193682Original to City Clark O_R..DIN PRESENTED BY i f d A N C E 19x3682 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINACK-UO Council File No. 193683 — ordinance, No. 11560 —By Robert F. Peterson — �- nus- riiior. a. • ._:.. -� 4,09q r-wiT, _ Chapter 147 An ordinance amending Chapter 147 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Parking Metdr .Zones and Regulations. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: That Section 147.06, .Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended by'adding thereto the following: LOCATION SIDE OF STREET St. Peter St. approx. 30 ft. north of Sixth .St. East St. Peter St. approx. 100 ,ft, north of .Sixth St. East Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer - gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. 3 Section This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. 7 i� rr" I R :y Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson (� Peterson v Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest i ,8 PUBLISnED tf w 2 S E P S 1959 Passed by the Council Favor " Against Approved: - S E P S 1959 Mayor r. l� BrLdierbod1 of Scxofimo ve J'�rrmc��, n„�. ��nc}inemcn C fetw -fund I,,Ofiio RAY SCOTT GENERAL SECr AND )R[A3. 0 N � � r : ..n :l�. :dl� ► � L�, :ourcr .:E- s , "t:endin- the 37th ;onver;,ion of *.. .i wi. ch ad- our ned Thurs iay, :,4;rust 6 rc! v -r krrt . vcluntar :7 i,iriatlen 'ce Trade to the City r.• A, to re aced as it sees fit for the benefit :.: e i v� y _ �a.i ' it -firer.. ..L C(.nt: IAllti0r, + ,S in the amount nir:.90 it, ,Lves me r'rca- fleassre to enclose a check f,.)r t %.st amount, ine many court,?sies exte!lded both the delegates lodre ):'ficers of this Brothernood durin our :stay in tl.e City _f $t. � aul were greatly . - � � � r.1 ,1"'�C � o�T, �a` �= :�-•- ; � �� a -= re o - -- 3 n a n � � u � . - �- = - - =� - a �- - "ours sincerely, (g,q y s�o� P :c. is � 4 , 2nd dyx .1 Laid over to r 3rd and app dopt Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeConrcy DeConrcy Holland Holland Mortinson Mortinson Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Winkel Winkel Mr. President Dillon Mr. President Dillon a 9t) VC)4