193814District No. 1
Council File No. - --
Council, File No. 193814 —
PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT whereas. A written proposal for the
making of the following improve
meet. viz.: tt
and To reconstruct the sidewalk at theI
g properties:
The undersigned hereby proposesthe making ofthefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: _
to • reconstruct the siiiewalk at the following school properties.s
the west..side of Prior Ave. from- Iglehart Aire, to Carroll Ave. approx. 320
feet, on the north side of Iglehart Ave. from Moore St. to Prior'Ave: "approg:" "'
= 300t! feet and =•ondth6feast siden' LofzMoore- .St. ..from..Iglehart:.'Ave. north 225 feet
abutting the,,property known as•pthe- �Longfe -] owtVSchool. �-
rt.:..: _ vx,42 . .........
..._. .
the east side of Western Ave. from Front St. to Hatch St., the no iiCi deaof
Front St. from Western Ave. to Virginia Ave., the south side of Hatch St. from
-Western Ave,: to Virginia-Ave:; and'the west'side-of Virginia Ave: from Front St.
to Hatch St., abutting the .property known as the Gorman School*
tj -thei. north side_of Carroll # Ave. from {Mackubin. St. east approximately 277 feet,
and on the east 'side of `Mackubin St. from Carroll "Ave :' to ]1 ondo Ave. abutting
the property known as the McKinley School.
the north side of Geranium Ave. from Sylvan St. east 227 feet, on the east side
ofT8y1fV_1S0 f46mfi anigmr ve;' to�:tlie. °riortli,�-267 .',feet 'abutting the property
known as the Smith School.
the vest side of Prior Ave. from lglchart Av -_. to Car olI Ara. nppiox. 30�0
_ fe_t? �oxt the ncz nth �3da of IgI�Y��`i ��c; f"rc�: 2M:�ar� 5t. to Prior ate r=.&
Lil��rF:3OO,Efeet, —and on the east side of Moore St from Iglehart Ave. north 225 feet
abuttin�g the property known as the Longfellow School.
It1'SO .VPM, 'A hat the of Public AYorn.x f;e and is itoreby ordered rnd dirceteJ.
1. the--) east : side. tofa :Test'ernrAVe;.e= frdmiEront 5t:ait'.ogHatch` t�:pNthe� , orth side of
2. Front��Ste fromeWestern,�Ave.l toe�Virg Virginia Ave.,._it�hep south�,side� oua H�tch� St. from
Western Ave. to Virginia Ave,, and the =west side of Virginia Ave. from Front St.
tol'Hate"fl hSt: l=abuttilg rrthe p�operty�known"� as- °the Gorman School.
4. To strata whether or cot za''d impr:.cme*at azkid fi,r ca the petition of th:ec or more awrcrs.
5 they nor�thu4de�hofr �Car�ol - -Ave., from Mackgbin,s .,,tieast -approximately 277 feet,
ahnd on the east side ofr'Madkubin St. from Carroll Ave. to 'Rondo Ave. abutting
A.dcf,ted a property known as the McKinley School.:;r�
•the north side.of Geranium Ave.
side of Sylgan.zSt. from Gerani um
1a owrr,,,as-,,,the-:3$nith `School.
3000 7 -54 QD.@
from .Sylvan St. east 227 feet, on the east
to the north 267,.feet abutting the property
......... ..... . ............................._. _