193766Orlg3na1_to,City Clerk ' PRESENTED COMMISSIi CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNgIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM r., TF couN�clL Nn .R 193766 —By Joseph mciga ,EIVel fzp— (?4I;ES VHEREfAS, by Council File No. 101844, being Ordinance No. 7652, approved November 6, 1935, the City Council authorized the sale of $2,205,000 par value of the bonds of the City of Saint Paul, for the purpose of paying the share of the City -of Saint. Paul of the cost of that portion of the system for the collection, treatment, and disposal of sewage and waste matter, used by the City of ' /Saint Paul jointly with the City of Minneapolis and forming a part / of the complete plan of the sewage collection and treatment VV system of the Minneapolis - .Saint Paul Sanitary District;, and WHEREAS, pursuant-to such authority the Council by Resolution Council File No, 102044,'.approved November 13, 1935, issued and /;old $1,000,OOO� par value of the bonds of the City of Saint Paul for said purpose ; ,and WHEREAS, pursuant to such authority the Council by Resolution Council File No. 107881, approved July 2, 1937, issued and sold $500,000 par value of the bon: of the City of Saint Paul for said purpose; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such authority the Council by Resolution Council File No. 109778, approved'January 11, 1938, issued and sold $184,000 par value of the bonds of,. the City of Saint Paul for said ___- purpose; and 'WHEREAS,,.pursuant to such authority the Council by Resolution Council:'Fi -le No. 153867, approved September 27, 1950, issued and V sold $75,000 par value of the. bonds of the City of Saint Paul for said purpose, and 'WHEREAS, the remaining $446,000 par value of the bona of the City of Saint Paul authorized to be issuedland sold for the purpose aforesaid, under said Ordinance,No. 7652, approved November 6, 1935, in no part have been issued or sold and it has become and is necessary to issue and sell $150,000 par value of such remainder of such authorized bonds of the City of Saint Paul for said purpose to procure moneys necessary for said Cityts payment of its accrued COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 .2 , In Favor %C) Against Adopted by the Council 195— 93'66 , and unpaid apportioned share of capital expenditures for additional capital_irrpxovements and''additians.to said sewage collection and treatment system of said Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, made necessary to °insure an increased- capacity_,of the -same necessitated by an - increased volume of sewage and waste material now being collected and treated by' the same and - forming a part of , its aforesaid complete -:plan fox-sewage-collection and treatment, therefore be it RESOLVED, that additional bonds. of the City of Saint Paul authorized by said Ordinance No.,,7652,be sold in the manner provided b law, in the amount of One,Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ��V4150,000) par value, said- bonds to be in denomination lof- $1,000 °each; to be dated,September 1, 1959.9 to bear interest .at a rate not exceeding five per cent (5%);per- annum, payable `L semiannually on March_lst and September 1st according to.the � interest coupons to be 'attached to.said bonds; said bonds shall- ' be serial and a portion thereof shill be p?pable each year commencing .September 1, 1962, the third year -after the date•of the same, but none of said bonds shall run for a longer pe'xiod than thirty years after the date of the same. Said bonds'shall be designated as "Sewage Disposal System Bonds - "Series No, 711, and the numbers of. said bonds and the dates on which said bonds shall mature and the amounts that shall-mature annually over -said period shall be -as : follows: : - SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM BONDS = SERIES N0, 7 Date of Maturity -Bond Numbers Amount N September 1, -1962 37753 -- :37755 - $ 3,000 " 1, 1963 - 37756-- 37758 `3,000 _ 1, 1964 37759 37761- - 3,000 " 1, 1965 37762 = 37764 3 000 'r = 1, 1966 37765 - 37767 3,000 4 1967 37768 - 37771 4,000 " 1, 1968- 37772 - 37775 4,000 " . 1, 1969 37776 --,37779 4,000- _ `* 1, 1970 37780,- 37783 4, 000 n 1;- 1971 37784,- 37787 4,000 " 1, 1972 37788 - -37792 n 59,000 n 1, 1973 37793 - -37797 5,000 `= 1, 1974 - 37798 - 37802 5,000 -_ n 1; 1975 -- 37803 - 37807 5,000 `r 1, 1976 37808 37812 5,000 _ `f 1, 1977 . -37813 - 37818 6,000 " 1, 1978 37819 - 37824 6,000 1, 1979 37825 - 37830 6,000 " 1, 1980 37831 - 37836 6,000 -. •1., 1981 37837 - 37842 -6,000 ,2 Orlv6l to %City Clerk PRESENTED COMMISSI '. r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM September 1, 1982 37843 It 1, 1983 37850 It 19 19844 37857 if 1, 1985 37864 it 1, 1986 37871 19 1987 37879 19 1988 37887 1, 1989 37895 COUNCIL 19? to 6 FILE NO.- - 37849 $79000 - 37856 7,000 - 37863 79000 - 37870 79000 - 37878 8,990 -37886 _ 89000 - 37894 89000 - 37902 8,000. $150,000 That said bonds shall be in a form later to be determined. That such form of said bonds shall be prepared by said City's Sinking Fund Committee, approved by Chapman and Cutler, its Bond Counsel, approved by its Corporation Counsel and adopted by its Council.- RESOLVED FURTHER, that sealed proposals be received at the office of the City Comptroller, in the Court House and City. Hall Building in said City of Saint Paul, up to ten o'clock A.-M. (C.S.T. ) on September 30, 1959•J. ",for the sale of all or none of said bonds after giving due notice pf'`such sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the Saint Paul °Legal Ledger, the official paper of said City and in the Commercial West, a financial periodical published in the State of Minnesota. Each bidder shall be required to acco anY his bid by a certified or cashier's check for two per cent-12% J of--the amount- of "bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery. The City Comptroller shall at the next meeting after receiving said bids, present the same to the Council for its action thereon. The said bonds shall be offered to the person who will pay par or better therefor, at the lowest Pate of interest, not exceeding five per cent(5 %). COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland 14+or ir° ^r Peterson Rosen: /� Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2 -57 QW2 —In Favor Against pUG 2 g �g59 Adopted by the Council 195— AUG 2 81959 _ AD roved 195 — Mayor