193732Council File N 3732 Council File No. 193732- - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVBMENT VThereas,'A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: To reconstruct the sidewalk at the and V following school properties: . ri6., 0 §Ide, of perdniurn St. PRELIMINARY ORDER. -heLinderBigperlberebV-DrO,Dosesthe making of the following public in*iovement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: 1 41, -ML _1 chbbl, o-7recons, ctT li�ia' 5SACT "NK' �Thl 0 -feet and on' on- t`hd:;:hdft1E751dd--o er&d'" V 227 G3 v 3 .�&H fe't abutting the property east side of Sylvan St, from d6iiinl-qm. R.. - known _as -the Smitht -School. 11 o the th,,side-of. f .3�6m Daveth St,;.`-daA 6 feet-and on-the:easti -James A7,e.� ­,nor 4 - side -of-.j)avem Stt`.'­-_,f'rom­'.James Ave;,.,n6rth'270 -feet --abfittAng tlig 'property, known he _�'ad4j as qck, Schqo1­ + V oh_thCe eaft.side of Oxford-5t. -f i-b-m- NJ ce-6ia Ave. to Fairmount Ave. approx. 3" . ' --- , -, " side ".: . 20 feet;,on;�th@.-squth side�of-'Fairmouht,06. from Oxford -St. east 220 feet and on the,,nbrth side. ofz-Or;c_e_0_'ii�-'!Ve"., from Oxfdrd'St; east st - 2W.f6et-rabutting the-p7ro"_ perty.-knq as-�the Lihiq6o� School '' . on-.the,.east­,side - of,-Grotto St, from Holly Ave. to Ashland Ave.., on the north side of Holly Ave;. .-'f r6m'>'Groitto -St. to St. Albans St.., on the west side of -St. Albans St- from Ho4y Ave._-to Ashland Ave. and on the south side of Ashland Ave, from ing the property kna-wn St: Albans St: to dirott,6 St - abutting as Marshall Jr.'High School and :the? Webster Elem. School. Fl em. been presentel to thzTN;L-_i_Jl 4ft—h--, f Ity tf Pzut.-_ ...... ... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........................................ A.U-G-.2.6 ... 19.59 ........ YEAS NAYS Councilmaaauw AUG 2 6 1959 rl I Approved---------------------- •-------- - - - - -- ------------ - ------------------------- HOLLAND' Rosen PETERSONWinkel ------------- ---------------------------------- - ---------------- - ---------------- MR. PRESIDENT DILLON Mayor. 3000 7-54 PUBLISIrm o