193755Original to City Clerk PRESENTED BY COMMISSION • • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCILf )ESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM (� Wert COUNCIL 1�a 55 �„ �_ T Council File No. 193755 —By Milton Rosen, by request — WHEREAS, The 'City of Saint Paul, by Ordinance No. . 11322 „Rasseg y trhe CQu.nril nnr� ^-w' n� WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, by Ordinance No. 11322, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor October 3, 1958,• and as ratified and approvedby a majority of the electors of said City at the election held November 4, 1958, provided lor•'the issuance and sale of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) par value in and of 'Water Works Bonds of said City for the purposes of extending, enlarging, improvingg and bett6xing the Water Works System, owned and operated by said City,•and it has become and now is, advisable and necessary that Three Million Five Hundred Thousand. Dollars ($3,500,000) par value in and of said Bonds be issued and sold for said purposes, with'all convenient speed, as the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, by its Resolution adopted May 27, 1959, has found and requested, it is hereby RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul issue tu and sell at this ne Three Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,500,000) par,value in and of said Bonds pursuant to and in accord- ance with said Ordinance No. 11322; that said-bonds shall be in denominations of $1,000 each; that said bonds shall bear a rate of interest not to exceed six per cent per annum payable•semi- annually on March 1st and September lst according to the cpupons to be attached to said bonds; that said bonds shall bear date the first day of the month in which the same are sold; that said bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds, a portion of which shall be payable eath..year after issue; that the first installment of said bonds shall borne due one year from the date of the same and the last * stallment of said bonds shall come due in not more than thirty (343years� from such date;.. that no .annual installment of principal of any of said f bonds payable in angTcalendar year after the date of the same shall exceed five times the amount of the smallest prior installment thereof payable in any calendar year after the second calendar year; that the principal x$3,500,000 par value of said bonds shall mature serially commencing September 1, 1960, over said thirty year period on the following dates and in the following amounts: , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 — Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approvers 195 - Marzitelli . Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 ;2 1937,55- .._ ;t Date- of Maturity ' Bond Numbers Amount' September 1, 1960 33698'- 33762_• $65,000 1961- 33763 -- 33832. . 70, 000 1962• 33833 - 33902 • . 709000 1963 =- =` 33903 - 33972 70, 000 1964 33973 - 34047- 75,000- '�` 1965 34048 = 34127. 80,000 a 1966 34128 - 34207 = 801000 +� 1967 34208 - 34292 $5,000 ,a 1968- -_ 34293 - 34382 _ 90,000 f 1969 34383 = 34472 '90,000 " 1970 _ - 34473 ­-34567 95, 000 . 1971 34568'- 34667 - 100,000 .1972 34668- - -34767- 1000000 " 1973 34768 - 34872 - 105,000 -• " 1974 34873,= 34982 -•110,000' 1975 34983 - 35092 110,000 1976. 35093 - 35212 120, 000 - " 1977 •352,13 - 35332:. 120,000 1978 35333 - 35457 125,000 ' - " .1979. 35458 - 35587 - 130,000 , " 1980 35588 - 35722 135 , 000' -;,- 1981 -35723 - 35862 140,'000 " 198-1 35863 - 36007 -145,, 00b'- 1983 36008 - 36157 150,000- { " 36158 - 36317 160,000 _1984- " 1985 36318 - 36482 165,000 1986 - = 36483 - 36652 '170,000 " 1987 - 36653 - 36827 1759000 " 1988 36828 - 37007 180,000 " 1989 37008 - 37197_ 190.000 .00 - Such bonds shall be denominated- City of f Saint Paul Water Works Bonds, Series -1959 A._ , RESOLVED FURTHER' that sealed' proposals be received at the office -of the City Comptroller in the. Court House .and CitfC.S.Tj Hall in the City of ain , Paul, Minnesota,,.up. to ten',otclock A. M. ) o,,n September 34, 1959- - , for the sale' of alltor none of said bonds,' after giving due notice of such sale in the manner prescribed by law in the St-:- Legal Ledger, the official paper�of -said City, - •_P-­Raul -and in the'Commercial West 'a financi_-al periodical published in the '-'State of Minnesota; •that, each bidder shall be,'required to accompany his bid by a certif.ied�or cashierts check for' two ,(2) per `cent of ; the amount of the; bonds bid .for, which shall be `forfeited to the City as liquidated damages-if-the bonds are not taken and paid for ''. when ready for delivery; and that.the City Comptroller shall, at the next meeting after receiving said bids, present the.same to-the { 2 93',5 .F r �, •y Council for its action thereon; and'that said bonds- shall-be offered to the,'.petson who will pay par or better therefor, and at the - lowest Tate of interest, not exceeding six per cent. RESOLVED FURTHER, that said Water Works Bonds of:the City .of Saint Paul in the .amount of Three Million Five-Hundred Thousand-Dollars ($3,500,000) pax value authorized and provided to- be sold hereunder, in denominations of,-$1,000 each, as afore said,-shall be-denominated City of Saint Paul Water Works Bonds, Series 1959 A,-'a'nd shall,' be' in the following form which has been- prepared by the Sinking Fund Committee and approved by the Corporation Counsel of said City, and is hereby approved and adopted: t "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMS EY CITY OF SAINT PAUL WATER WORKS BONDS SERIES 1959 A No. ...... $1,000.00 "KNOW-ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the City of Saint - Paul in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, acknowledges. itself to owe and for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer the sum of One Thousand, Dollars ($1,:000.00) on-the first ' day of .;........; 19..:.., together with interest thereon from the datiereof until paid, at the rate of per cent per annttaam, , payable- semi - annually - on the first days of March �_"'%%"and September, in each year, a�jevidenced by and upon the presen- ; ation and surrender of'the annexed, interest -coupons as they s severally become_ due. • Both principal and 'interest of . this bond are payable in -lawful ,money of the United States of America at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of 'Saint Paul, or at the Fiscal Agent of the City of Saint Paul; in either Saint P•a,ul, Minnesota,, or New York, New York; at the option of the holder;`.and for the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at maturity, the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged. "This bond is one of.a'series amounting in the aggregate =' to the sum -of Three Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,500,,000) - issued by the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of extending, enlarging, improving and bettering the water- works system owned and-operated by.the City of Saint Paul. This bond'isissued pursuant to Ordinance No. 11322,_passed by the Council of said Gity,•and duly signed, attested, approved and published in the manner re qured by the Charter of the said City' and approved by the electors of the City of Saint Paul at the ` election held-November 4, 1958, also'a resolution of said Council No. 193755 - passed and approved A 1959;• -and under authorit in 27� authority 'of in-'all respects -in full compliance with Section 217 of the Charter o the City of Saint.Paul and -such other sections.- _ thereof.as may be applicable- thereto; and Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1953, as amended. "It is- hereby certified and recited that all "things, acts and conditions.' requixed by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota -and the Charter of said City -to happen and be done t and performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have happened and been done and performed in regular and due form and time. as required. by law, and that the total indebtedness of said, ' -- -City, including.this bond, does not exceed any :constitutional, statutory, or charter limitations. "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the- said City of Saint .Paul, -by its - Council, has caused this bond to be sealed by the facsimilepof its - = Official- Seal,- lithographed thereon,- to be signed by the litho - graphed facsimile signature of its Mayor; attested.by. the litho- graphed facsimile signature of its City Clerk, and countersigned manually by-its Comptroller,,and each of the-interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by -.the lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers, =this first day of `t Mayor , Attest: ,• City Clerk Countersigned: ' Comptrollex" ,. 4 - ' fir[¢inel to City Clerk _ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE "COUPON No. ........ 193755 COUNCIL FILE NO. r "On the first day of 190.... the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, promises to pay to bearer Dollars at .the .off .ice .of .the .Co.m.m.i.ss..io..ne.r ..o.f ..Finance ($............) in the City of Saint Paul, or at the Fiscal agent of the City of Saint Paul, in either Saint Paul, Minnesota,'or New York, New York, at the option of the holder, for the interest due that day on its "Water Works Bond, Series 1959A, dated No. ........ Mayor Attest: ....................... City Clerk Countersigned: Comptroller" RESOLVED FURTHER, that each said bond shall be sealed by the facsimile of the Official Seal of the City of Saint Paul lithographedthereon and signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of the Mayor, attested by the lithographed facsimile signature of the City Clerk and countersigned manually by the City Comptroller in accordance with Chapter 422, Minnesota Laws of 1951, and Section 475.55 Minnesota Statutes Annotated, and the interest coupons thezeto attached shall be executed by the litho- graphed facsimile signatures of said officers. COUNCILMEN Yeas - -Nays - DeCourcy Holland martiReell- Rosen -{ pu.�1CC �fSl(�1]L a ti` SM 2 -57 QR0.2 AUG 2 7 1959 Adopted by the Council 195— AUG 2 7 1959 Approved 195 — I ,, n Favor larl6e4 9 V Acting Mayor A gainst PUBLISHED - - " Duplicate to Printer 193755 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE "WHEREASs the City of Saint Paul$ by Ordinance No. 113220 passed by the Council, and approved by the Mayor October 30 1958, and as ratified and approvedby a majority of the electors of said City at the election held November 4, 1958, provided for the .issuance and sale of Te3n'Million Dollars ($10,,0001000) par value in and of Water 'Works Bonds of said City for the purposes of exte3nding, enlarging, improvin$ and bettering the`Water Works System, owned and operated by said City] and it has become and now , is advisable and necessary that Three billion Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,5000000) par value in and of said Bonds be issued and sold for said purposes, with all convenient speed, as the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, by its Resolution adopted May 274 1959, has found and requested, it is hereby RESOLVED* that the Council of the City of Saint Paul issue and sell at this time Three billion Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($325009000) par value in and of said Bonds pursuant to and in adcord- ance with said Ordinance Igo. 11322; that said bonds shall be in denominations of $1,000 each; that said bonds shall bear a rate of interest not to exceed six per cent per annum payable semi-annually on March 1st and September 1st according to the coupons to be attached to said bonds; that said bonds shall, bear date the first day of the month in which the same are sold; that said bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds, a portion of which shall be payable ea5h year After issue; that the first installment of said bonds shall bome due one year from the date of the same and the last installment of said bonds shall come due in not more than thirty (30)Years from such date; that no annual instillment. of principal of any of said bonds parable in any„ calendar year after the date of the same shall exceed five times the amount of the smallest prior installment th®aof payable in any calendar year after the second calendar year; that the .principal $3,500,000 par value of sand bonds sh*11 mature serially commencing September 1, 1960, over said thirty year period on the following dates and in the following amounts-t COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen r Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 „..2 In Favor A gainst Adopted by the Council 195— Approved 195— �3� Mayor • - _ - .._ . .,. ' _ ,.. -' '193 r , &o of iatu = Bond Numbed Am " . _ Septembei,•1, "1960 33698 = 33762 $ 65,000 19b1. 33763- 33832 700000 1962 33833, - :3902' 70, 000 1963 - 33903 33972 70, 000 - - 33973 - 34047 - 75,000 1965 34048 - 34127 80,000 -1966' 34128 - 34207 800000 1967 34208 -'34-292 85,000 " 1968 , 34293 - 34382. .009600 ^ 1969 - ' . 34383,­t. 34472- 90, 000. .1970_- 34473 - -- 34567 95, Ono ^ 1971 '345 68.. - 34667 =_ 100, 000 1972- :34660 - 34767 _= 100"000 1973 34768 - 34872 '149, 000 34873 • - 34982 -_ 1109 000 _ 1975_ 34983. �- 35}42 110000 1976. ,35093 - t 35212 1201.000 1977 35213 - 35332 ' X241, 000 -� 1978 : ' 35333 -- 35457 1979: 54:8, --.35587 130 s t�00 35588 w 35722 , Z3j 000 s 1981 35723 , -- 35862 140 x 000 ^ 1982 35863 - 36007 145. 000 •1983 : 36008 �*. `36157. , ' . u 150;_ 000 1'984 , 36M - 315317, - 160 000 a �t 1.485 , 363],8 =L', 38482 X65 OQO r -1966 " 36483-- 36652 "170 000 1:987 F = i ' • 36653 ` - - 36827 175, 00 n 1988-- E r 36828'- -37007. 180, 000 - - 1989" -37008 - 37L97-' 90 000 IN F Such bonds: thall'Im, denoralnated : 4 Council for its action thereon,�ind that said bonds shall be offered to the person who will pay par or better therefor, and at the lowest rate of interest; not exceeding six per cent. RESOLVED FURTHER, that said Water Works Bonds'of1the City of Sa-,int Paul in the amount of-Three Million Five- Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,500,000) par value authorized and provided to be;sold hereunder, in denominations of $1,000 e,ach, :as afore- said, shall be 'denominated City of Saint Paul Water Works Bonds; Series 1959.A, and shall be 'in the following form which has been prepared by the Sinking Fund Committee and approved by the Corporation Counsel of said City, and-is hereby- approved and adopted; ` "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA - . COUNTY OF RAMS EY CITY OF SAINT PAUL WATER WORKS BONDS y SERIES 1959 A $1 000 00 No, • "KNOW,ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; that the City of Saint Paul -in the County of Ramsey,and State of Minnesota,'acknowledges itself to owe and for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer the,sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) on the first day of 1.9.,....E together with interest thereon from the dat;iereof until paid, at the rate of .... :...... per cent per annum', payable. semi- annually on the first days of March and September,' in each year, as evidenced by and upon the pxeseh- tation and surrender of the annexed' interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in lawful.- money of-the, United States-of America- at the office of the - Commissioner ,of Finance in the City of Saint Paul, or at the Fiscal.' Agent of the City-of Saint Paul, in either Saint Paul, Minnesota, or New York,.New York, at the option of the - holder; and for the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at. maturity, the' faith and credit of the City _of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged. J, "This bond is one, cif .a series amounting -in .the aggregate -to the sum of Three Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($5,500,000) issued by the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of extending, enlarging, improving and bettering the water - works system owned'and operated by the City of Saint,Paul «" This bond is issued pursuant to 'Ordinance No., 11322, passed by the- _ 'Council of said City, and duly signed, attestedi approved and published in the manner required by the. Charter of the _said City and approved by7the electors of the City of Saint Paul at the election held November 4, 1958., also a resolution of said 'CoUtiell No: - passed and approved-- 1959, and under authority of and in.all.re.spects in full compliance with Section 217 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul and such other .sections thereof as may be a,pplicl . thereto, and Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1953,. as amended. "It is hereby certified and recited that all things, acts and conditions .required by the Con4titution and laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City to happen and be done. and .performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have happened and been done and performed• in regular and due fora and time as required 'by law, and that the total, indebtedness of said City; including-this bond, does not'exceed any consti,tut.ional, statutory,. or charter.limitations. "IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the � said City of Saint Paul, 'by its Council," has caused, this bond'to -be sealed "by the facsimile -of Its "Official Seal, lithographed--thereon,, to be signed by, the - litho- graphed facsimile signature of its Mayor, attested by the litho- graphed facsimile signature_of its City_Clerk, and countersigned _ manually by -its Comptroller, and each of the interest coupons - hereto attached to be executed by the lithographed facsimile signatures of said officert;. this first day of Mayor Attests - ....:...:...:•..�......... r City Clerk x , ` Countersigned: y K F; Comptroller" DaDiicate to PrinterMJ 55 IL CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE wool Noe fs0..i•• "On the first day of . ,'...........'. , ... ].9.6'.6 • the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, promises to pay to bearer ... i . 6 0 0 6 6 .. • ♦ . 0 .. a 0 4 0 0 0 . • 6 , ... ♦ ...'• &DO 11 ax S (� . 6 6 ... • .. • . at 'the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul, or at the Fiscal Agent of the City of Saint Foul, in either .Saint Paul, Minnesota # or New York, New York, at the option of the holder, for the interest due that day on its Noe Works Bond, Series 1959 .A, dated j�l ..............6.. o e . 6 . 0 6 .. . 00000 6 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 .. 6 0 ... 0 0. 0•. 6 0. Mayor Attests ....6...6.........6...6 City 'Clerk Counter$ignedt ...6 .................. CoMptrollera RESOLVED FURTHER, that each said bond shall be sealed by the facsimile of the Official Seal of the City of Saint Paul lithographedthereon and signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of the Mayor, attested by the lithographed facsimile signature of the City Clerk and countersigned manually by the City Comptroller in accordance with Chapter 422, Minnesota Laws of 1951, and Section 4 75,55 Minnesota Statutes Annotated, and the interest coupons thereto attached shall be executed by the Litho- graphed facsimile signatures of said officers. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland I—Mmmftelft- Mor Rosen mt. V i= f. 5M 2 -57 2 AUG 2 71959 Adopted by the Council 195_ AUG 2 71959 Approved 195- Th Favor Mayor Against