09-1233Council File # 09-1233
Green Sheet #�
Presented by
WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul, Police Departrnent has been awarded the 2009 Crimc Lab Backlog Reduction grant under the Paul
Coverdell National Forensic Sciences improvement Act Fonnula Grant Program and wishes to enter into the grant agreement with the U.S.
Department of Justice (Attachment A); and
WHEREAS, this grant provides for the funding to retain and additional training for the full time Criminalist position hired with the 2007
Coverdell grant funds in order to continue the work of reducing evidentiary backlogs; and
WHEREAS, this grant provides funding for crime lab equipment including crime scene mapping system, handheld altemate light source
units and a handheld digital magnifier. 'I'his equipment will imptove the quality of the departmenPs forensic evidence examinations and
the court presentations of the evidence; and
W HEREAS, a 2009 financing and spending plan needs to be established for these funds; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for
appropriation funds of $80,217 in excess of those estimated in the 2009 budget; a�d
WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2009 budget:
Curcent Budget Changes Amended Budget
0436-Police Special Projects Fund
34242-2009 Crime Lab Reduction-Coverdell
3099-Federal Grents
Total Changes to Financing
34242-2009 Crime Lab ReductiomCoverdell
OI 11-Salaries
025 ] -Tansportation
0252-Lodging, Meals
0439-Fringe Benefits
Total Changes to Spending
0 80,217 80,217
o so,zt� 80,21�
0 ]0,755
0 1,800
0 7,090
0 3,825
0 56,747
0 80,217
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that council accep[s this grent and authorizes the Ciry of Saint Paul to enter into, and Chief John
Ha�rington to implement the attached agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice; and.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves these changes to the 2009 budget.
Requested by
9 I / I U I l/ I By:
Adopted by Council: Date f���.���ff�'/ Approved
Adoption Certified by Counc Secretary By;
BY� l / /l/.%� _//i�L!�Ji7
Approve ay . Dat � ( /f'� /��
BY� �.l Y�L�AX�. �i
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
- -- -- - - --
�, DeparhnenUOfficelCounciL• �� �, Date Initiated: '
Pp _ Police Department � 30 SEP 2009 ���
� Contact Person & Phone: i �
Chief John Harrinpton (
------- Assign
�; Must 8e on Councif Agenda by (Date): ', Number
i For
- — ---��--t Routing
'� Doc. Type: PUBLIC HEARING ' Order
—._.— __._ �
E-Document Required: Y
Dxument ConWct: Evette Scarvec
__f _
_ _— — _ _ l;� Uere __ _�
__'_ _ ` ___PoliceDepartment__�;
� Contact Phone: 266-5541 ; '
_- _______ .___ ___ -__._.__--__
_.- ___. _ . __.___ ______�_ -___ -______ -._____—
� ToWI # of Signature Pages (Clip All Locations foY Signature)
�•_ - —__ . _ ____ _� __ ______- . __—.__. _— _____ ____— — ____ _--__ ' __--._—__ —
'i Action Requested:
5ignatures on the attached council resolution establishing a financing and spending plan for the 2009 Crime Lab Backlog Reduction
i grant.
II ' -- - ------ � -------�---------------- --------._----
--- � - - - � �- -- ------
� Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejact (R): I Personal Service Contreets PAUSt Answer the Folfowi�g QueSGons:
� Planning Commission I 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for fhis department?
! CIB Committee �� Yes No
Civil Service Commission I 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
:; 3. Does this person/firm passess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
, curtent city employee?
�� Yes No
_ I � Explain a14 yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet.
Initiati'g Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The Ciry of Saint Paul Police Depat[men[ has been awazded a 2009 Crime Lab Backlog Reduction gant from the U. S. Deparhnent of
Justice. A financing and spending plan needs to be established
� ------------- ---�---� � - ------��------
I � Advantages If Approved:
The 2009 Crime Lab Backlog Reduction grant provides funding for the full time Criminalist position hired with the 2007 Coverdell
i grant funds ro continae Yhe work of reducing evidentiary backlogs.
I --- --- ----- -- -- ---- — ---- -
� Disadvantages If Approved:
I None.
t ' — ----'------ - i
�--------- ------- --
I Disadvantages If Not Approved:
i Lost opportunity to use grant funds for a Criminalist position to conrinue the work of reducing evidentiary backlogs.
Total Amount of $g0,217.00
Funding Source: 436
Financial Information:
CostlRevenue Budgetetl:
Activity Number. 34242
Green Sheet NO: 3082296
�.... . � �}�
September 30, 2009 4:15 PM Page 1
City of Saint Paul
Interdepartmental Memorandum
To: Margazet Kelly, Finance Director
From: Chris Eitemiller, Sr. Budget Analys�
5ubject: Police Budget Amendment to establish financing & spending plan for 2009 Crime
Lab Backlog grant
Date: October 19, 2009
The attached resolution establishes a financing and spending plan for a federallaw enforcement gcant.
The grant is with the U.S. Department of Justice. The purpose of this funding is to retain and provide
additional training for the full-time Criminalist hired with a 2007 Coverdell grant as well as to purchase
crime lab equipment.
The grant period runs from 10/1/09 through September 30, 2010. This amendment for $80,217
represents the 2Q09 portion of the grant period. Much of this total ($56,747) is targeted at purchasing
equipment, which includes: a mapping system, a digital magnifier and handheld alternate light source
units. Most of the funding spent in 2010 will go toward personnel costs for the criminalist.
Because this will amend the Police budget, this will require a public hearing. It will be on the Council's
agenda November 4' as the first and third meetings each month are the opportuni6es for budget
This proposai seems reasonable, I recommend signing.
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
� Department of Justice �' i
' Office of Justice Programs
�� 1 National Institute of 3ustice
� C�tyofSaintPaulPolimDcpartlncnc
, 36]GrovcSVCCt
i Sa(vt Paul, MN 551014295
I� 416005530
� PAGE 1 OF 5 i,
Grant i ,
! I �
' � — �
� � � - � �j 4. AWARD NUMBER: 2009-CD-BX-0096 ',
! — __ — _ _ - - _ �I
,�S.PROIECTPERIO�:FROM 10/OU2009 TO 09/30Q010 i
' gUDGE1�PERIOD.IROM 10/012009 TO 09/302010 ':�
'_______'__. .___ _ ._ __ I.
� 6.AWARDDATE 09/IN2009 I � ] ACTION �
�� 2009 City of Samt Paul PoLcc DcpaRmcm Cmmc lab Backlog Rcduc[ion
I Grznt
_ _ _ _ " _ _ _ - _ _ -
This projcc[ �s supportcd u(Mcr FY09(N[1-CuvcNcll Forc�vcic Sarncc ImpmvcmmQ 42 USC 3]9]j-3"/9]0, ?8 USC 530C
S 123.956
S 123,956
Mary' Wu Lcary John Hamngton
Achng Ass�sWnt A¢omcy Grnc`al �
` S'1b.,,..y �...,.W, �..,t.e.y..,. � � � �/��C3� �
1 3�
X B CD 50 00 00 123956 � �
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O1P FORM 40002 (REV 488)
DepaiunentofJusrice i
Office oflustice Progrems � AWARD CONTINUATION
Nationat Institute of Justice � SI3EET
,',__ __ __ _
I _ __ __
___ _____'_ _�
AWARDDATE 09/162009
1. The recipient agrees W wmply with the fi�ancial and administrative requirements set forth in the curtent edifion of Ihe
i Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide.
. 2. The recipient acknowledges [hat failure [o submi[ an accep[able Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if recipient is
required to submit one pursuant to 28 C.F.R Section 42.302), [hat is approved by the Office for Civil Rights, is a
� violation of rts Certified Assurances and may resul[ in suspension or [ermination of funding, un[il such 4me as the
;, recipientis in compliance.
3. The recipient agrees ro cqmply wi[h the organiza[ional audi[ requirements of OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States,
Local Govemments, and Non-Profit Organiza[ions, and further understands and agrees that funds may be withheld, or
other related requirements may be imposed, if outstanding audi[ issues (if any) from OMB Circular A-133 audits (and
any other audits of OIP grant funds) are no[ satisfacCOrily and promptly addressed, as further described in the current
edition of the OJP Financial Guide, Chapter 19.
4. Recipient underetands and agrees that it cannot use any federal funds, either direcUy or indirectly, in support of the
enactment, repeal, modificahon or adoption of any law, regulation or policy, at any level of govemment, without the
express prior written approval of OlP.
5. The recipient must promptly refer to [he DOJ OIG any credible evidence that a principal, employee, agent, contrac[or,
subgrantee, subcontractoy or other person has either I) submitted a false claim for grant funds under the Fa(se Claims
Act; or 2) committed a criminal or civit viola4on of laws pertaining [o fiaud, conflict of in[erest, bribety, gra[uity, or
similar misconduct involving gran[ funds. This condition also applies to any subrecipients. Potential fiaud, was[e,
abuse, or misconduct should be reported to fhe OIG by -
Office of the inspector General
U.S. Department of Justice
Investigations Division
95� Pennsytvania Avenue, N.W.
Room 4706
Washington, DC 20530
e-mail: oig.hotline@usdoj.gov
hotline: (contact infonnahon in English and Spanish): (800) 869-0499
or hotline fax: (202) 616-9881
Additional information is available from the DOJ OIG website at www.usdoj.gov/oig.
OJP FORM 40002 C�V. L88)
� . �
DepartrnentofJustice 'I
O�ce ofJustice Progrnms i AWARD CONTINUATION
National Iostitute of Justice � SHEET
� Grant
- _ —_ ___" _' "___"'"_ —�'__ '"___-___ -_ _ .
2009-CD-BX-009fi AWAADDATE 09/16/20119
I ,
; PAGE 4 OF 5
�I i
i �
9. The recipient agrees [o submit a final teport, at the end of Ihis award, documen[ing all relevant project ac6vities during
Ihe entire period of support under this award. This report will include the following: (i) a summary and assessment of
the progmm camed out with the fiscal year 2009 grant, which shall incVude a comparison of pre-gran[ and post-grant
forensic science capabilities (and shall cite the specific improvemenfs in quality and/or timeliness of forensic science or
medical examiner services); (2) the average number of days between submission of a sample to a forensic science
labontory or forensic science laborarory system in chat State operated by the State or by a unit of local govemment and
the delivery of test results to the requesting o�ce or agency; and (3) an identification of the number and type of cases
cuvently accep[ed by [he forensic science labora[ory or forensic science laboratory system. The recip�ent is required to
collect da[a necessary for [his report. This report is due no larer than 90 days following the close of the awazd period or
[he expiration of any extension periods. The report can be filed online [hrough the In[emet at
10. The recipient acknowledges, that, as stated in the sol�ci[atwn for the FY 2009 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science
Improvemen[ Grants Program, NIJ assumes that recipie�ts (and subrecip�enRS) of Coverdell Ponds will make use of [he
process referenced in their certificadon as to ex[emal investigafions and will refer allegations of serious negligence or
misconduct substantially affec[ing [he integrity of forensic resulLS to govemment en6[ies with an appropriate process in
place to conduct mdependent extemal imestigations, such as the government entity (or enti4es) identified m the grant
The recipient shall submit [he followmg information u part of its final report: Q)[he number and naWre of any
allegahons of serious negligence or misconduct substantially affecting the m[egrity of forensic results received during
the 12-month period of the award; (2) information on the referrals of such allegations (e.g., the government enGty or
entities to which refernd, the date of refertal); (3) the ou[come of such referrals (if known as of t6e date of the report);
and (4) if any such allegations were not referred, the reason(s) for the non-referral.
Should the project period for [his award be extended, the recipient shall submit [he above i�fortna[ion as [o �he fiist
twelve months of the award as part of the first semi-annual progress report [hat comes due after the conclusion of the
first lwelve mon[hs of [he projeCt period, and shall submrt the required informadon as [o subsequent twelve-month
periods every twe{ve months thereafter (as part of a semi-annual progress report) until the close of the award period, a[
which poin[ the recipien[ shall submit [he required informafion as [o any period not covered by prior reports as part of
its final report.
The recipient understands and agrees that funds may be withheld (including funds under future awards), or other rela[ed
requirements may be imposed, if Ihe required mfortnation is not submi[teA on a timely basis.
I I. The recipient shall transmit to the grant manager wpies of all official grant-related press releases at least [en (10)
working days prior to public release. Advance notice pertnits time for coordination of release of infortnation by NIJ
where appropriate and [o respond to press or pubhc inquiries.
12. The recipient agrees to cooperate wi[h any assessments, national evalvation efforts, or infortnation or datx collection
requests, includmg bu[ not limired to, the provision of any information required for [he assessment or evaluation of any
activities within this project.
om Foam aooaa crzev. asa�
� DepartmentofJuspce
' Office ofJustice Programs
6 - Nationallnstitute ofJustice
� _ - --- -- - -
I __ - _ _ _ __ _
i Grant �
- -- -- -- --- - -
13. The recipient acknowledges that the Office of Justice Progrems reserves a royalty-free, non-exclusive, and iirevocable
hcense to reproduce, publish, or othenvise use, and authorize o[hers to use (m whole or in part, indud�ng in connection
with derivafive works), for Fedeml pu`poses: (1) the copyright in any work developed under an award or subaward; and
(2) any rights of copyright m which a recipien[ or subrecipien[ purchases ownership wi[h Federal support.
The recipienC acknowledges [ha[ the Office of 3ustice Programs has ihe right to (7 ) obtain, reproduce, publish, or
odierwise use the data first produced under an award or subaward; and (2) authorize others to receive, reproduce,
publish, or othenvise use such data for Federal Qurposes.
It is the responsibility of [he recipien[ (and of each subrecipient, if applicable) [o ensure that this condition is included
in any subaward under this award.
14. To assist in information sharing, [he award recipient shall prov�de the g`ant manager with a copy of all interim and final
reports and proposed publications (includmg those p2pared for conferences and other presenta[ions) resul[ing Gom this
agreemen[. Submission of such materials prior io ot simultaneous with their pubhC release aids NIJ in responding to
any inqmries fhat may arise. Any publications (written, visual, or sound) - exclud�ng press releases and newsletters -
whether published at the recipienPs or govemmenPS expense, shall contain the followmg statement This project was
supported by Award No. awarded by the National InsdNce of Sustice, Office of Sustice Progams,
U.S. Department of Jushce. The op�mons, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in [his
publication/program/exhibi[ion are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect Ihose of [he Departmpn[ of
NIJ defines publications as any planned, written, visual or sound material substandvely ba5ed on the project, foanally
prepared by the award recipient for dissemination [o [he public.
I5. The recipient agrees [o comply wi[h all Federal, S�a[e, and local environmental laws and regulations applicable [o Ihe
development and implementa4on of [he activrties to be funded under this award.
CategoriraV ExcVusions: Based upon the information pro�ided by the recipien[ in its appliCation for these funds, NIJ has
detertnined and the recipient undersfands [hat the proposed activities meet [he definition of a categorical exclusion, as
defined in [he DepaRment of Sustice' Procedures for [mplementing the Nationa! Environmental Policy Act found at 28
CFR Part 61. A categorical exclusion is an aclton that because of the proposed acnvi[ies' very ltmited and predictable
potential environmental impacts, both on an indrvidual and a cumulative basis, does not have a significan[ impact on
the qualiry of the human environment. Consequently, no funher environmental impac[ analysis is necessary under the
requirements of the National Environmental Pohcy Act, 42 U.S.0 4321, for these categorically excluded activities.
Modifications: Throughou[ [he tertn of this award, the recipient agrees that for any aetivities that are the subject of this
categorical exclusion, it will inform NI! of any change(s) Ihat it �s considerin� making to the previously assessed
activities [hat may be relevant W the environmenial impacts of [he activities. The recipient will not implement a
proposed change until NIJ, with the assistance of the recipient, has completed any applicable environmental impact
review requirements necessita[ed by the proposed change and NU has concurred in the proposed change. This approval
will not be unreasonably withheld as long as any requested modification(s) is consi5tent wilh eligible program putposes
and found acceptable under an NI7 conducted environmenFal impact re��ew process.
16. The recipient may not obligate, expend, or dmw down any funds under this award un[il a revised budge[ reFlecting the
final award amount has been received and approved by the National Insti[ute of Justice and a Grnnt Adjushnent Notice
has been issued remaving this condition.
OJP FORM 40002 (REV.4-88)
, , -
i Department of Justice I GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. I:
O�ceofJusticePrograms � PROJECTSUMMARY
� NationallnstituteofJustice �
� b, �
�»....m" � G[8�t
i � _ _
; � 2009-CD-BX-0096 �
� 77tis pro)ect is supponed wder fY09(Nll - Coverdell Forevsic Scleuce Lvprovemeut) 42 USC 3797j-37970: 28 USC 530C
t STAFF CONTACT (Name & telepLone number)
Alan Spanbauer
Nll FY 09 CoveMell Forens�c Smence fmprovement Grent Program
I I 2U09 Gty of Samt Paul PoLce Depamnem Crime Lab Backlog Redurnon Grant
_____ _ _ _____
City of Samt Paul Police Depattmrnt
f 3fi7 Grove Street
� Sami Paul, MN 55101-2295
F4tOM: t0lO1l2009
$ 123,95fi
TO�. 09(302010
2. PROJEGT DIAECTOR (Name, address & telephoue number)
Raearch Md G�ana Mavager
l5 W. Kellagg BWd
Stint Paut, MN 55101-2295
�ROM. IOf0112009
TO� 09l30R910
-__-_ _ _ _ __ -_'__ — __—__'
— I
I5. SUMMAAY DESCRIY'f10N OF PROIECT (See i¢strucnon on reverse)
Coverdell funds are ro be used ro improve the quality and �imeGness of foreasic sc�evice aud medical exammer servicu and/or ro e6mutate buklogs m[6e analysls
of forensic evidevce, including convolled substances, firearms examwation, {orens¢ pathology, Iareat prints, questioned documenrs, toxmology, and trace endence.
O]P FORM 4000/2 (RHV. 488)
Departmen[ of Jusfice
'��, Office of Ius[ice Progrnms
Office of the Assisiant Attomey General Wa:hingroa. D.0 10531
September 16, 2009
Chief ]ohn Hartington
City of Sain[ Paul Police Department
367 Grove StreM
Saint Paul, MN 55101-2295
Dear Chief Harrington:
On behalf of Attomey Genenl Eric Holder, it is my pleasuie to inform you thal the Office of Justice Programs has approved
your apphcanon for fund�ng under the Paul Coverdell National Forensic Sciences Improvement Act Fottnula Grant Progrnm in
the amount of $123,956 for C�ty of Saint Paul Police Department This funding is for the project titled, "FY2009 Paul
Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program."
Enclosed you will find the Grant Award and Special Condriions documents This award �s sub�ec[ to all administretive and
financial requirements, including the timely submission of all financial and programmatic reports, resolution of all intenm
audit findings, and the main[enance of a minimum level of cash-on-hand. Should you no[ adhere to these requirements, you
will be in violation of the tecros of fhis agteement and the awazd will be subject to tertninstion fos cause or othes admimstrative
action as appropriate.
If you have questions regardmg this award, please contact:
- Program Questions, Alan Spanbauer, Program Manager at (202) 305-2436; and
- Fi�ancial Queshons, fhe Office of [he Chief Financial Officer, Customer Service Cen[er (CSC) at
(S00) 458-0786, ot you may co�tact the CSC at ask.ocfo@usdoj.gov.
CongraNlations, and we look forwazd to workmg wilh you.
:- \�`..+. y ��_.,...� �
Mary Lou Leary
AUing Ass�stant Attomey Genera!
. DepaRment of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Office for Civil Rights
Wnshmgmn. D.0 20531
September ib, 2009
Chief Iohn Hamngcon
City of Saint Paul Police Depariment
367 Grove Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101-2295
Dear Chief Harringron:
Congratulations an your recent awazd In establishmg financia( usistanez progrems, Congress lmked the receip[ oF Federal funding to
compliance with Federal c�vi� righfs laws. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), O�ce of ]ustice Programs (OIP), U.S. Department ofJus4ce
is responsible for ensuring that recipients of financial aid from OJP, its component offices and bureaus, [he Office on Violence Against
Women (OV W), and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) comply with applicable Federal civil rights statutes and
regulations. We at OCR are available [o help you and your orgamzation mee[ [he civil rights requirements Iha[ come wi[h Jus[ice
Department funding.
Ensuring Access to Federally Assisted Programs
As you know, Federal laws prohibit recipients of financial assistance Rom discriminating on Ihe basis of race, cobq national origi�,
religioq sex, or disability in Ponded prograrns ot achvities, not only in respect to employment prac[ices bu[ also in the delivery of services or
benefi4. Federal law also prohibits funded programs or ac[ivities from discnminating on Ihe basis of age in the delivery of services or
Providing Services to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Individuals
In accordance with Department of Jnstice Guidance pertaining to Title �'i of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.SC. § 2000d, recipients of
Federal financial assistanCe mus[ take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access ro their programs and ac[ivities for persons with limited
Enghsh proficiency (LEP). For more infocmafion on the civil rights responsibilities that recipients ha�e in providing language services to
LEP individuals, please see the website at http://www.lep.gov.
Ensuring Equa1 Treatmert for Faith-Based Qrganizations
The Department of Justice has published a regulation specifically pertaining to the Funding of faith-based organizations. In general, the
regulatioq Participation in 3ustice Deparhnent Programs by Religious Organizations; Providing for Equal Trea[ment of all Justice
Department Program Participants, and known as [hc Fqual Treatmen[ Regulation 28 C.F.R. part 38, requires Sta[e Adminis[ering Agencies
to treat these organizations the same as any other applicant or recipient. The regulation prohibits Sta[e Administenng Agencies from makmg
award or grant adminisvation decfsions on the basis of an organization's religious character or affiliatwq religious name, or the religious
composition oFits board of direcrors.
The regula[ion also prohibits faith-based organiaaUOns from using financial assistance from [he Departmen[ of Justice to fund inherently
religious activities. While faith-based organizations can engage in non-fundeA inherenUy religious activities, [hey must be held separately
from the Department oF Justice funded program, and cus[omers or beneficiazies cannot be compelled Co participate in them. The Equal
Treatment Regulation also makes clear that organizations participating in pro�rams funded by the Depamnent of Jusnce are not permrtted [o
discriminate in the provision of services on [he 6asis of a benefic�ary's religioa For more infortnation on [he regulapoq please see OCR's
websi[e at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocdetfbo.htm.
State Adminislering Agencies and faitki-based organizations should also note that the Safe Sireets Act, as amended; tNe V icdms of Crime
Ac[, as amended; and the Juvenile Juslice and Delinquency Prevention Act, as amendeA, contain prohibitions agains[ discrimination on [he
basi5 of religion in employmenL Despue [hese nondiscrimination provisions, the Sustice Departmen[ has wncluded that [he Religious
Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is reasonably construed, on a case-by-case basis, to require that its funding agencies pertnit faith-based
organizations applying for funding under the applicable program statutes both to receive DOJ funds and to continue considering religion
when hiring staff; even if the sfaWte that authorizes the funding pmgram generally forbids wnsidering of religion in employment decisions
by grantees.
Questions about fhe regulation or the application of RFRA to the statutes that prohibit discrimination in empVoyment may be directed to this
Enforciog Civil Rights Laws
A11 recipients of Fedeal financial assistance, regazdless of the particulaz funding source, the amount of the gmnt award, or the number of
employees in the wockfomz, are subject to the pcofiibitions against uslawful discrimination. According{y, OCR investigates recipients that
are the subject of discrimina[ion wmplainfs from bo[h individuals and groups In addition, based on regula[ory criteria, OCR selects a
number of recipients each year for compliance reviews, audits that require recipients to submit data showing that [hey are providing services
equiYably to all segments of their service population and that their employmen[ prdc[ices meet equal employment opportunity standards.
Complying with the Safe Streets Act ar Program Reqairements
In addition to these general prohibifions, an organi�arion which is a recipient of financial assistance subject to the nondiscrimination
provisions of Ute Omnibus Crime Control and Safe StreeSS Act (Safe Streets Act) of 1968, 42 0.SC. § 3789d(c), or other Federal grant
progrnm requirements, must mee[ two addi[ional requirements:(1) complying with Federal regulapons pertaining to the de�etopment of an
Fqual Employment OpporiuniTy Plan (EEOP), 28 C.F.R. § 42301-.308, and (2) submitting to OCR Findings of Discrimmation (see 28
C.F.R. §§ 42205(5) or 31.202(5)).
i) Meefing [he EEOP Requirement
Cn accordance wrth Fedenl regula[ions, Assurance No. 6 in the Standazd Assurances, COPS Assurance No. 8.B, or certain Federal grant
progrnm requirements, your organizahon must comply wich che following EEOP reporting reqmrements:
If your organizadon has receiveA an award for $500,000 or more and has 50 or more employees (counting both full- and part-time
employees but excluding political appointees), then it has to prepare an EEOP and submit it to OCR for review within 60 days from the
daie of this letter. For assistance in developing an EEOP, please consult OCR's website at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/eeop.htm. You
may also reques[ technical assistance from an EEOP specialis[ at OCR by diahng (202) 616-3208.
If your organization received an award behveen $25,000 and $500,000 and has 50 or mo`e employees, your organization still has to prepare
an EFAP, but it dces not have to su6mic the EEOP to OCR for review. I�tead, your mgamzation has to maintain the EEOP on Fde and
make it available for review on reques[. [n addi[ion, your oryaniza[ion has to complete Section B of the Certification Fortn and retum it to
OCR. The Certification Fortn can be found at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocdeeop.htm.
If your organization receiveA an award for less than $25,000; or if yoUr organiza6on has less Ihan 50 employees, regardiess of the amount of
the awarcl; or if your organization is a medical institu[ion, educa[ional institution, nonpwfit organization or Indian 6ibe, the� your
orgamzation is exempt from the EEOP requirement. However, your organization must complete Sec4on A of the Certifica[ion Fo=m and
reWm it [o OCR. The Certification Fortn can be found at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocdeeop.htm.
2) SubmiKing Findings of Discrimination
In Ihe event a Federai ot State court or Federal or State administrative agency makes an adverse finding of d�scrimination against your
organization after a due pmcess hearing, on Ihe ground of race, cobq religion, nafional origin, or sex, your organization must submrt a copy
of the findmg [o OCR for review.
Ensuring [he Compliance of Subrecipients
If your organization makes subawards to other agencies, you are responsible for assuring that subrecipients also comply with all of the
applicable Federal civil righ[s laws, including the requiremrn[s pertaining to developing and submitting an EEOP, reporting Fmdings of
Diecrimination, and providing language services [o LEP persons. State agencies that make subawards must have m place standard grant
assurances and review procedures to demonshate [hat they are effec[rvely monitoring the civil rights comphance of subrecipients.
If we can assist you in any way in fulfilling your civil rights responsibilities as a recipien[ of Federal funding, please call OCR at (202) 30'7-
0690 or visit our website at http;//www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/.
rn�-/ a. �--
Michael L. Alswn
cc: Gran[Manager
Financial Analyst
Department of JusNce
Office of Justice Programs
j '@,.e.,�
Nationallnstitute ojJustice
W hmgron,D.0 2053I
Memorandum To: Official Grant File
From: Alan Spanbauer, Program Manager
Subject: Categorica] Exclusion for Ciry of Saint Paul Police Deparhnent
The cecipient agcees M comply with all Federal, State, and local envuonmental laws and tegulations
applicable to the development and implementation of the activities to be funded under this awazd.
Categorical Exclusions: Based upon the information provided by the recipient in its application for these
funds, NU 6as determined and the recipient understands that the proposed acrivities meet the definition of
a categorical exclusion, as defined in the Depattment of Justice' Procedures for Implementing [he
National Environmental Policy Act found at 28 CFR Part 61. A categorical exclusion is an action that
because of the proposed activities' very limited and predictable potential environmental impacts, both on
an individual and a cumulative basis, does not have a significant impact on the quality of the human
environment. Consequently, no further environmental impact analysis is necessary under the
requirements of the Na[ional Environmental Poticy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4321, for these categorically excluded
Modifications: Throughout the term of this awazd, the recipient agrees that for any activities that are the
subject of this categorical exclusion, it will inform NIJ of any change(s) that it is considering making to
the previously assessed activities that may be relevant to the environmental impacts of the activities. The
recipient will not implement a proposed change until NIJ, with the assistance of the recipient, has
completed any applicable environmental impact review requirements necessitated by the ptoposed
change and NIJ has concurred in the proposed change. This approval will not be unreasonably withheld
as long as any requested modification(s) is consistent with eligible program purposes and found
acceptable under an N1J conducted environmental impact review process.
2009 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Proposal Abstract
The St. Paul Police Depastment Crime Lah is applying for the Paul Coverdell Forensic
Science Improvement Grant to continue the work of reducing evidentiary backlogs that it started
with a Coverdell grant awarded in 2007 and implemented starting in 2008. We currently employ
a Coverdell grant funded Criminalist, and have reduced backlogs and made many improvements
in the speed of evidence processing (detailed in the program narrafive). We have improved the
skills of both the grant fundcd and regulaz lab employees through training attended by staff
funded by the Coverdell Grant. Our goals are to reduce ail evidence backlogs in the lab to zero,
speed up processing of all evidence, and improve the quality of forensic examinations through
new grant funded training, and the purchase of lab equipment. We will accomplish the goals by
continuing to employ our Coverdell grant funded Criminalist for another year to reduce the still
existing backlogs in Fingerprint Comparison and Crime Scene Processing and Reporting, and
continuing the reduction in processing turn around times in all other areas.
The continued employment of the grant funded Criminalist will aiso a11ow us to staff the
lab so that personnel can attend training on footwear and tire track impression collection,
documentarion, preservation, examination and comparison which we have never been able to
attend or afford, (even though we encounter this evidence at many of our crime scenes), and
training on Bioodstain Pattern Analysis (only one staffer has attended this), and a Shooting
Incident Reconstruction / Officer Involved Shooting class (we have had seven of these cases
(tlu�ee fatal) in the past four years) — tto one has attended this Shooting Incident training. This
training will improve the quality of our forensic examinations and the skills of our lab staff.
The addition of crime scene mapping equipment will allow our lab sCaff to quickiy
produce digital reconstructions of crime scenes and events which the prosecutors and juries now
expect to see in court. We eurrently call out or traffic accident reconstruction staff usually days
or weeks after the event, and use their (outdated) equipment. New, dedicated lab mapping
2009 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Proposal Abstract —Page 2
equipment will allow us to process, document and diagam scenes immediately, saving staff
time, and ensuring that the mapping capabilities aze fully utilized and focused for crime scene
and evidence documentation rather than accident reconstruction.
We will also pwchase two handheld altemate light source units with Coverdell grant
funds. We now use countertop Altemate Light Sources (ALS) to examine crime scenes, vehicles,
and evidence outside the Lab. These units aze not designed for fieid use. The two new handheld
units will allow for multiple scene coverage. Our lab will have much more efficient scene and
evidence examination faster than ever before with the added benefit of reduced trips to the crime
scenes to recover and process evidence.
Grant funds will also purchase a handheld digital magnifier which will be of great use in
macroscopic examinations. The images viewed are also captured on computers, and can be
included in reports. We currently have no ability to document our macro examinations other than
verbalizing our findings in reports.
This equipment will improve the quality of our forensic evidence examinations and the
court presentations of the evidence, which will heip in convicting more violent criminals faster
than before.
The continued employment of our Coverdeli grant funded staff, and the training attended
and equipment purchased will produce faster lab results, make our staffmore efficient, improve
the quality of the forensic services provided by our lab, continue our backlog reduction efforts,
and help prepare for succession planning for the two senior sworn staff who aze almost eligible
for retirement, by training the staff for the future of our lab.
2009 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant - St. Pau���
Crime Lab Budget Detail Worksheet and Budget Summary
A. Personnei
$ 43,620.00
SPPQ "Criminalist P' x t positions
$43,020 annual salary x 12 mo x t positions - I00%
Sub Total
$ 43,020
$ 43,020.00
B. Fringe Benefits $15,299.20
SPPD Criminalist I x I position
Computafion (Rate)
fringe calc. = 035563 % x]2 mo x 1 positions
Sub Total
Total for Personnel and Fringes
$ 1529920
$ 15,299.20
$ 58,319.20
C. Travel
$ 8,890.00
Purpose I,ocation Item Computation
I sYaff tn 1�' footweaz Carrolton TX registration, air, lodging, 550 registration, 400 air, 920 lodging
/ fire track training per diem, RT shuttle 259 per diem, 50 shuttle
from airport
I staff to 2" dass Carrolton TX registration, air, lodging 550 regislration, 400 air, 9201odging
in footweaz! tire per diem, RT shuttle 259 per diem, 50 shuttle
track training from airport
1 staff to Shooting Miami, FL registrntion, aiq lodging 597 registration, 400 air, 920 lodging
Incident / OIS per diem, RT shuttle 259 per diem, 50 shuttle%�
Reconstruction from airport
I staff to Blood Miami, FL registration, air, lodging 679 registration, 400 air, 920 Iodging
Stain Pattem per diem, RT shuttle 259 per diem, 50 shuttle
Analysis Class from airport
Total for Travel
$ 2179.00
$ 2179.00
$ 2224.00
$ 2308.00
$ 8890.00
D. Equipment $ 56,747.00
Trimble S6 Crime Scene Mapping System
SPEX Handscope HSX 5000 7F ALS units (Two)
Proscope HR Iab, computer, stand
bid from manufact - $39,600 + .0675% tax
bid from manufact -$5730.00 x 2 units +.0675%tax
bid from manufact - $2099.00 +,0675%tac
Equipment Total
$ 42,273.00
$ ] 2,233.55
$ 2,240.68
$ 56,747.23
E.Supplies N/A 04-1233
Su 1 Item Com utation Cost
F. Construcfion N/A
Description Computation Cost
G. Consultants/Contracts N/A
Consultant Fees
Name Service Computation Cost
Item C ost
H.Other N/A
Descri tion Com utation Cost
Total Direct Costs $123,956.43
l. lndirect Costs N/A
Budget Summaty
A. PersonnellSalary Costs $ 43,020.00
B. Fringe BeneCts $15,299.20
C. Travel $ 8.890.00
D. Equipment $ 56,747.23
E. Suppiies N1A
F. Construction N/A
G. Consultants/Contracts N/A
H. Other N/A
I. Indirect Costs N/A
Federal Request $ 123.956.43
Applicant Funds, if any, N/A
to be applied to this project
2009 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant
St. Paul PD Crime Lab Budget Narrative
A. Personnel
(Salary calculations for SPPD Criminalist 1 position ($ 43,020.00) provided by SPPD Accounting and
Paytoll staff.)
Purpose for the Criminalist 1 position — 1. Serve as forensic staff in the lab to assist with the initia]
testing and crime scene response and evidence collection under the supervision of the Sergeant. 2. Assist
the lab in backlog reduction, and help with increasing the speed and quality of the forensic exams. 3.
Provide staffing to allow other lab staff to attend training to improve the quality of forensic services in the
lab. Serve for a 12 month period.
B. Frinee Benefits
Fringe benefit calculations (fringe calc. = 035563 %) for the SPPD Criminalist 1 position ($15,299.20)aze
as follows (provided by SPPD Accounting and Payrol] staf�:
Criminalist 1
13.808%Employee Insurance
5.143% Retiree Insurance and Severance Pay
6.669% FICA
5.897% PERAPension
0.046% Other Pension
4% W orkers Comp Rate
Purpose for Fringe Benefits — tequired by contract for all employees
C. Travel
1. Purpose of the Collection, Documentation and Preservation of Foohvear and Tire Track Impression
Evidence training (l in a series of 2 tratning classes for this evidence) — To increase the quality of the
lab staff s examination of these types of evidence, and to raise the lab stafP s ability to collect and examine
this type of evidence in a faster manner instead of waiting for evidence to retum from the FBI laboratory.
Increases speed of e�mination of this evidence.
Budg. Calc. I) Collection, Documentation and Preservation of Footwear and Tire Track Impression
Evidence $ 2179.00
$ 550.00 Registration fee for 1 person =$ 550
$ 400.00 RT air to Carrolton, TX for 1 person =$ 400
$ 184.00 per night per person for lodging for 5 nights =$ 920
$ 51.80 per Diem per person for 5 days =$ 259
$ 50.00 RT shuttle per person from airport for I=$ 50
2. Purpose of the Examination and Comparison of Footwear & Tire Track Impression Evidence
training (2" in the series of 2training classes for this evidence) - To increase the quality of the lab
stafPs examination of these types of evidence, and to raise the lab staff's abiliry to collect and examine this
type of evidence in a faster manner instead of waiting for evidence to retum from the FBI laboratory.
Increases speed of examina6on of tUis evidence
Budg. Calc. 2) Examination and Comparison of Footweaz & Tire Track Impression Evidence
$ 550.00 Registration fee for 1 person =$ 550
$ 400.00 RT air to Carrolton, TX for 1 person =$ 400
$ 184.�� per nignt per person for lodging :or 5 nights =$ S20
$ 51.80 per Diem per person for 5 days =$ 259
$ 50.00 RT shuttle per person from aicport for 1= $ 50
$ 2179.00
3. Purpose of the Shooting Incident Reconstruction/Officer-Imolved Shooting InvesNgation training —
To increase the quality and timeliness of forensic services in this specific area and help our lab properly
collect and examine types of evidence specific to this type of incident in a skillful and professional manner,
using techniques that aze generally accepted practices, and making court and Grand Jury evidence
presentations more professional and acceptable.
Budg. Calc. 3) Shooting Incident ReconstrucrionlOfficer-Involved Shooting Investigation $ 2224.00
$ 597A0 Regislration fee for 1 person =$ 597
$ 4�0.00 RT air to Miami, FL for 1 person =$ 400
$ 184.00 per night per person for lodging for 5 nights =$ 920
$ 51.80 per Diem per person for 5 days =$ 259
$ 50.00 RT shuttle per person from aicport for 1=$ 50
4. Purpose of the Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Workshop training — To increase ihe efficiency of the lab in
this azea of expertise by doubling the number of staff who can perfomt this forensic examination, and
insuring that the skill set is maintained in the lab as the staffer who curtently has this training is going to be
eligible for retiremem soon.
Budg. Calc. 4) Bloodstain Pattem Analysis Workshop $ 2308A0
$ 679.00 Registration fee fot I person =$ 679
$ 400.00 RT air to Miami, FL for 1 person =$ 400
$ 184.00 per night per person for lodging for 5 nights =$ 920
$ 51.80 per Diem per person for 5 days =$ 259
$ 50.00 RT shuttle per person from aicport for 1=$ 50
D. Eauiument
1. Purpose of the Trimble S6 Mapping System — To increase the efficiency of the Crime Lab by having this
function available for one person form the lab to operate on ow schedule (ofren at the initial lab crime
scene response), which will reduce the repeated trips to crime scenes afrer the fact to map the scene using
outdated equipment owned by ow accident unit. This will also help in reducing backlogs in Crime Scene
Processing and Reporting by reducing return trips and requiring only one staffer to operate the system. It
will also increase timeliness of preparation of presentations for court purposes.
Budg. Calc. - Trimble S6 Crime Scene Mapping System - bid from manufact -$39,600 +.0675%ta�c -$ 42,273.00
2. Purpose of the 2 SPEX Handscope Portable ALS (Alternate Light Source) systems — The purchase of
these two ALS systems will increase efficiency and timeliness of crime scene processing by allowing us to
deploy them in situations where no 120 volt power source is available, thereby saving time by requiring the
location of a generator oz other power source to run our curzent "bench type" ALS systems. It will also
reduce the need for repeat trips to crime scenes to observe and collect this type of evidence. The added
benefit of having two systems will allow for multiple scene processing (thereby increasing efficiency and
6mellness), allow us to provide this equipment to our 20 agencies we provide services for without loss of
the capability in our city, and provide backup in case one system breaks down.
Budg. Calc. - SPEX Handscope HSX 5000 7F ALS units (two)- bid from manufact -$5730.00 (each)
+.0675%tax ($773.55)= $ 12,233.55
3. Purpose of the Proscope Handheld Digital MagniFer HR Lab, computer, stand — The purchase of Uris
equipment improves the quality of forensic services provided by our lab. We currently have no method to
document our macroscopic evidence other than verbalizing our findings in written reports. This system will
provide us with digital images to attach to our reports and prepare for presentations in court. Tlus system
will also allow us to use it in the field at crime scenes to increase our efficiency and timeliness in
processing and reporting on crime scenes, which will also help in reducing the backlog in that area .
Budg. Calc. - Proscope HR [.ab, computer, stand - bid from manufact. -$2099.00 (each) +.0675% tax $ 2,240.68
NOTE: All items purchased costing over $ 5000.00 are put out for wmpetitive bid by
city purchasing to obtain the best price on the specific items — costs may vary slightly up
or down from the esrimates, but should be close to the bids on each item.
E. Suoolies—N/A
F. Construction — N/A
G. Consultants/Contracts — N/A
H. Other — N/A
I. Indirect Costs — N/A
Tota12009 Coverdell Grant Budget Request -$123,956.43
Instructional and Expert Witness qualifications for Criminalist Jennifer Jannetto
Job Tt1'LE
Criminalist II
Crime Laboratory Unit
Department of Police, City of Saint Paul
Criminalist I
Crime Laboratory Unit
Department ofPolice, City of Satnt Paul
Clinical Laboratory Technician II
Chromatography Lab (Drug Analysis)
MedTox Laboratories
Criminalist Intern
Crime Laboratory Unit
Department ofPolice, City of Saint Paul
Forensic Intern
Crime Laboratory Unit
Department of Police, City of Saint Paul
Hamline University
Minnetonka Senior High School
Aug. 2008 — Present
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Jan. 2007—Aug. 2008
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Sept. 2005 — Dec. 2008
NewBrighton, Minnesota
Feb. 2006 — Jan. 2007
Saint Pau1, Minnesota
Aug. 2004 — Feb. 2006
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Minnetonka, Minnesota
• Apri16 — 9, 2009: Crime Scene Survey, Documentation and Reconstruction, FBI Acadmey,
Quantico, VA
• September 18 — 19, 2008: MN Division of the Internariona] Association of IdentificaGon Annual
Conference, hosted in the Twin Cities.
• May 5— 16, 2008: Police Photography, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA
• April 7— 11, 2008: Clandestine Laboratory Safety Certification Program, NES — Sponsored by
BCA, Saint Paul, MN
• Mazch 13, 14, 2008: Advanced Vehicle Contraband Concealment, HITS Travung - Sponsored by
BCA, Saint Paul, MN
• January 6-18, 2008: Latent Print Photography, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA
• November 26 — 29, 2007: Scientific Basics of Fingerprints, FBI Academy, Pierre, SD
• November 13, 2007: Death Investigation, M.B. McGee, M.D. of Ramsey County Medical
Examiners Office, sponsored by Nobles County Sheriffs O�ce, Worthington, MN
• October 9— 11, 2007: Advanced Palm Print Comparison Techniques, Ron Smith & Associates,
Inc. sponsored by Saint Paul Police Deparqnent, Saint Paul, MN
• August 1— 3, 2007: Biological Screening, Conunuing Education for Forensic Professionals
sponsored by the National Institute of 7ustice, Morgantown, W V
• July 30— 31, 2007: Blood Spatter Analysis, Continuing Education for Forensic Professionals
sponsored by the National Institute of 3ustice, Morgantown, W V
• June 4— 15, 2009: Digital Imaging of Evidentiary Photography, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA
• April 16 —18, 2007: V ideo Trauung Program £or Law Enforcement, Sawabini & Associates,
sponsored by BCA, Saint Paul, MN
• Mazch 28 — 31, 2007: Processing Latent Fingerprinting, Continuing Education of Forensic
Professionals sponsored by the National Institute of Justice, Orlando, FL.
• Mazch 26 — 27, 2007: Packaging Biological Evidence, Conlinuing Education of Forensic
Professionals sponsored by the National Institute of Justice, Orlando, FL.
• August 2Q04 — Present: Trained on lab procedures and techniques under Sergeant Shay Shackle,
Criminalist Kim Meline, and Criminalist Kelly Hervin of the Crime Laboratory Unit, Saint Paul
Police Department.
Officer Layne Lodmell
St. Paul Police Department Crime Laboratory
Instructional and Expert Wimess qualifications for Officer Robert Iayne Lodmell P.O.S.T. #8190
Jos Trr[.E
Police O�cer, La[ent Print Examiner, Crime
Technician assigned to Crime Laboratory Unit
Department of Police, City of St. Paul
Scene Technician, Serzal Number Restoration
St. Paul, Minnesota
Police Officer, Field Training O�cer, Defensive Tactics Instructor, Patrol Unit, Eastern District
Deparhnent ofPolice, City ofS[ Paul St. Pau1, Mennesota
Century Community College
Duluth Central High School
• FBI Digital Imagery Evidentiary Procedures
• Minnesota Division 1.A.I. Educational Conference
• Ridgeology Science W orkshop
. Video Techniques for Law Enforcement
• Traumas of Law Enforcement Involving Death
• Adobe Photoshop Black & White
•Adobe Photoshop Special Effects
• Adobe Photoshop III
•Adobe Photoshop II
• Adobe Photoshop I
• Digital Camera Introduction
• BCA Basic Criruinal Investigation
• Advanced Pa1m Print Comparison Techniques
• VISIO 2000 I,evel II
• VISIO 2000 I.evel I
•Midwest Homicide Inves[igation
•Minnesota Division I.A.I. Educa6onal Conference
• FBI Forensic Photography I
• FBI Police Photography School
• FBI Pattem Reeognition and Comparison
• Hate Crunes Investigations
•Death Investigations
• Trauma in Law Enforcement Agencies Involving Death
•BCA Dmg Interdiction
• Crime Scene L.ow Light Photography
Y�saSArreNOeD (1979-1982)
YYhite Bear Lake, Minnesota
Duluth, Minnesota
Quantico, VA
Duluth, MN
ForC Collins, CO
St. Paul, MN
Lansing, MI
S[. Paul, MN
St. Paul, MN
St. Paul, MN
St. Paul, MN
St. Paul, MN
St. Paul, MN
St. Paul, MN
S[. Paul, MN
St. Paul, MN
St. Paul, MN
St. Cloud, MN
Quanaco, VA
Roseville, MN
White Beaz Iake, MN
V✓hite Sear Lake, MN
Bloomington, MN
St. Paul, MN
July 2008
September 2007
April 2007
Mazch 2007
January 2007
January 2007
January 2007
December 2006
Ocrober 2006
October 2007
October 2007
September 2004
September 2004
September 2004
September 2003
January 2003
October 2002
Febmary 1998
March 1997
Mazch 1996
May 1994
1 nf �
Officer Layne Lodmell
St. Paul Police Department Crune Laborato
•Nikon Camera Operarion
•Pre Employment Backgound Investigation
• Crime Scene Invesrigation and Preservation
• Reid School of Interview & Interrogarion
• Explosive Training and Clandestine Labs
•Frauds, Cons & Swindles
•Explosives Training
• Investigarion of Nazcotics and Drugs
•Field Training Officer Basic Training
St. Paul, MN
St. Paul, MN
St. Paul, MN
Minneapolis, MN
Rosemount, MN
St. Paul, MN
Rosemount, MN
St. Paul, MN
St. Paul, MN
November 1993
October 1992
January 1990
Much 1989
• Video Camera Training St. Paul, MN June 1984
•Expert Wimess Testimony in Orleans Parrish Criminal Dishict Court in I,ouisiana January 2008
•Expert Wimess Testimony in local, County and Federal Courts. April 1983 to present
• Ongoing training provided by Commander Colleen Luna, former Director, St. Paul Police Crime
Laboratory and I,atent Print Examiner. June 2004 — Octr�ber 2005
•Ongoing training from Officer Ronald R. Whitman, Latent Print Examiner, Crime Scene Technician
and Serial Number Restoration Technician. September 29,2001 to January 5, 2008
• Ongoing [raining from Sergeant Shay Shackle, Crime Laboratory Director, Latent Print Examiner
and Serial Number Restoration Technician. September 29,2001 to present
• St. Paul Police Academy St. Paul, MN November, 1982 - March, 1983
� nf �
Program Abstract - Category 5— Enhancing Forensic and Crime Scene Investigations
Applicant — Chief John M. Harrington - Saint Paul Police Department
Title: 2009 SPPD Crime Lab Capability and Capacity Expansion and Enhancement
Grant dollar amount requested - $1,677,200.28
Goal: The goal for the use of this gant funding is to detect and reduce violent crime in our city
through the use of expanded, enhanced, and upgraded lab capabiliries, equipment, and staff.
Strategies: We will use grant funds to add 2 new swom staff and 3 new civilian staff to increase
our capability and capacity to respond to, and process, crimes scenes and evidence in the lab.
The 2 new sworn staff will also help with succession pianning by training to replace 2 of our
current swom staff who are eligible to retire within the next 2 yeazs. We will add one Crime Lab
Evidence Coordinator to manage the flow of evidence and information between our lab staff,
officers, the MN BCA Lab, and the prosecutors. Too much of our current lab staff time is spent
recovering evidence from the Property Unit, prepping evidence for court, and preparing reports
which could be done by an evidence coordinator freeing the Lab staff to focus on testing and
comparing evidence. We will use grant funds to hire a Digital Evidence Coordinator to oversee
our conversion to digitat photography (most equipment purchased — not deployed yet), our in caz
camera and license plate recognition systems, and to speed up processing of digital video/photo
evidence which has gone from "0" cases in 2003 to "496" in 2008. Digital evidence increases
every day, and will continue to do so in the future. We will use some grant funds to replace our
outdated primary lab vehicie, replace some failing equipment, upgrade some equipment, and add
new equipment to increase our capabilities to identify suspects and solve crimes. We will use
grant funds to fund two DNA Analysts at the MN BCA Crime Lab to speed up processing of our
deparimenYs DNA evidence (particulazly gun DNA cases) and expand the types of evidence we
can examine for DNA (we currently do not send property crimes to the BCA for examination).
We currently have about a 12 month wait for DNA sample testing from non-homicide gun cases.
List of deliverables: Compare quarterly to prior report periods (before and during grant):
1. The number of reported homicides and aggravated assaults.
2. The number of cases charged in the above categories.
3. The number of scenes responded to by lab staff.
4. The number staff attending forensic skills classes using grant funds.
5. The number of drug cases processed, and the (expected) % decrease in time to deliver results.
6. The # of DNA cases submitted to the BCA, and the (expected) % decrease in processing time.
7. The # of gun DNA cases submitted, and the (expected) % decrease in time to receive results.
8. The # of digital evidence cases, and the amount of rime to receive results/produce evidence.
9. The # of DNA property crime cases submitted for tesfing, and time to receive test results.
10. The Recovery Act Performance Measures for Category 5 grants.
Coordination Plans: We will form a partnership with the MN BCA — by adding 2 staffers to
their DNA lab (dedicated to SPPD), we will decrease their (and our) backlogs, and get criminals
charged faster, and "innocents" excluded faster. We will partner even more closely with the
Ramsey County Attorney's office in prosecution of violent crimes and property crimes with
DNA evidence, and will deliver more physical evidence from all crime scenes for the
prosecurion of criminal cases.
Recovery Act 2009 - Edward Byrne Memorial Grant
Category 5— Enhancing Forensic and Crime Scene Investigations
Tifle: 2009 SPPD Crime Lab Capability and Capacity Expansion and Enhancement
(Attachment 4) Project Timeline ( Posirion Descriptions / Resumes / Performance measures
Project start date: 10l1/2009 — Project end date 9/31/2911
After award and prior to grant start date:
The start date of 10/1/2009 is designed to give us lead time after the grant award to contact and
interview for new employees, set up a memorandum of understanding (M.O.U.) with the
Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (MN BCA) and to allow them time to advertise and
hire for the new positions in their lab. We will also contact vendors of the mobile labs and lab
equipment, to allow them time to prepaze to fill our vehicle and equipment and supply needs
immediately after the start of the grant period. The lead time also allows us to put our large (over
$5000.00) purchases out for competitive bid as required by our city purchasing deparhnent and
get those purchases accomplished as soon as possible. Our goal will be to hire all the new staff
both for our lab and the BCA lab as close to the start date of the grant as possibie. We will send
staff to training at the earliest availabie dates in the grant period to enhance their skills and
ability to increase the efficiencies, capabilities, and capacities in our lab. We will make every
effort to add, replace, upgrade, and repair equipment and supplies at the start of the grant to
m�imize the effect they have on the performance measures and deliverables outlined below.
Project Goals / Timeline J Milestones:
Goal i Timeline / Objective Activity Expected Person
Milestone Com lete Date Res onsible
1. Start of Grant Begin upgrade / Receive grant- 10-1-09 S/C Lynch
enhancement of set up
services and accounting
e ui ment
2. Hire 2 DNA Analysts Increase Get MOU Before 12-31- S/C Lynch /
for MN BCA DNA Lab capacity and process done - 09 (aiming for BCA Lab
speed of DNA give authority 10-1-09) Director / BCA
results to hire Personnel Unit
3. Hire Sworn Officer Increase SPPD Interview and Before 12-31- City Personnel
for SPPD Lab lab capacity hire 09 (aiming for / Police Chief /
10-1-09 S/C Lynch
4. Hire Swom Sergeant Increase SPPD Interview and Before 12-31- City Personnel
far SPPD Lab lab capacity hire 09 (aiming for / Police Chief /
10-1-09) SIC Lynch
5. Hire 3 Criminalist 1 Increase SPPD Interview and Before 12-31- Lab Director (
SPPD Lab positions lab capacity hire 09 (aiming for Police Chief /
10-1-04) S1C Lynch
6. Purchase of new Replace lab Complete bid 2-1-09 for S/C Lynch /
Mobile Lab / Crime vehicle — process and delivery (will Sgt. Shackle f
Scene Response Vehicle upgrade deliver vehicle try to complete City Purchasing
ca ability to SPPD by 12-31-09)
1 of 6
7. Purchase and repairof Add, upgade, Complete bid 12-31-09 (will Sgt. Shackle /
Equipment listed in replace, repair, process and try to complete City Purchasing
budget several pieces of deliver immediately
lab equipment equipment to after start of
SPPD ant)
8. Purchase of Supplies Add, upgrade, Purchase and 12-31-09 (will Sgt. Shackle
listed in budget replace, and deliver and set try to complete
repair severallab up items immediately
supply items after start of
9. Training of Lab staff Enhance Skill Attend classes Ongoing (will S/C Lynct�/
level of staff— as scheduled try to complete Sgt. Shackle /
increase lab to enhance as many SPPD Training
capacity skills in lab classes as Unit / SPPD
possible at the Administration
eazliest dates)
10. Coliection of crime Evaluate the Gather Ongoing Criminalist
statistics on homicides, effectiveness of statistics daily throughout Jannetto
assaults, and charges for the lab grantin and prepare grant
those offenses — also reducing crime for quarterly
gather lab speed and both violent reports adjust
efficiency statistics for crime and strategies as
comparison with past property crime needed
and u coming eriods
11. Collection of BCA / Evaluate the Gather Ongoing Criminalist
SPPD DNA statistics - increased statistics daily throughout Jannetto
also gather property efficiency and and prepare grant
crime stats and charges added capacity for quarterly
on DNA cases for of the BCA lab — reports
comparison with past track property
and upcoming periods crime DNA case
12. 1 Quarterly Reports Report on the Prepare on or before i- S/C Lynch /
enhancement quarterly 10-10 Sgt. Shackle 1
and expansion of reports on Criminalist
skilis, capacities financial and Jannetto /
and increased programmatic SPPD
capabilities and details and Accounting
efficiency in Recovery Act
both labs Performance
13. 2" Quarterly Report on the Prepaze on or before 4- S/C Lynch /
Reports enhancement quarterly 10-10 Sgt. Shackle /
and expansion of reports on Criminalist
skills, capacities financial and Jannetto /
and increased prograimnatic SPPD
capabilities and details and Accounting
efficiency in Recovery Act
both labs Performance
14. 3` Quarterly Reports Report on the Prepare or before 7-10- S/C Lynch /
enhancement quarteriy 10 Sgt. Shackle /
and expansion of reports on Criminalist
skills, capacities financial and Jannetto /
and increased programmatic SPPD
capabilities and details and Accounting
efficiency in Recovery Act
both labs Performance
15. 4 Quarterly Report on the Prepaze on or before S/C Lynch /
Reports enhancement quarterly 10-10-10 Sgt. Shackle /
and expansion of reports on Criminalist
skiils, capacities financial and Jannetto !
and increased programmatic SPPD
capabilities and details and Accounting
efficiency in Recovery Act
both labs Performance
16. 5` Quarterly Reports Report on the Prepare on or befare 1- S/C Lynch /
enhancement quarterly 10-11 Sgt. Shackle /
and expansion of reports on Criminalist
skilis, capacities financial and Jannetto /
and increased programmatic SPPD
capabilities and details and Accounring
efficiency in Recovery Act
both labs Performance
17. 6' Quarterly Report on the Prepaze on or before 4- S/C Lynch /
Reports enhancement quarterly 10-11 Sgt. Shackle /
and expansion of reports on Criminalist
skills, capaciries financial and Jannetto /
and increased programmatic SPPD
capabifities and details and Accounting
efficiency in Recovery Act
both labs Performance
18. 7 Quarterly Reports Report on the Prepare on or before 7- S(C Lynch (
enhancement quarterly 10-11 Sgt. Shackle /
and expansion of repprts on Criminalist
skills, capacities financial and Jannetto /
and increased programmatic SPPD
capabilities and details and Accounting
efficiency in Itecovery Act
both labs Performance
19. 8� Quarterly Report on the Prepaze on or before S/C Lynch /
Reports enhancement quarterly 10-10-11 Sgt. Shackle !
and expansion of reports on Criminalist
skills, ca acities financial and Jannetto /
3 of 6
and increased progammatic SPPD
capabilities and details and Accounting
efficiency in Recovery Act
both labs Performance
20. Finai report / Evaluate effect Compaze on or before S/C Lynch /
evaluation of grant of grant funds / current speed 10-10-1 I Sgt. Shackle /
effecfiveness Evaluate of results and Criminalist
sustainability of efficiency Jannetto /
hires and measures of SPPD
improvements both labs to Accounting /
statistics at the SPPD
start of grant — Adminislration
evaluate and Accounring
sustainability / City
with SPPD Accounting,
and City Human
Human Resources and
Resources at Administration
grant end —
r are r ort
Position Descriptions for all positions funded under the grant: attached in "Other
Attachments" section in GMS
Resumes and Curriculum Vitae for Lab staff and Supervisors: attached in "Other
Attachments" section in GMS
Byrne Grant Recovery Act Performance measures for Category 5 Grants are listed below —
attached here to help in preparation of the required reports on these measures.
Objective Performance Data the Grantee Description ( what
Measures provides for 3 mo exactly is being
report period provided)
Categories I-VIII Number of jobs How many jobs (by An unduplicated
Recovery Act: retained (by type) due type) were prevented number of jobs that
Presenimg jobs to Recovery Act from being eliminated wouid have been
fundin , with the Recovery Act eliminated if not for the
funding during this Recovery Act funding
re ortin eriod during the three-month
quarter. Report this
How many jobs (by data for each positio�
type) were e�iminated only once during the
withi� the last 12 grant. A job can
months and ��clude full time, part
subsequently time, or contractual
reinstated with relationships
Recove Act tundin �
An unduplicated
number of jobs that
were eliminated 12
months prior to
receiving Recovery Act
funding. Report this
data for each position
only once during the
grant. A job can
include full time, part
time, contractual or
other employment
relationshi .
Categories I-VIII Number of jobs created How many jobs (by An unduplicated
Recovery Act: Creating (by rype) due to type) were created wRh number of }obs created
jobs Recovery Act funding. Recovery Act funding due to Recovery Act
this re ortin eriod? funding during the
thsee month quarter.
Report this data for
each position only
once during the grant.
A job can include full
time, part time,
contractual, or other
relationshi .
Categories I-Vill Percent of essential How many essential Essential services are
Recovery Act: services maintained services were defined as services
Promoting economic without disru tion. prevented from that are necessary io
recovery elimination due to achieving the grantee's
Recovery Act funding? mission. They are
mission crifical.
How many esseniial
services does your
a enc rovide?
Percent increase of
essential services.
How many new
essential services are
you providing as a
result of rant fundin ?
5 of 6
Approved: OMB No. 7721-0021
_ E � ' ; � c ,' .^ '` i' �e ` . q
� _, . _ ._ SECT70N A: PURPOSE .. . . ... . . . . .,
The financial responsibility of grantees must 6e such that the grarttee can propedy discharge the public imst which accqmpanies the authority to expend
pubiic funds. Adequate accounting systems shoultl meet the following criteria as outlined in the OJP Financial Guide.
(1) Accounting records should provide information needed to adequa[ely identify [he receipt of funds under each grant awarded and the expenditure
of funds for each grant.
(2) Entnes in accounting records should refer [o subsitliary records and/or documentation which support the entry and which wn be readily located.
(3) The accounting System should provide aGCUrate and current financial reporting infortnation.
(4) The accounting system should be �ntegreted with an adequa[e system of intemal confrols [o safeguard the funds and assets covered, check the
accuracy and reliability of accounting data, promote operational e�ciency, and encourege adherence to prescribed management policies.
1. If your firm publishes a general mformation pamphlet setting forth the history, purpose and organizaUOnal sUUCture of your busmess,
please provide this office with a wpy; otherwise, complete the following Rems:
a. When was Ihe organizat�on b. Prmciple off�cers Titles
foundedhncorporated (month, day, year) Christopher Coleman Mayor
a Employer ldenti£cation Number: JOIIII HBffifi9lOf1 Chief
tl. Number of Employees
Full Time: �$1.$ Part Time:
2, is the firm affiliated with any other firm: ❑Yes �No 3. Total Sales/Revenues in most recent
If °yes", provide details� YhIS is 1h8 ffSl Ilfl@ accounting period. (f2 months)
this is the second line 8 21,925,715.00
1. Has any Government Agency rendered an offiaal wriiten opinion concerning ihe adequacy of the accounting system for the collection,
identification and atbcaUOn of costs under Federal contracts/grents?QYes ONo
a. if yes, provide name, and address of Agency performing review: b. Attach a copy of the latest review and any subsequent
wrzespondence, clearance tlocUments, etc.
No[e: If review ocwrred within the past [hree years, omit questions
2-8 of this Section and Sec4on D.
2 Which of the foliowing best describes the accounting system� �Manual � Au[omated Q✓ Combination
3 Does the accounting system identify the receipt and expenditure of program funds separately for each �Yes �No � Not Sure
4. Does the accounting system provide for the rewrding of expenditures for each grant/contract by aYes ❑No � Not Sure
Ihe component project and budget cost categories shown in the approved b�dget�
5. Are time distribution records maintained for an employee when his/her effort can be �Yes �No � Not Sure
specifically itlentified to a particula� cost objectiveT
6. If the organization proposes an overhead rete, does the accounting system provide for the ❑Ves �NO � No[ Sure
segregation of direct and indirect expe�ses?
7. Does the accounting/financial sysiem inciude butlgetary controls to preclude incurring
obligations irt excess of:
a. Total funds available for a grant� ❑✓ Yes ❑NO ❑ Not Sure
b. Total funds available for a budget cost category (e.g. Personnel, Travel, etG)? � Yes o � Not Sure
8. Is the firm generally familiar with the existing regulation and guidelines containing the cost �Yes ❑NO � Not Sure
pnnciples antl procedures for the determmation and allowance of costs in connection with
Federel contracts/grents?
aP Foana ��zai (voz�
(continued on ieverse�
1. If Federal granVCOntrac[ funds are wmmingled wkh organization funds, can ihe Fetlerai �Yes � No ❑Not Sure
grant funds and related costs and expenses be readily ideniified?
secnori e: Frt�a�cw,� sra�n�s
7. Did an indepentlent certified public accountant (CPA) ever examine the ❑Yes � No
financial statements�
2. If an independent CPA review was pertormed please provide this office with ❑Enclosed � N! A
a copy of their latest report and any managemeot letters issued.
3. If an independent CPA was engaged to pertorm a review and no report was issued, please provide details and an explanation 6elow:
The City of Saint Paul has an annual audit performed by the State of Minnesota
7. Use this space for any additiona� information (indicate section and item numbers if a contmuation)
On Section D above, we do NOT mingle funds.
I certify that the above information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.
L Signature b. Firm Name, Adtlress, and Telephone Number
City of Saint Paul Police
367 Grove Street
Saint Paul, MN 55701
a. 7itie Chief of Police
The purpose of the CPA certification is to assure [he Federal agency that [he recipient can establish 8scal controls and accounting procedures which
assure that Federal and Siate/local funtls available for the conduct of the grant programs and projects are tlisbursed and accoun[ed for properly M the
audit report requested in Saction E 2 above is not enclosed, then completion of this section is requiretl.
7. Signature b. Frtm Name, Address, antl Telephone Number
a. Title NA
aP FoRm ��zai ryoz>
Geographic Area Affected Worksheet (SF-424-Question 12)
Grantee location(s) (i.e., office locaHon of principal investigators or contractors):
Agency name: State: MN
City of Saint Paul Police Place (city or county): City of Saint Paul
Zip code: 55101
Agency name: State:
Place (city or county):
Zip code:
Agency name: State:
Place (city or county):
Zip code:
Sites affected (i.e., locations where the program was implemented, evaluation was
performed, or research data coilected):
How affected: State: MN062�9
� Program implemented
❑ Evaluation research Place' (city or county) City of Saint Paul
❑ Nonevaluation research
❑ Other Zip code(s) 55101
How affected: State:
❑ Program implemented
❑ Evaluarion research Place (city or county):
❑ Nonevaluation research
❑ Other Zip code(s):
How affected: State:
❑ Program implemented
❑ Evaluation research P18CE (clty Ol' CoUYlty�: City of Saint Paul
❑ Nonevaluation reseazch
❑ Other Zip code(s):
Note: If more room is required, photocopy and attach additionai worksheets.
NIJ 02/00/ftle:gaaw
' Place information is required unless the entire State is affected.
2 Zip code information is required unless the entire county or city is affected.
OMB No. 0990-0263
Approved for use th Rh 07/31/2005
Protection of Human Subjects
Assurance Identification/IRB Certification/Declaration of Exemption
(Common Rufe)
Policy Research activities involving human subjecis may not be conducted
or supported by the Departrnenis and Agencies adopfing the Common Rule
(56FR28003, June '18, 'i99'I) unless the activities are exempt from or
approved in accordance with the Common Rule. See section 101(b) of the
Common Rule for exemp[ions. Institutions submitti�g applications or
proposals for support must submit certifiration of appropriate Insiilutional
Review Board (IRB) review and approval to the Department or Agency in
acwrdance with the Common Rule.
I. Request Type 2. Type of Mechanism
Institutions must have an assurance of compliance that applies to the
research to be conducted and should submit certifcation of IRB review antl
approval with each application or proposal unless otherwise advised by the
Department orAgency.
3. Name of Federal Department or Agency and, if known,
Application or Proposal Identification No.
4. Title of Application or Actrvity
City of Saint Paul Police 2009 Coverdell Backlog Grant
5. Name of Principal Investigator, Program Director, Fellow, or
6. Assurance Status of this Project (Respond [o one of the following)
❑This Assurance, on fle with Department of Health and Human Services, covers this actrviry:
Assurance Identification No. , the expiration date IRB Registration No.
❑This Assurance, on file with (agency/dept) , covers this activity.
Assurance No. , the expiration date IRB Registration/Idenfifcahon No. (i(applicableJ
❑NO assurance has been filed for this institution. This insfituhon declares that it wi41 provide an Assu�ance and Certification of 1RB review and
approval upon request.
❑ Exemption Status: Human subjects are involved, but this activity qualiFes for ezemption under Sechon 10'i(b), paragraph
7. Certification of IRB Review (Respond to one of the following IF you have an Assurence on file)
�This activity has been reviewetl and approved by the IRB in accordance with the Common Rule and any other governing regulations.
by: Fuil IRB Rev�ew on (date of IRB meeting) or ❑Exped�ted Review on (date)
If iess than one year appmval, provide expiration date
[] This activiry contains multiple pro)ects, some of which have not been reviewed. The IRB has granted approval on condition that all projects
covered by the Common Rule will be reviewed and approved before they are inihated and that appropriate further certfication will be submittetl.
No human subject research involved in this grant
9. The offGal signing below certifes that the information provided above is I10. Name and Address of Instituhon
corred and that, as required, future reviews will be performed until siudy
closure and certifiration will be provided.
'I'I. Phone No. (with area code) �651) 266-5588
12. Fax No. (with area code) (651) 266-5542
�3.EmaiC amy.brown@ci.stpaul.mn.us
'14. Name of Official
John M. Harrington
16 Signature
15. Title
Chief of Police
17. Date
Public report�ng burden for th�s col lection of �nformahon �s estlmated to average less than an houc per response An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a pecson is
not requved to respond to, a collection of mfortnation unless it displays a cmrently valid OMB wnttol numbec Send comments regarding this burden est�mate or
any other aspect ofthis collection of mformahoq including suggeshons for reducing [his burden [o:OS Reports Clearance Officer, Room 503 200 [ndependence
Avenue, S W., Washingfon, DC 20201. Do nnt relurn the mmpleted jrrrm to thGs addrers.
Privacy Certificate
Grantee I, City of Saint Paul Police Department , certifies that data identifiable
to a private person2 wili not be used or revealed, except as authorized in 28 CFR Part 22,
Sections 22.21 & 22.22.
s the the City of Saint Paul 2009 Crime Lab Coverdell Backlog grant.
data identifiable to a private person wiil be collected here.
Urantee certifies that any private person from whom identifiable information is collected or
obtained shall be notified, in accordance with 28 CFR §22.27, that such data will only be used or
revealed for research or statistical purposes and that compliance with the request for information
is not mandatory and participation in the project maybe terminated at any time. In addition,
grantee certifies that where findings in a project cannot, by virtue of sample size or uniqueness
of subject, be expected to totally conceal the identity of an individual, such individual shall be so
Procedures to notify subjects that such data will only be used or revealed for research or
statistical purposes and that compliance with the request for information is not roandatory
and participation in the project maybe terminated at any time as required by 28 CFR
applicable since this study is not coifecting identifiable data
If notificallon of subjeMs is to be waived, pursuant to 28 CFR §22.27(c), please provide a
Not applrcable since this study is not collecting ident�able data
Grantee certifies that project plans will be designed to preserve the confidentiality of private
persons to whom information relates, including where appropriate, name-stripping, coding of
data, or other simitar procedures.
Procedures developed to preserve the confidentiality of personally identifiable information,
as reauired bv 28 CFR &22.23fb1(71:
applica6le since this study is not collecting ident�able data
have been transferred to persons other than emptoyees of NIJ, BJA, BJS, OJJDP, OVC, OJP, or
grantee/contractor/subcontractor staff; and (2) such data have been returned or that alternative
arrangements have been agreed upon for fixture maintenance of such data, in accordance with 28
CFR §22.23(b)(6).
Justification for the collection and/or maintenance of any data in identifiable form, if
applicable since this study is not collecting identifiable data
Procedures for data storage, as required by 28 CFR §22.23(b)(5):
applicable since this study is nof collecting ident�able data
Grantee certifies that all contractors, subconttactors, and consultants requiring access to
identifiable data will agree, through conditions in their subconuact or consultant agreement, to
comply with the requirements of 28 CFR §22.24, regazding information transfer agreements.
Grantee also certifies that NIJ will be provided with copies of any and all ttansfer agreements
before they are executed as well as the name and title of the individual(s) with the authority to
transfer data..
Description of any insfitutional limitations or restricfions on the transfer of data in
identifiable form, if auulicable:
applicable since this study is not collecting identifiable data
Name and title of individual with the authority to transfer data:
applicable since this study is not collecting identifiabie data
Grantee certifies that access to the data will be limited to those employees hauing a need for such
data and that such employees shall be advised of and agree in writing to comply with the
regulations in 28 CFR Part 22.
Grantee certifies that all project personnel, including subcontractors, have been advised of and
have agreed, in writing, to comply with all procedures to protect privacy and the confidentiality
of personally identifiable information.
Access to data is restricted to the following individuals, as required by 28 CFR
app�icable since this study is not collecting identifiable data
ct Staff
applicable since this study is not collecting identifia6le data
hactors, Subcontractors, and/or consultants
applicable since this study is not collecting identifiable data
_ __. _�_____
rantee certifies that adeyuate precautions will be taken to ensure
security of identifiable data and to preserve the confidentiality of the personally identifiable
Procedures to insure fhe physical and administrative security of data, as required by 28
CBR §22.25(b), including, if applicable, a description of those procedures used to secure a
applicable since this study is not collecting identifiable data
Procedures for the final disposition of data, as required by 28 CFR
appfica6le since this study is not collecting identifrable dafa
applicable since this study is not collecting ident�able data
Grantee certifies that copies of all questionnaires, informed consent forms and informed consent
procedures designed for use in the project aze attached to this Privacy Certificate.
Grantee certifies that project findings and reports prepazed for dissemination will not contain
information which can reasonably be expected to be identifiable to a private person, except as
authorized by 28 CFR §22.22.
Grantee certifies that the procedures described above ue correct and shall be carried out.
Grantee certifies that the project will be conducted in accordance with all the requirements of the
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 as amended and the regulations contained
in 28 CFR Part 22.
Grantee certifies that NIJ shall be notified of any material change in any of the information
provided in this Privacy Certificate.
5ignature (s):
(Principal Investigator)
(Institutional Representative)
1 Please include the name of the Principal Investigator(s) for this project as well as the name of
the person representing the institution receiving the grant funds.
2 Information identifiable to a private person is deftned in 28 CFR §22.2(e) as "information
which either--(1) Is labeled by name or other personal identifiers, or (2) Can, by virtue of sample
size or other factors, be reasonably interpreted as referring to a particulaz person."