193809193809. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK =` • CITY OF ST. PAUL. 9°sNO1L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK council File No. 193809—By ":Bernard T. Holland— Whereas, CIL OLUTION— GENERAL FORM Whereas, The Water Department found` it necessary to construct a new reservoir and tank in Highland COMMISSIONER e T. Holland l a nd Park_, on the,, exist.{np play nr , fiP1� DATE WHEREAS, the Water Department found it necessary to construct a new reservoir and tank in Highland Park on the existing playing f ibld hockey rink, and other facilities of the Highland Playground, thus ren- dering the recreation building useless in its present location, the Water Board, in a formal meeting on August 14, 1959,-agrbed to defray the cost of moving the building from its present location to a new site prepared by the Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings. However, they will not go beyond the moving expense, which leaves the Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings with a building which cannot be used unless additional funds are made available to con- struct a new foundation, connect all utilities, prepare the site and fields, and provide field lighting. WHEREAS, there are insufficient funds available to properly remedy this situation, which has created a sudden and unexpected emergency, it is necessary to borrow funds therefor, under Section 206 of the Charter; therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed, on or after the first day of September, 1959, to borrow, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, a sum not in excess of $39,574;00, -and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promissory note of the City of Saint Paul, payable to such person or persons, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding three per cent per annum, said note to be payable one year from the date of execution thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the-funds so borrowed be credited to Highland Recreation Emergency, 19 D 6, all of -said fund to be expended only for the purpose of constructing a new foundation, connecting all utilities, preparing the site and fields, and providing field lighting. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon sM s -58 c0EPOD2 �n Favor Against SEP 11959 Adopted by the Council 19— SEP 19959 Approved �Q 19— PUBLMDW c5" DUPLICATE TO PRINTER - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Bernard T. Holland DATE WHEREAS, the Dater Department found it necessary to construct a new reservoir and tank in Highland Park on the existing playing field hockey rink, and other facilities of the Highland Playground, thus Zen - dering the recreation building useless in its present location, the Neater Board, in a formal meeting on August 14, 1959, a reed to defrayy the cost of moving the building from its present locat�on to a now site prepared b the Department of Packs And Recreation And Public Buildings. However, they will not go beyond the moving expense, which leaves the Department of Park* And Recreation And Public Buildings with a building which cannot be used unless additional funds are made available to con- struct a new foundation,. connect all utilities, prepare the site and fields, and provide field lighting. WIEREAS, there are insufficient funds available to properly remedy this situation, which has created a sudden and unexpected emergency, it is necessar to borrow funds therefor, under Section .206 of the Charter. thereYore be it RE .OLVED, That the Mayor and City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed# :on or after the first day of September, 1959, to borrow# on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, a sum not in excess of $39,574.00 and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promissory rote ,of the City of Saint ,Paul, payable to such person or persons, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding three per cent per annum, said .note to be payable one year from the date of execution thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED,. That the funds so borrowed be .credited to Higghland Recreation Emergency, . 19 D 69 all of said fund to be expended flnl7� for the purpose of constructing, new foundation,, connecting all utilities, preparing the site and fields, and providing field lighting. SEP 11959 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy SEP 11959 Holland Approved 19- Mortinson Peterson Tn Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Against °esident, Dillon