193676Orl"I to City Clerk s j'3676 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. a� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - -. Council File No� 193676 —By Adrian,P.� C NCIL RES L O GENERAL FORM winkel- � �krJ wit �•r'�,,.' -�,f imi+h�'�t:� ".9*_ r�x1 �"F. its •" ��. �. �•f�:lege'iu;t��:�+*:a UxH� PRESENTED BY Winkel COMMISSIONER DATE�sixcmo�sz �in2 'rutc�r a�tio lf+,, sB�RP'��f bTafi?fY— tTnf In the matter of improving FORD PARKWAY from Cleveland Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard by surfacing the existing pavement with asphaltic concrete; by the removal of the street railway tracks and regrading the track area and paving the same with 7" concrete base and 3 1/2" asphaltic concrete surfacing; by reconstructing the paving, curb- ing and sidewalks on intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by reconstructing storm water facilities and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said im- provement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 191305, approved March 11, 19599 and Final Order C. F. 193190, approved July 21, 1959. (State Aid Project No. 62- 642 -01) RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, for the above improvement be and the same are hereby approved and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _P C=X9 Holland RUMS( Winkel M-' i; r10 1 R: t Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon ant a -se 2 K Adopted by the Council 2 01959 195- AUG 20 1959 Approved 195 — l� c Tn Favor I _ Mayor V Against PUBLISHED - Zz- � Duplicate to Printer I `� ! iJ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL I L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM �y t PRESENTED BY W ;nke1 August L0+ 1;59 COMMISSIONER DATE In the matter of i mprov l ng f ORD PARKWAY f rose afi level asand Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard by surfacing the:existing pove.ent with saapha�lic1� concrete; by the reaaasvai of the Street railway tra�aCks and r rodi ng the track area and paving than saaaee with 'F' concrete base apd • 3 1/V asphaltic grate surfacing; by reconstructing the pinning, egrb- ing and, sl4swslks,on , 1ptersdcting streets where not in conforotty with said .Impprovownt; by ar000nstrurting storm water. _faucliitles and by doing all other work which Is, necessary end tncid*ntal' to complete sold lair+ . provewt* under Preliminary Order C. F. 191305,' approved March 11. 1959, and final Order C. f. , 19319p..' approved 'My 21. 1959. (ftawte ' Al d Project No. 62- 642x611 ) , AESOLWED. That , the plans and specifications as submI tted by than Commissioner o fu4ili; Works, for the above Improvasent he and the ssma are hereby approved end be It further IRESOLVEQ, That the iPurehasIng Agent be and he Is hereby directed .to advertise forbids on this improvement. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland A200UM Vinkel Mnrti^go Peterson Rosen . + Mr. President, Dillon am a -as 2 w� —In Favor 6 Against pr AUG 2 0 1959 Adopted by the Council 195 AUG 2 U 19 9 Approved 195_ Mayor