09-1238Council File # 09-1238 Green Sheet # � U �ZZ 3( RESOLUTION OF PAlft, MINNESOTA �/ Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 WHEREAS, the Saint Pa�l Right of Way management ordinances require a permit fee structure which covers city costs, de�radation cos[s, and dismption costs, and WHfiREAS, in enacting The current fee strucmre, the City Co�ncil resolved that the fee structure shovld be reviewed on an annual basis, and WHEREAS, the current fee structure was adopted in 2009, and the proposed 2010 badeet includes a five percent increase in the fee structure, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached "Excavation/Obstructron Fee S[tucture" and its attachments are hereby approved, and be it furiher RESOLVBD, [hat the new fee structure shall become effect�ve on January 1�`, 2010. i� Yeas Nays Absen[ Reques d by Departr � Bostrom �" � , ^ � / Cazter ��� Harns _ � gy: Appro By: Appro By: Adopted by Council: Date `a�/!a�/Jl/ Appro Adop[ion Cer�[ifie / by Coun Secretary gy; BY� � / /� � /011���lrs/J�J Approved by Mayo� Date /�/22�c� g �r B y' �-�'� �Q�.sn'. "'° � � Green Sheet Green Sheet 09-1238 Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Department/�ce/Councii: Datelnitiated: GCeeI�I Slteel NO 3082236 PW _ Public Works 30 SEP 2009 Contact Person & Phone: DeParhnent Sent To Person InitiallDate PaUI St. Mafiin 0 ablic Works 0� 5 �^, �`t,oq 266-6118 I blic Works Accouufant ,,,,,,///;;; Assign 2 IPubfic Works D'uector —� Must Be on Council Agentla by (Date): Number 0 Q��j 28-OCT-09 For 3 'nancial Services Ntinancial Services Routing 4, ity AUomev Ci Attorne � Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ Order 5 vor's Office Ma or/ASSistant TRANSACTION 6 ouucil 6 Comcil E-DOCUment Required: Y 7 " Clerk Ci Cierk Document Contact: Paul St. Martin Contact Phone: 266-6118 TMaI # of Signature Pages _�Clip All Locations for Signature) � Action Requested: Resolurion setting Right of Way fees for the period 1/1/10 - 12/31/]0. Recommendafions: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission �, Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciTy employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill rwt nortnalty possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain aii yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Saint Paul Right of Way management ordinance requires a pemut fee structure which covers city costs, degadation costs, and disruption costs. In enacting the current fee slructure, the Ciry Council resolved that the fees shold be reviewed on an annual basis. The current fees were approved in 2009. The proposed 2010 budget includes a five percent increase in fees. Advantages lf Approved: The proposed increase in fees will fund increased costs to administer the ordinances. Disadvantages If Approved: _ None. DisadvanWges If NotApproved: Right of Way fees will not inczease in accordance with the proposed 2010 budget. Total Amount of Trensaction: $55,000.00 CostlRevenue Budgeted: Y Funding Source: Traffic and Lighting 240 Fund Activity Number: 12015 Financial Informatiom �approximately $55,000 on total revenues of $1,1OQ000). (Explain) October 19, 2009 2:10 PM Page 1 09-1238 City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works Right-of-W ay Rates Proposed 2010 Rates Cutrent Pennit Twe 2009 Pazking Lane Fee (per day) Not Downtown Downtown Parking Meter Fee Duving Lane Fee (per day) Detour Distance Detour Rate Sidewalk Blvd Fee (per 20 foot increments) Not Downtown Downtovm Alley Fee (per day) Detoui Distance Detour Rate Hooding Charge (per day) Parking Meter Fee New Construction Fee Base Fee Base Fee - Arterial Sfreets Perxnit Rate (per day) Uhl�ty Install OH Fee Base Fee - Res�dential Streets Base Fee - Arterial Streets Utility Rate (per foot, first 25' free, digging) Utility Rate (per foot, first 25' free, no diggmg new) Utility Rate (per foot, first 25' free, no digging, existing) Partial Alley Fee (per day) Not Downtown DOWI1tOWll House Service Fee Base Fee - Residential Streets (per connection, up to 6) Base Fee - Artecial Streets (per conuectioq up to � Additional Connection Rate - Residential Sfreets (after 6) Additional Connecrion Rate - Arterial Streets (after 6) Geoprobe Soil Bore Fee Base Fee - Residential Streets Base Fee - Arterial Streets Hole / Device Rate Proposed 2010 6.00 6.00 11.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 0.15 0.15 0.585 0.550 6.00 6.00 11.00 12.00 0.15 0.15 0.585 0.550 5.00 5.00 180.00 189.00 268.00 281.00 37.00 39.00 180.00 189.00 268.00 281.00 2 60 2.75 0.65 0.70 0.15 0.15 6.00 6.00 11.00 12.00 180.00 189.00 268.00 281.00 70.00 74.00 158.00 166.00 180.00 189.00 268.00 281.00 14.00 I S 00 Pereent Chanee 0% 9.09 % 0% 0% -5.98 °/a 0% 9.09 % 0% -598% 0% 5.00 % 4.85 % 5.41 % 5.00 % 4.85 % 5.77 % 7.69 % 0% 0% 9.04 % 5.00 % 4.85 % 5.71 % 5.06 % 5.00 % 4.85 % 7.14 % Use-of-Street Permit Rates Proposed 2010 � Page 1 of 2 9/25/2009 09-1238 City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works Right-of-Way Rates Proposed 2010 Rates Current Permit Twe 2009 Wireless Comm Fee Base Fee - Kesidential Sheets Base Fee - Arterial Streets Hole / Device Rate Full Block Construction Fee Base Fee - Residential Sheets Base Fee - Arterial Streets Permtt Rate (per day) Momtor Well Fee Base Pee - ResidenUal Streets Base Fee - Arterial Streets Monthly Rate (per well) Sewez Fee Base Fee - Resideoual Stxeets Base Fee - Arterial Streets Various Locations (per month) Monthly Rate Food Cart Fee (per month) • Excavation Fee Base Fee - Residential Streets Base Fee - Arterial Streets Ulility Rate (per foot, first 25' free, diggmg) Utiliry Rate (per foot, first 25' free, no digging, new) Utility Rate (per foot, first 25' free, no digging, existmg) Obstruct�on Fee Momtonng Well Monthly Rate Vanous Locations Monthly Rate Transportation Fee Base Fee Yealry Fee Meter Fee Labor Rate (per half hour) Benches, Chairs, Tables, Fences & Planters Related to S�dewalk Cafes (Apri] 1st thru October 31 st) Proposed 2010 180A� 189A0 268.00 281.00 14.00 15.00 180.00 189.00 268.00 281.00 37.00 39.00 180.00 189.00 268.00 281.00 26.00 27.00 70.00 74 00 158 00 166.00 ll0.00 ll6.00 33.00 35.00 180.00 189.00 268.00 281.00 2.60 2.75 0.65 0.70 0.15 0.15 26.00 27.00 110.00 116.00 2SA� 29.00 132.00 139.00 40.00 42.00 50.00 53.00 Percent Chanoe �.00 % 4.85 % 7.14 % 5.00 % 4.85 % 5.41 % 5.00 % 4.85 % 3.85 °/a 5.71 % 5.06 % 5.45 °/a 6.06 °/a 5.00 % 4.85 °/a 5.77 % 7.69 % 0 °lo 3.85 % 5.45 % 3.57 % 530 % 5.00 % 6.00 % Use-of-Street Permit Rates Proposed 2010 Page 2 of 2 9/25/2009 09-1238 DISRLTPTION COST BASIS Parking Lane with meters: $5.00 per meter per day plus lost meter zevenue and a hooding charge. The hooding charge is a labor charge for hooding and unhooding meters. No grace period applies. Parking Lane without meters: $6.00 per calendar day for each 20 feet of length outside of the downtown business district. $12.00 per day wiChin the downtown business district. Note: If this is in a"Rush Hour" zone, the pazking lane rate would apply only if it is not used during the "Rush Hour" period. Driving Lanes: Basic formula — Average Daily Traffic x Number of calendaz days x Detour distance in miles x$0.550 per mile For each direction: (one way ADT = 50% of total ADT) Loss of a11 traffic lanes: 100% of one way ADT Loss of one of two traffic lanes: 40% of one way ADT Loss of one of three traffic lanes: 20% of one way ADT Loss of two of three traffic lanes: 60% of one way ADT NOTE: For work between 9 AM and 3 PM where lane is opened back up to traffic, 50% of the above will apply. For work between 6 PM and 6 AM where lane is opened back up to traffic, 30% of the above will apply. Noise ordinance restrictions will continue to be enforced. Sidewalk f Boulevard Areas: 'for each 20 foot increment Closed to Pedestrian Traffic: Commercial- $12.00 per calendar day Closed to Pedestrian Traffic: Residential- $6.00 per calendar day Pedestrian traffic maintained- No Charge Alleys: Use basic formula with ADT = 20Q and length of alley = detour distance. Turn Lanes, Bus Stops: Treated as loss of through lane. Disruption cost begins after the grace period for utility work. Intersections: Treat each street separately. No disruption cost for utility work in areas closed to traffic For City Construction projects. ioiovio-Ds 09-1238 � � � � C� U DC W O w DC � � � '� O .� a u i�r C7 Z � Z 0 0 � 4 O� aa O e U C .a F W 0 w � � r E �o �.�,'c �.;�c �n�c �n Q o� N �C N-, yJ N� �G N: U T T T T T T, ^ T z �O OO ' h C^ � M V1 � M V➢ L�� � � � � cYl N O O � ' + �- + -�- '� �- } " +- } , Q .\: oc �n [� , M v1 tn v1 ' 3 � �-' � : p v; `� vt p vl i�p v� : q cn cn � m cn � v i T y T ,y � T.�.' .� T�' 4 'z v� [`� _ � � ; N d' � N V ' � � . 'D � i: 'D � _ � � c M N � C O � ;++'++;++;-+°�- - 3 y � t�.� L: i N 7 N 7 � r d� � :°o:,°o�OO \ \ . � V1 .-� Vl .-. V1 �� T'�' i T'�' � T'�' t T T � vl l� � m �n ' N 7 � N � � ' . .� '�O . � � : ,D .� . m N O O � x - - -� -� --' x ; + * + +; + + + +. p i °,n � M v�. N v, N v. 3 x � v� �n v� �n �n "v� �n in ` v� �n � �n �n �n �n Cn �n ' d 4' Q 2' �v vi n vi n vi n= vi n vi n vi n' vi n vi n' z z' 2 z C] � W a � � .. � .. � � � � � � .. � � F � � � � � � v ro � � . i � W � °' � °' � Q' � °' � °' c � � � Q� v: Q� ��¢ � ¢'v Q'v Q F" � z 0 � H � E H r op � F � H � F F � U � CJ � U � W c4 z U U ti W � y L . O V] �a o z ��� xa U� x � � _ ¢� � F Q � W ' � � � � Q U r b-0 � .� � N :� =o � .� C � A � 0 U O � � � Q � .� � 0 ro � � a � z. 'O � � a, � � � x 0 A t+� � i s�i O � z • • 0 c ,'�.+ s �J � C T U N i � � � 3 � b � c�s s � c,�i � � � ti � � � � � � an a� °? � '� 'O � � o o � �o � � s ❑ -� o � '� � � b o � ' � � o� > � '� 3 a �, U � A N � T � � 3 �o .� y. U �� �c 3 � � U � a ' O I � N O � w Q � N bD � �� A � � � 3 � � v � b ❑ � � U O b N � � � � � 09 �� ! �J EXCA.VATION / OBSTRUCTION PERMIT FEE STRUCTURE A. EXCAVATION PERMSTS: Cost Components include "City cost" (administration, inspection, and records), Pavement Degradation, and Disruption charge. (per Saint Paul Legislative code, chapter 135). Meter hooding charges are extra. 1) $180 per hole on local streets*, $281 on collector/arterial streets* (includes up to 25 feet of excavation), plus $2.75 per foot of excavation >25'; plus additional disruption cost fees for street closure resulting in detours, permittee delays in project completion, or other similar conditions. 2) For house service connections, $189 per connection on local streets*, $281 on collector/arterial streets*for the first six per block, and $74 per connection for the rest in that block. $74 per hole on local streets*, $166 on collector/arterial streets* for joint Sewer service{right of way permit. 3) Degradation to be calculated separately based on Public Utilities Commission Rules if proper restoration is not proposed or completed. 4) The Disruption Cost Basis based on the attached Grace Period Matrix and Disruption cost basis charts; calculated using the length of excavation in feet; number of lanes occupied (sidewalk/ boulevard; parking lane; 1, 2, 3, or 4 traffic lanes); average daily traffic count (ADT) £or the street segment(s) in which the permitted work will occur; and time of day (24 hour; daytime; 6 PM to 6 AM; or 9 AM to 3 PM). B. OBSTRUCTION PERMITS: Cost Components include "City cost" (administration, inspection, and records), and Disruption charge. (per Saint Paul Legislative code, chapter 135). Meter hooding charges are extra. 1) Various locations permits may be issued for individual vehicles at a monthly rate of $116. Specific conditions apply. This permit may be issued for up to one year at the specified rate. This is not for utility work. 2) Various Locations - Mobile Food Cart permits are issued for individual food carts at a monthly rate of $35. SpeCific conditions apply. This permit may be extended as necessary. 3) For new overhead utility installation $189 on local streets, $281 on collectorfarterial streets plus $0.70 per foot of installation. There will be no disruption charge for work in any block not exceeding five working days. 09-1238 4) For lashing new cable onto existing cable by the same owner, $189 on local stre�ts, $281 on collector/arterial streets plus $0.15 per foot. 5) For replacing existing cable with new cable in the same location vertically and horizontally, $189 on local streets, $281 on collector/arterial streets plus $0.15 per foot. 6) For placing or replacing cable in existing conduit where no digging is necessary, $189 on local streets, $281 on collectorlarterial streets plus $0.15 per foot. 7) For geoprobes or soil borings for a specific site, $189 on local streets, $281 on collector/arterial streets plus $15 per hole. 8) For wireless telecommunications devices mounted on existing poles with a minimum of 12 feet clearance from the ground, $189 on local streets, $281 on collectorJarterial streets plus S15 per device. 9) For monitoring wells for a specific site, $189 on local streets, $281 on collector/arterial streets plus $27 per month per well. 10) For full block construction, $189 on local streets, $281 on collector/arterial streets plus $39 per day per block face for sidewalk and parking lane, if any. Use of traffic lanes calculated according to the Disruption Cost Basis (traffic count for affected street segments). 11) Dumpster permits $6 per day outside downtown and $12 per day downtown, plus meter hooding charges. 12) For overweight/oversize transportation permits $29 per single permit, $139 for annual permit. 13) For placement of benches, chairs, tables, fences and planters. Permits are issued April 1 thru October 31s` at a seasonal rate of $53. *Note: Collector/arterial streets are defined in the City of Saint Paul Transportation Policy Plan. All other streets are considered local. PaR_e � v�� ..— =,.r .��.,�j!a- -�_ the �� NoMA�ic � ` PRESS - __� _� - --- - �.- _ - - -��� November 4th, 2009 To: The St. Paul City Council Council Members - � �01. V STRYKER AVENUE Saint Paul, Minnesnta suo� TELEPNONE FACS4MiLE (6517 [6517 291-1454 292-9220 My wife and I own a building at the intersection of Stryker and Annapolis. It sits at the North-east corner, on the St. Paul side of the line that divides West St. Paul and St. Paul proper. For most of its history the brick building was a neighborhood grocery, but for 17 years now it has been home to our letterpress printing and graphic design business. During the 17 years we have owned it, we have kept 200 lineal feet of sidewalk clear of snow and ice. We have picked up the trash that is always being left at the bus stop. We have cleaned graffiti off the post office box and alerted the newspaper publishers when their boxes have been abused. And we have been good neighbors. But because we are a business, we bear the brunt of the burden for the maintenance of the streets upon which we are located It so happens that both Stryker Avenue and Annapolis Street are Class 2 streets and because of that, as a business, we pay more than twice the amount that our residential neighbors pay for Right-of-Way Maintenance. And, we pay half aqain as much as our neighbors for the Right-of- Way Maintenance on our alley (even though we are the only building on the block that does not have a garage). LETTERPftE55 PRIWTING & EDITION BINDING ��x� 2-�Z NOM PRESS 09-1238 Our assessment for 2009 was just shy of 16 hundred dollars. This is more than a third of what we pay in property taxes for the building (4,600.00 $) and it is too much. We are a small, Mom-and-Pop business and the occasional visit by a client or delivery van is about the extent of the traffic we generate. On a busy day we may have 4 vehicles visit our building. Please lower our Right-of Way Maintenance Assessment for 2010 (and beyond) to a rate that reflects a more equitable distribution of the costs involved in running a city. My wife and I don't mind paying our share (or even a bit more), but we would rather not pay our share and someone else's share too. With our best reqards, Kent and Emily Aldrich � y �n���/ e.s.-- `/� � 4 ��r.f ��'���� 1 � � �/�[� �� v / r� ._ � v V