193757Orlffipsl to,City Clerk ' a CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 19375 DUNCIL Council File No. 193757 —By Robert F. Peterson — Resolved, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that said Council hereby approves, authorizes and ratifies the following transfers of, fund items of $a8rd RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that said Council hereby approves, authorizes and ratifies the following transfers of fund items of the 1959 Ramsey County Welfare Board Budget Item Ancker Hospital Fund, to wit: From the Account of Maintenance of Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds, Equipment, Repairs, and Replacements, the amount of $5,000.00; - From the Account of Maintenance and Repairs and Replacements, the amount of $4,000.00; and From the Medical and Surgical Account Gauze and Dressings, the amount of $3,200.00; in the aggregate amoui?t of $12,200.00 to Special Air Conditioning Operating Room Fund Item and the proposed award of contract by said Board to The Snelling Company, as the Contractor, for the furnishing and installation of necessary air conditioning equipment by said Contractor for said Board in the operating rooms of said Ancker Hospital for the contract price payable by said Board to said Contractor therefor in the amount of $34,200.00,,in accordance with the bid therefor submitted by said Contractor to said Board and in accordance with'the pertinent specifications prepared by Gausman & Moore, Inc., Consulting Engineers; that said transfers of finds have been made necessary to supply a deficiency in the, amount of $12,200.00 in said Special Air Conditioning Operating Room Item so that the same shall be elevated from the balance therein of $22,000.00 to the amount of $34,'200.00 necessary therefor and to be allocated to the payment of said contract price. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland -M rz1 e i . Rose / MA Vbk aesi&ut (Peitafos} 5M 2 -57 2 In Favor b Against AUG 2 7 1959 Adopted by the Council 195— Approves' G 27 1959 195 Ma or ' Ac3'ti nq y OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Jkf ,6, 1959 Cj cbuxsa Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 193757 The City Council requested that you draw a resolution approving the award of contract for the installation of air conditioning in the operating rooms at Ancker Hospital and the transfer of funds to pay for the same, as set out in the attached letter of Ruth L. Bowman. Very you fit erk <:::::::::: MINNESOTA 8 '- � •1 T :�'' •R '� ... , . =�' �~ '•� � ^jN.•.. _f •� .H f i I i�r y',• `- ,.. L' `Y ♦ ' aF .','Y 1, -y -� -rt +.f l•i~ t _7 4 r .• of tit ; F :rr - ofAtntafil�ari0 QCotuttp of3tetmgep` - � - `e . - *:4.`.` �; .. ., .. ..` ,. 478�t. �cttc�hcef_ a r_ - - � - _ • ,`. _ i . -�'. • - - - - • _ �- _ .. " _ ' Satnt taut 2. �tn�cgota `' ";•, f •. � 75 .. August'1 1959 The' Honorable. J o,s eph E. -Dillon President of the' City Council._an' d .Board. of Count Corrimissioners r ' Chairman of the Y., ._ , • - '• ♦..' - , , -, •. s - ' ,`, s Copies to: - . r ` •• _ .•f�. Members of 'the City Council .and - ' = Board_ of County Coinmis'sioners - = ` Joseph E. Mitchell, City Comptr`olldr.. • . Eugene .A. Monick, County Auditor - :Dear' Sir: ♦L OnRMasch 26; .1959;- ,the,Ramsey County W_ elfare Board requested, . - authorityto` use �U, 998..18 which remained in a_ special ear - marked building'`' Y •` _ Y - xi7.A..JCm -tCK'M _4'.. .. - p• L,.... _ Si6 -..�, rf�. ;;.r Z p• Sd'• -- , fund at the Ancker Hospital for installation of air co'nditioning;m the operating r , rooms at Ancker Hospital'., fI was estimated 'at that time that the cost would + be, approximately $22',;Q00. 00 and it was proposed to,'make up the difference ;. of. balances in``the Equipment; .Repair, and Replacement account'for the- out - maintenance oft.uildings, fixture a ,nd .grounds. t +,A j;Board Ori ri1 ?7P1959,-the, of' Coun :Comm_ issioziers' ado ted P . : .tY. P +. _ a resolution approving the use: of these funds for•installation of .air conditioning s equipment and- on May-28,_ .1959, the City Council adopted a, similar resolution.- , The County Welfare Board, thereupon, requested- the firm of { Gausinan & Moore, ,Inc: ; Con'sulting Engineers; to prepare specifications and _ bids, were. •called for as of August•'10, -1959. Six bids ,were received, the lowest - x bid being that of .the. Snelling Company in the.-am ount`,of $34; 20.0. 00. rMr °.'Carl E. Crausman 'reporte.d• to ,the Board that the bid is unqualified and is based on plans . and specifications `arid that the bidder is a 'responsible. contractor. It was hia' recomm endation that` the- contract be awarded to the low bidder'. _-- I�r: 'Broadie 6�pl'ained that the original estimate did'not`pr,ovide for air conditioning of the entire operating Suite. :which is necessary if the ` r installation,is to be effecaV ',and- meet the needs of -the doctors and - nurses. The County_ Welfa ,e Board considered the bids but felt. that it., ' could -not expend - additional funds without the - approval of the governing bodies' ' of the City'and County._;: It,' thereforg, Voted to. accept the low. bid Which was' y ry f� _ _ ; -• i __r a -• -' s. . ' - - .- • - .. t -,' is -� _ ''.�� {{'� . }l +i .•, .. .7•'• >.n "' ` •i ->'_ _ - •�. -T .l. i ;.c, `• ` �, . ." a ' s. ~ =t .. `.; '•.. ;4" .' ` i ? - r �frmtn_,the;�Srie]ling, Conipany`bi the- amount of;$34 `2Q0. 00, rovi i v p ded, howe er; 'F l - "a`•, that -c -could be ina de••available from'"o li `. t er Ancke r,:Iio�spita.l_accounts_;and the expenditure is a roved'b- -the Board of PP _ Y.. County Corrixnissioriers and the City. Couii,cilr" The- Board'instructedthe Superintendena o_f, the ,Hospital-.and.• Secr a Ary to r "evid)Y the., l 959 bud et allo.cati6ns .ta .d - _ g - etermine whether additional funds. could' be'+fbun'd for this purpose: ,t The neze_ d-for, a_ind +n ,- ting,suite: wasr i ' presented'b� Dr.: Llo d.,D' acLeai Chief -_of th Y. Y •: , q Surgical Division a� }' - ; Allcicer y a P. C Hospita] rand �t_,w4s, xecorimended primarily Lt6: prevgnt contaminated • .,:air from' the .'ho,`spitdl�g.ongo`;theio eratirig;room; -.ancT'o�' reveii d t P:.. p t. irect infer- r tjions'•from,the � sweating` of. ,surgaon�s W� ho- are pe ,Io " in o eraiions -, ' ••The - __ _ is Genara� =Hds ted that r to' air' condi o here P y pi yep °r _ t prio . ti ding, vzas` a�wourid infection rate•of• "•37% ' Following he Installation of air condition- ' , -the rrate.'dropped,to',1 %.; p ni4' 1958 the infection -ra t Aa ing k. 3e to ,;, te, at cker ..Hos ital:-vvas 32 and' _ .p � %.' , ' as`a r.e sult` of ' wbun'd •infection, 'patients had to remain •.:' in the,' hospitalfos"alonger'periods-of`tim' ` ;:V�bile� the. to }• e,-. • •lio=spi _ 1 has. taken every . • measure >to x6d'uce the wound infection'r th 'o rate, it' is, e pinion of tie SiirgicaT Staff,tha_t the"i.nstallation of_ ap6sitive iessurd unit o era s liis'a > P, p tirigp suite, ' p numb er � of other -imps -oven eats relating to method' of cleaning the s operating rooms,- -is- ab.solutelynecessaty_ to appreciably lP,7 r',theiinfections , .rate,;wliich exists at't$e present time' ' _ •L s� _ ..R -'tip . - - .l' - i' • _ •' The expend- itur'es fo•r the various:'Ancker Hospital accounts- 5 r were reviewed and,- becausg of.:,the. importance- of. this projecE,� the fohowing:.y iransfer:s are recommended to make up t6 balaii e of $12, 200..00. Fr omlthe' Account -of Maintenance of B uildin s: Fixtur e,s and' g -, Grounds, _ ` Xquipment,i .Re'.pairs., 'and Replacemesits $5,`000. 00 ;•f' _, From the ccount'o :Ivi� tenance "arid .Repair,' Mecha A f ain nical r 16, ' ui merit - ;Other~ Eq p Repairs and Replacements ..4'; > _ From the Ivied'ical and Surgical Account ess i ' ID Qauze and x s 5 ag . _ -< � ,. . * $3, 200.._0.0 _ - ' Both Di:'n.Broadie an'&! -will be glad to meet <iviith� you, if o to. have more information regardiiig';th" egties.t. y -� ' i s. r Sincerely yo ur 1s; • f' _ .. (Mias) uth L. Bowman . Director, f , = `RLB. %AaJ `yam �eVi4 k•,Ii �.: �'t' + Y 3 t'•'�I, • • .a.a .`.i.• • „• -1- - •Y. � r • -. fir` � -- ''�../I " , i ,x -• •�:' r _ ,r { ?.. - �,p The attention of Cotintp UbitWo 46) cc COUNTY BOARD St. Paul, Minn., file No 154 L Resolution No. 9 -5218 Augus t '26 1959 Counct� Weikf m. 'Dept�' = City troiancil County Auditor City Comptroller is respectfully called to the following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on 24r 1959 By Commissioner aneys WH>AS The Board of Ramsey County, Commissioners by adoption of resolution j- 517:2, :ooncur ed in ' an action of the Welfare I�partment of^ the ' ' ; ' Countyr of Ramsey find • the City of St. Pact in authorizibg installation of aix- conditioning equipment' in the operating 'room at Ancker Hospital' at a total cost of appro tea 1$22.,000#00, sibilar a;ctioh being taken, by the Conseil of City of St. Paul.;' and , WHEREAS Zt'is now; determined that'the. cost of installing air con- ditioning in the operating rooms at Ancker Hospital will amount to $34,200.00 and that additional, funds are necessary, F WHEREAS Such taunts are available in other accounts in the Welfare Depart;ment budget; Now, Viereforeo Be It RESMVED That subject to simil at favorable action 'by the Council of the City of St. Pauli the Board of Ramsey County Conmissiohers approves the following transfer in the 1959 Welfare Department budget: r FRMI: 11hintenenee of Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds, Equipment, Repairs and Replacements $5,000.00 t%intenance and Repairs, Mchw4cal Other Equipment, Repairs-and Replacements 4,000.00 medical and Surgical. Account, Gauze and Dressings 3,2OO•00 $12,200.00 TO: Air Conditioning - Operating Room $12,204.00 EUGENE A. M County Auditor By eputy. Form Aud. 200 5M