193816iM In the Matter of C� R COUN -FILE_ N0.1 "3"10 B INTERMEDIARY ORDERS Y Council File No. 193816 - *.� „�. �""''�";'�- M1,•�+n..�... _..,,.ate �..r2j•,,,�_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER improving Minnehab Avenue from Hamlin Avenue to North Lexington Parkway by widening the roadway between curb lines to Forty Four (44) feet in width;, j by surfacing the existing concrete pavement with asphaltic concrete; by If grading, curbing and paving the widened portions of the roadway with new concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing; by grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; by removing the track wye, including pavement, rails and ties at Hamlin Avenue; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said nadeJ.improvemeJ�t,� ;,Fbyr reconstructing the storm water T,faci- lities; ,by, constructing sewer, mater iiEa gas 'service connections flrom street mains to the property l ne's''where necessary; -by " i constructing.: traffic' cohtr "o1h(syste"!5atr:interVinarce uP' " secti'ng-(sttdets 'and= c'on'structing) 'conduits= and,-a:Ppuitenances,- for. `.future lighting and traffic control systems and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement lcl:GO.J� -p3o c o icgA�:�P i?JOTr 7, 1» � -- R499 fJnR e.Pzes fe«eug. C0UV.Pzt C.PTU cough pe uuq gbbr'tx.V6WAR :LOL 45;M -o Slue .... ...e u Aseeszk J'p2.1 :saoJr4� .r'sc IriS� .e�, c ,GOU z.of;e?�e�bJUS gp_= i earl3Lpcz sLJq EVQ s GLAI s cozruec �ouaFgxti r a ze pri SJ1e po pFc :Ijzob�zp?� 1, Tmbx.oncnsu. T, pX ;x.�coae �z>i3Cprxr@� } � a ozfa'Agpoi: u cx �4g.3. R?± �c.ova ><ne JSl2 ' j uers�r�jte ou�rJJpa eGc.PTug- ep; f tv t•'i ` � k "us nrxcpzu8 plJ Jen1IIC" crzpx sWTT2 GrugpTee irk c o ugy IJ r with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $90p232.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th day of September , 19 59 ' at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court - House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 11959 , 19 Approved SEP 11959 19 �IJBLISIiI�:Ii . -� .5' File 14591 .� City Clerk ' Mayor Councilman D.000RCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Councilman WINKEL Mr. President DILLON s CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of improving. Minnehaha Avenue from Hamlin Avenue to North Lexington Parkway by wideningtthe roadway between curb lines to Forty Four (44) feet in width; by surfacing the existing con6rete pavement with asphaltic concrete; by grading, curbing and paving the widened portions of the roadway with new concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing; by grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; by removing the track Wye including pavement, rails and ties at Hamline Avenue; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting street where not in conformity with said improvement; by reconstructing the storm water facilities; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to the property lines where necessary; by reconstructing traffic control systems at intersecting streets and constructing conduits and appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. under Preliminary Order approved April 8, 1959 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 902232.00 The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - Commercial $ 5.00 Residential 3.50 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LAND VALUATION BLDG. I:Lot 16 and West 2 ft. of 1 171 7 I Gilbertfs Addition 11 9700 $2200 lgxcept Wast 2 ft, 1 171 7 1 do II 625 5000 1I 1 181 71 do 1 6s0 2250 191" 1 do II 650 21LOO 11 1 201 71 do 650 2250 Lubject to Easement; 1 211 7 1 do 650 1100 Lubject to Easement; 1 221 7 1 do 11 650 5600 11 121 7 1 do ll 65Q 295o 1 1 241 7 1 do 65o 1750 11 25 7 1 do 650 1 ,1 Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -58 8 S t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION < East 3 feet�of Lot_14_and all-of _ 13_ 1 _ ._11hith..Livingston Second _Additi ;land n $700 - -X4100 ' bldg, Except East 3 feet; Lot 14.and East _ _.- _ _ 6 feet-of Lot _ _ _ _ . 15- -1 do _ . . - -lo) f 4300 - East-9- feet -of -Lot 16-and.- except - _ -__ _ - __ • r_ _ _ ; _ East 6 _ feet; _ _ _ _- _ __ -- _ - _ - 15 - - 1- _. _ _ -_do - - -- - -- - - - '700 - --� -•3950 Except East 9 feet; -- --- 16 1- - - -- - _do do - 750 - 4800 ___ -_ -- - -- -- -- - -1- -2- - -2 -- - 2 _ -- do ---- - - -- - _ _ - do - _ - - - 00 �7 - -650 5400 14000-- - - - - - - - -3 2 - - -- do - 6.50. _ 2.200+ ?4- - 2 ---- do --- --`- -. - -�65_o 4650 5 _? _ _ .. _w -, do _1650 - _ 4350 _ 6_ 2 _._. __. — _- do - - ,- - .- -- - _ ';650 - 2000 _ 7__ _2 _ r _. -__ ..- _ do - -- . - - _ _ _ 650 } 2800 _? �. do _. _ -__ . _ _ 650 650 i-I000 _ 2 - ---- - - do -- — ---- - f at _2450 I -10--2- -- - _ - -_ -ao ._ _ ._ 650 li 5700 _ - - - --- - - - - _ 11 12 2 -2__ - - - do - -- do -650 650 E - 3200 2850 ! 13- 14 ,15- 1- 2L 2 2— - 2 - =1 _ 1 - _ _ do - . —do ,— do — _ _- _ Syndicate No. -5 Addition -- _ _ - - - _ , _ - do - _ - �O_ w 650-- --700 __ 1000-- _ . -00 ,675 3550 .2700 445o 2950 1950 _ - _. - _ -- - . - - - -- -- - - - _ ___4_ - -3— _1_- -1- -do _ - .�__ __ do I 675-.----3-150 675 330o _ - -- y - 6 1 do 675 22140 FORM 0,8.11 TOTAL i f i + - i CITY OF ST. rAUL v DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) t, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION iland i bldg. 26 7 Gilbert Is Addition_ _ _ - 5� _ -'$2r 5 0 27 7 do X650 26 00 7 - - - -- _do - - t65o � 165o 29 7 do _ . - - __ - - x 650 I }' _ _ 1250 - 1 -- 3p - _ 7 -_ -- 4 - do I 700 _ ( I i 1700 I 16 8 _ do - 675 t 2300 17_ 8 do_ _ _ _ _ _ -- _ _ -. 650. r � 5300 _ I _ kith easement ;_z. _18_ do -, _ __ _650 5100 19 8 do 650. t 2900 _ _ - 6 0 45 _ o do . 20 21 `22 - 8 8 - do - - - - - - do 650. 659 t 2600 t 3350 - - - - _ - - - - - - - - �3 8 - - -- . - do _ — 65�0 1 1 3450 _.24 do-- _ __ _ r r 2550 251- 8__ _ _.. ___ _ do_ -- _ ._- -- . _ �650 _650 _ r. -_ �E 2500 26 -8 do_ — 1 650 2195 ( 650 i5o Lots 28 and _ - _ _- _ -. -.. .27- -8-.- - do _ _ (1651 . 3100 West 33 feet of 29 8 do �70�0 South, of Lot- _ -_ - _ _ 16_ _ 12 _- _Hersey_ Woolsey addition __ . � -100.Q) 3700-- 3`650_ 3700. -- - - -- - -- - --- - - - ___18 - -12 —do - - -- ?700 19 20_12,, _-12 _ _ _ :- do i _ -. - -_- do 1700- 1700 2,600 I 3050 - I , - ---- -- - 21 _ 12 _. _ do , _ 17, f' ,2 _ 22 12 do_ __700 3000- - 23 - 12- - - - _ _ do.: 17001- _2550 24 1 121 do ,70 3050 FONIN 3.3m TOTAL } I 1 l CITY OF Sr. PAUL DEPQiRTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) e DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ' land+ lild 25 _ 12 Hersey_ Woolsey Addition _ _ _ , 7002 . 26 12 do 700 3450 - - - -- - - - - 27 12_ do - - 700 I 3550 ! ,Tot—Z8 and West 10 feet--of Lot -- _ ._29 -12 do_ _ __ _ _ _ _ 875_ _ 2800 - East 30_feet of Lot 29 and all of - 30 _ 72 -- _ _ __ - do - - - - - _ . 127.5 - 1 { 53 _ 16 13 do 77,5 { 3f50C 17­ _13 do- _ _ - -- . _ 700 - 3(250 - - - _— - _ - - - -- 18 -13 - - _ _ --do - - - - 700 2700 - - - - - - 19 13 - - - - do - 700- 4150 20 13 - - - - - - -- -- do - - .- -_ _.__ __700 - 2f 21 13 -� _ . _ __.do.._ __ _ _�.- _. l 700 ( 2450 22 13.---- - -- _ -- do--- _ _ 7010 -1 3 50 23 13 _ --_ _ _ do- _ 700 3650 West of_ Lot _ 25- and all. -of_ Lot W -24 - 13 - - — - do __ _ .._ - _ _ __ 1050 - ! -230C l East of. Lot 2- and. all of t _._._ �' • 5 Lo _ -26 _ _ 1 3 _- -- - -�— do - - ---- _ - . .1050 ` ! _ ...3400 _ - - - - - - - - 27--13 - - do - - `700 - 1 2850 i - _ _- - - - -- - -_- - - - - 28 - 13 .—do _ - - t7 3600 29 13 do j700 1 I 2600 � 30 _ 13 do . -- - - -750 -2950 I J-1 ! _6- -1- -Ruth - Livingston -- Second,- Addition 5200 _ - 125,2600- -7 -•- -1 - - - ___ -. _ -- do - -- - -- - - 600 - 2 "850 _____8 1 - __- -- - -do -- - - - __ 1 - 165b I - t 2200 - � do--- _- — _ _ _ -.650 - - 3950 do - - — -- -- t650 - 4000 - ].7. 1 - - do - - - _ - 1 X650 - - 4800 - - - ---- -- --- do - _- - ►i - _-650. l FORM 8.2.11 TOTAL i } CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (R) Y_ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Ila 7. Syndicate No* 5,Addition 75- 01 1675 8 do 2 350 9 do 671 5 1900 1 10 do '67. 15 -I I 1450 I --do-.,-. _1 675 1750 _11- I I ---- --- 12 1 do 7 5 1950 1 675--A-1 1 -do--,----- 1750,—,- -14- _1_ do 675 2I -i5 - -1 do 3500 - _ __ ,. _ .._ _ _' __ _.__ _ _ , _ _ _ - 1 ,2950 1- 2 -1750 - 2 2 do-- fi700 -1850 _3 _____2 do-- 00- 3350 —do 2450 t 5-- __Z_ do 700 2500 -2 _ • do __ f70� - 3600 -7— - 2 do- - _ _ —.__ __ 1 700 2800 8 -2 do 700 2650 4 FORM 8.15.11 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUAT ASSESSED I� I 9 12 I s mdi eatA Nn. 5Addition II 9700 $3800 II 1 101 2 1 do II 700 3150 _ 11 1 111 2 1 do II 700 1350 II1 121 21 do it 700 600 11 i 131 21 do 11 600 2700 1 North 1/3 of Lots 14 and 1 151 2 1 do 1400 7000 I� I I I II I! I I I II II I I I II II. I I I II II I I I 11 II I I I >I 1 TOTAL 11 $83,075 $4522450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date 4 Commissioner of Finan . -/P Form B.B. 12 1M 8 -58 8 • OFFICE OF THE•COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS r" yt% REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �v July 16th 19_59 To the Commissioner of Fri n_ance_of -x� Saint � } : �^ --- !uclq"991 IulbLOn6wsu €' otN6L MOL1< r►N! cN ! 2 uscs22e1 -A gaga € l ua 9Uq to cowbl6ts 29!q A !ua. 1'!1 t, ucs2 tOL�tr1r1146 ! i' sL- tLgkklc ou €LOl 2)`jtsr.W ;r Pq�sBun o+ ►. t2Cguq�rbb4 nt;59�'�1� �iaf, „ r23�atclir2s� &t!�{a COU2tLnct!ua couq ua tLgtt " cout£01 ua 2 L66 €2 euq r�, , A Lscou'z €L -nct! we!u2 €o 111 f 26ct! # hsr�s: t: srl�?�C6agz2Cs1C0� !!�6clay2C�,�rr2t�66� `�c11�'t162'• bLOb6L €A 1 ! r�9 €61- 9uq 1 u`�d €Pe12t °Ltu�aig6L �w LOn6w6U €• PA LGCOU2 €1-nC €. pA COU2€ a! Ua 26ri6L rye+ 2 pU� € 6• 1 Ut6L26C€ I Ua 2tL66 €Z M 6L6 not !u coukaL`lir'�>r� Ml.tgc��:p! °ua -9uq zlq�^1►<,,, i��1�62 H�'.�15t�!dneuns'. PAS L6CoU2 t Lnc € -I ua tFJ6 b9n ! u Lg ! 12 9uq t L nsrA9A t.s €11 Lug . P ,; ., v t... ;frnA .l:l4� 19q-! q44 b �nr w6u , . r9 . sA 949, q ! a r- " - s2bIJ. 1 t!c t1:9C 92E.9UCi�r ,...,� �. �sln��ua��,,, r 9 ua 9uq bghlu3..y2L6�> v�.lusM Goucistg P y 2nL�$c!•1i3: ;3yp ...a4._4.4ti ,.urn ! r "- `- LO9gWg;1' �►! fµu, �4�r��6 ='kpAra-t�9g1_�!a':.cnh F. I,a t . CO1101P' th; 'r'"ileM�(j4',u6gi�Q{,�40U2 „0 .t� L1L�Q1rS)- , and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 90,232.00 and the total cost (See Letter Attached) thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 0? 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. � / - �. / � i . ice_.. •: Commis ioner of �j - / .5 Y�vo/n4TE G.4 /cGS I I I pu1VX Wi- ^F EXlNI' Tb�( M � C � � r A � o 0 St: C E 09 7-,E:. l� ST GIFI GG s ;� OdN[i9P 2 a I I I i I I i AVE �I 0 S T. ST .S T a M ST .S T GEORGEV SHEPARD CITY OF SAINT PAUL ARTHUR W. TEWS Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator Chief Engineer r` Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner 234 City Hall & Court House 8 July 16, 1959 Hon. Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of csot for the improving of Minnehaha Avenue from Hamline Avenue to North Lexington Parkway by widen- ing the roadway between curb lines to forty -four (44) feet in width; by sur- facing the existing concrete pavement with asphaltic concrete; by grading, curbing and paving the widened portions of the roadway with new concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing; by grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; by removing the track wye including pavement, rails and ties at Hamline Avenue; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by reconstructing the storm water facilities; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to the property lines where necessary; by reconstructing traffic control systems at intersecting streets and constructing conduits and appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 191717, approved April 8, 1959. Estimated Paving Cost $80,847.11 Engineering & Inspection 8,084.89 Add for Water Dept. changes 1,300-00 Total Estimated Cost $90,232-00 ' Estimated Property Assessment .16,614.50 (City's Share of Cost) $73,617.50 . (Municipal State Aid ) Estimated Property Assessment is based on making the following assessment rates per front foot: Commercial) 182 ]in. ft. at ($5.00 c $ 910.00) _ $16,614.50 Residential 4487 " $3.50 — 15,704.50) ,�'.(�.L / /•Gds Ltti /l t '� .` �..�+C� �C'.� �,l'C.. t C. C%C`%4 �,c.,Gi�,. E4.�1�1_ q S1 y : S oovm Commissioner Winkel r - Page 2 - July 16, 1959 Paving Driveways, where not presently -pave 0$5.00 per sq. yard 6" Sewer service connections, $200.00 each, where necessary Water service connections as per following schedule: NORTH SIDE 3/4" service connection, $195.00 each, where necessary It " $208.00 " 1 1/211 $258.00 SOUTH SIDE 3/4" service connection, $225.00 each, where necessary lit 11 $238.00 11 61 11 1 1/2" It $288.00 An additional fee of $3.00 Is charged if the meter is moved or a new one installed. Services of 2" and larger will be estimated by the Water Department. ' Approved for transmission-to the Commissioner of Finance Xi—Aye. W--Jnk 1 Commissioner of Pub c c r Yours very truly, �� Ar r W. Tews Chief Engineer COUNCIL FILE NO.. B y--------------------------- - - - - -- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of improving 11innebaha Avenue from Hemline Avenue to forth, Lexington Parkway by widening the roadway between curb lines to Forty Four (44) feet in widths_ by surfacing the existing concrete pavement with asphaltic concrete; by Grading, curbing and paving the 'Widened portions of the roadway with new concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing; by grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; by remOving the track wye, including pavement, rails and ties at in"-Avenue; by %econstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity_ with said UiideimpTptT�y:Ja �.nts X,:recon�tructj�.jjj,�. the .> torin.wa�{/�wj facilitiesl1 b construefiing,... i SY .r1. ti.iA ! ... ... .sa 1 J Y V .. - - �. �. -..� i��,. Y. ... - - -• sewer,, water and gne service connections from Street- to. the property lute �q:,whgre�in ee�sax'ys by reconet 'tact n$,t#af c control. Byatem8 at inter• - - --- secti,ng, txeete.l;�uad c cne�tr�icting)j 0Qndi4t%,and,�Appur._t�enancesl for_ futurel 1= :.,319h ng an � raffic �CC�ai ral,,gyr ,eb jgan iby�doing,a3:]�- otbgr -i! brk.vh:L-d i'is� r;:Jitle:-ed the neggEP s'�y_�and i44dental to dam-,'lete said improvement tai * .nt ,�nn ».. 4,1,- r...,.. ^:i T +t- - 4 '044 . P C4. to-1 4- ^„ - tea:^ "'�cC: .�. nntwrn n%-4r-n+ Nn ,4 ? r,? of lm_ 14L'/JVL J: LF LJ'_Ullr. VVlAllt.al -CJl 4116 ti1'VJ°Vi I.JV±i— ua v k u .., _ proven=rikt to be made by- the saki City i:* trooseeqxv-I 0 aT oft O ca �'6..egj +OA . rII r -, s 04? Cc o�--- 4: and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......... Approved File 14591 Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Councilman WINKEL Mayor DILLON 2.55 2M 2 •------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ City Clerk. Mayor. COUNCIL FILE N0-- --- --- ------- ---- - - -- -- B y------------------------------------------- - - - - -- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ice.' Ug Minnehaha Avenue from Hama In Avenue to North Xexington parkway by widening the roadway between curb lines to Forty Four (44) feet in widthl by surfacing the existing concrete pavement with asphaltic concrete; by grading, curbing and paving the widened portions of the roadway with new concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing; by grading and proving. street,. alley and driveway returns; by removing i e track wye, inclung pavement, rails and ties at Hamlin Avenue; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in.e4nfpx'm9.ty with -said " iq=Veme-n'til.;by- recon6truating the .storm -watei •facliltiesf 'by constructing sewer# water and.ga4 service connections from-street mains.to the property i l3rte3 +Ae(a�tprli$riy���= pnesQe��saaggry; by re coaetructiiig "treme control. systems at inter, se�'tidg st.rvpta�`iiilf+4` `.on�4r� �. ... r--�r tir r c a •i r(, tor _ .w sting Qonduit8 and $��]�a1�1"'�t�� for future , : s lighting ,idnd.:traflic; control i§y tams' -`sak by�'db 'ijA ot2ier.' sIroick' �rh3 li " °t 1 : ' necessary -�hnd ine identarll. Ito complete add sadd improvement + {�1� }t'- �•, {�I.�IVIA .�i�."7 ei:• { :L�`..{nf.�i 7 ?�if t if.1i �1! .'i: L .:,i1 't..cr fh.. �l,r. i' 1 R'ilii t�.1 i4 �1� �l i•+ ,� !_� rf provement to be made by the said City is improve Minnehaba Avenue from Hamlin Avenue to North Lexington Parkway by widening the roadway between curb lines to Forty Four (44) feet in'width; by surfacing the existing c;nerete pavement with alpha lti; conamte;- by grading, curbing and paving the widened portions of the roadway with new concrete base and asphaltic concrete - surfacing; by grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; by removing the track wye, including pavement, rails and ties at Hamlin Avenue] by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on thee intersecting streets where not in conformity with said ,improvement) by reconstructing the storm water facilities; by constructing arcr ra w_>�*}itex� ar�,`pgRe;ssm6p conne one frnda p et to -the P�Pex'tiY liidsI iiAgr, neees ' b '' t ti' , Maine ;� nary; ` y reconstr cting- #.raffia egntrot syati" it °inter -` 4t: 1 �Mw-, 7 .I.;!lR1 r {iit S 1 •4 fir.- T +f: 1' • ti �r a•:� ciir'seeztrig''_ tireetB. eud C "1"T1�� cold s''driapp�artenan�:e$ for) ♦ s rMt. JV - r 2_ 1•I -. }{i - 7 lighting. anfi� ti ffia,"cou en�l.by` doiri affil].`oih -dr work which i,s t c nece`a i 'hne i nci vital * �R _ ,.e a s8ry d� i *- rto` coavlte $Bid 'x`OViBxgellt' Approved - - -. File 14591ckouRCY Councilman Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman POSEN Councilman WINKEL Mayor DILLON 2.55 2M 2 City Clerk. --------------- Mayor.