10/58), copy of which is herety attached, and made'a part hereof by reference, and which, as prepared, will extend�'coverage under the aforementioned law to employees of the City of Saint "--Paul,, other than employees in the Department of Public Safety and the.. Board of Education of the City of Saint Paul; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby - 'ibthor- ized and directed to pay the obligations of the City,!,,-,. by vixtuePof this election to•come under the provisions of the Minnesot,a ,Employment Security Law, and to further take-such additional actl6ti' -as 'is required COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 — Yeas J Nays - DeCourcy Holland Approved 195 - Marzitelli 1 In Favor L Mortinson Peterson Mayor Against Rosen Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 ^ 2 ` 4 l _•s Orl6nal to City 'Clerk • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 193838 LE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE of them pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 549, Laws of Minnesota 1959 and pursuant to the provisions of the Minnesota Security Law, M.S.A. Sections 268.04, et seq. and it is FINALLY RESOLVED, that it is the desire of the Council of the City of Saint Paul to have the base period for the coverage hereby elected begin as of the first day of October 1958, providing the Commissioner of the Department of,Employment Security consents thereto j provided, however, that no action of the Council herein provided for with respect to any of the provisions of this resolution shall become final and binding on the City of Saint Paul until agreement has been, arrived at between the Corporation Counsel and personnel of the Department of Employment-Security as to appropriate exten', sion of employee coverage and until adoption by the Council of a later resolution effectuating the terms and provisions herein contained. 7 SEP 2 1959 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. 195 — Yeas Nays DeCourcy ysEP 2 Holland Approved 195 — Favor Mortinson Peterson 0 Mayor c�,, Against % gel .0-01 k Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 .2 \f r OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building 9 TV, 5 EP 2 19511 CoPATIOPI cow. Sept. 2, 1959 JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Dear Sir: Attention: Mr. Robert E. O'Connell Will you please word an amendment to the attached resolution, C.F. 193838 to the effect that the said resolution will not be in force and effect until such time as the City Council, by a later resolution, approves the terms and conditions of the agreement on the subject between the City Council and state authorities? V trul 'ty Clerk (=)I--. MINNESOTA S Amendment to Resolution, C. F. 193838 Provided, however, that no action of the Council herein provided for with respect to any of the provisions of this resolution shall become final and binding on the Cityu of Saint Paul until agreement has been arrived at between the Corporation Counsel and personnel of the Department of Employment Security as to appropriate extension of employee coverage -and until adoption by the Council of a later resolution effectuating the terms and provisions herein contained. REO : b 1 9 -3 -59 'Sx Minnesota, ('Do Not Write Xn This Oaco) CQdar atroat:,t. p�►ul n� t Vol iw lootlon, AppZOVed VOLUNTARY ELECTION. TO W800 THQ RENT SECURITY LAW To FAM -0yeta OF POLITICAL SoMIVIS1093 OF THS STATS4 c..Index Card ftapared. by OR INSTRWENTALITM.-ViERF,0F* Cohn' OF +wrr wr r■i ''7u ' i _ • .y;�C� « boip% it duly ! i.nted . "� a t or appointed) Off ir.4011 of So d t p county of i�ad�aa ame �►. Po #� a- m-1 s v' fi n or ��st r Atality States of 91nnesotat- . w nq- f.lxst, dtily, sworn- on',Oath doposae and Say63. THAT the' political subdivision, or inattume otal.ity thorebtins indicated above, dos es to voluntarily pled' e�o'ver#sa, undor the M nnosota�� tploy" tent S.e durity,.tow, or oonditl*s . that, the pxcirisions and pxivilages now afforded by- thy- :Law to rkero an6rally bo exe ndod. to the *t xl�era Of such political subclyision � Instsubont4lity- tbmmof) io tho departnatnt(S.) € ?a *aid THAT th fro axly rmaotitutod authoritios brd pglitlea su d via n -or Aftst�ontaItt thorcof, • -ro,94 z u:h Amthorit ios, how v000lved to tlett ,00wviga and i0nderstond 40d aozog. that.. sudh cove�x4go shall x4main in f of oot or a mii1�tat3N Elf two o4londai Yeaxs with covorage ,00btinuloq the z- 44iter from yaa4*• to y04.r st le toxO.i- natcsd .byha pf_ °plgyntee:uxfty or 1 notice .fxo .such a uthor ties, i'i +ad at laae.t __ emya- prior. to. J-2' wary 1 of -4 .year F0 6eq�uent -to The tWo- y#!q;' C4niAUM 0ovo 'tag0, pe�ri,odt thi t coydrage , should texminato on January 1 of s Ash subooquont yeaxM " {Attach certii'ied copy of Motion or resol,ut.ion, ftom the mi utas of s�te�h e�atin��re� grdii� vithoz- el"tion or torminstion, indl.cating the vote hereon and thm_ dotes of such meeting j THAI' it Is specif$,spa "11 understood sod a read that the political subdi.- vtsl.on, or I►nstrumeriti - ty t%riof,; shall :saako i odia tee zalmb" xsomaht to the Dopartmont- of &in Ioyt �fesouri.ty of a�.l 6ont -fits paid by laid oport- cme"t to. t rme�; a ioyec0 ,elf such "pol:iticlal aubdivir *Wn or instrumentality undax this election. ,upon roce�tpt 'pf aami- som4l. ototos *nts theremof f.�om the tlopavt�aQftt* '. (A t.ach certified copy of 'ption or -:rosolutfpn autbor- lZing 4uc"h 1Xoimburaa .fit, from the Minutos of the moating aft which such *ctioa maa "tsiken# irtdica tiny the i Soto_ t oon and. �t # .date of such meoti l . } Tl ; covara� is spaex `it lteq��rated fear a�apia�yoaa of tha iollowing dapartmaotsa'. �_ . - . 99m#.,�. r, 'ypaa of Mbar 'Employed city of'saint paulovxgep .. ; , �EmDloymiu the Deq>toof Public Safety. a0d the Board -of Education -of the" C'tY, of faint P.*Ul - Y , Ilk m d . t .ona 4paco, la- 49;9 . d : attac �eparato. s4,-06,0 Subscribed anal oworb: to - before J44 --this . day o 1� � Chief Examin�r,Bureau of iv 1 ` Service of City of Saint Paul ataxy public,, RaM4s y Co. inns y ca . lesion „e tpia+ s . Thi-& alection is hereby approved offactive as of', ,r.�...:. -..w puraunot to *Ad In ace-r€�rdaenca with the proviaieaae and' a onditions �aet7orth In Sac.268.1i, ubdivlslon 3, Minnesota Statutes;_ 195?« _ v Chiof, Accounting S Ction DBPAF M" ' Of PLOY -04T SECUAITY - - i Adopted by the Council t 9 Yeas Nays DeCOURCY OLLAND /mORTINSON ERSON /RASEN �WINKEL R PRESIDENT DILLON) � D