193730original to City Cleric
`Council File No. 193730— Ordinance No E_
F 11554 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy-
An Ordinance making provision therefor and authorizing
the issuance and sale by the City of Saint Paul of the Bonds
of said City in the ar value sum of Five Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($500,000.00 authorized by Chapter 390, Session
Laws of Minnesota for 1957, for the procurement by.- said City
of funds in t'he sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00)
necessary for the payment of said City's share of the cost and
expense of the acquiring, erecting, equipping, and furnishing
of a Joint City and County Detention Facility or Facilities
and a Joint City and County Workhouse of the City of Saint Paul
and the County of Ramsey, as authorized and provided by Chapter
353, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1955, as amended. This is
an emergency ozd inance rendered necessary for the preservation
of the public peace, health and safety.
WHEREAS, thereunder and pursuant to the provisions, terms
and conditions of Chapter 353, Session Laws of Minnesota for
1955, as amended, the Joint City and County Detention and'Work-
house Facilities Commission of the City of Saint Paul and County
of Ramsey has been created for the purposes of said Act and said
Commission has adopted a plan for the acquisition of the site
therefor and the erecting, equipping and furnishing of a Joint
City and County Detention Dacility or Facilities and a Joint City
and County Workhouse of the City of Saint Paul and the County of
Ramsey, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City of Saint Paul procure
additional funds in the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
($500,000.00) for payment on account of said City's share of the
cost and expense of the acquisition of the site therefor and the
erecting, equipping and furnishing of said Joint:City and County
Detention-Eacility or Facilities and said Joint City and County
Workhouse, and therefor to issue and sell the Bonds of said City
in the par value sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.0,0)
as authorized by Chapter 390, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1957:
Section 1. That the City of Saint Paul issue and sell the
Bonds of said City in the par value sum of Five Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($500,000.00), authorized by Chapter 390, Session Laws of
Minnesota for 1957, for the procurement by said City of the
necessary additional sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00)
for payment on account of said City's share of the cost and expense
of the acquisition of the site therefor and the erecting, equipping
and furnishing of said 3-oint City and County Detention Facility
or Facilities and said Joint City and County Workhouse thereunder
and pursuant 'to the provisions, terms and conditions of Chapter
353, Minnesota Session Laws for 1955, as amended.
Yeas Councilmen` ` Nays
Mr. President (Dillon)
City Clerk
1M 12 -57 , 8
- - Passed by the - Council
Tn Favor
Section,2. That said Bonds shall be in the form of
serial bonds and' the same shall 'bear'-date the 1st -day of the .month
in which-the same shall be sold;_ that the first installment,,, of said =.
.Bonds shall mature not later_'than'-three- (3) years from and after
-,the date of ,the same: and the last installment of said Bonds shall
mature not later than thirty (30) years from and after the date of
the same; that no amount-of princi al'of said Bonds payable in any
calendar year shall exceed five (5. times the amount of the
smallest amount of principal maturing in any calendar year ending
three (3) years,or more after the date of issue of the same ;. and
that said Bonds "shall._.be issued and sold' by said City, in the manner
provided by law. That said Bonds shall be in the denomination of.
$1000.00 each and shall bear interest not in excess of six per cent
(6%) per annum.payable semi- annually according to. interest coupons
to be attached to -the same; that -said Bonds shall be in the form
,'- .prescribed by the. Council, of said City and approved by its Corporation
"Counsel; and that said Bonds shall bear such interest as said City
Council shall prescribe, and shall be sold'by said City Council for
not less than par value plus accrued - interest, to the highest bidder
therefor; after two-•(2) weeks published notice of the time and place
for receiving bids thereon. - That the proceeds from the issuance
and sale of said Bonds as, received by said City, shall. be deposited
by it in fund of said City designated as City of Saint Paul
Detention and Workhouse Facilities Fund allocated thereto and subject
to disburseme t only in payment on account of said City's share of-
-the a;presal ost -and expense-of-the acquisition of the site therefor T
and the ere ting, equipping and furnishing of_said Joint City and
County Detention Facility or Facilities and said Joint City and County
Workhouse. That the proceeds of the issuance and sale of said Bonds
hereby are appropriated thereto and shall be used only for the payment
of said City's share of such cost and expense of the acquisition of
the site therefor and the erecting, equipping and furnishing of such
Joint City and County Detention Facility or Facilities, and such - -_ -
Joint City-and County Workhouse-, That said Bonds shall be paya�iae` -
in lawful money of the United' States of America, at the Office of said
City's Commissioner of Finance, in said City of Saint Paul,, or at the
Office ' of the Fiscal Agent of said City in either Saint Paul,
Minnesota, " or New York, New York,_ 'at, the option of the holder, and -
the:• full faith and credit of said- City hereby are irrevocably pledged-.J".'
for the prompt and faithful--payment of principal and interest-
of sa id ;Bonds. _
Section 3,- That each_ of said Bonds shall be sealed by
the facsimile of . the• Off icial' Seal , of said CLty lithographed thereon
and signed by_ the ;Lithographed facsimile signature of the Mayor,
attested by the lithographed facsimile signature of its 'City Clerk,
and countersigned manually by the City Comptroller, and each interest:. -
coupon thereto- attached- -shall be signed by the lithographed facsimile.
signatures of its said Officers: That said Bonds of said City in •. ; ; ,
; a
the pax, value sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00)
hereby , provided and authorized to be issued and sold, by said City;`,: ; .i
for the aforesaid purposes.shall be additional to the prior and ?�
initial issuance and sale "of the Bonds of said City, in the par value
sum of-'Six Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($650,000.00) provided and
authorized to be issued and sold by' said City, for similar purposes'
by its,Ordinance No. 10787, approved June 19, 1956, pursuant'to'and
by authority .of- Chapter 353, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1955.
w 2_
Original to City Clark -
Section 4. That said Cityts proper Officers hereby are
authorized, directed.and required to set aside annually from the
revenues of said City an amount sufficient for the payment of the
interest on said hereby authorized Bonds and the principal of any
such Bonds maturing in such year and hereby are authorized, directed
and required to make a sufficient tax levy for the payment of the
same under and pursuant to Section 4 of ChaptL-r 353, Session Laws
of Minnesota for 1955, as amended. That such provisions of this
Section are in addition to the pledge of the full faith and credit
of said City for the payment of said Bonds and are not in lieu of
such pledge.
Section 5. That none of said hereby authorized Bonds of
said City shall be bssued-or sold when the total net indebtedness of
said City of Saint aul exceeds ten per cent (10%) of the full and true
valuation, as finally equalized, of all taxable property in said
City, computed in accordance with the terms of Minnesota Statutes
1953, Chapter 475, as amended.
Section 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an
emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the
public peace, health and safety.
Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after its pasage, approval and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Peterson ('�
Rosen v
l Winkel
Mr. President (Dillon)
l • -
City Clerk
1M 12 -` 8
10 1959
Passed by the Council
7 Tr Favor
ct= p 10 1959
\ 1
D"Umte to PHnt*r
/ If
An Ordinance snaking provision therefor and authorizing
the issuance and sale by the City of Saint Paul of the Bonds
of said City in the or value sum of Five Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($5009000.04 authorized by Chapter 590, Session
Laws of Minnesota for 1957, for the procurement by said City
of funds in the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00)
necessary for the payment of said City's share of the cost and
expense of the acquiring, erecting, equipping, and furnishing
of a Joint City and County Detention Facility or Facilities
and a Joint City and County Workhouse of the City of Saint Paul
and the Count of Ramsey, as authorized and provided by Chapter
553, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1955, as amended. This is
an emergency ordinance rendered neoessary for the preservation
of the public peace, health and safety.
'WHEREAS, thereunder and pursuant to the provisions, terms
and conditions of Chapter 353, Session Laws of Minnesota for
1955, as amended, the Joint City and County Detention and Work-
house Facilities Commission of the City of Saint Paul and County
of Ramsey has been created for the purposes of said .Act and said
Commission has adopted a plan for the acquisition of the site
therefor and the erecting, equipping and furnishing of a Joint
City and County Detention Facility or Facilities and a Joint City
and County"Workhouse of the City of Saint Paul and the County of
Ramsey, and
ERMI it is-necessary that the City of faint Paul procure
additional funds in the .sun of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
($500,000.00) for payment on account of said City's share of the
cost and expense of the acquisition of the site therefor and the
erecting; equipping and furnishing of said Joint City and County
Detention Facility or Facilities and said Joint City and County
Workhouse, and therefor to issue and sell the Bond4 of said City
in the par value sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000,00)
as authorized by Chapter 390, Session Lams of Minnesota for 1957:
Section 1. That the City of Saint Paul issue and sell the
Bonds of said City in-the par value sum of Five Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($500,000.00), authorized by Chapter 390, Session Laws of
Minnesota for 1957, for the procurement by said City of th
necessary additional sums of-Five Hundred Thousand Dollars 7$500,000,00)
for payment on account of said City's share of the cost and expense
of the acquisition of the site therefor and the erecting, equipping
and furnishing of said Joint City and County Detention Facility
or Facilities and said Joint City and County Workhouse thereunder
and pursuant to the provisions., terms and conditions of Chapter
353, Minnesota Session Laws for 1955, as amended.
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Mr. President (Dillon)
City Clerk
IM 12-57 .0W.8
Passed by the Council
19 .3130 ,
- Section' 2. That said- Bonds shall be in the form of
serial bonds and the same shall bear date the 1st day'of the'month
in which the same shall. -'be sold= that the: first-installment of said
< Bonds shall mature not later than three (3) , years, from and' after
the date. of the` same and the last -installment, of said Bonds shall
-mature not later-than thirty (30) years from and after the -date of
the same'; that. no- amount of- principal of-said Bonds payable in any
calendar, year shall` exceed five (5 ) times _the amount of-the
smallest amount _ of_principal - maturing in- any - calendar year ending
three (3) years -or -more after the date ,of issue of "the same; and
that said Bonds shall be issued and sold by said City, in the.manner
provided by law: T.hat'said -Bonds shall be in -the denomination of
$1000,00 each .and,shall. bear interest not in excess of six per cent
(6 %) per annum payable semi - annually.according -to interest coupons
to be attached to the same; that said Bonds shall be in -the form
prescribed by the. Council - of' said City and approved by its Corporation
Counsel; .and,that'said -Bonds shall. bear such interest at said City
Council shall prescribe, and shall -'be sold by said City Council for
not -less than par -value plus accrued interest. _to the highest bidder
therefor, after two,(2) weeks published notice of the time'-and place -
= for receiving bids thereon.' That the proceeds from the issuance
and, sale of said Bonds as received by said City; shell.be deposited
by' it -in a fund of said City designated as City of Saint Paul
Detention rind Workhouse Facilities Fund -allocated thereto and subject
to disbursement only in payment_ on account of 'said "'Ci.ty's, share of
-the aforesa,3d cost and expense of the acquisition of the site therefor
and the erecting, equipping' and furnishing'of said Joint City and
County Detention Facility or'Facilities and said Joint City 'and County
Workhouse. That-the proceeds of the issuance and sale of said Bonds
hereby are appropriated thereto•.and shall be used only,for the payment
of said City's- share. of suchr.cost'and_ expense of-the acquisition of
'the site therefor and the erecting, equipping and furnishing-of such
Joint City and County - Detention Facility or Facilities, and such
Joint Gity.and County Workhouse. That said Bonds shall be payable
in lawful money of the United States of America, at the' Office of said
City's Commissioner of Finance, in said City of Saint Paul, or at the
Office of the.. Fiscal Agent of said City in either Saint' Paul,
Minnesota, or. New York, New York, at the option of,the' holder; and'
-the full faith 'and credit, of - said.City hereby are irrevocably- pledged
for- the prompt and. faithful ,•payment of.. both principal and-interest
of sa i`d'Bonds.,"
Sectl6n_3' That each of said Bonds shall be sealed by,
the facsimile of the Official Seal of said - City lithographed thereon r
and signed by the lithographed -facsimile', signasture of the Mayon
attested by -the ,lithographed facsimile signature'of its City Clerk,
- and countersigned manually,by the City Comptroller, and each..interest
coupon thereto attached shall be signed by the lithographed facsimile
signatures of its said Officers.'- That said Bonds of said City in
the par value .sum of . Five Hundred.-Thousand Dollars ( $500, 000.00)
hereby provided and authorized to be issued and sold; by said City,
for the aforesaid purposes shall be additional to the prior and
initial * issuance and sale =of the Bonds of said City -, in the par value
sum of Six-,Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($650,000..00) provided and
authorized to be. issued and sold by said City, for similar purposes, p
-by_its Ordinance 'No. 10787, - .approved June 19, 1956, pursuant,to and
by authority of Chapter 353, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1955.
:2 f.
Duplicate to Printer `
- 193'730
Section 4, That said City's proper Officers hereby are
authorized,. directed and required to set aside annually from the
revenues of said City an amount !sufficient for the payment of the
interest on said hereby authorized Bonds and the principal of any
such Bonds maturing in such year and hereby are authorized, directed
and required to awake a sufficient tax levy for the payment of the
same under and pursuant to Section 4 of Chapter $53, Session Laws
of Minnesota for 1955s as amended. That such provisions of this
Section are in addition to the pledge of the full faith and credit
of said City fox the payment of said Bonds and are not in lieu of
such pledge.
Section 5. That none of said hereby authorized Bonds of
said City shall be bssued or sold when the total net indebtedness of
said City of Saint aul exceeds ten per cent (10%) of the full and true
valuation, as finally equalized, of all taxable property in said
City, computed in accordance with the terms of Minnesota Statutes
1953, Chapter 475, as amended.
Section 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an
emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the
public peace$ health and safety.
Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after its paasaage, approval and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Mr. President (Dillon)
City Clerk
1.11 12 -57 .0mo s
Passed by the Council
SEP 19 '1959
Tn Favor
SEP 10 1959
1st " °Z (O 2n
Laid over to
3rd and app- 91 Adopt 9
Yeas Nayd Yea��De Nays
DeCourcy arcy
Holland Holland
Mortinson or *neon
Peterson et on
Rosen e�
Mr. President Dillon r. President Dillon